
NTUC FairPrice gives priority to Pioneers

I happened to have a chat with a few pioneers and up came the topic of priority queue for pioneers in FairPrice. There is a priority queue but not sure if pioneers are given first pass. And then I was inside a FairPrice outlet and there were queues everywhere. Then I looked up and saw two big circular signs hanging over one cashier counter. One read ‘Pioneers Priority’ and another ‘Give Way’. But there was a queue. So I thought I test the system and went forward to ask the cashier whether got priority for pioneers. She answered promptly, pioneers also must queue.

Oh, brilliant idea. Two big signs that said priority for pioneers and give way to pioneers, and actually did not mean it. Pioneers also must join the queue. My recommendations to NTUC FairPrice are like these: either remove the two big signs as they are meaningless, or to add two more signs, one reads ‘Pioneers must also Q’ and another ‘No need to give way to pioneers’. If not the signs either make the pioneers look silly queuing in a priority queue for them or NTUC FairPrice looking stupid having such signs that meant nothing. Did they think through what they are going to do before they hung those big signs up in the first place? Maybe it is too difficult for them to think how best to deal with such priority queues.

The cashiers must have taken instructions from their supervisors, and the supervisors must have taken instructions from their superiors, and up the pecking order. So who is the top idiot that passed down such a stupid idea to give pioneers priority queue but instructions to the cashiers to do the contrary?  Oops, the cashiers knew exactly what to do. Pioneers must also queue. The signs are for wayang only, tak pakai lah.

I had another encounter of such stupidity in FairPrice a few years back. I saw this senior uncle, more senior than me, in front of me in a check out queue. And there was this smiling and grinning cashier happily demanding to see the senior citizen cards before giving the 2% discount. It was a Tuesday and there was a 2% discount for senior citizens. Monday is for Pioneer Generation with a 3% discount.  The senior uncle showed the cashier his pioneer card but she said no pakai.  'Úncle, today for seniors only and seniors must show senior card. Pioneer card not recognized on Tuesday. Want pioneer discount, come on Monday.'

I wrote to NTUC the next day explaining to them that pioneers are older than seniors. Apparently they did not know, I supposed. At that time the youngest pioneers were already 65 years old while those qualified for senior cards were only 60 or 62 years. So why pioneer cards not recognized when the card was proof that the holder was older than the seniors? NTUC replied to apologise and said cashiers would be told that pioneer card holders would henceforth also be recognized as seniors and would be entitled to the 2% discount on Tuesday. If I have not been a busybody, the happy cashier/cashiers would be happily demanding for senior citizen cards on Tuesday and rejecting the pioneer cards.

This is how daft and stupid Singaporeans have become. They just follow rules or instructions without thinking. Like they said, cheng hu got say then do. Cheng hu no say, don’t do. No need to think. Cheng hu is doing all the thinking. Daft sinkies just listen and obey instructions. Life cannot be more simple and blissful than this.

I hope NTUC read this or someone got the link to NTUC tell them about my recommendations on priority queues for pioneers as mentioned above. The cashiers need to get specific instructions before they can do anything right. Instructions from the top very powderful, cannot disobey. It is not that the cashiers are stupid. They could exercise their initiative and can be very helpful when they wanted to.

Stupidity has no cure.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha.......I like what you wrote......

"This is how daft and stupid Singaporeans have become.

They just follow rules or instructions without thinking.

Like they said, cheng hu got say then do.

Cheng hu no say, don’t do

No need to think.

Cheng hu is doing all the thinking.

Daft sinkies just listen and obey instructions.

Life cannot be more simple and blissful than this."

This is Singapore! Singapore is like that lah!

This is what Singapore, today!

Should we be happy or sad?

Anonymous said...

Do not brand cashiers are stupid. Cashiers followed the exact rule given by the employer who pays her the exact money. U are being stupid for not paying the cashier money. U demand discount without following the rule.

Cashier has to account for the exact cent or being sent for questioned. I remembered one same super mar cashier was charged in court for some reason. She attended the court in the morning and jump down from height to prove her innocence near the court. She died for no valid reason just because she was handling cash and there could be rules violated if any, it was not proven.

