
Trump living up to my expectations

Trump is exactly what he is, a disruptive cock in the Year of the Cock. And his performance so far is meeting all my expectations, and my confidence in him is growing a few more notches. In his American First policy, Trump is roughing up  allies and breaking ties with everyone, friends or foes. The staunchest American ally, the European Union, is now as much an enemy as China and Mexico. Trump even abused Nato as a useless, out of date and dysfunctional organization.

The European countries are in a state of shock. They could not believe in what Trump is saying and doing. The confidence in Trump’s America is taking a big knock. Britain’s PM May’s visit only served to confirm that Britain is not an ally unless it serves the interest of America First. Britain and Europe are now scurrying for new trading partners. They are seeing the impending breaking down of the existing world order and free trade system. They are looking for someone to take the lead as the new leader to protect the existing world order.

The irony of it all is that Communist China is presenting itself as the leader of choice given the challenge posed by the Americans to dismantle what the Western countries have built since WW2. And Xi Jinping is looking like a good candidate to fill the vacuum. There is no doubt that European countries would want to keep the free trade system and world order as it is. There is no doubt that China is benefiting from the same system and world order and Xi Jinping’s call for globalization and free trade are genuine, for the good of China and countries of the world. European countries are now looking towards China as a new friend and new leadership.

Trump’s attack on the Arab and Muslim world is going see a backlash that is more than what he could expect. The Arab/Muslim world is turning against Trump and his America.  They would not sit idle and let Trump slap them left and right. They could and would retaliate, unless they are so daft and dumb. The fear of terrorism and the war against terrorism could see America taking the ISIS and related Muslim terrorist organizations alone.

Trump is all out to make Mexico another enemy of America with his Great Wall of Trump and finding all ways to tax the Mexicans to pay for it, including sounding out an intention to raise import tariffs by 20% across the board with no exceptions to allies and non allied countries. What this means to the Europeans is less trade but at the same time demanding that the European countries pay for American military protection. The combination is rattling the minds of EU and Nato countries. Unbelieveable, but they got to believe it. This is Donald Trump, the man or American dictator in the making that would do what he thinks is right.

Peter Goodman in a Reuter report filed this, ‘Some allies are shifting focus to other potential partners for new sources of trade and investment, relationships that could influence political, diplomatic and military ties. Many are looking to China, which has adroitly capitalized on a leadership vacuum in world affairs by offering itself — ironies notwithstanding — as a champion for global engagement.

“We’ve always said that America is our best friend,” Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogroup — comprising finance ministers from countries sharing the euro currency — said in an interview with The New York Times …“If that’s no longer the case, if that’s what we need to understand from Donald Trump, then of course Europe will look for new friends.”

“China is a very strong candidate for that,” he added. “The Chinese involvement in Europe in terms of investment is already very high and expanding. If you push away your friends, you mustn’t be surprised if the friends start looking for new friends.”


southernglory1 said...

America has no genuine friends but only self interest stooges and American armed twisted allies under total American dictates. When these stooges and fake allies wake up one day to the realiity of the evil intent of total world domination and hegemony by satanic America they will eventually turn against America as already showned by President Duterte of the Philippines


Anonymous said...

Too Bad Red bean DT isn't ur Sinkieland PM, therefore even if it meet ur expectations, so wat? In Sinkieland is FT or foreign talents , it's so called open leg policy whereby everyone from all over the world ( be it fakes, dubious degrees or experiences, massager, pros or bros, all religious, pink or different color ...) all can come lah..even the gahmem in Sinkieland also ask its citizens to integate with the FTs, even its citizens r jobless or exploits or sacked or retrenched there is no strike , it's so quiet & safe here, the ban 7 ME Muslims by US can come to Sinkieland too, here got bright future with jobs for FT & NS for citizens only...uniquely Sinkieland..

virgo49 said...

This morning in CNN, past clips of DT declaring that America is not gonna be the Policeman of The World.

Has cost us Trillions of Dollars.

With Hillary Clinton blinking at him at the Presidential Debate.

American hypothesis Patriotism in serving in the Armed Services to control and conquering others is in their genes and blood.

