
The orgy of globalization

After the Americans voted Trump to be the next President of the USA, the truth sinks in. What Trump had been saying during the run up to the Presidential Election were music to the Americans, that globalization is dangerous, bad to the Americans and needs to be canned. Obama too has come around to acknowledge that the madness of unrestrained globalization by insensitive govts must be stopped.

There is an article in the Today paper on 17 Nov by Agencies with the title ‘Globalisation must correct its course to address inequality: Obama’ and its content said it all in Obama’s polite way of saying it. Trump would just show his middle finger to globalization and he is going to hack it to pieces. These were said by Obama, ‘The global path of globalization demands a course correction…When we see people, global elites, wealthy corporations seemingly living by a different set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating loopholes… this feeds a profound sense of injustice.’  If Obama knew about these transgressions, what is he going to do about it, or what has he done about it other than talking cock?

Such injustice, global elites and local elites living a different lifestyle of abundance would be quite well accepted by Singaporeans. Singaporeans could not see any injustice and would accept the calls by the elites to tighten their belts, to take cheap jobs, while local and global elites party everyday without a worry about the high cost of living, about high property prices or high prices of everything, about Singaporeans struggling to find a decent job with a decent income in the most expensive city in the world.

In the case of the Americans the orgy of globalization is coming to an end. Trump, the white angel from heaven has descended on them to lift the gloom from their miserable lives, from losing their jobs to foreigners. Even Obama is afraid when Trump appointed a hard line rightist extremist in Stephen Bannon to a top post. Obama warned of the “rise of nationalistic tribalism…to guard against a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an ‘us’ and a ‘them’” thing.

There will be divisions in the US. Obama said, “In the United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along lines of race or religion or ethnicity. It’s dangerous…Not just for the minority groups that are subjected to that kind of discrimination or, in some cases in the past violence, but because we don’t then realize our potential as a country when we’re preventing blacks or Latinos or Asians or gays or women from fully participating in the project of building American life.”

Being a black himself, Obama must be feeling the chill in his spine harking back to the days of the Ku Klux Klan. There are similarities and also differences in the way Trump is going to approach globalization and making America great from that of Obama. One is sustaining the American Empire by foreign intervention and military bases and starting and fighting wars everywhere. Trump’s form of American greatness is inward looking, a great country for Americans, and maybe to hell with the world. It is America and Americans first.  It is about charity begins at home, build a good life for the Americans, foreigners not welcomed until home America is in order and the Americans get their jobs and their good life.

The orgy of globalization promoted and praised by the elites is history at least in America and the UK.


  1. Globalization benefits smaller countries like Singapore. Larger countries like US and China do not depend 100% on global trade as internal economy would have being huge. At the end, these big boys would need to balance by protecting some jobs for their citizens and outsource the rest to the cheaper countries.

  2. Trump 's anti globalisation move all one sided la..he means USA can export but others cannot..if no globalisation..can IBM n Walmart ever grow to their size? can their finance n defense industries ever grow? he is playing to a domestic audience who's seeing a gook under every bed but when the witch hunt is over whether anything tangible will happen is another thing..usa needs the world or does a unified rest of world need usa..I'm for china n Europe vs usa..no sweat...)))


  3. up till now.....it is just only talk n talk......

    will his actions speak louder than his words.......

    we shall see........welcome 2017..........

  4. /// If Obama knew about these transgressions, what is he going to do about it, or what has he done about it other than talking cock? ///

    Smart Americans know.
    Talk no use.
    Only voting wisely will change things.

    But sadly for redbean.
    Singaporeans are not as smart as Americans.
    GE 2020 ... PAP will still be government with 70% of the popular vote.
    Maybe even 75% ... since more unhappy Singaporeans will have emigrated.

  5. /// Globalization benefits smaller countries like Singapore. ///

    November 18, 2016 9:15 am

    Globalization does not benefit small countries like Singapore.
    And certainly does not benefit Singaporeans.

    Globalization only benefits multi-national companies like all our Temasek-linked companies.
    And Temasek-linked companies do not have a Singaporean first hiring policy.
    Therefore Globalization does not benefit Singaporeans.

