
Govt policies must be sensible, reasonable, focused and responsible

Many people have heard the reasoning for the big water fee hike and the logic being aired in Parliament and many are shaking their heads in disbelief. Do the ministers really believe they are convincing in their arguments and the people are really so daft to accept the reasoning. We have a highly educated population, more than 50% have received tertiary education and any farcical, flimsy or flawed arguments would stand up like a sore thumb. Ministers must be careful and not stand out looking like fools with foolish arguments and thinking they could get away with them.

Just read this piece of statement saying that ‘Water prices were increased substantially to reflect its true scarcity value’ by Masagos. Using the same logic, should not the govt raise the salaries of ministers substantially to reflect its true scarcity value? The scarcity of good political leaders is frightening and a strategic issue, a national security issue too. I just borrow some of the phrases used in Parliament to depict how serious the matter is.

Yes pay the really good minister $10m or more, but this must be done discriminately not like the carpet bombing price of water fee that hit everyone so hard. Some ministers deserved $10m, some not even $100k.  In the case of water, the pricing must be carefully calibrated to be reasonable and sensible and responsible.

Water is a basic necessity and is a must use item by everyone, from the richest to the poorest. And in some cases the poorest need to use more water than the richest. A manual worker would need to bath more and wash more given the nature of his work. A multi millionaire could bathe in perfume or Evian water or no need to bath as he rarely need to sweat under the hot sun. The bedridden would need to be clean. Everyone needs to take their bath in this hold tropical city. Everyone, rich or poor, needs to shit and flush the toilet. How can such acts be punished by high water fees? Don’t bathe, don’t shit, don’t wash and don’t flush?

What is reasonable and sensible is to allocate a fix quantity of water to every individual/household, regardless of wealth, maybe a bit more to the workers, to clean themselves, for personal hygiene. Water is a basic necessity and should be priced as such. Then the axe can come down to bear on those that over used, misused and abused, those that could not appreciate this precious item. Using water reasonably for basic needs must not and cannot be punished with an across the board price hike. Levy progressive and punitive taxes on over usage of water. And I quote Masagos again, ‘Consumers must feel the full price of water’. The difference is that the axe must not be used indiscriminately against everyone.  Not all consumers waste water irresponsibly. Many are actively and responsibly cutting down on their water usage. Why should they also be punished?  If an axe is swung wildly like a mad man, it discredits the person wielding the axe as a mad man, thoughtless and unreasonable.

I do not want to belabour this point. It is common sense. Please be reasonable, be sensible, be focused and be responsible and raise water fees in a calibrated and thoughtful way.  Think a little more. Anyone behaving like a bull in a crystal shop will look like a stubborn and mindless raging bull. No one would respect a mad bull ramming and knocking down everything in its way.

No need to use phrases like scarce resources, strategic issues, national security issue to pull a veil over a flawed pricing policy. It defeats everything being said.


  1. When they want to increase the cost of something, they will find one hundred and one reasons to justify it, most are bullshit anyway. They know it and we know it. I have not heard of a really good justification from our super high pay ministers. One say something and the rest just add on. Its the magic work of the Party Whip!


  2. Agreed with your comment about asking the govt to consider raising the
    salaries of ministers substantially to reflect its true scarcity value,
    like water!

    The base salary of our ministers should be at least $1,000.000 per MONTH,
    not per year!

    We can afford! We can afford!

    Yes! Must consider this suggestion seriously!

    Like the chinese saying goes.......小财不出大财不入!

    So..........just pay just pay!


  3. Talking or feedback to these whites men & women r useless now. They already made up their mind to hike the only H2O that we need, what's more can a commoners do now. Even going to some of public toilet u have to pay also, nothing is free here..sooner or later once u step out of ur house u gonna charge left right & centre ( air consumption tax, satellite usage tax etc..). There is no point highlighting to these miws monies-suckers as they all group-think to fleece on commoners...there r people who rent away their whole unit & live in Changi Airport in nite & stay in library in day just to survive on rent..

