
Singapore’s competitive edge

PM Lee: “We are already competing with Malaysia in terms of ports and it boils down to who can run a port better and more efficiently.”

This has been our strength, the key factor that propelled Singapore to the First World and became the jewel of South East Asia. It is the quality of our work force, their training and education, their work attitude and efficiency, the best workers in the region. These are the factors that made the difference over our competitors.

Can Singapore remain as competitive among our neighbours? Can Singapore be more efficient in the running of our ports and airports and other industries? Yes, we can, if we continue to produce the best Singaporeans that our system has been producing, our schools and universities producing the graduates needed by the industries. Is this happening, or we are producing mismatched graduates, duds that are not even good enough compared to Third World graduates?

Are you asking me? Who has been lamenting that our system is not producing the right type of work force with the right skills for the right jobs? You got the cheek to say this?

Can we compete with the Malaysians and Indonesians, with the Pinoys or the Indians, if we hire these same people to run our ports and airports and systems? Would we still have the advantage over them when we are using the same kind of workers, with the same DNAs, and worst, employing the workers that are the unemployed, unemployable and underemployed in their own countries? How can we be more competitive when we are replacing our highly regarded and efficient Singaporeans with the rejects, the unwanted from our neighbouring countries to run our organizations and systems? We want to compete with our neighbours with their Third World quality workers?

Can anyone miss the joke? The joke is on us, Singaporeans. We have forgotten what made us great and better than our neighbours. It was our workforce.  Now we are dying to bring in their half baked workers and claimed that they are better than our Singaporeans and want to be more competitive. Is this the reason why things are starting to break down?

It is unbelieveable! Stupidity cannot be cured.


Anonymous said...

Do you really think so many Sinkies are skill mismatched?!?! Who says so??? Companies who are more interested in bringing in another 3 million cheaper foreigners??? PAP & civil service who are more interested in making companies happy and listening to companies' excuses (never mind if no verification --- the word of company CEOs is integrity enough)??? As Hitler's propaganda machine once said --- when the govt or official sources say the same thing over & over again, soon all the citizens will accept the message as the truth.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

As long as Singapore's production can move up the incessant need to "add value", it will be OK.

However, gotta watch the "out-going" costs. Wah piang, this place can be REALLY EXPENSIVE in certain areas.

Singapore will prevail mainly because of REPUTATION and STABILITY. That's what the foreign investors and foreign economic migrants want. What for to Malaysia and lose money, or the fucking place goes belly up due to the fucking corruption from UMNO?

And if you are ethnic Chinese, look out. There'll always be some "bumi" reeady to fuck up your shit and take your money. Same shit happens in Indonesia.

So Singapore lah. Your money is safe. You are safe. Plus we have an awesome, rocking cuntry where you can have SHIOK 24/7/365. (Pay lah, you think free ah?).

Singapore's main competitive edge, which took decades to build up, are its stellar REPUTATION, and STABILITY.

World class, motherfuckers!🤡

Anonymous said...

Can anyone miss the joke? The joke is on us, Singaporeans. We have forgotten what made us great and better than our neighbours. It was our SLAVES. Now we are dying to bring in their half baked slaves and claimed that they are better than our Singaporeans and want to be more competitive. Is this the reason why things are starting to break down?

virgo49 said...

Now they have a Port Academy in Jurong Port. Upgrade port,logistics and shipping personnel to be class one workers? ??

Last fifty years, our port not First Class? ? Our Total logistics industry not First Class? ?

So must have the Foreign Talents to run them from 1st Class to 3rd Class.

These ports operations are No Space Sciences. Anyone from kampong boys to the jungles boys can master them in MOT.

The main criteria is that you must have the strategic advantage over others with a reasonable well trained work force.

Secondly, any business, you must have business. That's the marketing force came into being.

Without business, class I operations staff are nothing.

Your shore cranes hormat senjata towards the skies.

So, a Nation marketing force that i.e. the Smooth relationships with all Trading partners must be extremely Good.

That's the role of the Foreign Affairs. But we have a DUD minister.

And our whole team of Top Elephants, oops Echelons last few years made so many enemies out of friends.

So how to have business when you are not a businessman.

Matland gonna surpass you by building up their Ports and infrastructures. MOT, they can operate better than you with another advantage of lower costs.

And with the Istmus of Kra posting, ships will sail direct to the Far East bypassing Sinkieland.

So, what Academy is also no use.
Just wayang only.

See the PSA areas from Marina, Finger Pier up all bare.

Tuas is just a small port as compared to Tanking Pagar,Brani,Keppel combined.

They knew the demise of SINKIE port well. So they are now banking in rebuilding the whole of PSA and hope for better times to attract the investors again.

But the world's investors are now just as poor as Paupers.

But with recession in, in house construction is the best figures to up the GDP statistics to trick the Dafts.

Anonymous said...