    In GE 2020, vote only for political parties that do not support Free Trade Agreements and Globalization.

  6. If America's Trump is adopting a pro-white policy ....
    Do you think it will be advantageous if we elect a white or "Eurasian" Prime Minister to negotiate with Trump?

  7. Globalization? What globalization r u talking bout Mann? Is it globble-lie-slay-tion of corporations, monies, people, products, goods & services? None of these really benefits the commoners. Investers bring in corporations & then employ foreign cheap labor & get cheap supplies...does it benefits the commoners? If it does, then why many countries under the guise of 'free trade' , its people gather in swarms to protest? But here in Sinkies, all 'tiam tiam' & their Leeder can say foreigners bring jobs to Sinkies..sadly 70% dafts Sinkies believe him? Unbelievable...

  8. Globalization is this: u do not let your son to run your shop as cashier. U can hire a bangali for $500pm (less the deductions) (based on the one comitted suicide here, he borrowed $4000 to cum here), why hire your own son?

    Your son stays at home do nothing except playing v vision games. When you are sick, u want your son to do cashier work, your son refuses. He wants to hire bangali because he cannot operate the old cash register. Globalization disallowed u to sell higher prices to buy a new cash register, because the land lord keep adjusting the rental up, because the land owner sells higher prices land.

    The winner after a generation of globalization are the land owners.

    You are hollowed up: your son is useless after 20 years, no skill due to no job. U loses your chance to buy a new tool to replace cash register. U also kaput due to gloablization.

    This is little dot who worship globalization.

  9. This is little dot who worship globalization.
    November 18, 2016 11:58 am

    No lah. I think only LHL worship globalization.

  10. //I think only LHL worship globalization.//

    Think tat he only like $$$$$$$$$$$ monies...his daddy said "what wrong with collecting money?" He is his daddy disciple Mah...

  11. Author never bring up the issue that DT also mention more countries should have Nuclear Weapons aka Japan, South Korea. Defense spending have been going up in SEA especially Vietnam, Aussies, Indonesia, Philippines and SG. Measures against some big aggressive country.

    Not very good for your PRC's comrades.



  12. China s Xi goes like Chrismas day in day out for years. China s US bonds holding is from 115000millions reduced by 2800millions in short time. When Xi s term expires, the next person will be similar to Trump. Both will meet and try to save money.
    RMB is dropping drastically, has already pass 6.8 to one USD.

    Trump if still spends like Obama who shot the debts to sky, US may have to default on debts some days, too big to repay.

    US s middle class is already reduced from 53% to 40% due to globalization.
    Trump asking Japan to pay for its defense is good. Japan only pays yearly 2billions USD and SKorean pays only 900millions USD to enjoy the yaya protection against China.

    I fully support Trump to demand Japan and Korea to pay for themselves. If they have their nuclear, so be it as smaller countries like Isreal already has long time ago.

  13. Correction: the China s US bond holding was reported to reduce by 28000mil USD. Not 2800

  14. When China dumps all the US bonds and stops buying.

  15. RMB is dropping drastically, has already pass 6.8 to one USD.

    Obviously, you dont realize that it is a good sign for Exporter nation, China.

    That is why value of Japan currency, Yen is always so low despite they are second largest economy of the world.
    They are rich nation.
    They are one of largest exporter nation.
    Stagnation for almost 3 decade did not paralyses Japan economically yet.

    But If yen goes Up to real values , Japan is totally doomed long time ago.

    People in Southeast Asian wont buy Japan products (electronic goods, cars,soft power cultural product) in bulk during those period 1970-2000.

  16. India abolished their currency denomination 500 and 1000 all of sudden.

    CECA does not affect Singaporean people with Indian currency?

    Singaporean people are busy buying Ringgit Malaysia in bulk.

  17. Mr Chan was responding to reporters on the sidelines of NTUC’s U Future Leaders Summit who asked what it means for workers if Singapore slips into a technical recession, after a media report suggested such a scenario is possible.

    Mr Chan s answer was as usual, no one knows what he really meant.

    “So it’s not a ‘one-size fits all’ policy that we need like in 2008 and 2009 where there was a general slowdown. In the current environment you see some sectors not doing as well, yet you see some sectors doing better.”

