
China standing up to American provocations and harassment

The growing provocations and harassment by the Americans and its cronies have reached a point where China finds it no longer bearable and it has no choice but to stand up to the Americans. The American provocations are not new and it is not that they were bearable in the past. China has been beefing up its military and defence capability to thwart the aggressive and bullying Americans all the years and is now in a position to say no, that China would no longer be made to swallow the bitter pill of foreign humiliation and threats. Xi Jinping has put an end to Deng Xiaoping's policy of being patience, bend the head low as if nothing has happened in the face of provocation and keep slogging on to build a strong China. China today is a superpower in every field and the days of Deng's policy of quietly bearing with taunting and humiliation are over.

The Americans and their cronies have not let up in the last few decades to constantly put pressure and obstacles in the path of China. There are now more than 400 American military bases surrounding China with the bulk in Japan and South Korea with nuclear weapons pointing at China. And American political and military leaders have been very vocal in wanting to start a war with China, with some shouting about a preemptive strike at China's nuclear installations and with the Japanese Commander of the American Pacific Fleet talking about war with China any moment.

With so much hostility by the Americans, if China continues to yield in appeasement, it would only embolden the Americans and their cronies and invite more humiliation and threats. The first sign of China standing up to the Americans was the farcical arbitration in The Hague where China refused to participate. This was followed by several incursions into Chinese waters by American warships in China's islands in the South China Sea. China responded by telling the Americans that it is ready to go to war with them. China's nuclear missile force and the other elements of the PLA have been put on full alert to a face off with the Americans. More war games were conducted in the South China Sea and all over the coast of China that included live firings.

Yesterday it was reported that China has seized an American probe in the South China Sea, a signal to the Americans that China would no longer be reactive and passive, on the receiving end of American provocation. China would act and this is just the beginning. The THAAD deployment in South Korea would face stronger opposition from China.

China did not stop at just tackling the Americans head on. Little USAs would also be taught a lesson if they misbehaved. China would whack the doggies to show their master that China meant business. The first whack has been delivered and the little USAs are starting to behave as what they are, with tails between their legs. With the little USAs knowing that they could not pull whiskers from a sleeping lion, the Americans would now have to take matters into their own hands to take on China directly, and China would respond accordingly, might with might.

The firm and unyielding defensive policy of Xi Jinping against American intimidation is taking shape. The Americans are pushing for war with China if they continue to misbehave, to provoke and threaten China, to conduct military incursions into Chinese territories. China has gone on to fortify its military defensive systems in the South China Sea to a level that would take a toll on the Americans should they be tested.

The American containment of China could see a new level of aggression and belligerence with the Chinese matching every American move. John Pilger's documentary on The Coming War with China is timely. Though sane people would want to avoid a nuclear war between the two nuclear powers, there are enough mad people in charge to want a war between China and the USA. The risk is very high and China is standing up to the intense American challenge to contain its growth, militarily and economically.


Virgo49 said...

With Wealth, they want Power.

Now with Power, they became Insane.

Now with Insanity, they will have Death.

A miserable circle of Insane Elites with Misplaced Mental Sickness of their own Sick Agenda pulling down millions or billions of innocent people to follow them to Hell.

Maybe, they are too tired of living with their Sick Minds and want to go to Heaven or Nirvana earlier as they thought that they are already Saved from Hell.

Little do they know that they won't be in The Clouds playing the Harps but burning in Hell together in Zouk Underground Wall of Fires.

Anonymous said...

In the coming Star War movie The Rogue One..now who is the actual rogue one here? Seems it's the Americuns, they r mad enough to wan to test China & provoke a war, probably or for real a WWIII, this is a very dangerous move, a D-Day of mother earth or ven man kind. Americans NASA is preparing for humans to live or colonize in near planet Mars, how bout China ( probably China can even build a similar kind of an Noah's Ark to immigrate to outer space), the rest of human all dead by nuclear attacks or some rich men migrate with space craft & stay in outer space station like the Tom Cruise movie - Oblivion or Interstellar. A tit for tat isn't the wise way for China - US confrontation, who can come to help ( God knows or isn't at all) ..

Anonymous said...

