
The Hague ruling – Sing a song of six pence

The main media are still publishing articles crowing about the rulings from The Hague tribunal as if they are oblivious to its dark sides. In our blog we have established that the Permanent Court of Arbitration is not what it is supposed to be. Some even said that the PCA was only providing secretarial services to a ‘make shift’ tribunal hammered together by the Japanese and the Americans to give it a semblance of legitimacy when it had totally nothing to do with the PCA. The UN has also dissociated itself from this farcical setup as it has a dedicated court, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas, ITLOS to deal with such issues in an internationally recognized court of law.

The other point to note is that The Hague rulings were issued under the name of the PCA and the PCA has not said anything to distance itself from the rulings.

The issue here is not so simple. It looks like there is another big conspiracy cooked up by the Americans, Japanese, the Philippines and the western media to sing a song of six pence, that The Hague ruling is legitimate and binding. The local Today paper has at least 3 articles about The Hague rulings today with the authors taking the position that it is legal and legitimate. Prominent academics attached their names to this story. I have not read the ST, very likely the same kind of stories would be rolled out, to give a picture of legality and legitimacy to The Hague rulings on the South China Sea.

Is this true? If not, if The Hague in this case is not what it is, that the tribunal was anything but legitimate, why are the main media putting up such articles to make it sound legitimate? What is the agenda and who is behind this international scam? Have the main media established the background of this make shift tribunal? Or they just don’t bother and for some reasons must sing the song of six pence?

What is the truth? What is real and what is unreal? Would the main media be involved in plastering half truths or untruths in their pages and want the readers to think that these are the truths? There is no excuse for publishing half truths or lies as the main media have all the resources and professionals to establish the facts and truths.

Would there be investigative journalists to get into the details of this Hague tribunal to tell the world what is going on?  The Fourth Estate is the last bastion to stand up for justice and righteousness. When the Fourth Estate is also corrupted and joined the Dark Side, there will be no light on earth.

The Empire rules from the Dark Side.


  1. Dont doubt for a second that the

    Official Media in Sin is not reporting nothing but the Truth.

    Sin Parliamentarians had declared
    or almost swore on the truefullness
    and accuracy of the State Media.
    So, the Official Media in Sin shall
    not carry inaccuracy.
    Anyway, if me am not wrong, Sin Media are immune from legal action by member of the Public. Do correct me, if me am wrong.



  2. Dont doubt for a second that the

    Official Media in Sin is not reporting nothing but the Truth.

    Sin Parliamentarians had declared
    or almost swore on the truefullness
    and accuracy of the State Media.
    So, the Official Media in Sin shall
    not carry inaccuracy.
    Anyway, if me am not wrong, Sin Media are immune from legal action by member of the Public. Do correct me, if me am wrong.


  3. Hi Patriot, you keep repeating your posts two, three, sometime four times at a go. Why aren't you complaining that I am messing up with your computers so that you cannot post properly? Or should you be cursing and swearing at me because I deleted your posts, or should your post goes missing, and blame me for deleting them?

    Of course you are more mature and sophisticated than that and know that the whole world is smelly not because the whole world is smelly but there is a piece of smelly cheese hanging on the moustache in front of your nose.

    I have just deleted one of your repeated post. And yes, you can delete your own posts when they appeared repeatedly. And it will say the post is deleted by the author, meaning you or whoever wrote the comments, not me.


    On second thought I will leave your repeated posts here to show the dull minds that it is their own computers that are having problem, not me or Blogger. It only happens to a few occasionally, not to everyone.

  4. We need to pacify our fucking minorities who have rabid hate of Chinese, by dishing out lies. Right now in RB blog our minorities are challenging whether RB is loyal to China.

    At least we can say we choose not be race traitor.

    Our minorities are worst scumbag. They choose to be loyal to Arab, who have nothing to do with them. When Arab tell them to hate Jews, they follow like a fucking kepala puki dog.

  5. The Hague ruling is done, dusted and over already, no use crying over spilled milk. Or allege that the milk comes from a non-kosher cow.

