
The new paradise in Sin

In a way Singaporeans are like Adam and Eve living in paradise, in the Garden of Eden. In that Garden Adam and Eve lived a life of blissful abundance, without a care, as God was there to protect them from all evil and harm. God was so confident that he would take very good care of them that he even forbade them from eating the fruits from the Tree of Wisdom. For once taken, they would know right from wrong, like putting on a fig leaf and would be able to make decisions, just like God. God did not want that. God, being the consummate caring father, wanted to take very good care of them, from cradle to grave. Adam and Eve should remain like innocent children, never grow up.

God did not even tell them of the evil or devil lurking in the corner. Yes, there was evil in the Garden of Eden in the form of a snake. Why God did not tell Adam and Eve about the devil was puzzling. Why God did not caution them, warn them to be careful of the snake, was even more puzzling.

The Singaporeans are just as innocent, some called it naïve, to think that God would take care of everything and life would be a bliss. No harm would come to them as long as they remain innocent and unthinking. God is around to protect them. But when the snakes flooded the City, in this case brought in by the Gods, the Singaporeans were at a loss. They did not know what is happening or what could happen to them. They did not know the snakes are dangerous, just like Adam and Eve.

They lost their jobs to the snakes, their children’s university places to the snakes without knowing why. They would not know why, they did not want to know why, for they were not able to think, a skill that God forbids. They did not know that if things go on as it is, they would lose their country, their paradise, to the snakes in a matter of time. They are still just as happy and innocent as Adam and Eve, oblivious of the dreadful fate awaiting them when the snakes take over their country.

When would the snakes offer them the fruit of wisdom to know what is happening to them, to their lives and their country? They don’t even know that the money they saved for a life time is no longer their money. Someone said so in Parliament. Oh, this time the snakes would not offer them the fruit of wisdom to know what is happening. The snakes are too clever and would wait to take over their country and everything from the modern day Adam and Eve in the Garden of Sin. Actually not to worry, God will take care of everything.

Please, someone please offer the fruit of wisdom to the daft Singaporeans.


  1. As you pointed out correctly. They have blind faith and that is the real problem to everything. With blind faith, these people will not dare to think. That's how some cult leaders lead their congregation.

  2. RB, u did a great job in writing this metaphor of Sinkies to that Eden Garden created by the higher Supreme Almighty Beings. Yep, Sinkies do not possess that wisdom & r in danger of being extinct, as majority dun wanna procreation & the garment has also given up on them by saying all u need is jus a small space to procreate. In contrast, the foreigners (aka Snakes) r a smarter lot, willing to swallow anything as it come along ( even low pay long wok hrs), as time goes by these FT snakes group gets larger & larger tat the Sinkies feel unbearable in this Eden Garden. Sinkies r a loyal lot & even voted the same ruling party to lead them despite being bullied by these Snakes ...one wise man reminds the Sinkies tat they got the garment that they deserved & dun kpkb b4 he migrate..some wise Sinkies already migrated & in overseas one can see an mass exodus of Sinkies diaspora even without Moses leading them to promise land...sooner or later Sinkies will be overun by Trojan Snakes & Sinkies r minority in Sinkieland left to rot & be forgotten by their Creator...

  3. Daft Singaporeans are blessed without the brain that can think for themselves, without the guts to be brave and courageous, without the heart to love their children and grand children and without the hide that don't need spurs. The snakes - the Vicious and Poisonous Ones - are already there in Parliament in white sheep skins, even before importing the foreign snakes. The Daft Singaporeans have already been poisoned by these Vicious and Poisonous Home-Grown snakes. So no hope for them to become wise.


  4. Living in this very very expensive tiny city state you MUST have money!

    If you have no money.......very very taboleh tahan!

    If you have no money......."非常吃力"! Prices up up up! No-money-No-talk!

    If you have money..........Yes! 新加坡是天堂! 新加坡是天堂!

    So no point kpkb and kpkb.........just try to Make More Money 3Ms!

    What to fight....70% already OK-ed! Prediction is 80% at next GE!

    How to turn this figure around? No way! "Tan-Ku-Ku'!

    Anyway........just be more happy and worry less!

    3Ms! 3Ms! 3Ms! Cheers!

  5. How to have money when a flat costs a few hundred thousand, a car cost an arm or a leg. And CPF no more your money with all the compulsory schemes to deplete them and the minimum sums to keep you from touching it?


  6. Anonymous 9.42am is correct but may wish to note the following points........

    1 How to have money when a flat costs a few hundred thousand
    A Yes! But dont buy BIG flat, buy smaller BTOs!

    2 A car cost an arm or a leg
    A Yes! But dont own car lah, take our first-world public tpt

    3 CPF no more your money with all the compulsory schemes to deplete them
    A Yes! So you must make more money lah.....3Ms!