  4. They have made their calculation to collect more money. Nothing can change them. Our public toilets going to be very smelly for good reasons.


  5. anonymous 849am......you are good!


  6. //should not the govt raise the salaries of ministers substantially to reflect its true scarcity value? //

    The garmen people r the most happy person in Sinkieland..look at the way they shout .." Huat ah ..huat ah" during CNY & taking selfies photos with jump shots u all will know how happy r they, for the ordinary folks some sell tissues to earn a living while others elderly become cardboards collectors to protect the environment-these r the niche people we have & they r not paid millions of dollars, while on the other spectrum u hv highly paid elites who use the 'Environment' to generate monies with their mojo 'what's wrong with collecting more monies?'

  7. Did they compute the rising needs for more water using 10m population?

  8. Long queues at public toilets in shopping centres, foodcourts and kopitiams.

  9. Rb //Many people have heard the reasoning for the big water fee hike and the logic being aired in Parliament and many are shaking their heads in disbelief. //

    Rb, are u talking about another "highly trained Economist" talking "economic non-sense" about Economic concepts such as water scarcity?

    Should we not hesr from the expurts?

    Apparently, SOMEBOLEE never hear (or read about) modern Economics FOUNDING FATHER Adam Smith's economic analyses on the "worthlessness" of water in the Water-Diamond Paradox in his explanation of the concept of scarcity in Adam Smith's magnus opus: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" published in 1776 ......?

    1. Typo .......


    2. Rb //Just read this piece of statement saying that ‘Water prices were increased substantially to reflect its true scarcity value’ by Masagos. //

      The following are quotes from Adam Smith's magnum opus "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" when he explained the concept of "Scarcity". This is what Adam Smith (the founding father of modern Economics) said about scarcity of water:


      "What are the rules which men naturally observe in exchanging them [goods] for money or for one another, I shall now proceed to examine. These rules determine what may be called the relative or exchangeable value of goods. The word VALUE, it is to be observed, has two different meanings, and sometimes expresses the utility of some particular object, and sometimes the power of purchasing other goods which the possession of that object conveys. The one may be called "value in use;" the other, "value in exchange." The things which have the greatest value in use have frequently little or no value in exchange; on the contrary, those which have the greatest value in exchange have frequently little or no value in use. Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything; scarcely anything can be had in exchange for it. A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it."


      Apparently, is not or rather was not Adam Smith saying water is "NOT SCARCE" and therefore almost worthless?

      So who is correct?

      The founding father of modern Economics Adam Smith?

      Or the "highly trained economist" RB quoted?

      Who is right about the scarcity of water or rather the relative non-scarcity of water?

    3. Rb //And I quote Masagos again, ‘Consumers must feel the full price of water’. //

      After SOMEBOLEE said about the "true scarcity of water", in past few days it was RAINING (pa)pigs and dogs ..... oops ..... cats and dogs .......

      What was the "true price of water" huh?

      How much did heaven charge the "highly trained economist" for the past few days of torrential rain?

      How come if water is so scarce, those oldies doing backbreaking card board picking ravaging from smelly and dirty rubbish bins from rubbisg bins never rush out to collect water when it rains .......?

      Why huh?

      Water scarce or not scarce?

      If scarce and has "full price", why all sinkies so "GONG, KONGCUM" never rush out of their flats, houses, shops, offices, buildings, factories, army camps, ....... etc etc with pails, bins, water tanks, ..... and what have you so far ...... to collect FREE (rain) water?

  10. When Adam and Eve inherited the earth, they had the whole earth to themselves. There were plenty of everything.

    Who created the scarcity?
    Who caused the scarcity?

  11. Do you think this is the problem?

    PAP government wants to build more Newater and or desalination plants.
    The cost of water from such sources is expensive.

    But why do we need to build more Newater and or desalination plants?
    Because we need more water to support LHL's population target of 6.9 or even 10 million people.

    How many other price increases are coming after this water price increase?
    How many of these future price increases is due to the PAP-LHL's popultaion target of 6.9 million?