    Why don't you write to your MP to have a debate about this in Parliament ? Even better, form a political party in SG to right the injustices done to China in South China Sea vis-a-vis SG's position ?

    Writing blogs don't really change the realpolitik. But if you win a seat or even form the government, you can make SG join China.

  6. Singaporean Chinese is a good race, who are torn between support of China and masturbating our minorities. At least in SCS, China did not harm Singapore.

    But our fucking minorities have been forcing us to distance ourselves from Israel against our interest. Israel have transfer many technology to SG, most notably, Phalcon.

    But our fucking minorities sucks up mad dog arab for no reason. We cannot even allow Israeli President to visit us.

    Singapore have been accomonodating to our minorities. We decide to put Israel at arm length against our interest.

  7. The Philippine Japanese conspired one sided tribunal has acted beyond Ocean laws power to rule on sovereignty of islands using the 9 dash lines. This 9 dash lines have map indicating china s sovereignty as early as 1935.

    Another contradiction in Japan is: the very small rock with japanese concrete built on top to enlarge it: Okinotorishima was clarified by Japan FM as island. It means the surrounding 200 nmiles will belong to Japan. The biggest island Taiping island was ruled by the tribunal as rock. It means taiwanese fisher men do not have 200 nmile territorial area.

    There is no value on Hague or whatever they called it. Hagues is just a place used by media to confuse the judgment as ICJ which is managed by UN.

    If people look at the Nasha islands, there are 29 occupied by Vietnamese, 8 occupied by Philippines, at least 1 each Occupied by Malaysia, and Brunei.

    And China claims it wants to be peaceful to solve the problem. I see this kind of contradicting attitude of China civilian govt is the biggest problem.

    If China want to own the 9 dash lines, China must use their guns to protect the islands. Otherwise, it keep saying the judgment disapproving 9 dish lines had acted beyond tribunal power, yet it allows other countries to own islands inside Nasha as facts.

    China better decide what they want. The US is having guns at their heads. If they do not want to fight back, then they can only claim the judgment has no value. But the judgment was made and being used by the US Japan and pro US media to support the legitimacy.

    It is just a media war. At the end, China who let the messy ownership islands to exist still need to sort out who really own those Nasha islands. Dont use guns may not solve the problem. Worst, Xi also dare not to do sanctions against Philippines. China now says Philippines can talk, so lets talk.

    China is sick and laughable. I dont support them this way. But the fact of Scs tribunal must be transparent for people and readers to understand the facts behind. That is my opinion.

  8. Please lah, whatever RB wrote cannot make the Sinkie opposition become strong, united and ready to be govt.

    And majority voters will not vote for a opposition which is not ready to be govt. So the opposition will not even win(as proven in Bukit Batok) in a by election, let alone win to be govt.

  9. You keep decrying that China rightfully owns the SCS.

    Now can you support China's claims against the below arguments which do not need a trained judge, just a normal thinking person, to feel that these arguments hold a kernel of truth :

    In certain cases, as with the South China Sea example, its historic claims have been based on the logic that the Chinese were the first to discover the islands, evident from the remnants of Chinese terracotta in them....

    History is often a confused heap of facts and that is why history's lessons are no more enlightening than the wisdom of those who interpret them. And going by the Chinese interpretations, Tibet became a part of the Chinese empire when the great Mongol Genghis Khan annexed Tibet (most parts of it) in the early 13th century. It is a strange logic, because taken to its logical conclusion, one could argue that China is a part of Mongolia and does not deserve to exist as an independent nation.

    And secondly, why are the Chinese not claiming a quarter of Europe, Russia and the whole of West Asia (Middle East) and Central Asia since these also constituted the Mongol empire of Genghis Khan?

    "... The problem with the Chinese version of history is the inability to draw the line. After all, it is also fact that the pre-Mongol history of Tibet was militarily glorious. In the eighth century, the Tibetan empire was expanding at such a pace that the then Chinese emperor had to flee his capital and a Tibetan nominee was put on the Chinese throne! Peace was restored in the year 821 with the conclusion of a treaty, which laid down clearly the boundaries between China and Tibet. It read: "Tibet and China shall abide by the frontiers of which they are now in occupation. All to the East is the country of Great China; and all to the west is, without question, the country of Great Tibet."