When you replace the hardworking and discipline workers with shit, there goes your reputation and stability. It is just the beginning but the idiots are not seeing it. The idiots are convinced that you need 10m heads to increase growth.

How stupid can they be?

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites are always like that...point middle finger at others never themselves. You build a facade, not meant to last.

Anonymous said...

Maersk gone to Tg Pelepas.
Evergreen gone to Tg Pelepas.
Cosco going to Malacca or by passing here.
NOL sold and may not call here in the future.

So how?

Anonymous said...

There is no value in the words of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

/// It is unbelieveable! Stupidity cannot be cured. /// redbean

Can! Can!
There is a cure for stupidity.
Vote out PAP lor.
Instant cure.
Results guaranteed.

What is the 70% waiting for?

Anonymous said...

No one is going to freely offer you answers. Go and eat some pie first.

Anonymous said...

The worse thing in Sinkieland that these Sinkies Companies & employers after employing these foreigners or foreign talents aka FT think that these FTs gonna be loyal to them. After some times, these so called FTs jump ship or when their permits expire these FT go back to their homeland to be Sinkieland competitors..look at the shipping, port managements, construction, logistics, financial, oil&gas, almost all industries in Sinkieland when these FTs goes back they gonna gained theses experience & knowledge to run & challenge the Sinkieland businesses, in time to come Sinkieland lose out on talents & businesses (no point signing these FTs on non-disclosure forms..)

Anonymous said...

Many of the ft here from sunny land have degree from New Delhi or Mumbai university. I plan to send my kids there too. It's cheaper and its teaches real stuff needed by employers.

Anonymous said...

Go and eat some pie first.
January 23, 2017 12:01 pm

What pie? Cheese pie?

Anonymous said...

How can we be more competitive when we are replacing our highly regarded and efficient Singaporeans with the rejects, the unwanted from our neighbouring countries to run our organizations and systems?

Aiyo RB, u not employer that's why u dunno lah.

Because if the employer thinks they are as good as Sinkies and cheaper, who r u to say they are the rejects, the unwanted?

So RB, dun anyhow say hor. U must be an employer first to even qualify to say, OK?

Anonymous said...

No one is going to freely offer you answers.
January 23, 2017 12:01 pm

Why not?
What do you have to lose?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1123:

❯Maersk gone to Tg Pelepas.
Evergreen gone to Tg Pelepas.
Cosco going to Malacca or by passing here.
NOL sold and may not call here in the future.

So how? ❮

No need to worry. There are many many tech startups in Singapore. They are involved with all the latest shit: A.I. (Deep Mind, Google Tensor Flow, Watson etc), Robotics, Drones, e-commerce, BitCoin and associated Blockchain technology, plus all the havoc stuff A** Star is doing.

Thse bugger closing shop and going elsewhere have no choice. Their old-style revenue model is capital resource-intensive, and being in expensive Singapore is very difficult. The tech startupas are lean and mean, and have access not only to Venture Capital but to Crowd sourcing and Crowd Funding as well.

Singapore is on the cusp of change. Which is why many people feel uncomfortable and insecure. For some time yet, there will be no such thing as "job security". Suck it up and get used to it. For your sanity and your own sake.

Entitlement mentality? Going away real fast.🤠

Anonymous said...

/// So RB, dun anyhow say hor. U must be an employer first to even qualify to say, OK? ///
January 23, 2017 12:50 pm

Likewise, a PAP Minister must be poor before he can even qualify to speak for 50% of Singaporeans who are poor. ... OK?

Anonymous said...

Maersk gone to Tg Pelepas.
Evergreen gone to Tg Pelepas.
Cosco going to Malacca or by passing here.
NOL sold and may not call here in the future.
January 23, 2017 11:23 am

Sadly, the people responsible for this state of affairs.
They are still here.
They did not also go to Tg Pelepas.

Anonymous said...

What is the 70% waiting for?
11:58 am

They are waiting for the strongest opposition (aka WP chief aka Teochew Ah Hia) to announce that they are ready to be govt.

If not, Ah Hia will even be voted out at the next election.

Anonymous said...

If not, Ah Hia will even be voted out at the next election.
12:56 pm

Tiok. Like what one bro said, "PAP 80% opposition 20%" at next election.

Anonymous said...

They are waiting for the strongest opposition (aka WP chief aka Teochew Ah Hia) to announce that they are ready to be govt.
January 23, 2017 12:56 pm

No need to wait lah.
If WP and Teochew Ah Hia is not ready ... that is their problem tio bo?
We are voters.
We just anyhow vote Opposition can already lah.
Whether the Opposition is ready or not .... that is their problem.

Anonymous said...

@ January 23, 2017 12:56 pm

In Singapore, everybody is not ready to do their jobs lah.
Ready to collect salary, but not ready to do their job.