  12. Is the crazy importing of foreigners to increase population to 6.9m or 10m a responsible and sustainable policy?


  13. This is just the beginning. Hear what Goldfish Eye Heng hinted:
    Gov't studing all options to meet future revenue needs

    We still had three or more years to slaughter you Dafts

    Water more than ENOUGH for existing pop of Singaporeans.
    They even gave up further contract with Matland for a continued supply water of an existing dam water works.

    Thinking they are smart with the sewer new water.
    Plus Marina Barrage Dam.

    But they brought in another two millions to Pee and Poo trashes. Now add insult to our dignity of drinking sewer water increase 30%.

    GST, water borne feed not included yet.

    Now even one idiotic MP suggested training for water rationing. Back to the 60s.

    If I am rich, I can just scoot off to my Holiday bungalows to have pure water and enjoy your sufferings of water rationing. Lots of fun carrying up 25 storeys.

    If water steeped in too much into the lifts and breakdown with short circuits and burn.SCDF be kept busy.

    Good Luck Sinkies.

    Taking cover in my Melaka hut but have pure water.

    Rich man poor man. Worse than the third world country

  14. The water increase 30% has 2 official versions on reasons: one. to support sustainable investment. two. cannot disclose huge losses in pub for commercial sensitivities reason.
    In short, my interpretation is huge cash losses and lagi big big huge losses in future. When consider the huge losses in line with the huge increase in population from current 5.8millions to 7millions and to 10 millions, i strongly urge parents with kids at 10 year old and above to vote for opposition. It was Png WP suggested huge losses and one ministar told the house sensitive part cannot touch.

    Parents with young children must think, can their children survive in the ill thought population policy? Just yesterday, I read a child sex lover got 4 yrs free lunch. To my shock, he was said to have been featured in "Contact Singapore" as a "advocate story" success story: living in singapore was so easy, according to this easy child sex man. More are in ass which shocked me.

    The problems for water and child sex are the same. Why? one way street to death early. Water increase will help commercial firms to increase products prices. This is 100% sure like sun raising from the east. Commercial firms use a lot of water in product processing. Hitting 30% will increase their cost. Electricity is the main one and already increased so water increase provides another surge in prices. This time will cover ALL products, raw vege, fish, to cooked foods and coffee shops, mall rentals, cleaning companies etc.
    Child sex comes in because of the quality of population. The poor quality of such child sex person was featured in official story. Can u imagine the quality of the writers?
    There was no security screening up to the days this child sex man on trial in court. The article said it was still at web site. So naive, or so raw in security to prevent damage to state reputation?

    If we go along this line, we know this team of leeders are too relax or lacking sophistication to manage state affairs, paramount is security. These increase water tax is like to use to build more distillation plants: my wild guess is Malaysia may cut off the remaining water contract sooner than 2060. I guess from the current water level of what Johor can afford.

    Once the water supply is cut off from Malaysia, singapore will only depend on their own re cycle water to survive. Singapore is known to cocky in foreign policy siding US. The one sleep on the biggest land mass with thousands of missiles are certainly not aiming at US facility in Singapore because the PLA are scared of Singapore after the Terex. The big shot put it both china and singapore were very careful to handle Terex affair. Yah it was like handling nuclear fuse. Not careful Singapore might shoot at them. Similarly, if PLA shoot at the water plants to give warning to leeders, without Malaysia supply, its the ending for Singapore to become syonan part 2.
    Parents with children at 10 or above, the future is bleak under the current leeders. We need change decisively to reverse the population of getting people foreigners to harm us born in Singapore. Look carefully, these foreigners of different culture thinking sex to young children was joy and not sin. These are who in foreign talents. They should be given the task to protect singapore? No, they are given the jobs to enjoy child sex. And the water here. Change in voters mind sets is only way to save children s future.


  15. Forgot to add.They got the supply from Johore at RM ringitt and charges us Sinful dollars.

    1 to 3.16

    Wah piang, tang ka seow.