I saw one customer. Insisted he was pioneer and argued with the cashier for the discount. (real situation). He did not have the card. Instead, he showed his handphone photo he was born something like 1947. His faced turned red at argument and insisted cashier must be flexible. People behind the queue commented, small sums lah. Indeed, he bought something like less than $10.

I think this super mar is NOT friendly to its staff. It should no give pioneer discount and senior discount at different dates. Its confusing to the customers. Sometimes we here cashier asking old fellows if they have pioneer card. Then the old fellow said it s what day?

Now Giant gives 3% to all senior on wednesday.

Its not that useful to have pioneer. These pioneer voted for Pap, but the number should be far less in 2020GE because they have to argue that super mar cashier every now and than, and might have shorter life. May be it works, make more from medical treatment for those arguments day in day out.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:48, you are right, not all cashiers are stupid. This is what I wrote:

The cashiers must have taken instructions from their supervisors, and the supervisors must have taken instructions from their superiors, and up the pecking order. So who is the top idiot that passed down such a stupid idea to give pioneers priority queue but instructions to the cashiers to do the contrary?'....It is not that the cashiers are stupid. They could exercise their initiative and can be very helpful when they wanted to.'

Anonymous said...

It is not stupidity. It is called "CUNNINGNESS". If you look at NTUC correctly, it means CUNT. It was a good organization until the CUNTs took control and helm the top posts.

Why give a miserable meager insulting 2% only? It is just for publicity stunt: To tell the whole world CUNT is doing something for the seniors. 2% means for every $1 they spent in the CUNT Outlet, they get a discount of 2 miserable cents. For every $100 they spent upon the CUNT Wholesale, they save only $2. Most other establishments easily give at least 5% discount, if you bother to ask. Many give 10% discount, even without asking. So, the 2% discount is a Miser's Discount, no doubt. When come to their own salaries and bonuses, they demand millions of dollars every year!

And must given only on Tuesday? This is cunningness at its zenith. Because senior cannot remember, or don't bother to remember, or cannot remember which day is Tuesday when they buy things at the CUNT outlet.

CUNT stands for Congregation of Useless National Totalitarians.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add:

And putting up the signs to say "Priority to Pioneers" and then not actually allow PRIORITY to SENIORS, is also a publicity stunt, coming out of those cunning misers' brains.

Virgo49 said...

Many are conned by the Nuts, oops NTUC that their prices are cheaper than other provision shops.

They somemore trick you with their rebate cards or memberships. Yearly rebates miserable ten to fifty dollars. Their lucky draws no chance for public want.

You can find much cheaper groceries in other shops or supermarkets better than NTUC.

Some more they harped harped that they absorb the GST.


The NTUC Cooperative under Chandra Das as its Ex-chairman was also Intraco CEO.

At that time, they on behalf of the government had contracts with the rice producing countries like Thailand to import wholesale on government to government basis.

Thus firstly having a better price and secondly assured of regular supplies in case of emergencies and wars. Also contain fluctuating prices.

Government to government only allowed importation by them. Killing the rest of the free markets.

Thus, they can sell so called cheaper rate. As rice is our main necessity, the citizens thought wah cheng hu very good. Sell cheep cheep.

In fact they are s cartel strangling you.

Besides rice at so called special or subsidised price, what other things cheap in NTUC??

Now all supermarkets and provision shops selling about the same price.
Neighbourhood provision shop maybe twenty cents more as firstly not on economy of scale and secondly convenient for buyers.

Some estates, just go downstairs when run out of rice.

Another factor is that under the Emergency Act, rice importers must be able to keep stock in warehouse with supplies to last at least three to six months.

In.case of embargo by the PRC second aircraft Carrier Shandong at Pulau Batu Puteh. So many importers can't have this facility or capital as big as The Cooperative.

So they have an edge over others.

When you find that they have cheaper rice to sell once every few months, many sinkies are delighted and rush to keep stocks, especially the hawkers.

They need to clear the storage old stocks as they are running out of date soon. So they sellon Sale Sale.

Because they need the space for fresh stocks to fulfil their obligations as the main importer.