- Leader of Opposition is not ready to be government.
- Deputy Prime Minister is not ready to be Prime Minister (even if PM faint and die of a stroke).
- A Prime Minister who is not ready to name his successor.
- A President ... is he ready to protect our Singapore Reserves ???

- Then you have Singapore voters (70%) who are not ready to vote Opposition.

Wah lau eh!
Face palm.

Virgo49 said...

Aiyo, Mati lah. Sinkieland needs to have these traditional labour intensive businesses to keep its people gainfully employed.

These businesses are assets backed businesses with solid financial backing.

Unlike what today's billshits what's technology base startups wiyh just a motley crew of unrealistic young punks with only a couple of thousands in their pockets thinking of venturing big. what Bill Gates wild dreams.

You think they can employ five million in this little red Dot??

Even China because of her vast population needs these foreign based companies manufacturing goods for them at a cost of fraction in their homeland.

This to have the millions of their people employed even on low wages. But the government kept their cost of livibg down.

Unlike Sinkieland government who sucks their own dry.

Take for example traditional shipping. This industry can have thousands if not a million workers. The full Total Logistics chain of general shipping, Freight forwarder, Warehousing and even courier services can employed vast amount of workers if managed well.

Besides the professionals in the Ships Chartering business and oil riging and building sectors.

How many can a techology based company employed???

In ocean going containerised vessels, it needs to have container TEUs if at least 1000TEUs of a 2500 to 3000 TEUs vessel to have some profits or break even.

A space is a space sold for a container load.So, if the vessel have 500 to 1000 load of containers to fill the space just from one or two or even three shippers of said Agricultural products from an agricultural country like Thailand or Matland, she will have a base of support for her voyage.

What can sinkieland offer??? One or two containers of high class electronic products from Sin industries??? You think the shipping Company can charge them 500 thousand each for the freight.???

They can load the 500 to 1000 containers at the Agricultural countries with just the minimum freight of a thousand each and that is volume trade freighting.

So, don't bullshit that the shipping businesses can go away and we have new sinkieland bill gates startups of maybe a parcel of twenty kilos for the airfreight or be on carried on board by hand.

Anonymous said...

"Stupidity cannot be cured."

It is not the PAP policy makers who are stupid. The PAP know how many Singaporeans will be hurt by their policies, and how to entice Sinkies to vote for tham at elections.

It is the voters hurt by the policy-makers' decisions but, blinded by the PAP's short-term election carrots, still voted for the PAP who are stupid !

Virgo49 said...

Balanced container space to be filled by other rotation ports. Just one port of 500 to 1000TEUs.

Ask NOL ex General CEO if this is the case.


Anonymous said...

The main problem is the government policy of allowing cheap labor to replace Sinkies. Soon, companies including local, will get addicted. After all, these companies are profit oriented and has no appetite for charity. You give me cheap labor, I kick out locals. Period.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is not a significant manufacturing base unlike the bigger countries. Singapore hardly produced anything but engaged in the transhipment of cargoes. If these cargoes go somewhere else, Singapore will be dead meat.

b said...

Sinkies rulers long time ago already given up the port and country by letting foreigners come and run it. They give houses and cars to them but only NS and hardships to sinkies. They want to keep sinkies poor, simple and stupid so they can control them easily and they can never rebel. (read animal farm). Such rulers will only end up one way - demise. Sinkies must not be bullied by their rulers and try to go to places that can give them houses and cars so long as they work hard. Places under Queen E is highly recommended. Never once in history there is a ruler so nice to ordinary people. Long live Queen E.

Anonymous said...

If these cargoes go somewhere else, Singapore will be dead meat.
January 23, 2017 3:54 pm

Is that why PAP Ministers are paid million dollar salaries?
So that they will not become dead meat like Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

Are we really that good? Are we really that good?

Or are we lucky?

Are we lucky that our neighbors are burdened with their political issues?

Are we equally lucky that our neighbors are still not aggressive enough in the economic front and business world?

We have luck! We are always lucky!

Will it ends soon?

Anonymous said...

We are just being luck for wooing MNCs into our shores when our neighbors are seeking nationalist control. They lost out in the 60s, 70s and 80s. We were ahead of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. This advantage had been eroded because our neighbors decided to copy. With cheaper land and skilled workers, thanks to training by Singapore, MNCs are going to where the money is. Singapore, with nothing much to offer the world will suffer eventually, unless there is real change to the way we do business.

b said...

Not lucky cos we do not have houses and cars even working hard whereas many others can easily have houses and cars by not even working much.

Anonymous said...

Singapore, with nothing much to offer the world will suffer eventually, unless there is real change to the way we do business.
January 23, 2017 4:33 pm

Not that difficult to improve lah!
Just change the way we do politics ... and guarantee Singapore's economy will do better.

So how to change the way we do politics?
Vote Opposition lah!

Anonymous said...