  16. Are not the importing of so many foreigners and some in high positions and sensitive positions of paramount security concerns, a matter of national security, strategic security to the safety and well being of the country?

  17. The elderly generations know that long long ago there were 3 small reservoirs and water was enough.

    The elderly generations did not know why today got 17 bigger reservoirs and water not enough.

  18. Rb //Water is a basic necessity and is a must used item by everyone, from the richest to the poorest. //


    U want to scare the oldies in msn, izzit?

    Obviously if dun drink water for a few days will ...... of dehydration .......?

    But air is not a basic necessity?

    Can yew live 1 min without air ........ or oxygen ........?

    Oldies in msn, try hold your nose in 1 min see u can tahan or not?

    Ai bet many cannot last beyond 20 or 30 second, much less 1 min?

    [So some lau hero dun kay kiang hold nose for 5 or 10 or 30 mins arh ..... later pass out dun blame msn hor! Never ask or suggest oldies in msn to do that .....]

    So if air is more needed than water in human survival, will there be "economic exploitation" further down the road by "some highly trained economist" by imputing to reflect its "true scarcity value" and "full price" of air ......?


  19. The govt is indeed very very very kind.

    Water.......Only increase by 30%.

    30%.......Where got enough?

    Should increase by.........300%!

    30% is nothing!

    So.......300%! 300%! 300%



  20. Bro Anon 10.28 hits the nail right on the Head.

    The Hard Truths.

    Johore is not going to re contract the supply of cheap water.

    They have their population plus foreigners to take care of. Big projects of housing and commercial developments including malacca.

    If not why the Sultan insisted reclaim of Pulau Batu puteh.

    They msy smile when they meet but their hearts murmurs KNCCB.

    Sinkieland attracts Don with HIV. Elites organising vice rings. Flase degrees in silver serpents.

    All these blunders gonna bring disasters to the next generation.

    What additional eight weeks maternity leave. You have a child, gonna to take care for eighty years of your life.

  21. @ 9.56am //QUESTION
    How many other price increases are coming after this water price increase?//

    After Heng Ah announced Heng Ah, Heng Ah water tax increase by 30%, a learned fren opined in Chinese "tax increase 3 steps repertoire" ......

    For those in music or performance, they know what is repertoire .......

    Source: www.dictionary.com
    "Repertoire ..... the list of dramas, operas, parts, pieces, etc., that a company, actor, singer, or the like, is prepared to perform."

    So meaning ......

    Water tax increase is just the "appetizer" ......?

    Not the 18 main courses ...... yet .....?


    Siao liao?

    Siao liao?

  22. @ Anonymous March 03, 2017 8:28 am
    //When they want to increase the cost of something, they will find one hundred and one reasons to justify it, most are bullshit anyway. They know it and we know it. I have not heard of a really good justification from our super high pay ministers. One say something and the rest just add on.//

    In journalistic speak, it is termed "ECHO CHAMBER" .......?

    SomeboLEE once OBSERVED peesai not only has the highest paid politicians in the whole planet earth, solar system, milky way galaxy, and yes ...... UNIVERSE ......, ...... ahem ....... hemmmmmmm ........ PEESAI also has the largest "ECHO CHAMBER" ..........?

    Dunno true or NOT?

  23. The whole episode of water hike is only one aim, to collect more Ass Eleven (aka $$$$ ...) from its citizens. To sound it badly is garmen telling its citizens " u better pay the water monies correctly or else SomeBohLee gonna turn off the tap.." -- in the old days is called protection monies or " 收看水钱" or " 收看头钱"...the whites behave like gangsters or pai-Kia.

  24. @ Anonymous March 03, 2017 8:28 am
    //When they want to increase the cost of something, they will find one hundred and one reasons to justify it, most are bullshit anyway. They know it and we know it. I have not heard of a really good justification from our super high pay ministers. One say something and the rest just add on.//

    @ 12.07pm // .....in the old days is called protection monies or " 收看水钱" or " 收看头钱"...the whites behave like gangsters or pai-Kia.//

    What if "Pai-Kia" decided to collect "PROTECTION $$$" for the air sinkies breathe in?