So DT may have Chinese gene and blood in him by focusing on.just making MONIES.


Learn from The PAP and Grace Disgraceful.

The Ah Neys with their inferiority complex keeps harping protection for the minority race.

In their own country they bullied their own and not talk of protecting the minority race.

Anonymous said...

Good analysis.

My thoughts exactly.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, if I were an ordinary American, I like Trump.

Why God did not give Sinkies a Sinkie Trump and most important, can also win elections?

We don't want a Sinkie Trump who shout "Sinkie First" only to get 22% of votes in elections. Like that where got use?

Anonymous said...

Why God did not give Sinkies a Sinkie Trump and most important, can also win elections?
9:19 am

Because God only help those who help themselves.

So if Sinkies do not have a Sinkie Trump, it is their fault for giving the Sinkie Trump only 22% votes.

Or maybe to the majority Sinkies, the Sinkie Trump is a fake and opportunist who only want to tikam tikam during election so did not deserve more votes?

Anonymous said...

Yes! RB is 100% correct!


Look at TRUMP, he is on fire!

Look at the things that TRUMP had changed so far.....in so short a time!

Can he succeed to be the mega change master of America?

TRUMP sings.......My Way!.......I did it my way........


Anonymous said...

I am a Sinkie. I not interested in Trump because he only do what is good for Americans and not Sinkies. I only want a Sinkie Trump.

Any Sinkie billionaire out there who want to be a Sinkie Trump? U will have my vote. And if majority Sinkies are like me, u win liao lor. What are u waiting for?

Anonymous said...

Any Sinkie billionaire out there who want to be a Sinkie Trump?
9:37 am

U ask for the right Sinkie. Must be billionaire first before he/she can be a Sinkie Trump.

Or else ah, if bo lui (no money) one like Aung Juan Soon Chee, majority Sinkies will see him no up so will not vote for him. Whether Sinkie or American, money talks. And PAP got power and money! Trump got money and after that power!

Anonymous said...

Because Singaporeans are too stupid and scared to change governments.
9:49 am

Tiok. And God don't help Singaporeans who want to be too stupid.

God only help those who help themselves.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.37am will be greatly disappointed as there no Sinkie Trump!

Sinkie billionhairs are very very very busy 3Ms! Make More Money!

No one wants to be Sinkie Trump! No one! No one! No one!

Don't waste anymore time in search of a sinkie Trump.

So.....be smart....3Ms! Yes! Only 3Ms can survive in Singapore!

So.....Be Happy Worry Less!


virgo49 said...

Hello Bro 9.49

You are absolutely RIGHT!

Fight for Sinkies who Dragon Fly had listed all the faults of Sinkies and you must be from Bungakok Green.

See the NS man supposed to protect own fellow comrades hammered Amos.

So many PE, our Bankers multi Billionaires aplenty full qualified.

UOB, OCBC bosses. Did they run for President? ?

No, firstly they be reduced to Paupers.

Secondly, Sinkies not worth dying for.

Anonymous said...

/// We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies.
Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow...

And if I might be allowed to express in one sentence the principle which I think ought to guide an English Minister, I would adopt the expression of Canning, and say that with every British Minister the interests of England ought to be the shibboleth of his policy. ///

Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
House of Commons (7 August 1844)



patriot said...

Sin shall die
Sinkies fight
amongst themselves .
due to their
You die your business


Anonymous said...

yes, Trump living up to expectations.......

I m his fan......

Trump is the man, he is the one to change America.....the world......

indeed.....one in last 50 years........


Anonymous said...

@ February 02, 2017 10:06 am

Your Henry Temple is proclaiming a "British First" policy.

Unfortunately, Singapore's village idiot is saying: "Singapore belongs to everybody."
And Singaporeans (70%) is saying "Yes. I agree. I will vote for you."

Anonymous said...

/// Fighting for Singaporeans is a very stupid thing to do.
Because Singaporeans are too stupid and scared to change governments.
February 02, 2017 9:49 am

So in GE 2020, we can all anyhow vote for the Opposition. Because other Singaporeans are too stupid and scared and they will always vote PAP.
So no need to worry about accidentally voting in a new government.

Anonymous said...

