
From Terrex to Terex

Virgo sent me this. Is this the result of our Terrex? Melted down and morphed into this?


Virgo49 said...

Today, the Hen will give a full episode of the Terrex become Terex in Parliament

Just wait


Anonymous said...

/// Is this the result of our Terrex? Melted down and morphed into this? ////

Maybe our Terrex was always like this .... maybe we just couldn't see it because of our rose tinted glasses.

Anonymous said...

Why this terrex thing need to debate in parliament. to me this is a non issue because its only effect a ministry, they can solve with time. mps, ruling or opp should be more sensitive to the citizens livelihood. This is a waste of time and money.

Anonymous said...

ha.. ha.. if China use Sinkieland Terrex convert it into their Terex version, it can't be helped. Sinkies will have to move on & innovate faster ..remember --cheaperer, betterer & fasterer..

Anonymous said...

Those terrex will b made

Pratices target.

Anonymous said...

Feel bad for Dr Ng.

He is a better minister.

He is not in the pap cec? Why?

On the way, OUT?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It's just like our local super-educated assholes to go and pick the name Terrex which is too close to the US manufacturer of heavy mine vehicles and excavators Terex.

If ST Engineering created a durable abd suited to all types of lobang (human and non human)"combat condom" they'll probably just suka-suka call it Durrex, to once again confuse everyone.

I hope the people of Punjab build a new city and call it Singh Kapur just to confuse the fuck out of the world and teach Singapore a motherfucking lesson.


Anonymous said...

Feel bad for Dr Ng.
He is a better minister.
January 09, 2017 11:23 am

How you know he is so good?
You are a very good judge of character meh?

Anonymous said...

The Terex in the photo is illegally parked in a red parking lot.
Are our Terrex legally parked in Hong Kong?

Anonymous said...

The 9 Terrex's will be good for target practice ... watch the video below ... good example of modern anti-tank missile with shaped-charge top-down attack to hit the weak top armour.


Anonymous said...

How you know he is so good?
12:13 pm

Because he earned millions a year as breast cancer surgeon, more than as minister, u know.

If u can earn millions, u r also so good lah. U can or not?

Anonymous said...

/// Because he earned millions a year as breast cancer surgeon, more than as minister, u know.
If u can earn millions, u r also so good lah. U can or not? ///
January 09, 2017 12:42 pm

This only prove that Hen is good at earning millions of dollars for himself.
It does not prove that Hen is good at earning millions of dollars for Singaporeans and Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Not only Dr Ng earned millions, most importantly, he saved many lifes!

Anonymous said...

@ January 09, 2017 1:44 pm

Maybe Hen is good only at making millions of dollars from Singapore and Singaporeans.
Maybe not so good at earning millions of dollars for Singaporeans and Singapore in return.

Do you think this is also true of PAP and other PAP Ministers?

Anonymous said...

@ January 09, 2017 1:59 pm

If Singaporeans voted based on the criteria of how much money each PAP politician can give back to Singaporean citizens.
- do you think any PAP politician will be re-elected in GE 2020?

Virgo 49 said...

Bros, please do not talk of how many lives the doctors saved. In Sinkieland, doctors operated on patients that can afford to pay their fees.

Even what referrals also have a commission.

What Hippocrate Oath???

What bullshits !!!

Now final episode tomorrow Korean drama Romantic Doctor.

See what various kinds of Doctors we have in this World.

Virgo 49 said...

Hippocrates Oaths should change to Hippocratic Or Hypocrite Oath.




Anonymous said...

On the 9 lorries our government again emphasise the rule of law and that our assets are under sovereign protection must be returned in accordance with international and hk law. Hk government has replied the case is still under investigation. Sg government just does not get it. Hk government never argue with the points of law yet as they know sg can afford TOP local as well as international Lawyers. So best strategy for them is to say under investigation that may take many years till suka Suka then return by then all rusty already and have to pay large storage charges and then send the lorries for melting!

Unless sg government does it quietly and away from media, try to play tough on our rights on point of law, we will never get back the lorries. Don't believe then continue to act tough and see u can get it back or not.

Anonymous said...

"It's the law. You must return our Terrex back to use."
- Fuck you lah, you mother-fucking hypocrite.