  7. /// Please, someone please offer the fruit of wisdom to the daft Singaporeans. ///

    No cannot.
    You cannot read fake news.
    You are not allowed to eat the fruits of wisdom.
    Because wisdom comes from reading and thinking about alternative views and news.

  8. Knowledge of good and evil
    Letters of the law - about right and wrong, good and evil, the dos and the donts
    Sin champion the rule of law as the ultimate reign of power
    The Pharisees easily wrap their slimy body of manipulation around you bunch of easy prey

    The wisdom of snakes!

  9. Let's watch the unfolding of what they tell us is "good and evil"...at their terms

    Church is not the only ones preaching "prosperity gospel" you know

  10. Fake news is evil...good news is good.

    Read more Strait times pls

  11. Since the beginning of Civilisation, you have been ruled by snakes

    Born in Sin

  12. Well, some like it that way..probably many like it that way lol

  13. The sting of Sin is death, the power of Sin is the law

  14. More good years...yum seng...hahahhaha

  15. Church is not the only ones preaching "prosperity gospel" you know
    April 18, 2017 10:49 am

    Do you think "asset enhancement" is a prosperity gospel?
    Do you think "national service" is a prosperity gospel?

    Who is prospering from all these prosperity gospel?

  16. How do you suppose the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer?

    The obvious ones who got very rich are the ones who preached the good stuff at the center of authority.

    Kong Hee will share his secrets with you

  17. When the tides of prosperity go up, the elites will rise and most will drown. When the tides go down, more will hop onto the wagon and the cycle repeats.

  18. The rich would be the ones that are taking or receiving.
    The poor would be those that are giving and giving.

  19. They tell you..knowledge is power


    That's why your children score Ass in school mah lol

  20. I no say one hah...the bloody book say one hah...and don't bother lah...burn it...not true one....lol

  21. Good to eat
    Vision of glory
    You shall be wise like them

    Hook,line and sinkie

  22. Taiwan residents ‘fire’ missiles at SG flag asking SAF to get out of ROC


  23. They don't want your money? Ha


  24. All about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

    If you have plenty of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,

    to you, singapore is a real paradise!

    If you have no $$$$,

    to you, singapore is a "para-die"!

    So........in this type of society, you must have $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!


    "死路一条"! "死路一条"! "死路一条"!

  25. Minister Lawrence Wong’s latest hogwash: HDB flat a depreciating asset = a ‘good store of asset value’


    @ April 18, 2017 11:09 am
    Is this what you call "prosperity gospel" ??

  26. Perpetrators of half truths..aka fork tongue

    Don't work for a lot of people

  27. You should be more concern of an impoverished soul....the market will force you to reap off your neighbors

  28. You die your business. The true values of hypocrites

  29. Your assets are very nice on the outside. And it cost a lot of money to look nice on the outside so you keep paying a high price for it

    However, on the inside of most homes, lets say...you need the "generousity" of renoviad team led by fiona xie

    They are the good samaritan of TV shows and the miraculous grace doctrine

  30. If your beginning or genesis is on the wrong curve, the rest will be garbage

  31. What do you think oppositions can do for you? Go in and clean up the house for you? lol

    Good luck

    70% are living in the garden of eden you know lol

  32. What do you think oppositions can do for you? Go in and clean up the house for you? lol
    April 18, 2017 12:24 pm

    No choice lah.
    Continue voting for the same people ... we will all lose our HDB flats in 99 years or less.

  33. They control what's right and wrong for you. What's good and evil.

    Don't break the law like Amos did for offending Christians

  34. And pls don't humiliate the judges for screwing up a high profile case. Only the learned knows what is good and evil and the rest of you, go score Ass

  35. You live in Sin

    Your head is associated with snake in name

    And your city so...garden

    Isn't it interesting? LoL

  36. Not forgetting Casino area nice big neon trees ha

  37. Redbean, it's not correct way to called these FT as Snakes. In fact, Sin City is born in the Year of Snake & its citizens r the serpents or servants of the then Harry Lee ( aka Harry Potter of Sin City)...that's why Harry uses his magic wand trying to decimate these serpents who r not his servants anymore, u see 1 of his policies ( stop at 2 ) is to reduce this rate of multiply of snakes or serpents so that the problem will not be so great ( as an Anaconda or large Pythons) r hard to control or kill..since Harry is gone the magic wand is handover to his Ah Long Son, things got even worse, & Long san solve it by letting in more poisonous/vicious pests to control the number of snakes in this city. Long san uses his bag pipers & changes many laws to his benefits ( like the water hike, cpf, mrt, EP ) & all his humpty Dumpty jus follow & even allow a lady horse ( hari-Mah) to be the next EP candidates, Sinkies r no Vodamolt & will jus be that tamed serpents & let it be forgotten & rotten...

  38. Singaporeans are a happy lot. From cradle to grave, the government takes care of everything. Good schools, remember all schools are the same? Good hospitals, although whether ward A, B or C according to affordability. Safety and always plenty of jobs around. In short, Singapore is a nice place to live and grow your family. Many people from around the world envy Singaporeans. I for one think that this is a nice country to visit and spend some quality time. No?