Hey u there. Until today u still so foolish to vote for millionaires? Its the heart for the people lah. Uh bor? Bor heart for the people, the one who grabs power will sell you like selling pork. The animal farm is real world in sinkieland. U work horse will be sold as meat when old. This kind of in charge is called bor heart for people lah.

See examples: Trump. He builds wall along Mexican border to prevent drug smuggling and to prevent illegal immigrants running into US. The past presidents bor hearts. They let millions of illegal run along the streets in US and sell drugs. So sinkie please do not blame Trump, my hero.

Yesterday UK voted 498 to 114 to trigger Article 50 to leave EU. This is big news. UK people woke up in 23 June 2016 to gain back their country against businessmen s kingdom called globalization.

Can u see the vote counts? Most politicians got hearts for people s interest are there to to help their country 500 of them. But there are minority 150 politicians who work for big businessmen s interest for free immigration in EU. ie Cheap labor lah. Trump never agreed to cheap labor from immigrants. He wants US citizens to labor for their rice bowls. He wants jobs for US citizens. Trump supports Briexit.

This is the new world. When in 2020GE, u foolish of them all still vote for the "globalization" ahlong, U are asking to see your own grave yard: no jobs for sinkie citizens. This is gonna be very real.

Do not think China want to be leader of the world, NO. China wants to trade only. China wants to keep their grandfather s lands such as Scs islands. Ahlong wants to see the islands taken away. So u do not expect china tourists or investors to help sinkies. US UK have their own factories hiring own people. Things they do not need from sinkiesland will be taxed higher lah.

Sinkies, u die liao. U never prepared for the days like this to come. U have no industries for good export. Your tourists spots are outdated comparing to malaysia. U offend china chinese. U die liao. Vote for opposition for new hope.

Virgo49 said...

There is a very good superimposed photo of Obama with the wordings:


The Photo of Donald Trump:


Americans now fighting and destroying themselves and properties as Karma has finally visited them.

Been brought up bullying others.

Now at UC Berkeley Campus burning and destruction of the Campus.

CNN Live

Anonymous said...

For the kind of multi-million dollar salaries that jiak liao bee PAPies have been collecting for the past 27 years, they should have long time ago negotiated for S'pore to be part of the EU. Then Sinkies can have passport-free access to Europe -- job opportunities & benefits same as locals, free healthcare, free university & education, ability to buy European properties same as locals, access to their pensions systems, ability to retire in stress-free environment. The main negative foe EU-membership is freeflow of Eastern Europeans into S'pore. But since we already have freeflow of Eastern Europeans + other 3rd world people into S'pore, this isn't a disadvantage to us. We will have much more advantages compared to disadvantages.


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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB:

The irony of it all is that Communist China is presenting itself as the leader of choice given the challenge posed by the Americans to dismantle what the Western countries have built since WW2. And Xi Jinping is looking like a good candidate to fill the vacuum.

Trump stated that China would "sneak in the backdoor" under the TPP. He was quite WRONG. China was never a part of the TPP. The Obama Administration never liked China, and kept China OUT of the TPP.

By scuttling the TPP, Adolf Trump (inadvertently) gave China HUGE FREE KICK, and so now China is in a very good position to lead in the area of GLOBAL FREE TRADE---probably without the strong Intellectual Property protections as tabled in the TPP. This is the kind of free trade which China is EXCELLENT at. This is the kind of free trade which helped make China and India GROW VERY QUICKLY, especially in the areas of an upwardly mobile middle class who have disposable income to SPEND.

Trump's biggest problem is that he is so pig-headed and arrogant, he only sees the world HIS WAY, and if he's wrong, he either refuses to accept it or is completely UNAWARE that he's wrong.

No TPP? Fuck yeah! China is the LOGICAL CHOICE to lead.

Trump’s attack on the Arab and Muslim world is going see a backlash that is more than what he could expect. The Arab/Muslim world is turning against Trump and his America. They would not sit idle and let Trump slap them left and right. They could and would retaliate, unless they are so daft and dumb.

This one is a little more complicated.