So you are eating the going to run out date old stock of rice from your hawkers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe u all must have mistaken the compassionate miws gahmen is doing for the seniors & pioneers. Kee Chiu already said yesterday that the gahnen will take care of every one la..this is always the best interest for Sinkies ..not pro A & anti-B la..u see Kee Chiu already said so & so everyone must listen & follow ma..priority or not whether seniors or pioneers or Sinkies from cradle to grave all r taken care of by the gahmen..what Kee Chiu mean is unless u r really Lau Kok Kok can't walk or stand then the gahnen take care of u by having priority ( of course this never mention in the Aunty Lucy sign board ma..bcos the daft cashier Sinkies will have hard time explaining to another Lau Kok Kok behind the queue ..then everyone quarrel..as for Assmrt la).

Anonymous said...

That stupid NTUC cashier may not be Singaporean. Nowadays alot of cheap foreign NTUC cashiers . . .

Anonymous said...

My wife just came back from Reverdale shopping, buying 3 coconut can drinks for $2.80 from a provision shop. These were sold in NTUC supermarkets for $3.25 AFTER DISCOUNT !

Anonymous said...

At 1 Fair-deal shop Mah:

Uncle A ( 80yr old can walk): "..hey I shuld be given priority q ..why u let this guy in front of mee?.."
Uncle B( 68 yr old but 1 leg limped ): " ..i should be priority cos my left leg can't walk.."
Casher: " ..aiya..u all both pioneers la..plse Long Jiam Pass then tell me..next plse..."

Anonymous said...

wah wah wah......

what anonymous 11.32am reported is indeed enlightening.......

how can like that......siong siong siong.......

thought ntuc fairprice is cheap or "fairprice-ED".......

anyway this is singapore........

you die your business.........

patriot said...

lt is clearly a case of saying one thing
doing the Opposite.
A typical trait of
the Pappies.


patriot said...

lt is clearly a case of saying one thing
doing the Opposite.
A typical trait of
the Pappies.


virgo49 said...

I have had an unpleasant incident with a Trash from Vietnam with his don't know wife or maid in NTUC check out cashier.

The priority queue for between five to ten items or about clearly stated on the notice on express lane.

This how Lian newly baked Sinkie fresh pink i/c Vietnamese guy in front of me had about twenty to thirty fully packed basket on the cashier table.

Some more.some items not tagged inside weighing machine for price tags. The poor cashier got to take lot and rush to weigh and taged inside.

Holding up the queue. I told him next time go to the lanes not express lane of many items.

He pointed to the notice stating one basket and asked me whether his is one basket or trolley.

I said express lane of fewer than ten items. He said ask NTUC to change sign board not one basket and challenge me to a fight. He must be well trained veteran Vietcong.

I, Sinkie NS man now old man already OUG- out you go no match for him.

So I told him, the fatking government must be MAD to let you in.

Go back to your Vietcong land. He took from his wallet a newly minted SINKIE land pink ic and waved at my face.

I am a Singapore citizen, he shouted. Luckily he did not say I also special corpus volunteer 16 weeks commando.
Or boy scout. Intelligence platoon.

Later, the commotion attracts the manager and she told me she will clarify later by call after investigations.

Another cruel employer that is NTUC is that those part timers are paid part in their vouchers as salaries.

This is downright cruelty. They want them to buy back their groceries from them. Some need cash to pay bills not groceries.

Many a time, the aunties and some poor thing ah neh approached me to ask whether they can change cash with me secretly. Even offer discounts.

I changed with them few hundreds at same prize as they need the monies.

Cannot take advantage you know. Bad Karma befall you you know. So one time i just for fun buy one voucher number nice nice and strike first prize.

Look for ah neh but he already left. Saved my Ang pow.

patriot said...

Stupid schemes make


all stupid.



Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your observations.
I have encountered other ares of stupidity.
But I purposely keep quiet and refuse to write about them.
The only fast way to get Singaporeans out of the misery we are in is for the country to collapse quickly.
Then PAP gets voted out.
Then Singaporeans can finally get to work to rebuild our country without the PAP wayang.

How to get the PAP voted out quickly?
By keeping quiet about all the PAP stupidity we see.
Let all the stupidity accumulate until the entire system collapse (eg CPF which Tan Kin Lian has already written about so I can say now).

