
Elected Presidency – Another worm just crawl out of the can

Read this comment from TRE by a Dinners are just Dinners.

October 11, 2016 at 8:57 pm  Dinners are just dinners(Quote)

Latest is that for the new EP rules there will only be 3 racial categories instead of the usual 4 based on C-M-I-O. Those classified as Others will be lumped together with Indians.

How does this work? ‘Indian and Other’ category: If there is no Indian or Eurasian President after the late S R Nathan (Term 1999-2011) for the next 4 EP terms, the Indians and Eurasians will be guaranteed a contest among themselves. Could be I-vs-I, or I-vs-E or E-vs-E. Likely I-vs-I mostly.

This is somehow ridiculous. How does being Eurasian Singaporean or European Singaporean or Arab Singaporean suddenly – by a stroke of a pen – mean they should be classifiable in the same category as Indians now called ‘Indian/Others’?

How can you just lump them all together in the same category??
This is all political convenience, and has nothing to do with respecting Eurasians or ‘Others’

I really do not know whose clever idea is this. Now the Eurasians are going to create a storm. What about us? Why are we now part of the Indian category? We have had Benjamin Sheares and hoping and waiting for the next Eurasian to be the EP. This is going to be near impossible with this change and the lumping of Eurasians together with the Indians is as good as saying no more Eurasian EP. Is this fair to the Eurasian community? Don’t ask me, I am not Eurasian and I cannot claim to empathise with their feelings and emotions even if I said I understand their plight. Only the Eurasians would know and feel slighted or do not mind. No freaks non Eurasian can speak up on their behalf.

Should the govt use the ‘going to be created committee’ to decide on this? Or should a COI be instituted to study on the feelings of the Eurasians?

I think the Indians would not be unhappy as there are many talented Indians in high places that would easily win an EP election hands down and there could actually be Indian EPs one after another. Would that prompt a call by the Chinese majority to call for a special EP election just for a Chinese to be represented as the EP after 30 years when no Chinese is elected?  Are the new changes going to provide for this too, that if after a lapse of 30 years and no Chinese EP has been elected, then the majority Chinese also will get a second chance?

I have to stray away from the feelings and emotions of the Indians for having to accept the Eurasian/Others as part of their category as I have full confidence that many Indians would be elected to be EP by the silly ‘racist’ Chinese.  Oh, while on this subject, are children of part Indian and part Chinese or part Europeans or Others be classified as Indians and thus counted as Indian EP? The Indians have no fear and would not need to have to depend on this special clause to protect minority rights. It is the Eurasians that may be compromised together with the rest of the minorities lumped under Others.

I also worry for the Chinese majority that there could be a time when no Chinese would be elected over a long period as I don’t believe the Chinese are racist. They have proven many times, over the years, to happily and willingly vote for minorities to represent them. Now so many Chinese are even asking for Tharman to be PM.

So let’s forget and ignore the Chinese are racist myth until proven otherwise. Just watch what would happen if it is true that Eurasians/Others would be lumped together with the Indians and how this worm would crawl all over the place.

Any MP want to ask questions in Parliament but has no idea what to ask may ask if this is true and how it would affect the feelings of the Eurasians?


Hermit said...

RB, u shd worry about no non-Chinese PM than no Chinese EP if u want to talk about race equality.

Anonymous said...

Now the Eurasians are going to create a storm. What about us?

But how? Like how Chee Soon Juan created storms in the past? Or like the late JBJ?

Let me tell you. Anybody who dare to create storms will end up like Chee Soon Juan or the late JBJ.

You dare?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Hermit,

I am looking at all angles so that no one is left out. While the PAP is tinkering to appear to be protecting minority interest, there is a high possibility that the realities could end up with the majority not being elected as the EP for a long time. The silliness of this EP proposal is starting to show and more glaring as the day goes by.

Anonymous said...

30 years is about half generation. It is a long time just like long term investment.

Just like waiting for the 3000 jobs to be created in 2020, meantime continue upgrading yourself.. Ha,ha.

This is called long term planning. We know by that time most of us are not here already. So no responsibility..

At least they are safe for the next 5 or 10 years. That's an opinion.

Anonymous said...

If you want more jobs to be available for Singaporeans;
try voting Opposition lah!

If you want more candidates for Executive President;
you must encourage by voting for Opposition lah.

True or not ... you tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

Minister Josephine Teo: “You do not need much space to have sex”


How she know?
You tell me lah!

Veritas said...

It is a crime becoming Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. It is a crime to be good and virtue here.

In Malaysia, Peranakan are here longer than most UMNO Malay-nized Indians or Arabs. But they choose to be good. They choose to study, and choose not to hate Jews. They paid a price of not becoming Bumiputera.

Peranakan who choose the Malay identity become Malay. The Malay hate Jews, want murder for apostasy, hate Lina Joy, conduct terror in Thailand, Philippines, Indon, hate Chinese....etc

The more shitty you are the more virtuous.

Imagine a Malay pernakan go outside a mosque and tell Malay not to hate Jews. That goon will be lynch alive.

Anonymous said...

lt used to be so long as the Emperor (Huangdi/皇帝)
is Chinese, who cares what the kings and ministers are of what breeds.
ln the End, Mongol and Manchurian became emperors in China.
The consolation for the Chinese was that the Mongol and Manchurian adopted much of the Chinese System in their governance.

Anonymous said...

The consolation for the Chinese was that the Mongol and Manchurian adopted much of the Chinese System in their governance.
October 13, 2016 11:17 am

It is consolation for the Founding Son that 70% adopted much of the Founding Ah Kong's Hard Truths in their votes in GE 2015.

Veritas said...