    That being so, on what basis has China brought Tibet under its sovereignty? This is a logical question for us Indians to ponder over since our northern frontiers remain "disputed". It may be noted that for centuries together, India shared a border with Tibet, not with China.

    Even if one were to accept Beijing's "historical claims" argument for a moment, the problem, as Prof Mohan Malik has pointed out succinctly, is that the Chinese empire was not the only empire in pre-modern Asia and the world.

    "There were other empires and kingdoms too. Many countries can make equally valid 'historical claims' to lands that are currently not a part of their territory, but under Chinese control (eg, the Gando region in China's Jilin province that belongs to Korea). Before the 20th century, there were no sovereign nation-states in Asia with clear, legally defined boundaries of jurisdiction and control. If China's claims are justified on the basis of history, then so are the historical claims of Vietnamese and Filipinos based on their histories. Students of Asian history, for instance, know that Malay people related to today's Filipinos have a better claim to Taiwan than Beijing does. Taiwan was originally settled by people of Malay-Polynesian descent — ancestors of present-day aboriginal groups — who populated the low-lying coastal plains," writes Prof. Malik.

    In fact, if India follows the Chinese logic, then Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Malaysia (Srivijaya), Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have no right to exist as independent nations since each one of them at some point of the time was a part of the empire, of either Chandragupta Maurya or Ashoka or a Chola or a Moghul or the British.

    In other words, if one accepts the Chinese theory of history to advance territorial and maritime claim, then it will amount to rejection of the history of other countries, particularly India, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan and South Korea... "


  10. The extend that local media is in complete agreement with the globalized elite is astonishing.
    I noticed this on brexit first, the commentators all parrot the garbage that more globalization is better, that free movement of labor is the way of the future and that Singapore must accept globalization, free movement of labor etc etc.

    On the issue of south China Sea also same. The local media is echoing the opinion of the USG state department. Never heard any story showing a contary opinion. This show the extend that the globalized elite has control over the opinion and minds of the people.

    At least the old PAP propaganda is easy to detect. This new type of brainwashing is much more sinister, because the supposedly fair and neutral "civil society" have all been led to believe in a certain narrative.

  11. Majority Sinkies are not even that concerned about how PAP screw them, let alone what happened in the South China Sea.

    Or else Chee Soon Juan would have already won the Bukit Batok by election, tio bo?

  12. @10.31

    We ain't claiming Europe till Poland is because we are Han Chinese, not Mongolian. If the mongols want to do so it is their problem.

    China has made no land claims, only sea claims. You can't claim the sea unless you have an advanced maritime civilization like China did.

    We conquered Tibet by force, to the victor goes the spoils, we ain't giving up Tibet unless all Indo Europeans go back to south Russia. That goes for the Ayrans too.

  13. India have no right to exist AT ALL. India is a creation of British imperialism. She is due to the brutal rape and slaughter of British that put together 1000 princely states, like Bengal, Manipur, Megalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Nagaland, Hyderabad, Bengal, Gujarat, Pubjab, Kashmir....etc.

    India is a FUCKING country with no national language because she is never one people. She use English as official language.

    And India did took Tibet like South Tibet (Aka Arunachal), Ladakh (west Tibet), Sikkim, Tibetan Himachal...etc..

    And after India got independence, she is like and still like FUCKING Hitler.

    India attack Hyderabad, India say "Hyderabadi like India, ruler dont like India, so Hyderabad is India"

    India attack Kashmir, India say "Kashmiri don like India, ruler like India, so Kashmir is India"

    India attack Manipur, India say "Manipuri dont like India, ruler dont like India, fuck it Manipur is India"..

    India attack and annex at least 20 states since independent, and only being stop by China.

    Most recently, India support Tiger against Sri Lanka becuase India want control Sri Lanka. Lankan hate India.

    Every single Indian neighbor hate India, NO JOKE.

    FUCK India.

