
When racists and religious bigots rule

How sad it would be if this island is taken over by racists and religious bigots that went around attacking everyone and claiming to be victimized and discriminated but the truth is that they are the real racists and religious bigots using racism and religion as a tool to attack the innocent.

These racists and religious bigots are hiding in every corner, especially in social media to attack everything under anonymity. They accused everyone as racists or anti their religion at the slightest excuse and putting themselves as the righteous ones. There are also many cases quoted in the main media of such reckless and wild attacks and the innocent victims that have no intention of discriminating anyone ended up feeling so guilty and having to apologize to these racists and religious bigots.

The govt must step in, take a stand on this, be the main arbiter of who and what are racist/ racism and anti religion. The racists and religious bigots must not be allowed to rule the day and dictate to the people what they think things should. These racists and religious bigots must be taken to task for their wild and spurious attacks against the innocent.

Singapore is the most free from racism and religious discrimination country and must not allow the racists and religious bigots to blow their trumpets as and when they like, like Singapore is a highly charged racist country and intolerable to different religions. No one in Singapore has been attacked and spitted at because of the colour of their skin or their religion.

This menace must not be allowed to spread. The govt has the responsibility to nip this in the bud, starting with exposing and naming the racists and religious bigots hiding under anonymity in the internet and attacking the innocent. If this is not stopped, anyone dying his hair blond could also be accused or racism because he is insulting others for not having blond hair, like discriminating against black or brown hair.  The stupidity of racists and religious bigots is beyond your imagination.

Stop racism and religious bigots before they think they could set the agenda for the rest of the people. This scourge is rising and must be stopped immediately. The racists and religious bigots are attacking everyone when they are the real racists and bigots.


  1. Actually there is bigotry in Singapore. Occasionally you see Singaporeans discriminate foreign workers and atas foreigner look down on Singaporeans.

  2. The racists and religious bigots are attacking everyone when they are the real racists and bigots.


    But it also depends on whether these racists and religious bigots got power or not. If they got a lot of power, then it will be very jialat for everybody.

    But if they are nobodies like some bloggers whose blogs have very low hit rates, even ISD will not want to waste their time on them.

  3. They are usurping the power of the garment to attack the silent majority.
    And everyone so busy counting their millions and got no time to bother about this danger.

  4. Comedian Kumar must be careful with his jokes or he would be lynched by the racists and bigots.


  5. Racism, Sexual Oriention, Religious Bigotry and Prejudice, crime and elitism
    are natural traits of human beings.
    To want orwish to ERADICATE
    these natural human propensities
    is just an ideal, like the Nationhood of Sin. At it's best,
    it perpetually remaina as as aspiration and dream. Even the Promised Swiss Standard Of Living remains as a perpetual promise.

    Anyway, when conscience-less Sin Rulers proclaimed how pious and devout they are to their faiths, with some even wearing their claims in costume, worships/marks
    on their head, forehead etc, bigotry in beliefs and hence Race
    is evidently clear to all.

    Anyway to cut it short, Sgp is undeniably the Best Place for Believers of different beliefs.



  6. "Stop racism and religious bigots before they think they could set the agenda for the rest of the people. " - which group, locally AND regionally, is lobbying strongly for a certain individual to be the next PM ?

  7. What about when Generals and Cronies Rule?

    Ukrainians "Shocked" At Vast Wealth Amassed By Their Corrupt Politicians

    Ukraine is the latest country to discover that cronyism and corruption in politics pays - a lot - and is very unhappy about it.

    As a result of an anti-corruption reform requiring senior Ukrainian officials to declare their wealth online, the local population has been been exposed to the vast difference between the fortunes of politicians and those they represent.


  8. Comedian Kumar must be careful with his jokes or he would be lynched by the racists and bigots.
    Anon 10:16 am

    Comedian Kumar is a nobody lah. If he can be lynched by the racists and bigots, already lynched by now, tio bo?

  9. Comedian Kumar is a nobody lah.
    12:43 pm

    Tiok. If even ISD never go after him, he is a nobody.

    If he is a somebody like Chee Soon Juan, don't say ISD, even PAP will go after him.
