
South China Sea issue must cool down

The South China Sea issue can only be settled correctly and justifiably if every party involved make a sincere effort and without prejudice to understand the true perspective of the issue both from the historical and legal point of view. Third parties not involved should not muddle the waters and create trouble for their own insidious agenda. Below is a speech by Dai Bingguo to explain and clarify the true perspective of the South China Sea issues.

South China Sea issue must cool down
Source:Globaltimes.cn Published: 2016-7-6 16:35:00

The following is the full text(minus pleasantries and unrelated comments) of a speech delivered by former State councilor Dai Bingguo at China-US Dialogue on South China Sea between Chinese and US think tanks on Tuesday in Washington.

I am delighted to attend the China-US dialogue on South China Sea between Chinese and US think tanks jointly organized by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University...

For a period of time, the South China Sea which used to be a rather quiet place has become not so quiet. The situation there has heated up to a quite unusual degree, drawing extensive international attention. What has really happened there? I noticed that reports and comments on this issue tend to take a static view from a certain angle, and thus have not shown the full picture of the South China Sea issue. In my view, to study an international hot spot issue, it is necessary to seek truth from facts by fully considering the relevant international background, tracing the historical development, and thoroughly reviewing how the concerned parties have interacted on this issue. Only in this way can one see the whole picture, tell right from wrong and draw the right conclusion. In this vein, I would like to focus my speech on the historical facts of the South China Sea issue and China's policy on this issue. And I will endeavor to view and handle the South China Sea issue from the perspective of China-US relations and explore ways to genuinely cool down this issue and restore calm to this part of the world.

1.Nansha Islands are China's Integral Territory

Historical materials of China and many western countries corroborate the fact that it was the Chinese people who were the first to discover, name, develop and administer the islands in South China Sea, and that the Chinese government was the first to peacefully and effectively exercise continuous sovereign jurisdiction on South China Sea islands. During the Second World War, Japan illegally invaded and occupied China's South China Sea islands, which were restored to China after the war. Pursuant to Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, which were cornerstones of the post-war international order, Japan shall return the stolen Chinese territory to China. Following the end of the war, China restored Taiwan, Penghu Islands, Xisha Islands and Nansha Islands illegally occupied by Japan.

Many of you were probably not aware of this, but China's actions to restore the islands were supported by General Douglas McArthur. China's military and government personnel were ferried by US-provided military vessels to Xisha and Nansha Islands to hold the restoration ceremony. After that, the US filed applications to Chinese authorities on Taiwan to conduct geodetic survey in some of Nansha Islands on many occasions.

All this shows that the return of Nansha Islands to China is part of the post-war international order and relevant territorial arrangements. For a long time since the end of the War, the US has recognized and in reality respected China's sovereignty over Nansha Islands. China's sovereignty over South China Sea islands, as part of the post-war international order, is under protection by the UN Charter and other international law. To be blunt, when the US states today that it does not take a position on issues of territory, it actually amounts to back-peddling and defiance of the post-war international order, which the US itself has participated in building.

There are sufficient grounds to state that on the South China Sea issue, China is completely at the receiving end of encroachments. For a long time, the South China Sea had remained trouble free and calm. But since the 1970s, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries have illegally occupied 42 islands and reefs in China's Nansha Islands by force, which gave rise to disputes over territory in these islands and reefs. Over several decades, the Philippines and Vietnam carried out large scale construction and deployed armaments on them and continued to take provocative actions at sea. These illegal occupations and provocations are violations of international law and the UN Charter, and should be universally condemned. The world can see that on the South China Sea issue, China is by no means a wrong-doer or trouble maker, but rather a victim. According to international law, China has every right to self preservation and self-defense. It possesses the ability to recover the above-mentioned islands and reefs. However, in the interest of regional peace and stability, China has all along exercised enormous restraint, and sought peaceful settlement through negotiations. In recent years, China has taken actions only as compelled response at a minimal level to unbridled encroachments by certain countries on China's rights and interests. Stand in China's shoes for a moment, if it was the US who was challenged with such provocation, it would have long resorted to force to recover the illegally occupied islands and reefs.

2. China remains committed to peaceful resolution of disputes in the South China Sea through negotiations and consultations with countries directly concerned.

The Chinese government was the first to propose and has consistently followed the position of "shelving disputes and pursuing common development." Its consistent position on the South China Sea issue includes the following three elements:

--Disputes should be settled peacefully through negotiation and consultation, and managed through rules, norms and operating mechanisms;

--Shared interests should be expanded through joint development and cooperation;

--Freedom of navigation and overflight should be upheld and peace and stability maintained.

These are both China's basic policies and solemn pledges on the South China Sea issue. For the past several decades, the South China Sea region has maintained stability on the whole, and the relevant disputes have been kept under control. Southeast Asia has been able to achieve robust growth, and is seen as an example of peace, stability and prosperity and a magnet of cooperation in the eyes of many countries and regions. This is a great contribution China and its neighbors have made to the international community.