  14. @veritas

    I think it is good that we do not have a open alliance with Israel, i for one do not want to be accused of a Zionist shrill. Let the Jews sort out their own issues.

  15. And Malay did believe they got discriminated, never repent they did not study as much.
    Veritas 10:42 am

    I observed, anecdotically of course, that in Singapore, the Malays are over-represented, as compared to their % in the population, in the lower rungs of jobs, whether in public or private sector. Sometimes can reach as high as 70% to 80% of the lower or lowest level of jobs.

    But of course in Malaysia, it is the reverse due to their govt affirmative action and quota eg places in institutes of higher learning, and not merit, system.


    1. As the Sin System is base on Merit, the Better Folk gets the Job. So, if any Race; Malay or Others proves to be better,they should get the Jobs.

      In Malaysia, the Malays are holding political office and power as a national policy to claim ownership of the Country.



  16. Do go to johnpilger.com

    to read 'A World War has began'.
    'Break the Silence'.

    Think in some way, it is link
    to the Hague Tribunal


  17. @10.55

    Well if you research race and IQ and believe in evolution. Races evolved in different climates, hence they would have different abilities. This explains a lot of the difference between races, but it is not politically correct to say so.

  18. Wiki say about Hindu wife burning in Indonesia Bali. On the Indonesian island of Bali, sati (known as masatya) was practised by the aristocracy as late as 1903, until the Dutch colonial masters pushed for its termination, forcing the local Balinese princes to sign treaties containing the prohibition of sati as one of the clauses. Early Dutch observers of the particular Balinese custom in the 17th century said that only widows, themselves of royal blood, were to be burned alive. Concubines or others of inferior blood lines consenting to die with their princely husband could choose to be stabbed to death before burning

    Scum Hindu culture need to be destroy.

  19. The Malay bumiputra-ism is 1000x better than Hindu caste system. At least Malay just shout Allah hu Akbar and when you convert, they treat you like Abang Adik.

    Even if Dalits already assimilate to Aryans for 3000 years, the Aryans make them hereditary prostitute and hereditary shit collector.

    Malay racism is kindergarten compared to Hindu.

    When Hindu want to take your job, he just say Indians are good at IT, despite Indians keep failing in schools.

    Then he take your job.

  20. Haha......

    Redbean Sir;

    indeed me can deletes the Extraneous Posting myself, but, it is neatere if You do it for us as a favour. Shall appreciate more if You help to correct Spelling and Grammatical mistakes as well.
    Paiseh to All for the Abberation of my cheapo mobile phone or is it something else?

    I do not mind the Additional Repeats, however, l do feel very disappointed when a long posting and or 'good' posting got lost. Luckily that did not happen too frequently.

    Having said the Above, l must say that me am happy to have learnt much from the Social Media which has many patriotic and learned folks. Must saythat they are mostly courageous and righteous too.

    Thank You very much Folks!

    Humbly Yours:



  21. I just read a PLA Major General who gave s speech. I hope the US Carriers will pull the trigger and start the war in Scs, since the minister Carter had shouted to deal with China for not following "principle". Its time now. The PLA seems getting impatience. This is another challenge in the open.

    In a chinese agency report , Major General PLA Peng Guangqian , said the United States threaten China in the South China Sea with force. They must have read the "wrong calendar". He stressed , " how do you think the aircraft carrier will be like at South China Seas ? They can become Live targets !"
    He added "If you dared to touch us, we will finish you one by one, none will get away. Believe me, we have this ability ."

    Peng Guangqian said that the United States have a total of 10 aircraft Carriers. For the South China Sea , US send 11 still will be useless ." He said the United States wants threaten China by force. They have referred to the wrong "calendar".

  22. For sure there will be no war in the South China Sea lah, just as surely as there will be no Sinkie opposition ready to be govt by next election.

    If USA can make money with China, why would they want to make war?

    If smart Sinkies can make money under PAP, why would they want to join the Sinkie opposition to make war with PAP?

