
Why Wee Kim Wee should not be in the EP computation?

What is the spirit and intent of the minority EP election? I think it is very clear that this is to provide for a minority rep to be the EP after 30 years or 5 terms of EP and no minority candidate of a particular race is elected. We are talking about someone being elected under the EP system, not someone being appointed under the old system.

Why is this important? First, it must be a case that no minority candidate is being elected under the EP system as this system is an open election and no one can guarantee or foresee who would be elected. The choice is left open to the voters. No one can fix the result. OK this is a simplistic view of mine and I know many would disagree. I am just saying something that is politically correct.

Why Wee Kim Wee should not be counted even though he was acting as a nominated President with EP powers for two years? I am not going to quibble about the 2 years or 5 years as these are irrelevant. What is important is that he was nominated and appointed as the President under the old system. This means that during his time, a minority President could have been appointed if so desired by the ruling govt. If there was an intent to have a minority president then, this could easily be fixed by the ruling govt by putting up a minority president instead of Wee Kim Wee. His occupation of the Presidential seat should therefore not be considered in the calculation for the eligibility of a minority presidential election. 

Wee Kim Wee was from a different system that allowed the ruling govt to appoint a minority president. In the case of the EP system, the ruling govt has no control, technically, oops, as to whether a minority president would be elected. That is why this minority EP system is introduced to overcome this technical flaw in this system. There is no such flaw in the nominated system.
For this reason alone, it is enough to rule Wee Kim Wee out of the computation.
What do you think? Logical or not?

PS: Singapore is reputed to have the best teaching method for mathematics. If the same question were to be posed to the children in schools, they would come out with 2021 as the year for the next EP election, ie 30 years after the law came to effect. None of them would think 2017 is the answer. Any student having 2017 as the answer would be marked wrong by the teachers for sure.


Virgo49 said...

TCB do not even have this logical presentation like RB. Why, I don't not understand these so called highly educated elites brought up meanless debates in Parliament to understand the REAL issue of the EP.

Even, the WP brought up useless senseless issues that are not of real importance concerning Singaporeans.

All talks of trival issues of what dress codes and matters only concerning their own communities.

Wasting tax payers monies and insulting the People.

Oh, forgot they must be thinking all Singaporeans are DAFT.

Virgo49 said...

Insulting the intelligence of the People.

Sorry for missing out the Intelligence.

Or Singaporeans have this intelligence??


Anonymous said...

Angkol, good morning. Dun forget that the then ex-President Wee KW is a relative of the FamiLee Leegime, naturally he is the one to be reckon first & noboLee else (not even the then ex-elected President Ong TC). Now, one need to remember that it was Wee KW that 'open up' the Istana for pubic members to see & he was recognised by many citizens as the 'people's president. Not to forget tat President Wee chose not to contest in the the new EP system at that time with OTC & a banker, now this deserves respect & it's the Chinese traditional custom to respect & honour someone who gave up his seat & power.

Anonymous said...

'A video, depicting a lady repeatedly hitting two shop employees, is going viral on the social media. More than 40 thousand shares and 8000 comments have been posted on the video.

In the video which was taken by a passer-by, a lady kept repeating that she is being hit in the neighbourhood while continuously hitting the staff at full force. It is unknown if the lady is a customer of the shop.

Commenters in the video have pointed that the location of the incident is at Tiong Bahru Plaza.

At the start of the video, the lady proceeds to hit both employees in what seems to be a spectacle shop and exclaims, "I am done with the Chinese girls. They keep kicking me around in this neighbourhood."' From TOC

Farking daft sinkies can't even tell the difference between a bitch and a lady.

Anonymous said...

TCB is Pap but self financed candidate. Pap appointed candidate is only for Malay according to the laws in effect.

TCB after many people tried to voice for him, and he himself tried to thumb down those comments telling them not to conclude that Pap was trying to stop his attempt for the presidency.
The voices died down.

Then after the laws came into effects, TCB pretended he had the issue and wanted "open up". TCB is just trying to sooth the unhappiness by saying something to regain Pap voters, as if he is in opposite side of Pap. Use your eyes and head lah. He is a Pap and i will not vote for him even he has the chance.
I will say TCB will lose badly against the Malay Pap appointed candidate.

EP is no longer an issue. It is a holiday if voting is on working day hopefully. Who really care who is the EP anymore? Yes, only those who support the Pap.