    Cham liao?

  25. Rb //And I quote Masagos again, ‘Consumers must feel the full price of water’. //

    And voters must feel the full cost of voting PAP.

  26. Rb //And I quote Masagos again, ‘Consumers must feel the full price of water’. //

    National Service is also important like water.
    So why not PAP government pay the full price by paying NS men the market rate for their salaries?

    PAP government must feel the full price of National Service.

  27. Rb //Do the ministers really believe they are convincing in their arguments and the people are really so daft to accept the reasoning. //

    To give an analogy on this "SAGA", imagine a hawker (nvr say someboLEE or any highly trained economist is a hawker arh .....) during lunch time, climb on top of a table in the middle of the hawker centre .....and speak like an economist about the scarcity of the food he is hawking eg. Chicken rice ......?

    Hawker: ‘Chicken rice prices will be increased substantially to reflect its true scarcity value’

    What will happen?

    What will consumers do?

    What will consumers think?


    "Pak Cheo"?

    "Protection $$$" .....?

    Eat lunch ....... oops ..... chicken rice also need pay "protection $$$"?

    Bor "CHENG HU"?

    1. Rb //We have a highly educated population, more than 50% have received tertiary education and any farcical, flimsy or flawed arguments would stand up like a sore thumb. //

      "Knn ......"

      Some bortakchay angkors and angtees were "cursing in their hearts" at this "chicken ruce hawker turned economist" lecturing in the middle of a hawker centre about the "scarcity of his wares --- namely chicken rice" .........?

      Angkors/ angtees were talking aloud in their hearts: "We bortakchay and NO TERTIARY EDUCATION like the other 50% but yew think we STUPID, KONGCUM"?

      "When yew talked like that, yew are the real fool"?

      "Sticking out like a sore thumb?" (in the middle of the hawker centre, on top of a table some more?)

  28. Ha! Ha! Ha!
    The fucking slaves voted for a 30% water price increase.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.


  30. And the 30% per cent innocents got to pay the price with the daft 70%.

    Next change GST- 10%

    Tobacco -$20.00 per packet - For your good and health.

    Alcohol - 50% tax increase.

    So many years no increment ministers remunerations and MPs allowances.

    This year NO WC, oops NWC recommendation. We got to be prudent as economy no good.

    But good or no good, not our concern.

  31. The Madness in the Political Leadership of Singapore - Part 15

    The Madness of Simply Vomitting Irrelevent Excuses to Replace Blatant Callous Irresponsibility

    Well done, Redbean! Very well said!

    If Singapore's self-enriching ministers only have a fraction of your compassion and common sense, Singaporeans would enjoy a better and happier life for sure. The days of compassion in the heart of Singapore's political leadership are gone for good. Similar to someone stating in Parliament that the Civil Service has become robotic with the use of technology, the self-enriching multi-millionaire ministers have not only lost their heart and soul, but their brains have also gone twisted and mad.

    Whatever reasons put forth by morons to justify the unreasonable, unjustifiable, unsubstantiable, unconvincible, untenable and blatantly, callously irresponsible position of such a sudden and huge increase in the price of a basic essential life-supporting need such as water, cannot and must not be accepted by anyone in Singapore, locals and foreigners alike, employees and employers alike, businesses and non-businesses alike - the whole society, the whole country!

    This arrogant, blatant, ostrich-mentality type of irresponsibility of across-the-board huge and sudden increase of water prices only confirms my assertion regarding the "Madness in the Political Leadership of Singapore".

    This is sheer madness caused by too much power in the hands of a few elites and their minions, too much money paid to them to do their jobs, too much lee-way given to those in authorities over others lives, too much greed that infects and renders mindless those who are supposed to be sane, reasonable, sensible, compassionate, caring and responsible.