  23. US wont pull the trigger first because it is so stupid in modern times and China is a UN perm security member.

    Then if it wont pull 1st trigger, then why is there a need to round up so many neighbors, go through the legal process to play the tribunal thing, secure bases in India, philippines and soon vietnam. Not mentioning Changi and Japan.

    The answer is it is either forcing China to pull the trigger 1st or the population within China to collapse china.

    If you check on internet on this Major General PLA Peng Guangqian which is born in 1943, it did not state his credits in Korean war, Vietnam war or anything real war experience. His credits were theory paper. Also no mention of which famous unit he served in eg. 38th or 39th Army? or even 2nd Arty.

    Now 2 questions) can you trust this "paper" general and who the hell his father is?

    Sounds sibei similar like ours....

  24. Sounds sibei similar like ours....
    Anon 1:55 pm

    Tiok, sibei similar. But that PLA Major General can get away with it simply because there will be no war.

    Just like our "paper" generals can get away with it simply because the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt.

    So to each their reasons for getting away with it.

  25. Not really. Remember little india riot?

    The guy transfer to PUB.....speech less.

    Maybe police not same like army....

  26. Hi Patriot, I can only delete but not amend unless I repost. I will continue to delete the repeated posts when I see them.


  27. Anon 12:59pm
    US dare not to get into war and sink the 3 carriers into the sea. The sea is not big for the carrier probably some parts are shallow.

    The carriers will be real "live targets" receiving the accurate shots from DF21 and Hit Hawk 12.

    One hit by Hit Hawk or DF21 is enough to cause real panic on carrier. Further more, it is a known fact, not all the jets sitting on the decks can fly. The PLA should know this weakness in US airforce.

    US is a waning force and still pretend it can take China PLA with 3 old carriers. They should send more advance war ships to Asia to scare PLA.

    But PLA are professional soldiers. Their livelihood is to fight war. May be having exercises after exercises among PLA has made them frustrated. Only fighting war they can get quick promotions and with more salaries. Their jobs are to fight war.

    US carriers crews may not have that kind of motivation to go war. That can be a reason US now back off. The tribunal judgment should give US super good reason to pull the trigger because China refused to accept their rules or "principles" the defense minister carter called.

    To the disappointment of PLA. They are having another 3 days live firing at South China sea.

  28. US dare not to get into war and sink the 3 carriers into the sea. The sea is not big for the carrier probably some parts are shallow

    What are the 3 carriers you are talking about sinking? How shallow do you think is shallow?

    Another one hallucinating?

  29. Another one hallucinating?

    No body is alleging others having this mental illness. Hardly people have this kind of problem.

    Do not have hate feelings towards others. You will be spare of the mental illness. You have it on STRANGER. Isnt it a real problem? Calm down.

    He who knows himself well. No body knows you have it.You told all: hallucination is with you.

    Take your medicine today? Always do before visiting RB site.

  30. Why people just cannot just answer the question straight and using other means to distract the real technical question? using all sorts of funny terms?

    If you look at the question? the guy imagined and build an extra carrier?
    Can you help him to answer the question and perhaps can also help to name it?

    Otherwise go and see doctor and then start taking medicine together.... This site is for people taking medicine one. Can take the heat or not?

  31. It is now in Shin Min that China Hebei got public banner telling people not to eat KFC in support of China. Wonder it is China wide thing?

    It will make people wonder is it safe to eat and use foreign western stuff or should delay trips?

    Is it a signal for west to halt and withdraw investment and also history repeating itself.

    Like what Xi say, not scare of evil and not scare of ghost.

  32. /////////

    I observed, anecdotically of course, that in Singapore, the Malays are over-represented, as compared to their % in the population, in the lower rungs of jobs, whether in public or private sector. Sometimes can reach as high as 70% to 80% of the lower or lowest level of jobs.

    But of course in Malaysia, it is the reverse due to their govt affirmative action and quota eg places in institutes of higher learning, and not merit, system.


    I have observe the problem as a school teacher many of my Malay students went ITE. UMNO come out with a fucking solution, give malay quota, embark on memorizing koran, shout allah hu akbar and cina babi.