Rb //Can anyone miss the joke?//

The Chinese are spending billions in Malacca and Selangor to build the ports ?

Is it not a no brainer that the Chinese Shipping Lines would side with their motherland investment than a peesai (seen) in bed with its western ("sodomising") partner (think Ang-Mo-LEE-cunts)?

The real threat is in 10 to 20 years time when the 2 giant ports in Malacca and Selangor are ready by around 2025 and 2035 respectively?

By then the current batch of JLBs lo(ooooooooo)ng ago retired liao lo?

Sinlanders are suckers lah?

Meanwhile the system keep rotting lor?

Keep it up?

Toyota invested up to US$200 Billions in R n D in their cars?

Sinkieland now also trying to dabble in driverless car technology?

How much are they gg to invest?

Just blew way billions in NOL and in the end kena sold off in 2016?

Now many NOL-in the making otw with multiple of billions to be blown away?

Very gooooooooood?

Way to go?

Lo(ooooooooo)ng live all the paper generals and JLBs?

Yew all are shining examples of yewr breed and how every nation on earth should LEEd their pple?

The desecendants of illiterate labourers deserve such LEEders, at least the 70%?

Anonymous said...

Did you get a ticket for speeding?
Not happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did you get a ticket for not putting a valid parking coupon?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did your PAP MP or grassroots leader refuse to help you at the Meet-the-People's session?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did the MRT train break down again?
Were you scolded by your boss for being late?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.

Anonymous said...

@ January 23, 2017 6:03 pm

Anything you not happy.
Give PAP a feedback that they will really listen.
Vote Opposition.

b said...

Sg gov must learn from switzerland and fine those firms that employed foreigners instead of locals if there is locals soliciting for that jobs.

Anonymous said...

Dun trivialise the JLBs' failings, non-performance and incompetence lah?

Make it as if JLBs and Paper Generals work days and nites at a pittance dime eveLEE meal eat porridge and salted eggs?

If JLBs and paper generals feel that the millions they get are not worth it, noboLEE forcing them to do the job (that they are so grossly way underperforming)?

For goodness sake, get off yewr lazy bums and butts; go to the ground to see what is gg on?

It is more like JLB's pay them 1 dime and 1 cent less they very unhappy liao despite the fact they still get many millions when bonuses included?

So losing billions and an icon like NOL is a trivial matter?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous January 23, 2017 6:03 pm
//Did you get a ticket for speeding?
Not happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did you get a ticket for not putting a valid parking coupon?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did your PAP MP or grassroots leader refuse to help you at the Meet-the-People's session?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.

Did the MRT train break down again?
Were you scolded by your boss for being late?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.//

Anon 6.03pm,

Yew are a disgrace to yewr JLB masters?

Yewr math sucks!!

If the voting patterns were as painted by yewr typical JLB tai chi and trivialising of grave and real problems, the results would have been 90 - 10 to the opposition?

Unfortunately, that was not the case and yewr disgraceful comments are further examples of the systemic rot, shamelessness and cluelessness of the JLBs?

Anonymous said...

This evening another train breakdown from Joon Koon to Clementi?

Many NUT undergrads and Tuas/ Jurong workers taking the trains are "stranded" in the middle of nowhere on several stretches of tracks between the 7 mrt stations from Joon Koon to Clementi?

Annoucement made is 20 min delay but supposingly some are stuck on the tracks in the middle of nowhere for much longer than that?

Anonymous said...

Last week in the morning also same thing happened during rush hours?

So many workers, NSU and SUM undergrads, etc were stucked in the middle of the tracks on their way to work/ campus/ hospitals etc?

These (frequent) MRT breakdowns have even become a joke in youtube videos made by Matlanders about 10 "horrors" foreigners travelling to sinland should be aware of?

Anonymous said...

This evening the NUT undergrads and Jurong workers were all rushing home or for apptemnts or cny last min prep but kena stucked in the train endlessly and under the heavy rain somemore ......?

The mood cannot be more depressing?

Sinland lo(ooooooooo)ng ago NO HOPE le?

Anonymous said...

Wah lao eh!!

Read from online postings latest the other direction from Tampines to Joon Koon all passengers ordered to ALIGHT halfway at Jurong East station?

Siao liao ....... many commutters kpkb online the Jurong East Bus interchange blady chaotic like warzone?

Halo anon 6.03pm?

Where r u?

Still staying in yewr iVORY tower comfort zone?

The "fire burning" at the door le?

Faster get up from your potato couch bah?

Anonymous said...

Reality vs False News and False Hopes - Part 1

Sir Standford Raffles, the Real, Actual and Original FOUNDER OF SINGAPORE, saw within his Vision way back on the fateful day of 28th January, 1819, that Singapore had a potential to be developed into an Entrepot Port to serve the Asian Region, as also as a link between the East and the West because of its strategic location, as well as its good sheltered harbour. This was and is still the comparative advantage of Singapore, and this will remain so for many more decades to come; unless China and Thailand can carry out their agreement to construct a "Suez Canal" through the Isthmus of Kra.