I don't think there will be war between America and China lah, as long as America can make money with China. And China is no Iraq or Libya, you know.

Also if America dare not even make war with North Korea, how can it make war with China? No logic, tio bo?

Confrontation and provocation yes, and if things comes to a crunch, one side will sure blink first, so rest assured, no war. And as assured as PAP will more or less win big again next election.

Anonymous said...

The whole world is watching!

Anonymous said...

Although the American admiral Harry Harris, the head of the US Pacific Command, told reporters that the US was "ready to confront" China, remember the saying barking dogs seldom bite.

Anyway, the ultimate decision whether to go to war lies with the American President, not Admiral. And I think President-elect Trump, being a billionaire businessman, prefers rather to make money than to make war. He even already said that as President, America will have less foreign military interventions and more jobs(meaning they can make money rather than to fight)for Americans. No wonder he was elected!

Anonymous said...

Its interesting to read US created news in Asia. What a hell is US located in Latin america has hands at South China sea? China picked the drone thinking something was unsafe to navigation in Scs. PLA said it will return the drone to US. No big issue to US at all.

Trump had chat with Tsia for 10 minutes, it was small talk. Tsia had referendum bills passed with KMT supports. But Tsia last minutes withdrew the items for referendum: change in ROC constitutions and territorial boundary in constitutions. DPP is scared now that Trump will not defend Taiwan when PLA invade it due to "changes in constitutions for independent taiwan".

China is not controlled by Xi alone. PLA is doing its jobs to check on China s territory is not broken up. It is under the china constitutions. PLA has the power to take the drone it thought was unsafe to ships.

Overall picture for 2017 is bad for China. China has sold usa bonds usd 139billions as at september to pop up the yuen. Inside china, short term lending is tight. If Xi is such generous tycoon, offering money to settle disputes, he is facing much harder battles ahead, when Trump is president.

Trump wants china to lower taxes on US goods, raise yuen, curb Nkorea nuclear, give up South China sea to US and its allies' "freedom of navigation". Even Xi is willing, PLA is not willing. Trump will let Taiwan go independent by telling the world no more 1 china to US. That will put Tsia in hot seat. Xi will lose his real power if he cannot reverse the situation.

If Xi is replaced by Putin, what will Putin do? U ask this question, you will solve Trumps threat. Putin will take Taiwan swiftly by force. Taking taiwan will calm down: Xinzhang rebels, HK independent on the making, Taiwan s independence leaning towards Japan, Japanese s occupation of senkaku island, vietnamese s occupation of Scs islands.

China is like Hillary having election. Daily playing out media propaganda. But no real concrete good policy in place to offer the mass. More of not telling the coverups. If US can play with the drone submarines 1200 times last year at Scs, what is PLA doing to defend its territorial waters?

China is wasteful in face of US threat. Its live firing is so frequent using missiles. That is very costly to Chinese population. Firing billions of yuens burning the money. That is Xi current administration. Looks rich powerful but lack gut like Putin to do something real, such as in Aleppo against US s wishes.

Now PLA took the drone, it sounded like a big war. It is a joke to me. How much is the drone? about 200k sin dollar or 140+k usd. US can donate to PLA lah. No big deal to Trump, who deals with billions of dollars.

Anonymous said...

The US is a country that talks peace but conduct wars. All the wars and killings after WW2 are started by the US and they played the key part in them.

Only the stupids could not tell the difference. And the next war in Asia is about to start. The Americans would not allow Asia to live in peace.

Anonymous said...

"China standing up to American provocations and harassment"

But Singaporeans are still scared of voting Opposition.
China has grown up.
But Singaporeans still have an emperor culture.

Anonymous said...

Sg should project power and send our powerful navy to do a hk port blockage till hk released our cars. See they scared of not?

Anonymous said...

//But Singaporeans still have an emperor culture.//
Sinkieland has no 'emperor culture' , however, under the whites miws papies have 'natural alice-2cats' culture in this Sinkieland nickname 'La La Land' . It's citizens can 4ever vote in these whites men & women to rule over them & they r paids in millions while the ordinary citizens get paid peanuts, the lower rung collect cardboards to exercise, unemployed kpkb, cleaners to get pay raise in next 3-4 years time provided they vote in the whites party again..it's a different world as the other part of world changes these 70% dafts still await to be slaughtered by their own masters..who the hell u can find these kind of species in this planet...