    The fact that this issue can get this far is a clear signal that the 'System' implanted by the Old Guards has started to stumble. It is no longer the 'System' Singaporeans have come to know and embrace. It has become a system that harms rather than love; a system that bull-doze its way rather than consensus-building; a system that no one in the world are willing to trust their lives in its hands.....

    It is time for Singaporeans to get rid of those in leadership positions who have no qualms to harm them instead of love them, before it is too late!

    With Divine's Will wiling, millions of Singaporeans may start to curse the one who has proposed this unreasonable, irresponsible, insensible huge and sudden increase in water, the basic essential life-supporting need for everyone. With the millions of curses cast every day and night, the next stroke would most probably be an unrecoverable fatal one!

    May God have Mercy upon All of us!

  32. Correction to the above:

    With Divine's Will wiling, millions of Singaporeans may start to curse the one who has proposed this unreasonable, irresponsible, insensible huge and sudden increase in price of water, the basic essential life-supporting need for everyone. With the millions of curses cast every day and night, the next stroke would most probably be an unrecoverable fatal one!

  33. Nobody is complaining leh. That means the people agree or support the price hike.

  34. .......... con't @ 10.17am .......


    Just now and past few days got rain heavily at MBFC or naught?

    马上割 said: "Water very scarce"?

    So must charge "very high value" to reflect "full price"?

    So those poor/ low-income family who have those elink card utilities usage top up card devices fixed outside their flats "SIAO LIAO" this time?



    Water supplies for those poor/ low income families could end up "马上割"?

    30% water tax increase means water meter jump very fast?

    So those poor/ low income families top up their pay as u use meter cash card say with $10/= will very fast deplete and run out of value le once they turn on the taps in their flats?


    Siao liao?

    If these families members bathe half way utilities meter pay as u use cash card value run out how?

    Still with shampoo on the hairs and head and soap all over body?

    U die your biz?

    What's WRONG collecting more (blood, sweat, tears, back-breaking, picking cardboard) $$$?

    1. Btw, with all these torrential rain, since "马上割" said: //‘Water prices were increased substantially to reflect its true scarcity value’//, did the office staff in MBFC towers ran out of their offices with pails ...... etc to collect the "SCARCE" rain water?

      How much did "马上割" pay for the rain water that flows into the 17 reservoirs in the past few days especially into Marina Barrage Reservoir?

      马上割 said it is "very scarce" and consumers must pay its "true price"?

      What was the "PRICE" 马上割 paid (for the rain water)?

      Rb //We have a highly educated population, more than 50% have received tertiary education and any farcical, flimsy or flawed arguments would stand up like a sore thumb. Ministers must be careful and not stand out looking like fools with foolish arguments and thinking they could get away with them.//

  35. ........ con't @ 12.46pm "Chicken Ruce" Fictitious Saga ......

    "Tua Pao Sian Lah" ..... (It's a "RUSE")

    One hawker centre angkor patron (angrily) interjected ......?

    "Chicken ruce scarce YEE Aye Si Lang Tao", the same flabbergasted angkor continued......?

    1. ...... con't ..... @ 12.34pm

      This chicken ruce hawker turned economist runs a chicken ruce stall named "Action Kok Kok Kei Ruce"

      It's sign board printed in 3 languages:

      Beside ingrish, it's name in other language is:

      "ACTION Nasi Ayam"

  36. Heard rumours pails are selling like hot cakes as people start to buy pails to collect rain water that is free. Pray rain everyday. Heng ah!



  38. The same water you used to wash your backside after shitting will cost 30% more to remind you that water is precious. Please use less water to wash your backside. Please drink less water also to conserve water and save money.


  39. I think the rate hike is for a reason. The gov are probably thinking of selling and privatising it. There is one conglomerate going around the world to buy up water right. Be warned.

  40. Annon 4:17, that is the fear. PAP is fond of selling everything and let the private company screw us.

  41. ..... con't ...... @ 12.34pm

    The name of the cheeken ruce hawker is Tan Chee CORK ......