It's the law.
You must return our CPF money back to us.

The Terrex is like our CPF money.
Wait long time lah.

Virgo49 said...

If Sinkieland stills have its own National Line, this incident would have happened.

Logistics operations staff can always planned for the loading after vessel completed all her rotation ports of call.

As these are loaded right ON DECK as UC cargo, no problem of stowage.

Ship planners know how to reserve these slots. For costs savings, instead of berthing, cargo can be loaded alongside at roads or outer port limits. Maybe they have to have a hoisting crane on board to hoist up cargo. Taiwanese stevorage expert on this.

So after which direct sailed to sinkieland.

Problems solved. But our General CEO sold away NOL. Too bad.

Now you have to arrange military land craft or barge.

But barge high seas dangerous. All sink in rough waters.

Terrex became Terex

Anonymous said...

/// If Sinkieland stills have its own National Line, this incident would (NOT) have happened. ///
January 09, 2017 5:02 pm

If GKS and the Old Guards still alive, maybe this also would not have happened.
If Singaporeans got the balls to vote Opposition a long time ago, maybe this also would not have happened.

If Tharman instead of LHL was Prime Minister, do you think this would have happened?

Virgo49 said...

Tks bro Anon 5.06 for inserting the NOT.
Missed that.

Even Tar Man were thw PM. This incident will still occurred id PRC wants to seize the cargo if still on same route of call.

They were not expecting the PRC to change their reaction ao fast. Now vivi still said we must conduct our business as a sovereign independent state.

Just because you want us not to have relationship with the Taiwanese woman, we must follow meh??

Even Trump also wants to kow suai. Hey, unmarried still "V" you know.

As long as sinkie land so not want tilo denounce their further relationship with Taiwan, they would not return the Terrex

They can played monkey with you. What you can do??

We still need trade with China.

Anonymous said...

We still need trade with China.
January 09, 2017 5:41 pm

Singaporeans may need trade with China.
But do you think PAP Millionaires need trade with China?
Do you think they can retire comfortably without any trade with China?

Anonymous said...

"There is no need to politicise it, no need to engage in megaphone diplomacy. So let's have some patience, give this matter time to resolve through appropriate legal or judicial process."

Joke. The law never solve REAL problems however, the law can be exploited for self interests. Remember, nobody likes a hypocrite. When you have been abusing the legal system, the table may just turn on you and you will find a much bigger stone coming after you - have you been stoning your people?

Anonymous said...

"I hope the people of Punjab build a new city and call it Singh Kapur"

Cracks me up. Ho Ho Ho

Anonymous said...

Have a taste of your own medicine, high and mighty people. More to come I am sure. Just keep abusing the legal system. You are doing a great job high and mighty people.

Anonymous said...

Vivi very stylo, warning China not to push us to take ínvidious choice'.
Must respect this man for his manhood.

Give the man a tiger.

Now what kind of invidious choice is he thinking about?

Steady poon pee pee.

b said...

Just abolish NS and China will treat us as a friend cos we no longer a threat. Some more, a lot of money can be saved and sinkies will be very happy. No need to make war but make love nd friends.
Brunei who is sitting on precious oil also has no compulsory NS. Why sg needs one leh? Got gold below isit?

b said...

He has to wayang a bit since he has million pay. No use also must try try.

Anonymous said...

Brunei who is sitting on precious oil also has no compulsory NS. Why sg needs one leh? Got gold below isit?
January 09, 2017 9:03 pm

If no more National Service, then we no need Millionaire Generals anymore.
And then who is going to play soldier with our emperor?

Anonymous said...

Mighty men vs Mighty men like Godzilla Monster vs King Kong Monster. Law vs Law. Good show.

Sin leaders have always been ya ya pa pa ya with Lor

Wah....China so scare.

PoP Corn Pls

Anonymous said...

The whole world is watching!

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Threaten HK lost of reputation?...Try threaten Sin with lost of reputation.....you think Sin cares? Have never stop them from Suka suka sue. Who cares about a kid giving Sin a bad reputation....throw the boy in jail with law lah.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is going to challenge China. How? Our military so powderful!

China shivering.

Anonymous said...

Teach you how to spend your reserve wisely.