EP is dead for interest of many voters. It is a go through the motion kinda system now. Pinky has done a bad job on destroying the usefulness of the check and balance on reserves system initiated by gks. We have to accept it as it is the laws to do so.

Anonymous said...

RB. Singapore is good at Maths and that is why this very tricky question of when was the first EP? Answer - there is no one correct answer. If the government say it is WKW, they will publish it as an official answer. No further appeal is accepted. That's the edict!

Anonymous said...

Actually under the new system I think one requires to run a company of 500 million? If so I think tcb is not qualified? Then why bother cause vien if the government agreed that 2017 is open for contest, tcb is not qualified anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wee Kim Wee in the computation........cannot meh?

So far, the masses......very very quiet leh!

All very very busy......make more money, 3Ms!

Anyway 70% gave them the OK-ed and blank-cheque!

What can you all do?

Nothing! Nothing!

Only "lan-lan"!

Only kpkb kpkb and kpkb.

Seriously, what can you all do now?

Dont waste time!


Anonymous said...

..it's up to the Long Ge Leegime to 指鹿为马 (or point a deer to say it's a horse) ..Kee Chiu already hinted in parliament recently tat a 马 is nonetheless 哈立马(or HaliMah Yacult) ...u see everything already predetermined no need waste lots of time Mah..

jjgg said...

rb better be careful eh..if u dont count along with the parliament head nodders u can be labelled as fake news...then how? i suggest u do your own self protecting motivational "i stand corrected" logic n agree with the government..

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 8.46am you said that it is "insulting the intelligence of the People".

So?! So?! So?!

What can 小人物 do? What can 小人物 do?

Please do not forget the massive the massive 70% who voted "Go Ahead".

What can 小人物 do, NOW? What can 小人物 do, NOW?

Correct or not?

Anonymous said...

What is the spirit and intent of the minority EP election?
- to allow a minority who meets PAP's Presidential criteria to be voted by Singaporeans

So who really made the decision?
- PAP who created the Presidential criteria
- Singaporeans who will be doing the voting based upon the choices limited by PAP's Presidential criteria?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi jjgg, you must understand the difference between opinions, person views and fake news.

Anonymous said...

RedBean, you're wrong about the S'pore students. All the MOE teachers will be given model answer as 2017. And all the students will be taught to answer the correct model answer of 2017. Any student writing 2021 will be marked wrong. S'pore students are very good in model answers. That's why S'pore education system score full marks in international tests.

Anonymous said...

redbean asked:
/// I also dunno what Singapore is producing that China could not produce, better and cheaper, and must buy from Singapore. ///

Do you think Singapore is the global manufacturing hub of Mental Masturbation?
Do you think the EP is a product of Mental Masturbation?
Do you think China can still learn a lot from Singapore in Mental Masturbation products and technology?

Anonymous said...

what can you all do.....you cannot change the equation........

why waste time.....

be sure you are not jobLESS........have enough money to survive in this very very expensive tiny city state.......

is who becomes EP more important than $$$$$$$$$$$$$ you have........

dont play play......if jobLESS.......difficult to find employment.....

many many are looking for jobs jobs jobs..........looooooooooooong Qs.........

think about it.........very very "siong" if jobLESS.................

rex said...

The logic you used is absolutely brilliant. Why come out so late.

Anonymous said...

For this reason alone, it is enough to rule Wee Kim Wee out of the computation.
What do you think? Logical or not?

It is who u are, and not what you think, or how logical your reason.

That's why it is so important and crucial to win elections and become govt, with PM as the head of govt. And PM being who Hsien Loong is now.

Who is Tan Cheng Bock now, or Chee Soon Juan, or for that matter you, me or any Tom, Dick and Harry? Does it matter what these Sinkies think or how logical their reason?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Some of the comments are simply brilliant. Singapore students will produce model answers. So the answer will be what the model answer is, no need to ask why. Also, there is no superior logic, but got superior beans who would decide which is the better logic. : )

Anonymous said...

/// Singapore students will produce model answers. So the answer will be what the model answer is, no need to ask why. ///
- redbean

But who decides what the "model answers" are?
Who decides what is the "correct" answer?

In western universities, the concept of a "model" answer is laughable.
They believe if you want a "model" answer, you will not find it in a university.

Anonymous said...