    I remember his kwie talapis theory. That kind of "chang chong kao" dao lee.

    “Focus on the fundamentals, and not just be overly distracted by the short-term challenges. Because the long-term fundamentals will be how we get out of this situation in a better shape.”

    Wong cant sing said this similar: he was either inside singapore or outside singapore.

    These are the best people singapore can find as leeders.
    Export drop like over a cliff at 12% in Oct. Not serious if you look at industry by industry, comparing to civil service industry, you cannot have 12% decline so drastic, i think you cannot disagree with me, similar to wong and chan.

  18. Actually Trump is not just anti globalization, he is anti corruption. He is on the side of the average hard working people. Many politicians in the west have taken a lot of money from saudi establishment to promote islam (not multi) culture into their countries and flooded their countries with many extreme muslims.

  19. He is right to insist those europe countries to pay up their 2% defense budget. Sg spent more than 3%. It will stimulate growth instead those eucrates are spending the money feeding and housing those fake asylum seekers who will go back to their countries with pocket money and buying weapons to do harm that affects trade and stability in the world.

  20. Wait until DT ask Singapore to pay for our fair share for defense.
    LHL balls will shrink and drop onto the floor.
    And Singaporeans will pay a higher GST.


  21. Not to worry, CCS already said Govt monitoring Economy and help if necessary.

    If necessary??? They are the Ones with No Foresight and only Backsides. Just like the NKF CEO whom loves the Guy's backside.

    Waiting for the 70 per cent Dafts who voted their own demise and misfortune.

    Plenty of grass everywhere. Bring back and boil soup for your lunch and dinner.

    Recession, said recession. What Technical Recession???

    Integrated Stream, technical subjects???

    Bought in 2 million plus to gain just one or two percent above the Average Sinkies contributions to the GDP and now have Great Recession.

    Anyway, the Dafts deserved to be screwed

  22. Hey Ah Chan ah. Small boy.
    Let uncle fuck your backside so that you become smarter.

    Recession is still a recession.
    Whether you call it technical or not.
    Singaporeans will still lose jobs and money.

    Now kneel down while I shoot my sperm all over your stupid school boy face.

  23. 6.57 pm, I think ah Chan may made a police report against you. So u better prepare to go to jail.in jail u may really Kena sodomised

  24. Rb //In the case of the Americans the orgy of globalization is coming to an end.//

    In history, at the point of time a chain of events or a trend is unfolding or reversing, it often makes "perfect sense" to those who advocated such calling and those who supported it?

    Historically, the (heavy) costs and consequences of the unfolding of "the last De-globalisation" in the late 19th century culminated in 1914 with the outbreak of WW1?

    But who can stand in the way and stop a tsunami in its path?

    1. In terms of parallel, the last globalisation trend was at its height between 1850 and 1870s, not unlike the current one between the 1970s and 1990s?

      911 was often touted in many analysis as the turning point of the current globalisation tide?

      The GFC in 2008/ 2008 was often seen by historians as the 2nd major trend reversal not dissimilar to the lower low trend reversal in the financial market technical analysis?

    2. Not unlike the financial market technical analysis of a run of the mill "head and shoulders", the "left shoulder" was epitomised in 2001 when 911 (in the US) struck and sent the global economy into a tailspin?

      The "head" was 7 years later in 2008/ 2009 embodied in the form of the subprime mortgage crisis which originated in the US (again), developed into a massive contagion globally?

      The "right shoulder" occurring another 7 years later (from 2009) in 2016 (this year), is encapsulated in the form of "BREXIT & "BREXIT+++")?

    3. "BREXIT+++", again another US emanated (trend) reversal?

      In the 1870s, as the then global hegemon (Pax Britanica) began to wane, de-globalisation took hold and many nations turned inward?

      In 1907, financial crisis struck?

      In the 2 World Wars that ensued, Europe bombed itself back to stone age?

    4. A city of (immeasurable) sins took off as the current globalisation tide started to rise in the 1970s?

      As globalisation started to wane after 911 starting from 2001, so too the fortune of this (infinitely) sin(ful) city?