The Kra Canal or the Thai Canal refers to a proposal for a canal to cut through the southern isthmus of Thailand, connecting the Gulf of Thailand with the Andaman Sea. It would provide an alternative to transit through the Strait of Malacca and shorten transit for shipments of oil to East Asian countries like Japan and China by 1,200 km, saving much time. China refers to it as part of its 21st century maritime Silk Road.

China is keen on the Kra Canal project partly for strategic reasons. Presently, 80% of China’s oil from the Middle East and Africa passes through the Straits of Malacca. China has long recognized that in a potential conflict with other rivals, particularly with the US, the Strait of Malacca could easily be blockaded, cutting-off its oil lifeline. Former Chinese President Hu Jintao even coined a term for this, calling it China’s “Malacca Dilemma”.

History of the Proposed Kra Canal

The idea to shorten shipping time and distance through the proposed Kra Canal is not new. It was proposed as early as in 1677 when Thai King Narai asked the French engineer de Lamar to survey the possibility of building a waterway to connect Songkhla with Marid (now Myanmar), but the idea was discarded as impractical with the technology of that time.

In 1793, the idea resurfaced. The younger brother of King Chakri suggested it would make it easier to protect the west coast with military ships. In the early 19th century, the British East India Company became interested in a canal. After Burma became a British colony in 1863, an exploration was undertaken with Victoria Point (Kawthaung) opposite the Kra estuary as its southernmost point, again with negative result. In 1882, the constructor of the Suez canal, Ferdinand de Lesseps, visited the area, but the Thai king did not allow him to investigate in detail.

In 1897, Thailand and the British empire agreed not to build a canal so as to maintain the importance of Singapore as a shipping hub, since by that time, Singapore was already prospering as an international hub with great importance to the British.

In the 20th century the idea resurfaced with various proposals to build the canal but did not go far due to various constraints including technology and cost constraints as well as indecisive political leadership of Thailand.

To continue in Parts 2, 3 and 4.

Anonymous said...

Rb //These are the factors that made the difference over our competitors.//


Are yew sure?

Frequent train breakdowns?

Anonymous said...

More MRT train breakdown?
Then even more Singaporeans will vote PAP.

If we vote Opposition, the situation will be even worse than MRT breakdowns.
There will be no more MRT trains.
Because Opposition Government do not know how to operate an MRT system.

True or not?

Anonymous said...



Low teachers' morale?

Falling food hygiene standard?

Underemployed (ex)PMETS?

Broken families?

Bankrupt families and businesses due to casino?

Even universities also leaking during raining days (see online videos of what a uni in town experienced this afternoon?) like olden times attap houses?


What std (r yew tawking abt)?

Anonymous said...

When the ability of leeders in fixing the pple is many times greater than fixing problems, is there any wonder the only direction for the entire society is down?

When a leeder loves aliens many times more than the pple, how can it bode well?

When a leeder invests billions and billions in foreign workers and students, what message is he sending?

Anonymous said...

@AnonymousJanuary 23, 2017 10:42 am
//How stupid can they be?//

Yew ain't seen nothing yet?

This is just "tip of iceberg"?

Just the beginning?

Anonymous said...

The worst is yet to be?

It may not be surprising if (eventually) the MRT breakdowns until beyond hope and need to be sold like NOL to a foreign company?

The bottom line is, be mentally prepared not only national nation building icons built up by the forebears are pawned or sold one by one, even national tourism attractions such as the mermaid ...... oops ...... MyLEEion will be pawned (one day)?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous January 23, 2017 6:03 pm
//Did you get a ticket for speeding?
Not happy?
Vote Opposition.//

Din yew get replaced by a ftrash and kena retrenched?

Very pappy?

Vote for the JLB?

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousJanuary 23, 2017 6:03 pm
//Did you get a ticket for not putting a valid parking coupon?
Not Happy?
Vote Opposition.//

Din yew just sell yewr flat to finance yewr child overseas education bcos his uni place given to students from foreign land?

Very pappy?

Vote JLB?

Anonymous said...

My advice to PAP is to reflect on their mistakes and repent . . .
January 23, 2017 11:43 pm

My advice to Singaporean voters (70%) is to reflect on your mistakes and repent . . .
When you repent ... PAP will also repent.

Anonymous said...

As long as we have 70% daft voters ... Singapore will never have any competitive edge.
The decline of our MRT is just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

RB, I have posted two articles. At first they appeared and then deleted completely without a trace. Is somebody manipulating your website?????

Anonymous said...

Old man knew lo(ooooooo)ng ago the dafts are descendants of illiterate blind oxes coolies, labourers, farmers escaping the war and famine from mainland china?