You keep correcting the PAP mistakes.
The ivory tower Ministers will keep saying there is no problem.
Just like Singapore parents keep hiring private tutors to cover up a screwed up Singapore education system.
The students keep scoring A's.
The Education Minister keeps saying his policies are very good.
And the agony gets prolonged.
If we are all willing to stop hiring tutors for 3 years.
The lousy Singapore school system will be exposed for everybody to see.

Anonymous said...

Pioneers must also queue. The signs are for wayang only, tak pakai lah.

Tiok. Because only those who are daft believe in wayang for real. And PAP knows Sinkies are daft.

If not daft, how come the Sinkie opposition is still not strong, united and ready to be govt, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

"I have had an unpleasant incident with a Trash from Vietnam with his don't know wife or maid in NTUC check out cashier.
The priority queue for between five to ten items or about clearly stated on the notice on express lane."

I dont think there are rules on # of items inside a basket. Probably Giant or Cold story has.

I have this experience: The ang mor old lady came with trolley of goods queuing at the basket lane.
Some where near the cashier, she took out baskets at cashier counter to put her goods into the baskets and left the trolley empty to retrieve her $1 coin later. She cashed out with more than one baskets. And she was happy except all those queuing with baskets.

I was behind her. I took my hat off for her intelligence. Foreigners are talented only Pap appreciated her, hope more voters turned to opposition by her talent.

Priority scheme for old fellows like pioneers should not happen as each waiting in queue has cost to pay.

The ntuc counters are slow, especially the ntuc small shops. Some scaners are not sensitive. The cashier had to re do scanning or use hand scanners.

NTUC is the weakest when customer did not weigh the items. The cashier had to leave the counter to do it somewhere.
I dont understand why NTUC cannot afford a weighing machine at counter similar to Giant.

Anonymous said...

If not daft, how come the Sinkie opposition is still not strong, united and ready to be govt, u tell me lah?
12:40 pm

PAP is already a lousy govt.

Yet the Sinkie opposition cannot be better and stronger than PAP!

Like that ah, Sinkies are really daft beyond hope. 真的无药可救! (No medicine to cure!)

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why NTUC cannot afford a weighing machine at counter similar to Giant.
12:47 pm

NTUC is not the only one. Even Sheng Siong also like that. If that can save money, why not? Because they have many branches all over Singapore, they know sure can get customers one what, tio bo?

Just as PAP knows they sure can get majority votes during election, given that the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why NTUC cannot afford a weighing machine at counter similar to Giant.
12:47 pm

NTUC can afford a weighing machine.
But why must NTUC offer it to benefit the cashiers and customers?
You got choice meh?
Most Singaporeans die, die must shop at NTUC.

PAP government can give a lot more benefits to Singaporeans.
But why must PAP offer it to Singaporeans?
You got choice meh?
Most Singaporeans die, die must vote PAP

Anonymous said...

RB don't complain so much, Fairprice only behaving same as their PAP masters. PAP will say why you so stupid or lazy that you can only afford to queue at NTUC?!?! PAPies are rich & smart -- that's why they only shop at Jason's or Marketplace or Bt Timah specialty grocers where there is no queue.

Anonymous said...

PAPies are rich & smart -- that's why they only shop at Jason's or Marketplace or Bt Timah specialty grocers where there is no queue.
1:36 pm

Tiok. Believe me, except during election time, I have never met any PAP MP or minister in my whole life as a pioneer Sinkie.

Maybe because I never eat or shop at those "atas" places?

Anonymous said...

"Just as PAP knows they sure can get majority votes during election, given that the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt."

Not true. Similar to Ntuc weighing machine. There is a time limit u forgot or ignored. There can be state funeral to take some away similar to old fart.

Can u remember there was a emporiums chain in the past here?

Anonymous said...

"PAP government can give a lot more benefits to Singaporeans.
But why must PAP offer it to Singaporeans?
You got choice meh?"

Not true. I have got choices. More choices now when Trump became president and Britain leaving EU.
The time will take away more old farts similar for state funerals and more super mars will take away the biggest super mar.

I remember emporium chains was the biggest super mar. Where is it now? Where is old fart?
U have to wait for time to take the change naturally. Change will come similar to Trump becomes president and Brexit.