      The decline was exemplified and confirmed 4 years later in 2005 when the city of sin announced that the only way to stay afloat and make a living was to turn the city into a gambling den?

    5. As the pace of deglobalisation quickened, the rate of decline in this city of (infinite) sins hastened into an unabated inevitability?

      Going back to the global stage, this reversal is inevitable given many unsolved global issues, top most global warming?

      Which is worst: the fate of man or earth?

    6. Without man, the earth survives ......

      Without Earth, both perish?

      The many (gargantuan) dugouts in the size of cities in some major powers are for what?

    7. The current de-globalisation process seems inevitable given that climate change, extreme mass poverty in developing countries, worsening income inequality between the top 1% and the rest in every country and the tidal wave-like migratory pressures all proved to be too overwhelming for the global ruling elites?

      Anger and conflicts would likely build up and accumulate, weakening the already fragile western coalition and will to work together?

      The experimentation of harmonisation of economic, political and social dimensions in the EU and EZ may have gone too fast, too ambitious?

    8. After Britain and US, the ultra far right leader Marine Le Pen is touted to be heading for victory in France next year?

      With that, the fate of EZ and likely EU is sealed?

      What does DT's appointment of ultra far right leader Steve Bannon as the incoming White House Chief Strategist portends for the fate of globalisation (and with that the fate of a "snort" ("pisai"))?

      Does anybolee knows?

      Pls kee chiu?

    9. Oops typo .....

      should be

      "Does anybolee know?"


  25. Hi Bro Anon 4.15

    This CCS said, some sectors doing well and some not well. So one size not fits all. In a way not really full blown recession. So can still take time to to jump start enconmy.

    So many sectors retrenchments and yet taking sweet time to mointor and see what to be done.

    Ask him know how to play roulette or not not??

    Just because he is recouping some small wins on the roulette table and losing big on other bets doesn't mean he is winning every round.

    In time, you gonna lose all. At this juncture, you must able to identify which likely winning numbers gonna come up soon and bang double or triple stakes in them to recover lossses.

    That will pay you triple or even double triple.

    You will have enough jobs for those retrenchments. Not just able to help a few.

    Just because you are satisfied to still draw your million dollars salaries.

  26. Would the next financial crisis brought about by the recent changes lead to WW3? Would earth by flattened and return to stone age? WW2 was devastating but did not turn the world into stone age. This time the possibility is real.

    The good thing, with so many countries in possession of nuclear weapons, with no one super power having the ability to wipe out other countries and itself left standing, that it would be safe, the world is safe from a WW3. We got to thank countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, yes including Kim Jung Un, for stopping the mad men in the White House from thinking that they could start a third world war and the Americans would be safe.

    It is this balance of weapons of mass destruction on both sides of the divide that would prevent a WW3. Now you know why the Americans are adamant about not letting other countries possess nuclear weapons, so that they would be the one having them and have the liberty to strike at anyone with impunity. Now they can't do that.

  27. Virgo49 8:18am
    Bro your message using betting is clear on analogy of my message that non oil export overall decline by 12% was still not serious in army general s eyes. I must point out that betting on belief that a 3 7 jackpot will come out after throwing coins for hours is not logical. Readers must not think that way. Instead is to stop with your bet if u cannot get three 7.
    The non oil export dropped 12% overall means there are major items drop by 20% and above.
    I read brief reports that electronic was the major drops. Do you expect this general to read in details? The way this general answer was telling that all industries contributions are more or less the same. He cited education industries. I doubt private schools are boosting the economy creating jobs. In other words, he has no real idea in his city he so called in charge, what industries are having jobs loss, not now may be. Oil is obvious, electronic is coming in my view. That s what i meant.

    Electronic s fall was fully accounted for on globalization. It is an industry depends on cheap labor from 3rd world. It did not upgrade in system. It produces PC parts and not HP parts to squeeze the last drops. It now faces phasing out due to free hiring of cheap labor. Low quality and low grade products.

    This is globalization. In other words, it is taking advantage of cheap labor. At the end, it does not upgrade the production systems due to constant eying on low grade products to sell to customers. When customers shift to high grade products like HP, the industry is still stuck at low grade. Those are good work created by these generals.