And the mentality of such dafts are quite PREDICTABLE and emotionaLEE easiLEE manipulated?

For such dafts, they may not have much courage (even if they are sodomised, wives and daughters violated) and probably will keep doing the same thing, will need to do the same thing over and over again, voting the same way they did in the past 67 years (since 1959)?

Anonymous said...

It is so unthinkable that there are opposition willingly to fight for such dafts, risking all kinds of persecution, bankrupties, jail, ridicule, torment, and most prominent of all "BEING FIXED"?

Some sinkies (suspected of potential threats) might also being fixed lo(oooooooo)ng ago and future ruined? (Can yew imagine how paranoid cowards are?)

This is the state of (pathetic) affairs of the kiasi, kiasu dafts dominating the political landscapes and many pple (including non-politicians) could have been fixed and sacrificed (in vain), future ruined, career ruined?

Anonymous said...

Think Aung Juan Soon Chee?

The pains and sufferings by those around them are deep?

Yew wonder why cowards need to do such things but cowards in the end are (paranoid) cowards?

Anonymous said...

Those prostituting for the paranoid cowards in the msm are all so ever ready to character assassinate?

And knowing the dafts, they will mostly probably lapped all up?

It is profound amazement those who sacrificed (all these years) still dun understand such dafts patterns?

A ppple can be saved and led only if they want to?

Old man knew well and since lo(ooooooo)ng ago knew how to manipulate these dafts to his advantage?

The last 67 years voting patterns are testimonies?


So still hoping the dafts to vote against the JLBs?

They may not even if their wives and daugthers resort to prostitution (to service the ah nehs and blangas) to eke out a living in this (shit)land of sorrowful (hard)truths?

Anonymous said...

Some pple may think the 30% are the minority sinkies and the 70% dafts are doing well?

This may not be the case bases on several reports/ surveys where more than 50% are living from paychecks to paychecks?

Means more than 50% could have debts up to their ears with many already way above their heads?

Anonymous said...

Stupid auto correct!

Typo ......

Should be ....... "based on" .......

Anonymous said...

But the 2015 voting pattern did not gel with such empirical happenings?

So isn't it obvious the dafts are kiasi, kiasu?

The more frequent the MRT breakdowns, the more the dafts will vote for the JLBs?

The more the dafts are screwed painfuLEE, the more they lagi vote for the JLBs?


Bcos they are dafts?

Their minds already brainwashed and manipulated since the day they dropped out of their mothers' pussies?

The dafts simply see opposition no up?

The dafts just toying with oppositions to use them as bargain to get more goodies?

Then the dafts desert the opposition like plague (such as in 2015)?

So now can see the sorrowful and pathetic state of the real (hard)truths of politics in the land of dafts ..... nope ..... in the (peesai) land of dafts?

Anonymous said...

The dafts are guillible and lazy bunch?

They never bother go read history?

They believe eveLEEthing propangandised by the prostituting PLPs?

Anonymous said...

Sinland was the crown jewel of the British Empire even before old man was born?

How could it then become a fishing between when old man was born (1923) and 1965?

The strategic geographical location of sinland was non-existent pre-1965m

Anonymous said...

The natural deep harbour was fake ans non-existent before 1965?

Before 1965, being the crown jewel and dubbed Gilbraltar of the East, it was never a bustling port (at the crossroads of the global major shipping route) but a sleepy fishing village with lazy indigenous folks having a siesta every day aftet lunch till dusk?

The hardworking ancestors and coolies (toiling day and nite at the harbour and various commerce and industries) of the current dafts were non-existent prior 1965?

Anonymous said...

Many ang mo swallowed the propanga wholesale bcos they din bother or have time for sinland history?

Even their history also no time and cannot read finish?

Where got time (and energy) to read up sinland history (carefuLEE)?

Anonymous said...

But the dafts only have a very short history to read but they din bother?

So they believe (wholesale) all the propanga?

Such (lazy and kiasi) dafts deserved to be screwed?

Anonymous said...

They deserved to be stuck in the middle of mrt tracks indefinitely on a cold rainy nite (after a long day work/ in sch/ campus), hungry, thirsty, exhausted (with children, parents, frens waiting neck lo(oooooooo)ng at the other end of sinland for them)?

They deserved to be replaced by half past 6/ degree mills ah nehs and kicked out from their stable jobs to be underemployed dead end jobs sectors such as taxi, guards, agents, hawkers, pimps or simply unemployed and rotting away at home, in the public parks, botakchay uncles and aunties infested coffeeshops etc?

Anonymous said...

The Chinese are now going by land and sea to bypass sinland port and make it go into decay based on several media reports such as Taiwan media etc?

The ports in Pakistan, Mya Mya, Matland all have land routes to mainland or in the process of being built?

Im a showdown, the chinese know their oil supplies and other critical raw materials (passing through malatege straits) will be choked?