Anonymous said...

"Davos Man Is Dead" - Trump's EU Ambassador Slams Out Of Touch Elites


I hope Trump's ambassador to Singapore will send a similar message to our out-of-touch PAP elite Millionaires.

Anonymous said...

TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered


I continue to highlight the dangers of nuclear energy to Singaporeans because I do not believe PAP has given up on nuclear energy for Singapore.

If Japan, a 1st world nation, cannot safely operate a nuclear power plant;
You think our MRT standard PAP Generals can operate a nuclear power plant safely?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

By hanging a lable ('Pioneer Generation') and sucking up to an older demographic of Singaporeans, the government has created a CLASS of ENTITLED FUCKWITS.

These assholes are now so entitled with their sense of false self importance...motherfucker...aren't they supposed to be DEAD ALREADY? Faster lah...up lorry!! 🤡💀⚰️⚰️

Before the coinage of the term 'Pioneer Generation', most of these folks were nice people, mostly going about their business peacefully.

But now, ever since the govt "angat their balls", now they think they're special like 'snowflakes'. To make matters even worse, enterprises have hopped in on the action to try and 'seduce' these 'pioneers'...purely for the good old profit motive💰💰

The situation at Fairprice is a fucking failed comedy. These entitled old farts usually kena "stuck in the lallang" as their 'special lane' actually slows them down. Plus most of them move slowly anyway. 🤣🤣 Damn shiok to watch this very cheap thrill! 😂😂

Anyway, good thing the govt knows how to manipulate the Sheeple with useless, meaningless, trivial NONSENSE, so that The Sheeple lose sight of the ball, drop the ball and lose control of their destiny. This is SPECTACULAR and EFFECTIVE

💲ocial Engineering. ✔️👍🏿👍👍🏼 👍🏻

Anonymous said...

Pioneer Generation Benefits.
What a load of bullshit.
Where does the money come from?
The money came from the hard work of all Singaporeans.
The PAP government did not earn the money for us.
We earned the money and pay the PAP Ministers their million dollar salaries to watch over the money for us.

So why should I thank the PAP government for returning money and benefits to me that belonged to me in the first place?

The custodian of the reserves (PAP government) does not own the reserves.
Singaporeans own the reserves.

Anonymous said...

I am way over 60 and once I forgot to bring my senior card and the ntuc cashier told me she would give discount based on card not how old u may be even though it's obvious that you are way over 60. So I think Virgo looks younger than his real age and that is why they do not extend him the priority.

Virgo49 said...

Aiyo Matilah,

Jesus Christ changed to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump become Jesus Christ.

When you owe someone monies, they always pray that you live lon.

When that someone owes you monies, they pray you UP LORRY.

So Cheng liao!!!

You like the P$P, want us to up Lorry Fast.

But, they still have our some monies, so most will go ActiveSg or SgActive Line dancing to make sure we get back our balance monies.


Anonymous said...

4pm anon. The reserve belongs to the government not Singaporeans lar. U can dream on but u will not get one cent of it. Sonofadud aka Jeyaretnam Son suggested that gif and Temasek be abolished and shares be given to Singaporeans. I also like but it won't be in my and my children life time.

Anonymous said...

@ February 05, 2017 5:14 pm

You want your money back? Can.
Vote Opposition.
Only an Opposition government will return us back our money.

True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

Ya I very calculative with government. What ever little bit I get from them like $100 TOP up or $50 sg50 mrt TOP up, I use Lor. When the university asked me for donation for kids studying there, they must be kidding after charging so high a fee and now expect me to donate some more. Plus they have few billions in reserve. I also need their donation man! Normally when I receive the e mail from them asking for donation, I said to myself they must be kidding man!

Anonymous said...

"Singapore belongs to everybody" says SomeboLee.

So why is PAP government fighting with Malaysia over the ownership of Pedra Branca?
Why cannot share?

Sue and sue.
You guys work for free ah?
How much are you being paid?

Anonymous said...

Matilar, Knn you motherfucker lar cursing us up the lorry. I am not ready to go yet and I thought u also senior already though u still possess a lot of sexual energy including playing with the incest thingi. My advice to u is to broaden your scope and if you are willing to pay a bit, there are many 20 years old Mei Mei from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Pinoy waiting for your business. Just google they are thousands of them in sg waiting for cheapskate like u to patronise them.