As for the "bad guys": ISIS, Al Queda and every other hue of the Shiah-Sunni divide, they are "delighted" that Trump has drawn a hard line in the sand. Now ISIS and Al Queda have a clear enemy of Islam and citizens from certain Islamic states ☞☞☞ Note:☞☞☞ Saudi Arabia is not on the list, because The brutal and corrupt House Of Saud is America's buddy, even though lots of Saudi's and Saudi money aid Islamic terrorism.

The people who suffer most from Trump's Muslim Ban, are the normal peace-loving Muslims who have lives or relatives in the USA.

Anyway, it is so easy to get around this "ban". All those "banned Muslims" have to do is get an Indonesian, Pakistani or Australian passport. (Muslims from Australia can travel freely to the states)

The fear of terrorism and the war against terrorism could see America taking the ISIS and related Muslim terrorist organizations alone.

I don't think they'll be alone. The Russians under Putin are very keen to kill terrorists. Whisper sweetly to Roy Duterte of the Philippines, and he'll send troops too. Trump, Putin, Duterte ➙ ➙ ➙ these 3 Amigos love to fight and love to kill "bad guys".⚰️💀

Anonymous said...

I've advised China to trim its vast holdings of U.S. Treasuries. That would raise U.S. interest rates and increase the U.S.'s debt expense to finance its global aggression activities.

Indeed the Middle Kingdom had pared down its holdings by $66 billion to $1.049 trillion in November, and is continuing to reduce its inventory of U.S. government debt.

Anonymous said...

Trump vs The Shadow Government

The US has been controlled by a Shadow Government since the 7th US President, Andrew Jackson.

Even the First US President, George Washington warned about it. Altogether there have been six former US Presidents and on Vice President warned or spoke about the Shadow Government. John F Kennedy spoke about it to a Press Conference seven days before he was assassinated.

Donald Trump also spoke about it but he never mention the words "Shadow Government". He referred to them as the "Swamp". He wants to "drain the swamp". But he may be bitten by a viper inside the swamp?

Singapore may also be controlled by this Shadow Government, which is now controlling most of the world?

Some leaders refer to it as the New World Order. Some as the Liberal World Order. Some as the Illuminati. Some as the Rockefellers. Some as the Secret Societies. Who is the actual one? No one really knows. It is called "Shadow" Government not for nothing.

It is invisible. Therefore, nobody can really pin-point who this group of elites is. But one thing is for sure - it has tentacles everywhere: military, intelligence, police, banks, media, industries, universities, US Congress, the US Senate, the White House, the Military Industrial Complex, the State Dept, the Health Authorities, Medical Science and Research, the Social Media, Cyberspace, every country, everywhere.

You can make an educated guess who this group of tight-knitted elites come from?

Anonymous said...

I m most disappointed. Trump s strategist Steve Bannon said US most likely to go to war with China for South China Sea within next 10 years.

Again another loose ci by mouth. Like someone shouting at China to obey international laws of Hague.

My point is: do it now or NEVER will. 10 years? US s stock pile of missiles will age 10 years further. Can they work? China is renewing its piles of missiles. Now its 5C. Not sinkies 5C. Its DF 5C.

One shoot to US can delivery 10 nuclear war heads in just 1 shot.
100 5C will delivery 1000 nuclear war heads to US in one go.

10 years later to fight South China sea. I think Trump got short change to hire Bannon. This guy is similar to sinkies who hired the bunch of scholars, shouting to want China giving up sea islands. They are money diggers.

M i correct? Tioh boh?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I'm not the least concerned about the US and China engaging in protracted war. They might have a skirmish or two, dog fight or something similarly "small" but nonetheless cause the media to freak out and people rushing to take sides in the samll time incidents.

America is China's best customer. China is America's top lender. They need each other because both cuntries are filled with folks who love making money and spending it on "nice" things .

Also remember: Chinese property developers LOVE DONALD J TRUMP , although one such investor took a pot-shot at Trump.

Who can forget that the Trump brand is already established in China's hospitality and real-estate markets? 🤡

Anonymous said...

@ February 02, 2017 1:30 pm

Why you care so much about USA and China?
Just focus on voting out PAP in GE 2020.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2.38pm....You tell me lah....how to vote pap outin next GE!