Anonymous said...

By pouring a few hundred billions investments and those in the pipelines over next 30 years into matland, the chinese already hardened to the fact that either they get choked or they choke a peesai (to death)?

This is Mao Tze Tung strategy of rural encircle the cities?

Now sinland kena encircled le?

Anonymous said...

Once the final noose is in place and tightened, the dafts will be left to rot and die a painful demise?

The JLBs have their millions?

What stop them from abandoning the sampan and jump onto an oceanliner?

Anonymous said...


Meanwhile the dafts will be exploited and milked?

Ns for them and scholarships/ good high paying jobs for aliens?

Anonymous said...

Reality vs False News and False Hopes - Part 2

China show Thailand the $Cash

In the last decade, China has now become the potential game changer who can possibly turn Kra Canal proposal into reality in the 21st century. It has the money, technology and strong political leadership and will to support the project if it wants to.

Last year, news emerged that China and Thailand have signed an MOU to advance the Kra Canal project. On 15 May 2015, the MOU was signed by the China-Thailand Kra Infrastructure Investment and Development company and Asia Union Group in Guangzhou. According to the news reports, the Kra Canal project will take a decade to complete and incur a cost of US$28 billion.

China Angry with Singapore

In the last few months, China is increasingly angered by PM Lee’s move to side with the US over the South China Seas issue, even though Singapore has no claims over any of the territories there.

It all started when PM Lee was invited to the White House and was hosted to a rare White House state dinner on 2 Aug, 2016, by President Obama. During his toast, PM Lee welcomed the US to adopt a strategy to “rebalance” the Asia Pacific and went on to call President Obama as the “America’s first Pacific President”.

China immediately responded through their Global Times. “Lee Hsien Loong addressed Obama as the American ‘First Pacific President’. Such flattery given to Obama directly does not concern us,” the Global Times’ article said. “The key is he praised the American strategy to ‘re-balance Asia-Pacific’ and publicised that all Southeast Asian countries welcome such American ‘balancing’. Because the ‘rebalance Asia-Pacific’ strategy is pointed at China to a large extent, Lee Hsien Loong is clearly taking side already.”

“If Singapore completely becomes an American ‘pawn' and loses any of its resilience to move between US and China, its influence will be considerably reduced. Its value to the US will also be greatly discounted,” it added.

The article went on to say that China has its limit in tolerance and “Singapore should not push it. It cannot play the role of taking the initiative to help US and South East Asian countries to go against China over South China Sea matters. It cannot help American ‘rebalancing Asia-Pacific’ strategy, which is directed at China’s internal affairs, by ‘adding oil and vinegar’, thereby enabling US to provide an excuse to suppress China’s strategic space as well as providing support to US.”

“Singapore can go and please the Americans, but it needs to do their utmost to avoid harming China’s interests. It needs to be clear and open about its latter attitude,” it cautioned. Singapore’s balancing act should be to help China and US to avoid confrontation as its main objective, and not taking side so as to increase the mistrust between China and US, it said..

The article gave the example of Singapore allowing US to deploy its P-8 reconnaissance aircraft to Singapore, which from the view of the Chinese, increases the tension in South China Sea, and thereby, increasing the mistrust between the 2 big countries.

“Singapore needs more wisdom,” the article concluded.

To continue ...

Anonymous said...

Once the final noose is in place and tightened, the dafts will be left to rot and die a painful demise?
5:39 am

Aiyo, Sinkie babies not enough so Sinkies will rot and die all the same lah, with or without noose.

That's why PAP want foreign talents as new Sinkies lah. Or else Sinkies will become extinct, u know.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Dragon Fly,
Just keep posting. Sometimes it is the server. Sometimes it could be something else working.

Anonymous said...

The matlanders "understand" the needs of the chinese cos its no brainer?

So Jibna "plays along" and "accedes to Chiland's" needs?

To secure its long term (strategic) interests, chiland willing to "throw big $$$" and invests several hundred billions over the next 20 years (with each year quantum running into at least 10 to 30 billions such as massive projects at Johor Iskandar, Malacca's $10 billion Melaka Gateway Project (deep sea port, scheduled completion in 2 years time in 2019) and several others ......

Anonymous said...

...... cont'ing @ 9.45am

The mega project @ Malacca consists of 4 islands, 1 man made and 3 artificial islands ......

The deep sea port is scheduled to be completed first (in 2019) followed by the rest progressively by 2025?

What are Chiland and Matland building on the other 3 islands besides the deep sea port island (Melaka Gateway)?

Anonymous said...

//AnonymousJanuary 24, 2017 5:32 am
The Chinese are now going by land and sea to bypass sinland port and make it go into decay based on several media reports such as Taiwan media etc?

The ports in Pakistan, Mya Mya, Matland all have land routes to mainland or in the process of being built?