We have a thought scenario where a Chinese man in Malaysia marry a Malay woman, and have two son. The elders is call Ah Beng and younger Pukimak.

Ah Beng work very hard, study 24x7, do not hate people, and prosper. Ah Beng will be hated.

Pukimak is lazy, but he has virtuous of shouting Allah hu Akbar 24x7. He go to streets has shout China babi balek cina, kill yankee, kill jews. Pukimak will be a rock start.

So in our region evil is enshrine as virtue.

Same in Singapore. Chinese work very hard. So Chinese must be penalized for all top position.

Anonymous said...

How she know?
You tell me lah!
10:04 am

She may know but she may not do it that way lah. Like most MIWs, she lives in big landed property, u know. Where got not much space, u tell me lah?

b said...

How she know?
You tell me lah!
10:04 am

Maybe she did it in a car with a previous boss.

Having babies is an expensive project. Its not a matter of space but money. The gov only knows how to milk the people so no more milk to produce babies loh. Babies also need to be supported to uni level, is the gov paying? otherwise she should just shut up. I think the ministers should all be paid $3k per month to make them wise. They are paid so much they are totally out of touch with the people.

Anonymous said...

//I am looking at all angles so that no one is left out.//

But you have left out the fact that after more than 50 years, there is no non-Chinese PM.

//While the PAP is tinkering to appear to be protecting minority interest, there is a high possibility that the realities could end up with the majority not being elected as the EP for a long time.//

The reality is that there is no non-Chinese PM in the history of Singapore. But we have had presidents of so many races including three Chinese (Wee Kim Wee, OTC and KFC Tan), yet you are more concerned about no Chinese than no non-Chinese?

//The silliness of this EP proposal is starting to show and more glaring as the day goes by.//

Agreed. While the real problem of a non-Chinese PM is not addressed even though there is no non-Chinese PM, the changes in consti is about having minority president even when we had them. But the biggest silliness is the idea that this is disadvantage to the majority Chinese when we had 2 Chinese PMs and 3 Chinese presidents.

Veritas said...

If PAP never suppress Chinese culture and if Nantah open and Chinese school allow to open shop, you will always have Chinese PM.

And our minorities will be sinicized.

b said...

I think it is UAS who wants PM Lee to put a dark skin as president just like UAS now. It will turn the country into a mess. The dark skin will be made to raid the reserves for UAS.

Anonymous said...

'Anonymous said...

//I am looking at all angles so that no one is left out.//

But you have left out the fact that after more than 50 years, there is no non-Chinese PM.'

You are so stupid. So this is RB's problem? Go and see a shrink for goodness sake.

I regret having made you as a human being. You should remain a rabid dog or a sick bear.

Anonymous said...

@8.07, But if non-non Chinese PM is not RB/s problem, then why is no Chinese pres for long time his problem that he brings it up? Care to answer for him since you appointed yourself as his secretary?

As for your name calling me rabid and sick, I recall that RB doesn't allow such name calling, or claims he doesn't allow such. But it is still rampant on this racist cum sick site.

Anonymous said...

Nantah was doing well until it suck Marxist cock. If Nantah had not suck Marxist cock, Nantah would be the finest university in SE Asia and perhaps even Asia. But because Nantah suck Marxist cock, PAP closed it down. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

Nantah was "sucking Marxist cock" long before it got closed down in the early 80s. Nantah was supporting the Marxists way back in the 1950s when it was used as a base for the Chinese riots against the British.

Anonymous said...

Minister Josephine Teo: “You do not need much space to have sex”

Sure or not?
Anyone here wants to help Josephine prove her case?

Anonymous said...

I smell a pervy pedo from down under.

Anonymous said...

How would she know?
Has she ever fucked in a small HDB flat before?

Anonymous said...

Senior Minister of State Josephine Teo went kinky in her interview with state media Straits Times and told the reporter that Singaporeans do not need to get HDB BTO flats to have children. The Minister in-charge of population matters even suggested have children out of wedlock, which according to her, like the people in France, UK and the Nordic countries:

“You do not need much space to have sex.

In France, in the UK, in the Nordic countries, man meets woman, tonight they can make a baby already. Both of them partly have their own family, so it is a matter of living in yours or living in mine, and they also don’t have to worry about marriage – that comes later. So how about having a couple declare that they wish to have a child in two years and get the flat first?

What if they can’t conceive? Take back the flat from them? How do you know they really tried to conceive? Can we check whether they use contraceptives? Cannot, right?”

Minister Josephine then said women should have babies early and worry about HDB flats later:

“You never really know that you’re not fertile until you try. Unfortunately, it is one of those things. There is no fertility indicator. As a woman you will know, if you have regular menstruation, okay, (there is a) likelihood. But maybe you have a major cyst and how would you know until you attempt to conceive, only to realise that you can’t?”

The Minister then criticise young Singaporeans’ mindsets of not putting romance a priority:

“When I meet young people and ask if they go and look for upgrading opportunities, they said ‘yes’. I said, ‘What about love? Do you go and look for love?’ They said ‘no’. I said, ‘Why not?’ They said, ‘If it happens, it happens’.

“I said, ‘You don’t think that upgrading and a good job, if it happens it happens, right? So why is it that you would apply that thinking to your career and your own education, but you don’t apply it to your personal life?”

Anonymous said...

RB and his gang of racist supporters don't get it. This change in constitution to the EP is about blocking Mr Tan Cheng Bok from contesting. Race is just a fuckin' excuse. About every blog writer knows that and talks that. Only RB's blog and his pack of racist followers would turn an issue like this into a hot race issue which allows tons of racist remarks levelled at non-Chinese. Why does this happen here and not other more popular and more frequently visited sites? Because this blog allows racism to flourish.