    A 3rd hawker ctr angkor patron was outraged and whispered to his kaki sitting beside him:

    "Kns ..... this ah CORK no university degree in Economics but lecturing about Economics "Scarcity" concepts ...... really kns ..... Baey Lau Kui ...... horse dunno FACE LO(OOOOOO)NG ...... what's his surname ......? Not 马 sthg hor ........?"


  42. Hi B, the other day saw report of Hi-Flux revenue dropping over 91%.

    Trying Arabia and ME for business.

    Once installed plants, no further business.

    No need privatisation.

    Fools rush in where devils fear to dread.

  43. First the slaves vote for PAP.
    Now the slaves kpkb because water price increase by 30%.
    And the slaves don't have enough Opposition MPs in parliament to vote it down.

    Guess what.
    GE 2020.
    The slaves will vote for PAP again.

  44. PAP policies always sensible and well thought through. Redbean should stop making such a fuss.

  45. //The same water you used to wash your backside after shitting will cost 30% more to remind you that water is precious//

    U stupid feller!! Who ask u use water to wash backside?!?!?! Use leaves lah. After that throw out the window. Organic one no problem. Don't flush. Shit 10X then flush. Problem solved.

  46. /// PAP policies always sensible and well thought through. Redbean should stop making such a fuss. ///
    March 03, 2017 7:51 pm

    What a dumb piece of PAPaya shit.
    Democracy is a constant debate over options and choices.
    If you can't handle this, go live in North Korea.

  47. Fuck me! Fuck me!
    I gave Yew a blank cheque for the next 5 years.
    Fuck me! Fuck me!
    What's wrong with collecting more money from me?
    Fuck me like the PAPaya whore that I am.

  48. Saw this headline in the Straits Times: "Government studying all options to meet future revenue needs: Heng Swee Keat"

    It's so obvious that the sharp 30% hike in water price is to raise revenue !

  49. New election cheer for GE 2020 for PAPaya supporters.
    Fuck me! Fuck me!
    Fuck me hard! Fuck me good!

  50. Chin Leng,

    I just realized that your name 真龙 means Real Dragon,
    Hsien (sien tao or bluff king) Loong means Bluff Dragon.
    And my name 龙飞 means Dragon Fly.

    Together, we are three dragons but of different fate (命运).

  51. PARODY
    I propose making the "Gang Bang Song" - the theme song for GE 2020.
    Let's make it 90% for the PAPaya Party in parliament.
    Let's have a parliamentary gang bang for the Singaporeans ... 200% GST tax hike in 2021.


  52. .... con't at 3 Mar 2017, 10.54am .....

    How true the "prophesy" or "premonition" of the "papigs taxation asymmetric information"?

    In Economics, under AI -- moral hazard implies hidden (future) actions?

    @ Anonymous March 03, 2017 11:06 pm
    ///Saw this headline in the Straits Times: "Government studying all options to meet future revenue needs: Heng Swee Keat"
    It's so obvious that the sharp 30% hike in water price is to raise revenue !///

    All options to tax???

    Does that mean the prediction @ 10.54am "jest" of air being the next target after water might come true?

    All options mean "whatever that sustain life"?

    1. 1) Human needs water, die die must drink, so sure "coffers pa pa one"?

      2) Human needs oxygen, so ......?

      (Siao liao? What more to come?)

      To be cont'd ......

  53. ... con't @ 8.09am .....

    Got go inside means .....?

    ..... must come out lah .....?

    3) Human needs PS ..... oh shit ..... answer call of nature oso (an excuse) to be taxed .....?

    To be cont'd ......

  54. ... con't @ 8.14am .....

    What else human needs (that are) essential for survival ......?

    Orh .... OH .......?

    Sluts cham liao ......?

    4) (The "vulgar" version of) "Syonan" .....?

    Gg Geylang might becum prohibitively too costly for Blangas ..... down the road ......?

    So they will resort to ......?

    "Ladies beware ....."?

    Blangas might probably look for the cheapest, most ancient primitive outlet ......?