Anonymous said...

Rd //They just follow rules or instructions without thinking.//

Tiok lah?

Another accolade Peesai "won" is the "Parrot NATION"?

Everywhere u go they (Parrots) are there?

Parrot hear then just repeat lah?

(Parrot) Where got (need to) think?

Anonymous said...

Rd //She answered promptly, pioneers also must queue.//

Actually think hor angkor, mb they can recognise u (30% sinkies) lah?

Many times queue at NTUC counters saw the (probably 70% sinkies) PG oldies just move to front of queue, the cashier also never ask them queue leh?

Anonymous said...

But mb there is another factor lah?

And it is a good thing for uncle rb that he is asked to join the queue?

Bcos those (very frail and have walking difficulty) oldies really cannot (join the) queue lah (and stand for 15 mins to 30 mins; any time might faint)?

So uncle rb asked to join queue means cahsier got see uncle red bean up lah, rb looks young and healthy lah (and not in danger of fainting in the queue lor)?

Many oldies 75 to 90 years old no maid look after them and children working or some not staying with them or some are singles no children lah?

Worst many have health problems and some need push a small metal grocery trolley in front of them to support them from falling lah?

Saw that so many times in those old estates especially some with 1 or 2 rm hdb flats?

Mb many oldies like rb are professionals and still working in atas places like MBFC, day time no time drop by those poor people old estates?

So if those oldies so old and frail can barely walk properly, think no big deal give way to them settle their grocery shopping with first priority lah?

Anonymous said...

Going forward, by 2025/ 2030, sinkieland is projected to have almost 1 million oldies ......

Up from current about 400,000+ .....

Based on age, by 2030, those aged 65 and above would number near to 1,000,000 ......?

So the society needs to adjust lah and priority queue for those frail and weak oldies aged 75 to 90 and especially those living alone is necessary lah to minimise these old oldies (75 yo and above) sufferings lah?

Actually under the new normal (increasing life expectancy), those 65 to 74 seniors are consider "young oldies or young seniors lah" .....

Look at uncle virgo, every week train at gym for a few hours?

So not inappropriate to call people like uncle virgo49 "young oldies or young seniors" lah?

So mb another way to prevent confusion (under the new normal) is to give priority to "senior seniors or senior oldies lah" (those aged 75 to 100+ lah)?

Make sense?

Cos by 2025, the number of seniors (65 yo and above) will double from today and by 2030 total almost 1 million?

2025 is only 8 years away .......

So (8 years timeline) is barely enough time for society to adjust to minimising difficulties for oldies to live out their old age with as little hardship as possible?

Sounds good?

Anonymous said...

Yes RB is correct to say NTUC cashiers were not given proper instructions. I was in NUTC and decided to queue at the counter which says Pioneer Priority Queue. The cashier looked at me and asked me to move away. I told her I will let any Pioneer pass but she said this queue is for Pioneers only? Huh? It said priority for pioneer but never say its only for pioneers. I argued for awhile and realized either the cashier is dumb or the Management gave her the wrong idea. I just moved off to another queue.

Anonymous said...

/// Cos by 2025, the number of seniors (65 yo and above) will double from today and by 2030 total almost 1 million? ///

51 years to plan our population since 1965.
And this is the shit PAP delivers to our country?
What a bunch of useless, overpaid shit-heads.

Anonymous said...

Government trying to get young Singaporeans to be hawkers

51 years to plan our economy and upgrade our jobs since 1965.
And this is the shit hawker job our PAP delivers to our children?
What a bunch of useless, overpaid shit-heads.

From 1st World to 3rd World.

Anonymous said...

"shit hawker job our PAP delivers to our children?"

Hawker is NOT job. Its a business. Go ask hawker when they are new, do they make money enough to feed a family?

Many old hawkers made enough to keep the family going. No more such easy business. Many new hawkers started for months to a few years and closed down.

The Pap has talked about population aging for at least 30 years. They collected salaries but they gave jobs to Indians and Pinoys asking middle aged men to drive taxi and do hawkering. That was Pap s population policy: to replace the aged but experienced NS men.