Im a showdown, the chinese know their oil supplies and other critical raw materials (passing through malatege straits) will be choked?//

The port built by Chiland in pakistan is Gwadar Port (only abt 400 nm from Strait of Hormuz (in the ME) .......

The 1BIR roadmap links Gwadar Port directly to mainland cutting across the entire Pakistan from sw to ne into nw chiland?

All the hauls in the ME (to South, SE and East Asia) pass through/ passby Gwadar Port so now a portion are handled there (through the 1B1R land/ sea route bypassing a peesai?)?

Anonymous said...

Besides Gwadar Port, another one is right in S.E.A. in Mya Mya ......

The crude oil pipeline between Mya Mya and Chiland starts at the Port Island of Madeira (off Mya Mya)

It was officially opened in Jan 2015

Anonymous said...

Besides crude oil, the natural gas Mya Mya Chiland pipeline was officially opened in July 2013

From the official opening till end 2014, abt 4 billion cubic metres of gas were delivered to Chiland

With this Crude Oil and Natural Gas port in this Island of Madeira in Mya Mya and go by pipeline into SW Chiland, how much cargo already bypasses a peesai?

Anonymous said...

Now, isn't this a bit weird?

Watch the video below by Vivi (in response to qns by Teochew Ah Pek):


Vivi is so proud peesai (is) the top investor in Chiland since 2013?

But indirectly Chiland using the billions to invest in ports and mega projects to COMPETE against and/ or BYPASS peesai?

Do yew think that is very smart strategy of peesai (when chiland already started to encircle peesai some years back for its coziness with ang-mo-LEE-cunts)?

Do yew think peesai still has future?

Anonymous said...

Peesai brought it upon itself. From good relations to bad relations.
Vivi still did not know what happened under his watch.

Anonymous said...

To maintain competitiveness, the worst enemy to a country is "autistic mentality"?

Depending on a few old sectors to be growth drivers is akin to living on the edge (of a clift and the risk of a plunge or clift-like fall sooner or later)?

The only diversification in the last 12 years (worth mentioning) is also highly controversial (being dubbed (Marina) Bay of (PA)Pigs (Fiasco II))?

Anonymous said...

RB, I posted another two articles here. They are gone again. Wasted lots of my time here. Really very frustrating.

Someone or some organization is monitoring your site and is interfering with the postings - it could be Google or some sneaky cannot-face-the-truth, cannot-see-daylight, hypocritical assholes.

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousJanuary 24, 2017 1:48 pm
//Peesai brought it upon itself. From good relations to bad relations.
Vivi still did not know what happened under his watch.//

Besides vivi in the dark, who else know what is happening (under his/ her watch)?

If he/ she knows, how come May 2016 when IC kena comma, the two 2ICs were not charged to take over or stand in?

Some more later appoint one outsider not in the same ministry as 2nd In Charge (IC)?

And the 2nd 2IC kena transferred out?

So does it instill a (great) sense of confidence in the (70%) dafts?

Anonymous said...

Peesai TEU in 2015 dropped from 33.5m in 2014 to abt 30.6m TEU?

Last year (2016) dropped to about 30.5m TEU?

When Melaka Gateway Deep Sea Port is completed in 2019, by 2020 onwards, peesai TEU might suffer deep decline?

Anonymous said...

@ 2.36pm Angkor Oldie Virgo69:
//In ocean going containerised vessels, it needs to have container TEUs if at least 1000TEUs of a 2500 to 3000 TEUs vessel to have some profits or break even.//


2,500 to 3,000 TEU vessels outdated liao lah?

Nowadays latest 19,200 TEU vessels?

Minimum also 14,000 TEU vessels?

Small vessels affect a port's throughput lah?

virgo49 said...

Like that's more Chiam liao??

How to fill up space when Trade whole world in doldrums? ?

Got super carriers no cargo.

Not to worry, Singapore Outcasts shipping community not wanted here can migrate to Matland and be assets to Melaka, Port Klang, East West or Now Melaka South or North Port.

There can live in Bungalows driving 2000cc cars.

Let the Ah Neys operate Sinkieland ports pulling in container by human labourers.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'The Dragon Fly said...
RB, I posted another two articles here. They are gone again. Wasted lots of my time here. Really very frustrating.

Someone or some organization is monitoring your site and is interfering with the postings - it could be Google or some sneaky cannot-face-the-truth, cannot-see-daylight, hypocritical assholes.'

Dragon Fly, just make sure you have a copy standby and can repost when deleted or disappeared.

virgo49 said...

I had also tried to post comments on DT's speech as spoken by our PM in our SINKIE way and never see the daylight.

I commented that this speech will only be delivered by our Past Leaders mostly likely GKS or TCC but not by the current crop of Leaders.

The ideals in DT's ambition of making America Great Again would not be reflected in our Current Leader's Ambitions.

Only by our Pioneer Leaders.