    In reality both PAP and UMNO solution are wrong. The way to solve malay problem is by socialism. Going to ITE is not a shame, but salary too low.

    We need to work towards a society whereby due labor got rewarded, instead of biasing towards capital.

    But PAP did have some difficulty. If you reward labor too much capital will leave.

    In the case of UMNO, if you favor a race too much, Chinese will leave.

    One good solution is to breed everyone out. However there is a division created by PAP. In primary schools, Singapore students do not learn one another's language and that create a barrier. We dont mix as well.

    What happen if PAP allow Malay to learn Chinese and vice versa? It will result in supremacy of Chinese culture and Malay, Indians will assimilate to Chinese. That is what banana PAP do not want to see.

    So lets communicate in English.

    The Singapore racial problem can only be fully resolve when China become strong and minorities realize the need to learn Chinese, and PAP realize Chinese need to learn Malay as Indonesia is our backyard.

    Some division are man made, and the ultimate goal is to make English and capital supreme in Singapore.

  33. Otherwise go and see doctor and then start taking medicine together.... This site is for people taking medicine one. Can take the heat or not?

    July 18, 2016 5:55 pm

    So, you forgot to take your medicine again, and hallucinating?

  34. same same come lets see doctor together.....we take same medicine and dosage. And also doctor say need to bring your whole family to come and check.

  35. @veritas

    No race mixing, bad deal for us. Probably will drop IQ 7-10 points. Further more i think if u race mix like that you cannot be considered Chinese anymore, i follow the one drop rule. Anyone with more then 1 drop of non Chinese blood is non Chinese.

    Further more our women are hotter so i would rather keep them that way. race mix already won't be that chio. Because of selective breeding of our guys.

    This is why i support UMNO. Because by them being ethno centric, will force us to be the same too.

  36. And going by the Chinese interpretations, Tibet became a part of the Chinese empire when the great Mongol Genghis Khan annexed Tibet (most parts of it) in the early 13th century. It is a strange logic, because taken to its logical conclusion, one could argue that China is a part of Mongolia and does not deserve to exist as an independent nation.

    And secondly, why are the Chinese not claiming a quarter of Europe, Russia and the whole of West Asia (Middle East) and Central Asia since these also constituted the Mongol empire of Genghis Khan?

    "... The problem with the Chinese version of history is the inability to draw the line. After all,

    Chinese did not make those claims. - inability to draw the line

    You are making those silly claims.

    India share northern border with Tibet?

    Read your history again!!! Northern Border was not part of India.

  37. US top Navy Admiral John Richardson, in China called him war minister, was blew on face by China Navy chief Wu Shengli.
    Wu told Richardson on the face, China will continue to develop the islands in South China Sea. China will respond to military challenges from outsiders. And China will defend its territories.

    During June 2016 Shangrila meeting, US Defense Carter warned China not to continue the development of Scarborough Shoal. Else Carter will respond.
    Now Wu Shengli challenged Richardson this point right on the face to face meeting. Richardson did not repeat Carter s warning.

    There was no report of Richardson asking China to accept the staged Philippines fake tribunal judgement. US has back off from all those claims it made in June Shangrila.
    Meanwhile China Naval officers are challenging US Naval officer now.

    So US setting in 3 carriers in South China Sea was to let the crews enjoying the breeze and waves only and let Carter and ministers from Philippines and Singapore to go on board to boost the crews morale. The Chinese are not scared but challenged that the carriers can become PLA s live targets.
    US s naval power, "oh no" lots of shouting then went hiding. Its time to fight and pull triggers, China is having another 3 days live firing in South China Sea.

  38. The American Ambassador to Beijing said, last time was talk and agree to disagree. This time is action time.

    The Americans are going to take action in the South China Sea. China is prepared to face the Americans head on. Let's see how they square out.

    Now is money on the table and see who blink.

  39. China is sending more warships and warplanes to the South China Sea and telling the Americans that they would continue to build the islands.

    1. Maybe some folks here
      think China talk talk only.

  40. No, in fact many folks here want action from China.

    But i do feel many here are gamblers , placing a wager on either China or US.