  39. Yes, 1.27

    So peaceful here. We have good laws to punish people like Amos for mocking our paradise..no worries.


  40. Agreed with anonymous 1.27pm.

    We have the BEST-est govt in the world!

    Singaporeis indeed a paradise!

    The govt is very kind and caring.

    The govt has many generous welfare schemes and subsidies.

    We have the BEST-est govt in the world!


  41. Though we are small, Sin leaders live on high mountain and showed the world of its glory. They have come and worship our brilliant leaders.

  42. I just love Singapore, Good food, good restaurants, good clubs and pubs. Good shopping and lovely sights.

  43. Yes indeed. So clean and no corruption

  44. Maybe one day, they will pass down a law which makes it mandatory for citizens to wear white on the day the father of Sin passed away. This is in honor of a great man of Sin


  45. yes yes yes......sing city is a real paradise.......

    provided you have lots of money.........

    no money very "siong".........

  46. Firms in Singapore are continuing to bring in foreign workers below market rates to replace the Singaporean worker. Moral leadership begins with leading by example. Government-related companies should hire Singaporean workers . . .

  47. Two-thirds of India's 1.2 billion population is below age 35. The CECA that the PAP signed with the Indian government opens the gates of Singapore to 800 million India nationals !

  48. Today's Reuters headline: Australia toughens foreign worker visas, says Australian jobs for Australians.

    "We are an immigration nation, but the fact remains- Australian workers must have priority for Australian jobs," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said. "We'll no longer allow (the old) 457 visas (program) to be passports to jobs that could and should go to Australians."


  49. Why are you all now kpkb about FTs from India!?

    Don't forget the massive 70% that "YES-ed" and the blank cheque!

    Is like that now lah.

    What can you all do?

    Only "lan-lan"! Only "lan-lan"!

  50. Singapore is paradise for those who have money. This is good playground for the rich. For the FTs from India, if they qualify they can come. After all, the CECA allows them to come here for the jobs that Singaporeans either reject or not capable to do. It is good for Singapore and increases the GDP. The investment from India does create lots of jobs for Singaporeans. Be thankful, very thankful. Stop kpkb-ing.


  51. Hahaha........

    Anonymous 3.45pm is absolutely correct!

    He had been INDIA-ed!


  52. The foreigners are not to be blamed. Everyone wants to better their lives. That is human nature. Blame the gates keeper who failed the people who paid him to guard the gates.

  53. Singapore is a Parasite, not paradise. It has no natural resources. Therefore it lives off the resources of other countries, especially its neighbors.

    Its people are parasites who depended totally upon its parasitic good-for-nothing paper-generals. That's why 70% keep voting in the same parasitic leaders to screw them repeatedly year after year.

    Its parasitic paper-generals live off the blood and sweats of their kia-su and kia-si (cowards) and suck them dry like vampires. Even their CPF life-long retirement savings are not allowed to be taken out. Even their HDB Flat after 99 years become zero value. Even their exhorbitantly-priced cars become zero value after 10 years. Even their sons have to become National Slaves for two years active and up to the age of 50 in reserve. Even their jobs are taken away by foreigners across the board.

    So how can it be paradise? It is more like Animal Farm by George Orwell.

  54. Think tat the people of Sin City r all screwed & fooled by their own Garmen ..the Leeder always like to sell or market Sin City as though it's a one & only unique place on Earth to live in work & play, its equivalent to a Paradise...so next time when somebolee mention about a place called Paradise ..one better to listen to Phils Collins song "...Oh think twice ..just another day you and me in Paradise.." ...or u could be in a place called Para-Die ..who knows...better Think Twice..Think Thrice...

  55. Singapore has a lot of prosperity gurus.
    The gurus are very rich.
    The believers/followers ... not so much.

    Global hub of prosperity gurus.


  56. Sin is indeed a paradise for the Rich and Powerful.
    it shall be made a
    heaven on Earth for them.

    As for Sinkies, unless You are as smart and versatile like Matilah Singapura and his alike, prepare to work till You drop or be killed by diseases and illnesses.

    Good Luck.


  57. Anonymous said...
    Singapore is paradise for those who have money. This is good playground for the rich. For the FTs from India, if they qualify they can come. After all, the CECA allows them to come here for the jobs that Singaporeans either reject or not capable to do. It is good for Singapore and increases the GDP. The investment from India does create lots of jobs for Singaporeans. Be thankful, very thankful. Stop kpkb-ing.
    April 18, 2017 3:45 pm

    The above comment is from a typical daft Sinkie. No brain but talking rubbish without thinking.

  58. Thousands of years of wasted resources and blood of men to build god a house and at the end of it, you only have sin-foolness to show.

    The world don't need your fool's charity while you await a 'no show'.