Next GE, wont be surprised pap 80% vs 20% opps!

Dont hope for miracle!

What say U?

Anonymous said...

/// Back in March 2016, Trump trashed the current H-1B visa system, saying
"The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration; these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay." ///


What about PAP's S-Pass programme?
Isn't it the same as USA's H-1B visa system?

Isn't PAP's S-Pass programme "... for the explicit purpose of substituting for Singaporean workers at lower pay."

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Dragon Fly, I noticed your damselfly pic. You taking a lot of such pics?

virgo49 said...

What's S-Pass. Sinkie land is Ass Pass.

Most companies declared employees as S pass with Ass Pass salaries.

They have what Korean Companies called Slush Funds.

They will slash the employees take home pays by other means to have them from S pass employees to Ass Pass employees.
Only once a while, they prostitutes some employers for wrongful payment and a light touch of fines.

I have seen so many employers have the spouses of those S passes employees working with just minimum salaries as Accounts clerks, assts and even as Finance manager to supplement dual invonws or just to occupy their time.

These jobs can be done by Sinkies with O, A or All levels.

Unfortunately they are NOT.

Anyway as Dragon Fly had stated : Sinkies deserved to be screwed for not fighting for their lice bowels.

They are Kia si, Kia Cheng hu, Kia every thing.

Anonymous said...

Here Are The Countries Where Millennials Will Struggle The Most To Support Retirees
(And yes ... Singapore is ranked #1 most problematic)

These are things the PAP had 51 years since 1965 to prepare.
They didn't do it.
They didn't prepare Singapore.
Too busy collecting more money from Singaporeans?
Too incompetent?
Too busy fixing the Opposition?
What was the reason?

b said...

The three wise men - Trump, Putin, Xi will work together to prevent Germany and Japan to start war again. Germany is trying to islamise europe (saudi condition) so they can have good supply of oil for a war. Just like Hitler killing jews (saudi condition) for the oil. Japan trying to secure china sea for the same reason.

Control oil and you control nations. KKissinger.

b said...

I predict german lead EU will fall apart but it will not be the last time german/japan want to conquer the west/east.

Anonymous said...

Matilar, based on cai fact book, China only have 200 plus war heads. Where got 1000 flying to USA. USA has 7000 plus war heads that can sink China.

Anonymous said...

Pundits Stunned After Trump Hangs Up On Australia Prime Minister, Slamming "Dumb Deal"


I wonder if Trump will give Pinky Loong a call?
Maybe Pinky Loong will delegate to FM Bala?

I can't wait.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I can't help bursting into laughter at the thought of Turnbull trying to persuade Trump to take in Muslim refugees into USA and the Australians taking in Latin Americans into Australia. I must say I fully agree with Trump that this is the dumbest deal ever made between Obama and his Australia counterpart. Dunno which dumbo was that.

And trying to imagine Singapore sending someone to see Trump to convince him of TPP, I bet the bugger would be wetting his pants outside Trump's office if he has the gut or stupid enough to make such a trip. For the moment or for at least the whole term of Trump's office, the White House would be out of bound for Singapore leaders.

b said...

Muslims refugees should be sent to muslims countries. If they know they cannot con others into taking them in, maybe they will stop fighting each other. No more islamization, no more islamaphobia.

Trump runs casinos, he can smell cons and crooks many miles away.

Anonymous said...

Maverick US President Donald
simple man indeed.

Anonymous said...

[ imagine Singapore sending someone to see Trump to convince him of TPP . .]

Idiot to Trump: Please do not pull out of the TPP !

Trump to Idiot: FUCK OFF !!

Anonymous said...

/// For the moment or for at least the whole term of Trump's office, the White House would be out of bound for Singapore leaders. ///
February 02, 2017 9:31 pm

I hope Trump will not entertain our PAP leaders.
How much did the last trip to the White House cost the Singaporean taxpayers?
How did that trip to the White House benefit any Singaporeans back in Singapore?

Anonymous said...

RB, I took only few of them in the Malaysian Jungle many years ago. Sorry for late reply.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It's ok. Thought you are another avid photographer of dragonfly and damselfly.

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