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:16pm
Send the professional soldiers to this trip, NS men s lives are not for offensive battles. Foreigners are very will to go for this kind of trip, especially giving some sunny lands people to challenge the PLA, they will love it.
When is the trip?

Virgo49 said...

Right, right, send the Elite trained foreign talents six weeks intensive military volunteer corps of boys scouts or girl guides to challenge the PLA.

They are ready to fight for their country of adoption. Together with the Regular servicemen and women who had been sponging on the tax payers monies for decades.

Now the time to show your mettle no soft food in this world.

Don't waste tax payers monies on your free lodgings, free food and free uniforms.

Chia yew

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:30pm
Singapore voters are facing the cross road. There are people scared to vote for others, that is something from you, you might be voting for someone you are not in favor.

The majority are not scared to vote for whom they want. This was reflected on EP votes. 33% only, for the kfc man winning the competition, that man is the choiced man.

You cannot describe voting for the current government as from those who are scared. If you use that word, you are scared of that very problem of them winning.

Opposition must increase their wise men pool, so that these wise men will not point fingers at voters that the latter are scared if the opposition cannot win.

WP s recent proposal of retrenchment insurance is a good example for voters to consider them wise. More of WP proposing and siding voters welfare and employment, more voters will vote for WP. Other opposition cannot sit there and point fingers hey dont vote for me you are scared. They will not win by this way. No way.

Anonymous said...

I agree and support Virgo 1:40pm.

These volunteers soldiers are selected from thousands of volunteers. They are the jewel of stones, and sin city provided them with world class training and USA weapons. When meeting PLA, i can guess, PLA will bow and say sorry, please come with drivers and ship to take the cars away. Without a fight. PLA is scared of loss of lives, workmen compensation, injury insurance, so their generals will just let the cars go and say sorry sorry sorry. Then the volunteer cum mp will announce victory in parliament with all standing to salute his bravery. He will be future mp as current pm only worship foreign talent, like the mrt auntie ceo, very good, highly recommended when the pm was opening up the doors for foreigners to take over sin city.
The volunteers corp is making citizens proud, when is the trip? Tomorrow going hor.

Anonymous said...

But Singaporeans are still scared of voting Opposition.
12:30 pm

But they also have good reasons to be scared, or rather they have no confidence in the opposition to serve them better, that's why Chee Soon Juan, a true blue Chinese Sinkie, even lost to a PAP Indian minority candidate in a SMC (with Chinese majority voters some more) by election.

Because they simply asked themselves this question. Who can serve them better, Chee Soon Juan or PAP MP, when the ruling party is PAP? No brainer as to the correct answer and hence who to vote, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

More of WP proposing and siding voters welfare and employment, more voters will vote for WP.
1:41 pm

Not really lah, if WP is not ready to be govt. So of what use if PAP as govt heck care WP proposals?

So whether WP or other parties, be united or ready to be govt first, then talk about proposals and plans for voters. Or else majority voters will continue to "see u no up" and hence will not vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Pentagon was totally shocked

because it is the most advanced US underwater drone in their arsenal.

US mouthpiece had downplayed the significant of such seizure - US critical technology.

-They are completely autonomous, navigating with onboard computers and sensors.

virgo49 said...

What nonsense Oceanic Research??

Spy surveillance collection Data said so!!

Like the Japanese Whaling Ships. Research of whales for their stomachs.

China will give back after obtaining all the necessary Data from the Drone.

With that, hold their Balls What Oceanic Research you talking??

I can show proof to the UN- Chiak Liao Bees if you want.

Wah, McClain very hawkish. USA must stand up to China's provocations!!

But does he remember how USA and their cronies been provoking China all the while.

Anonymous said...

As i predicted, Trump said, let "china keep it", "we should told china we dont want the drone".

My thought was based on Trump s behavior. Trump is likely to stir up one china one taiwan policy to put pressure on china xi.