Hard Truths
- Are these our model answers to questions about Singapore?

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon.8.56

You are right if even TCB qualified to be a candidate, I will also not vote for him.

Some nuts do not believe that some human beans can act as God And Devil effortlessly.

You expect empathy from an elite who has benefited tremendously throughout his good life and suddenly saviour to the peasants???

Anyway, all these ex PAP MPs and Ministers thru their self esteemed prestige and influences act as poster boys and girls for those companies who just wanted to look good in their Management Profiles to have business connections.

Most are just Executive Directors with no running in the business. How to qualify as managing a five hundred million paid up company. ??

Also, if I made enough with good sea view living in a posh resort bungalow or condo, how can my eyes see the miseries of the slaves.

Most just before their time are up hoped to do some good to gain some good credits before they meet their Maker.

Many do so even in their mind they thought that they are been already saved.

Still have to place some I'bet.

Anonymous said...

Hard Truths - Model answers to keep Singapore going.

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, please do not quibble over this issue. It has been decided and nothing you or any Singaporean say would change the outcome. Just accept it and do not bash your head on the rock. As the man said, enough is enough, lets move on. You voted for the current government with a 70% mandate, now live with it and accept your choice of government.

Anonymous said...

Why u not happy when uncle just expressed his views on this? Cannot meh?

patriot said...


Chinese are materialistic. Must say it does not mean bad or negative per se, BUT, usually bad for those just going for power, fame/infamy or plain posterity.

l share Elder Virgo49s' Sentiment. Will not vote for any puppet president no matter what the Candidates claim they will do for the People.

lf they(Presidential Candidates) are sincere, be active activists and NOT JUST COVET FOR POLITICAL OFFICE.


Anonymous said...

/// Hi RB, please do not quibble over this issue. It has been decided and nothing you or any Singaporean say would change the outcome. ////
April 05, 2017 1:23 pm

Tell me where it says the outcome cannot be changed.
If it's made by man.
It can be undone by another man.

patriot said...

I fully concur with Kenneth Jeyaretnam and Mr Chua Chin Leng that Tan Cheng Bok is way too late in coming to say his piece of mind.

And as elaborated by Kenneth; Cheng Bok could have done a lot more in the Last Many Decades.


Anonymous said...

...Tan Cheng Bok is way too late in coming to say his piece of mind.
patriot 3:42 pm

It is not a matter of whether Tan Cheng Bok is too late or too early to say his piece of mind.

Either way, Tan Cheng Bock will lose, because PAP will make sure he lose, just like all others who oppose PAP.

And Tan Cheng Bock, just like all others who oppose PAP, can only win if the 70% want them to win, and PAP to lose. There is no other way for Tan Cheng Bock to win.

So now whatever Tan Cheng Bock, or for that matter anyone else, is saying is just for the sake of saying. Nothing else. Period.

b said...

Maybe Ah Long should ask Xi and Trump and Putin (the 3 most powerful people in this world) if it is oke to put up a muslim as president. Otherwise we may have problems in future.

Anonymous said...

...can only win if the 70% want them to win...
4:54 pm

So like that ah, what must Tan Cheng Bock do now in order to convince the 70% to make him win?

Go Hong Lim Park and protest? Hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

So like that ah, what must Tan Cheng Bock do now in order to convince the 70% to make him win?
4:59 pm

I can suggest what he should do, but unfortunately I think he cannot do what I suggest.

Anonymous said...

As TCB name suggests 'Tan Cheng Hu Lai Bock' ( aka wait for Garman to come & punch him) & 'Tan Cheng Hu Lai Block' him (aka wait for garmen to block him), ha ha..maybe Pinky Long see thru' this & fully harness his power , no need to consult a FengShui master...

Anonymous said...

"First, it must be a case that no minority candidate is being elected under the EP system as this system is an open election and no one can guarantee or foresee who would be elected. The choice is left open to the voters. No one can fix the result. OK this is a simplistic view of mine and I know many would disagree. I am just saying something that is politically correct." - Redbean.

Since when any election result has not been fixed?. Has any official or court judgement publicly proved beyond an iota of doubt that the results of elections had NEVER BEEN FIXED in one way or another? If there is/are, please share with everyone, can?