  28. Uncle RB, u r 100% spot on. For the next 4 - 5 years there wouldn't be a WW3 as the white men in the white house trying to figure out what they gonna do to benefit their own country as they turn inwards to improve their own economy. As Trump ascends to his throne in next yr Jan, he would act as a stabilizer in world economy & peace ( unlike his predecessor Obama's administration). Some say its like god-send ( though early to tell), to help the Americuns commoners as they struggling for decades. Lets hope that the World will be a peaceful ones & economy improves thereon.

  29. @ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean November 19, 2016 9.08am
    //It is this balance of weapons of mass destruction on both sides of the divide that would prevent a WW3. //

    Uncle RB,

    Mee never imply WW3 coming soon lah ......

    In the last de-globalisation tide during the late 19th to early 20th century, the time frame from the "right shoulder" of the "head and shoulder" trend reversal to WW1 was about 44 years lah ......

    1. The current globalisation time frame (1970s to 1990s) mirrored the last globalisation tide (1850 to 1870s) .......

      Assumming the present de-globalisation tide mirrors the last, that would be around 2060 before it culminates into anything confrontational militarily .......

      By then, most if not all MSN readers would be gone (unless oldies start to live beyond 100-yo courtesy of the MSL scheme?)

    2. In the short and medium run, the "conflicts" going forward likely would be internal within society as well as external in the realm of "protectionist tendency" .......?

      When the tide of globalisation rose, the FORTUNE of small and open economy tends to follow in locksteps?

      As the "right shoulder" of the trend reversal has been formed and confirmed in the US results, the tide of de-globalisation sets in and whether yew pay "snakeoil salemen" $8, $8 million or $80 million, the outcome of small and open economies may not differ much in the end .......?

  30. The wave of regionalism or regional economic integration or regional trade agreement (RTA) in the last 60 years since the Treaty of Rome in 1957 (formation of EEC, predecessor of EU) rode and premised on the benefits brought about by the dual mechanism of "trade diversion" and "trade creation" when countries group up in a free trade area?

    When the economic benefits are monopolised by the 1% elites in countries in such groupings, this mode of resolving the central economic problem (CEP) of scarcity under the free market price mechanism system is getting less tenable and unappealing to the masses especially in the last 20 years?

    In the jungle, when a lion pride hunts down a limping buffalo amidst their yearly migration, other lions would be far less enthusiatic if the minority (1% super selfish, super self-centred) elitist lions dominate the partake of the killing and the rest of the lion pride are left with the bones and crumbs?

    1. Btw Uncle RB,

      Mee going overseas soon le to explore "greener pastures" of million of sq km .......

      Probably won't be free to "visit" MSN and "lim kopi" with the oldies here le ......

      This time is the real "ZaiJian" le, (hopefully not the last GB?) ......

      A "ZaiJian" that could span years or decades ......?

      Till we next "meet", so lo(ooooooo)ng my dear oldies in msn ........

  31. Hi Anon 10:41, I am not speculating on when WW3 will come around. But while many people fear WMDs, it is their presence in opposing camps that would prevent a monopoly of power and thus for one to feel free to use them at will. when the Americans and the USSR were the two powers with nuclear power, the Americans were always weighing the option to use them, especially against China. Even today, it refuses to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons but frightening the rest of the stupid world that the North Koreans for some reason are mad enough to want to nuke everyone. And the stupid people around the world believe in this lie when it is the Americans that are toying with the idea of nuking North Korea.

    And to Anon 11:28, looks like he is migrating to a really third world country where there is no internet. With internet, one can be anywhere in the world and never lost touch with the world. Take care, buy more batteries if there is no power in where you are: )

    1. // ..... buy more batteries .....//

      Uncle, u outdated le .....

      Even in a desert, no nid battery lah ......

      Now go green le ......

      Renewable portable solar power .....

      Many places selling lah ......

    2. // ..... looks like he is migrating to a really third world country where there is no internet.....//

      Uncle, yew really dun understand or ......

      When exploring (the opportunities in) "greener pastures" of millions of sq km, probably no time (to "waste"?) on (a insignificantly nanoscopic) trillions of sq nano-metre pisai le .......