The industries without the experienced NS men went bust too. NO established brand names found in little dot now. Pap now can only tell young NS men to sell hawkering foods. No industries can hire the young now.

Voters have only option if they want to help their children. They know what is the option.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Last week when went to Fairprice @ Clementi Mall. Forgot to bring my Apek Card. But the cashier gave me my fucking old-fart discount anyway?

💡💡You know why? Because I'm a nice person. 🤡🤗 I know, for many of you that's hard to believe...not that I give a flying shit what you believe

At the end of the day, people in-charge of discounts will give you a 'pass' if they LIKE you. Whether or not you look your age or whether the cashier 'believes' your claim to age or your cock story about how you left your card at Geylang because you forgot to put it back in your wallet after showing it to the Or Kwee Tau to try and get "discount" 🤡🤣🤣😂😹.

"Wah Uncle, you so cheap skate one ah?"...the cashier must be thinking.

Anyway, people like Virgo and myself can get discount without card, because the cashiers LIKE US, and therefore "bent the rules" to our favour.😲

You jealous ah?😢

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "not satisfy" 525:

» Matilar, Knn you motherfucker lar cursing us up the lorry. «

Yah. So? Your feelings hurt ah? Wah, cry like baby lah😢

» I am not ready to go yet «

Fuck you and "ready or not" lah. Not up to you. Anyone, anywhere can UP LORRY at anytime!

» there are many 20 years old Mei Mei from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Pinoy waiting for your business. «

Aiyoh, please lah. I prefer older chicks. People like you lack the confidence to deal with older chicks, so you like to "dominate" silly blur young girls.

I think if you up lorry faster, the world will have one less unconfident loser to deal with.

What do you think? (not that I care)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This katek botak must be damn sexy. Why not, sometimes look like Jesus and sometimes look like Donald Duck.

I had this pleasant experience with the cashiers on CNY eve. I thought I saw a good bargain, $6.75 for a carton of A&W root beer. Wah so cheap? I chucked a cartoon into the basket and happily queued at the counter.

Then I saw the cashier punched in and the register showed $13.50. What, what, what's dat. 'It's $13.50, Sir.' How come, I asked, the signboard said $6.75. Two senior cashiers supervising the cashiers chipped in. 'It is PWP Sir.' Oh I see, I missed that. Then I said never mind, I did not want it.

The two cashiers got excited and were all eagerness to help. 'Can get other customers to help, just get permission to add into their bills of more than $25.' I said no need lah, so troublesome. I picked it up just because it was cheap and convenient, no need to buy the item, just buy for the sake of buying. No need to trouble other customers lah.

But the cashiers were so helpful and said no trouble at all, and went about checking with other customers and getting their permission to include the item and I just paid them in cash. And it was done, with the courtesy of two very helpful cashiers.

As I posted earlier, they can be very helpful if they wanted to. I swear I am not as sexy as the katek botak, but they still went that extra mile to make my day.

Anonymous said...

As I posted earlier, they can be very helpful if they wanted to. I swear I am not as sexy as the katek botak, but they still went that extra mile to make my day.
February 06, 2017 10:25 am

But the "they" in the "they can be helpful" refers to only the two specific cashiers.
The two cashiers were very helpful.

This does not mean NTUC is very helpful hor.
Just ask the retrenched workers if NTUC is very helpful.
Just ask if their union card and union fees worth anything or not.

Anonymous said...

Luckily Rb did not disclosed
which ntuc outlet where he got his rootbeer with the help of the cashiers, otherwise those cashier will be inquired.
Anyway, all ntuc cashiers will be lectured due to this thread. Even a low paying job with a labour organization is so very jialat.

Anonymous said...

With my own eyes, I see the priority queue works at Clementi mall. There's even a staff uncle helping the elderly queue accordingly... while directing the "young ones" to other cashiers' queues.
When the other queues got busy n no one at priority queue, this staff uncle will get one at a time over from next queue to help to speed up the payment process. So... not all Fairprice are not getting this priority queue function right. Older ppl cant stand long to wait to make payment. It's a great initiative by Fairprice. Nonetheless, branch mgmt ensures proper execution is another matter.