    Solution: The 5 "Gu Niang" (literally means ladies in Chinese) .....

    Yew know ......?

    The 5 ..... bare tinkie ...... they use during their meals ......?

    In Hokkien (it is) call "PCC" ......?

    Ingrish call "ownself fartk ownself"?

    (Hope they wash their 5 tinkie thoroughly and sterilise them before flipping the next plata for your breakfast or pulling your tay tar-late ....... in case some residue between their 5 tinkie drip into your morning beverage and yew think it is the evaporated milk ...... and stir thoroughly and vigourously to dissolve into the tay?)

  55. I think the price increase will affect the cost of massage too. Each girl takes about 10 customers a day and each customer has to bathe twice, once before and once after the service so it's like 20 people bathe there each day. Likely the cost will be passed to the customers in due course.

    We would like to make representation to the government though we doubt they would listen.

    Michael Ho
    PR manager
    Singapore Kuda Club
    where we ride like white knight
    In association with Kuda Club International

  56. ... con't @5.12pm

    3rd Angkor's fren AngTee TuaChuiPo interjected:

    "Now beside this Action Nasi Ayam stall, the francise chain Action xxx stalls are all exploring ALL OPTIONS to increase their ("protection $$$") revenue ...... drink water ...... oops eat cheeken rice now oso need pay "protection $$$" ...... this Action Francise stalls really bor cheng hu ......?"

    3rd angkor:

    "Si hor ...... heard that Action Mee Siam hawker马上杀 going to "concoct" some Economic theory and up his Mee Siam price oso ...... dunno call sthg like carbonised non-pollution tax .... simisai .....?"

    To be cont'd.....

  57. Hi Dragon Fly, my name has a little variation from 真龙. Need to add gold 金 beside 真 to become ‘金真’ or town. Couldn't find the word in the translation here.

    Michael Ho's massage business will make more money by taking advantage to the 30% increase in water price. Look at the bright side. Kopitiams and hawker stalls are all quietly congratulating themselves for the bonus coming their way.


    1. Chua Chin Leng Sir;

      You looking for this
      Word 镇真(Hanyu pinyin zhen).

      My centre name is also Chin, due to Dialect, it is 振 in
      Chinese for me.

      Can You please tell us how Your Name 镇龙 be interpreted in meaning.
      No obligation though.


  58. No wonder Everton PAP only monopoly coffee shop doing major renovation.

    Now steady $1.20 per cup. After 30% gonna be 1.50.

    Any way still cannot beat another class cafe next block for yuppies

    $8.00 per cup special brew.Let's see how long these Yuppies can drink THEIR cuppa if the economy goes belly up.

    How long they can Yup yup???

  59. The fat cats have been trying very hard to increase their already out-of-this-world pay, as hinted by DPM Teo Chee Hean in the last budget debate (2016). However, there was a hue and cry against his statements.

    So, now they have found a way around it: Increase water price by 30% and all other things will have to be increased by 30% or more. Some self-deceiving idiots in the form of ministers tried to convince the public that businesses have been told not to increase their prices. Sheer talking nonsense.

    Business is business, not charitable organizations or government agencies. They need to make enough money to survive and some profits to make it worth their while to take business risks and all the -they put it, isn't it? These ministers think the public is stupid or they are trying to follow in the footsteps of North Korea's President?

    These fat cats have converted their easy $millions into assets and sideline businesses. When water, basic essential necessity, goes up by 30% in price, their assets will also go up by 30% more or less.

    Cunning bastards, public gave them money to study and come back to help the people, instead they become scholars in order to help their own bank accounts and their cronies and minions.

    The worst to swallow is that they are trying to cover up their personal greedy intent by using all sorts of excuses. That is why all their reasoning do not gel at all.

    They simply cannot defend the fact that 30% is an extremely high proportion to increase for a basic essential commodity and also after 17 years on non-increase, why all of a sudden they slap a hefty 30% instead of 2% or 3%, and gradually increase year by year of 2% or 3%?