Xi, wake up and work hard like Putin lah. Taiwan is your grand father s terroritory. Go get it back like Putin did on Crimea. (Kratchok ex CCCP president gave Ukrain that piece of land Crimea. Putin took it back, Obama s not happy.) Xi should let PLA to take back Taiwan, in 3 days its over. Trump will not have 1 china game to play any more.

Anonymous said...

Trump sarcasm -let "china keep it", we should told china we dont want the drone".

Mao sarcasm - he was thankful for Japan's agression in China because without them the communists would have been much too weak to win the civil war

Anonymous said...

Trump sarcasm -let "china keep it", we should told china we dont want the drone".

Do you think Trump has Ah Hen on speed dial?
Has the two of them been exchanging notes?

Anonymous said...

China better not offend US. Can bully Singapok but not US or shit in pants.

Anonymous said...

If Singapore cabinet is truly neutral, it should allow Chinese military to be based in Singapore, just as it currently allows U.S. military to be based in Singapore . . .

Anonymous said...

Ah Hen should take notes not exchanging notes lah.
Just say it out, used equipment, can keep them.

Anonymous said...

China slowly laying the ground work for offense. Too early to carry out hidden agenda now. Give in where need to. Trade first. Then fuk later

patriot said...

Suspect it(the Device) is as advanced as claimed, otherwise,
it would not had been captured.
Another reason why it was captured could be that those
operating it were sleeping.
Whatever the Reason, it showed
that China can handle them.
Remember the US Fighter Jet brought to PRC Hainan lsland?


patriot said...

Suspect it(the Device) is as advanced as claimed, otherwise,
it would not had been captured.
Another reason why it was captured could be that those
operating it were sleeping.
Whatever the Reason, it showed
that China can handle them.
Remember the US Fighter Jet brought to PRC Hainan lsland?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Trump is behaving like a new kid on the block, not knowing what evil deeds the US had done to China. Someone call him and remind of the unprovoked bombing of Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and the killing of a Chinese pilot in the Hainan Island US spy plane incident.

This guy did not know anything and anyhow shoot his mouth. Obama rightly warned him not to make a fool of himself. He can do that to the American public but not on the international stage.

patriot said...

Suspect it(the Device) is NOT as advanced....

My apology for missing out
the Word 'not'


Anonymous said...

that is the way I like it......the TRUMP way.....

that is the way I like it......the TRUMP way.....

keep it up! keep it up!

that is the way I like it!


Anonymous said...

Trump is on OJT, probably he is testing the Dragons temper, in politics he is still a novice, his advisers will remind him, only thing is there r some bad advice that Trump took which result in a big hoo-ha. Trump need to understudy past US president (by 20jan 2017), learn from their past wisdom, get over it & improve US economy, else he would he impeached or last for 1 term & Americans still suffer at the end of the day

Anonymous said...

Trump will not get into difficulty so soon. Trump is teaming up with UK. He supported Brexit and Farage supported him during campaign. The world trend is on Trump side. UK+US in trade and technology will be powerful. Need not to consider EU that kind of regulations and problems.
Trump s aim is to squeeze china to lower import duties for US products. Higher rmb is for the same purpose, US export. So Trump is no Obama trying to start war using little usa and sacrifice little usa for US political purpose. The loser is so obvious now, sinkies know it.
Trump on the other hand is using Taiwan. Taiwan will be sacrifice similar to little usa.
Japan also sacrifice taiwan for its purpose.
To China calculation, the longer taiwan problem is being used, the longer china will be treated like a victim in a master and slave relationship. It is up to china to stand up as adult, not longing to be screwed and screamed. Russia is screwed by EU and US on trade, its china that helped Russia. If China wants to be screwed by Trump, Russia will just watch the show.

Anonymous said...

The era of pax America is ending soon due to empire overstretched .one hundred years ago pax Britannia ended pok Kai, Empire overstretched around 1915,

Pax Sinica next?

Anonymous said...