Even though I may have no sufficient evidence to show, in a kangaroo court, beyond any doubt that the election system, and therefore the election results, has been "fixed" or "tweeted" in favour of the incumbent ruling party, that does not mean I don't have good reasons to suspect that election results can and could have been fixed slightly, marginally or grossly in any way conceivable for the past 50 over years of a 'miraculous' one-party rule?

My simplistic, innocent and naive mind just refused to accept any argument that a dominant political party, which has openly professed that only a one-party rule system is good for the country, would have refrained itself from any sorts of manipulation to ensure each and every election result resulted in its favor?

The consistent results over the last 50 years, as the proof of the pudding in the eating, too good to be true?

Anonymous said...

It is not a matter of whether Tan Cheng Bok is too late or too early to say his piece of mind.
Either way, Tan Cheng Bock will lose,...
4:54 pm

Tiok. Because there is no right time for Tan Cheng Bok to say his piece of mind.

Just as there is no right time for PAP to raise water price. Whatever time, water price will still have to be raised.

Anonymous said...

Raising of water price is different as the objective is to make sinkies realised the strategic importance of water. In future the same logic would apply to electricity, refuse disposal, health care, education, Defence etc all very important and prices must be raised so that sinkies know the importance of all these services mah. Tio bo? Very tiok right?

Virgo49 said...

Anon 7.23

Why is there empty ballot boxes found in the first place???

How can ballot boxes be empty???

Is it during the last PE election??

Only counted and win by one thousand plus votes.

Must ask my childhood class studdnt now fish monger.

Think he can smell fishy business better.


Anonymous said...

Why is there empty ballot boxes found in the first place???
How can ballot boxes be empty???
Virgo49 11:35 pm

Why cannot? If I am not wrong, this was even raised in Parliament by WP MP Pritam Singh and Minister Chan chun Sing gave good reasons in his reply, after which Pritam Singh diam diam, or is it LL?

That's the problem when WP is not ready to be govt. WP MPs have to LL diam diam after answers given by PAP to their questions. Might as well not ask or not be in Parliament in the first place. No wonder they nearly lost Aljunied.

denk said...

nagaland, manipur, tripuna, arunachal pradesh, goa, sikkim, bhutan, bangladesh, nepal, sri lanka



Anonymous said...

Anon 8.56am 5 April //TCB after many people tried to voice for him, and he himself tried to thumb down those comments telling them not to conclude that Pap was trying to stop his attempt for the presidency.
The voices died down. Then after the laws came into effects, TCB pretended he had the issue and wanted "open up". TCB is just trying to sooth the unhappiness by saying something to regain Pap voters, as if he is in opposite side of Pap. Use your eyes and head lah. He is a Pap and i will not vote for him even he has the chance.//

Who is Tan CB?

Was he from RI (during sch days)?

Was he in THE SAME CLASS (in RI) as LaoGoa?

Anonymous said...

patriot April 05, 2017 3:42 pm //I fully concur with Kenneth Jeyaretnam and Mr Chua Chin Leng that Tan Cheng Bok is way too late in coming to say his piece of mind. And as elaborated by Kenneth; Cheng Bok could have done a lot more in the Last Many Decades.....//

Too late?

Was it even his (slightest) intention?

Overheard some uncles in kopishop mb he is hoping to get more publicity for his relatively new job in a (fren's) clinic in Blk 5xx XXXXXX XXXX St 5x?

Anonymous said...

Virgo49April 05, 2017 12:10 pm ///Some nuts do not believe that some human beans can act as God And Devil effortlessly. You expect empathy from an elite who has benefited tremendously throughout his good life and suddenly saviour to the peasants???///

Angkor Virgin69 ...... oops Virgo49

When u said a devil cum angel "benefited tremendously .......", r u referring to his x0,000+ sq ft GOOD CLASS BUNGALOW (GCW) that is (alone already) worth $xx millions?

So his ASSETS (including all other properties - local and overseas + shares + bonds + debentures + ("prizeless") antiques + Gold investment etc etc) eaziLEE (in excess of) $xxx million like LaoGoa?

Anonymous said...

Rb //Why is this important?//


LJ speaking thru CB mouth?

No smoke without fire?

Anonymous said...

Lao (dried) Bean //What do you think?//

Whether go to the devil in times of need?


All alo(oooooooo)ng they are?

patriot said...

ln conclusion, DAFT Sinkies are thinking that there is a saint in an Ex-Pappy who remains very much a Pappy.