Sui China (581-618) established a second Pax Sinica in AD 589, continued by Tang China (618–907).[5] This was considered one of the golden ages of China.[5] The economy, commerce, culture, and science was flourishing and reached new heights.[5] During the early Tang-era, most notably during Emperor Taizong's reign, the Chinese brought their nomadic neighbors to submission.[5] This secured the safety and peace at the many trade routes.[5] The Pax Sinica brought forth a new age for exchange via the Silk Road.[5] The Chinese civilization became open and cosmopolitan to all people from near and far away.[5] Many people from different backgrounds and denominations traveled to the capital of Chang'an.[5] These included clerics, merchants, and envoys from India, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Korea, and Japan.[5]

A resurgence of this term has happened in recent years, as the rise of China changes the geopolitical landscape in Asia. The view has been expressed that a renewed Pax Sinica in Central Asia may help maintain stability in the region.[6] -Wikipedia

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Did the Americans steal anything? This will be my article tomorrow.

With 5000 military bases worldwide and 6 or 7 aircraft carrier groups, how much must the Americans pay to support the war machine and the murderers called soldiers?

And they got the cheek to yell at China for building a few batteries of defensive missiles on the SCS islands? And the silly USAs did not know that the Americans have militarised the whole world, with military fortresses around their countries to control them, to put them under the rule of the Empire?

And the Americans are fighting for freedom of navigation when, according to John Pilger, they conducted a major military exercise in 2015 called Talisman Sabre to block and control the Straits of Malacca, to curtail freedom of navigation.

Anonymous said...

Why is Central Asia so peaceful? Because the Americans had left and the Chinese moved in.

So are the borders between China and its southern neighbours, all peaceful and stable.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia in our mother tongue an official language in UN-

中國治世(拉丁语:Pax Sinica)或稱中華帝國統治下的盛世、中国统治下的和平, 是指中國歷史上因政治、經濟、軍事和文化的相對強勢表現,在東亞乃至國際上取得主導或核心,進而扮演地區政治、外交、或文化穩定發展的中心要角。


和平時期(拉丁语:pax)指單一的時期由一相對強勢政治勢力或組織扮演區域穩定發展的中心要角,例如羅馬帝國前二百年對於地中海地區的影響(羅馬治世)、荷蘭東印度公司對台灣部分地區的影響(Pax Hollandica)[2]、美國及蘇聯在二戰後的區域影響力(美利坚治世、蘇俄治世(英语:Sovietica))等。

Anonymous said...

(Bloomberg) -- China’s leaders are biting their tongues as
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump uses Twitter to rattle
relations between the world’s biggest economies.

Trump lashed out at China over the weekend, saying it stole
an underwater drone from the U.S. Navy in an “unprecedented
act.” Beijing’s response was muted. The state-run China Daily’s
English-language edition warned Monday that Trump’s inexperience
in diplomacy might lead to confrontations between the two
nations, while the Communist Party-affiliated Global Times
mocked his demeanor as “lagging far behind the White House

“China has so far practiced restraint at Trump’s
provocations as he’s yet to enter the White House,” the Global
Times said....

“Although the U.S. side tried to make light of those
underwater drones, it’d be difficult to hide the real intention
behind them,” the newspaper said in a front-page commentary.

While the motive for the seizure remains unclear, it’s a
concern no matter whether it was ordered from Beijing or the act
of a rogue captain, according to Michael Mazza, research fellow
in foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise

b said...

What do the world expect from cowboys? Only like to blame people but the truth is they are super lazy and demand a lot. Give them work and only get strike, protest, poor quality, etc in return. Always late for work, go mc, mia, etc. When they cannot get what they want, they resort to bombing, stealing, plundering, etc . They should look at themselves in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Dragon vs Eagle and Vultures

When the Dragon sleeps,
Every bird of prey roams the sky with pride.
When the Dragon awakes,
All birds of prey gang-up and start to stride.

When the Dragon grows,
Only the Eagle and Vultures dare to strike
When the Dragon rises,
The Vultures hide under the Eagle and spike.

When the Dragon soars,
The Vultures under the Eagle make hue and cry.
When the Dragon roars,
Only the Eagle is left to fight and pry.

When the Dragon is angry,
Soon the Eagle will know and meet its fury.
When the Dragon is hungry,
Even the Eagle will become its dinner in a hurry!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Nice poem, Dragon Fly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mr Chua Chin Leng aka Redbean.