As the biggest coastal country of the South China Sea and a country dedicated to peaceful development, China sees peace and stability of the South China Sea as bearing on its vital interests. That is why China will never resort to force unless challenged with armed provocation. Despite the negative impact of factors both within and outside the region, China has not lost confidence and will stick to its policy of seeking peaceful settlement through bilateral negotiation and consultation, for the following reasons.

First, peaceful settlement of disputes through negotiation and consultation best reflects adherence to international law and the basic norms of international relations. According to the UN Charter and the Declaration on

Principles of International Law, negotiation is the primary way for peaceful settlement of international disputes. The UNCLOS stipulates that countries concerned should settle maritime delimitation disputes through negotiations as the first recourse, and China and ASEAN countries also made such solemn commitment in the DOC. The fact is, China has benefited from the existing international order, and has firmly observed and upheld such order. China will continue to honor its due obligations, earnestly fulfill international and regional responsibilities, uphold the integrity and authority of the UNCLOS and other international law, and safeguard the rule of law.

Second, to settle disputes peacefully and through negotiations has been a successful practice of China in implementing international rule of law. Back in the 1950s, China has proposed addressing historical boundary issues through consultation under the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. In the following decades, China has resolved its boundary questions with 12 out of 14 land neighbors through negotiations. They have surveyed and demarcated around 20,000 kilometers of boundaries, about 90% of China's land boundary. China and Vietnam have delimited maritime boundary at the Beibu Gulf through negotiation. Of all boundary talks, those between China and Russia lasted for over 40 years, between China and Vietnam on land boundary over 30 years, and on Beibu Gulf over 20 years. I personally have participated in some of the boundary talks, and I believe that peaceful negotiations can best reflect countries' own will and sovereign equality and have unique strength and efficacy in addressing complex territorial and maritime disputes. There is no reason why disputes in the South China Sea cannot be resolved through peaceful negotiations.

Third, peaceful settlement of disputes through negotiation and consultation is the only viable way to manage and resolve the South China Sea issue. The truth is, the parties concerned in the South China Sea issue have all along been working in this direction, which is also a clear provision in the DOC. The parties have established mature and effective mechanisms to this end, and the COC consultation has been making notable progress.

Despite all this, the Philippines went on a pervert course of initiating arbitration without prior consultation with China. This is nothing but an act of imposition by the Philippines on China, and a culmination of the Philippines' actions to advance its illegal claims. The truth behind the arbitration case is political intrigue, whereby certain countries have been deliberately provoking problems and stirring up tensions, eager to see turbulence in the South China Sea. The arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction over this case. By making a so called "award", it has willfully expanded its power, which is against the UNCLOS and is null and void.

By taking a position of not participating in or accepting the arbitration, China is upholding its own rights and interests under international law and safeguarding the integrity and authority of the UNCLOS. We hope that the US side will take an objective and fair approach regarding the arbitration, rather than criticizing China for upholding the UNCLOS from the position of a non-state party. The final award of the arbitration, which will come out in the next few days, amounts to nothing more than a piece of paper. China suffered enough from hegemonism, power politics and bullying by Western Powers since modern times. The Versailles peace conference at the end of World War I forced a sold-out of Shandong Province. The Lyton Commission, sent by the League of Nations when Japan invaded China's northeast provinces, only served to justify Japan's invasion. Even the US-led negotiations on San Francisco Peace Treaty excluded China. These episodes are still vivid in our memory. That is why China will grip its own future on issues of territorial sovereignty, and will never accept any solution imposed by a third party.

3. The situation in the South China Sea must cool down.

The temperature of the South China Sea is now high enough. Some people even clamored for "fight tonight". If such momentum went unchecked, accidents could happen and the South China Sea might sink into chaos and so might the entire Asia. Should that happen, it will be countries around the South China Sea, the Asian countries and even the US itself that will suffer. We must not let this happen, and not allow Asia to become another West Asia and North Africa. Anyone intent on fueling the flames and unleashing disastrous outcomes will be held accountable by history.

Cooling down temperatures in the South China Sea requires concrete efforts by all countries concerned.

First, the urgent priority is to stop the arbitration case initiated by the Philippines. If the tribunal insisted on its way and produced an "award", no one and no country should implement the award in any form, much less to force China into implementation. And the Philippines must be dissuaded from making any further provocation. Otherwise, China would not sit idle.

Second, China and the US have neither disputes over even one inch of territory nor fundamental clash of interests in the South China Sea. The South China Sea issue should not be allowed to define China-US relations.

Rather, this issue should be put in perspective against larger bilateral relations and be transformed into an area of cooperation rather than arena for confrontation. We must forestall undue disruptions or damages to the overall China-US relations as a result of differences over this issue. The people of China and the US will not forgive us, if we let the basically sound China-US relations cultivated by both sides over the past forty years be ruined by misjudgment and mishandling over this issue.

I have made China's position and views clear. Let me conclude with a few more personal observations.

First of all, even if the US is unable to go back to its position of recognizing China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, it should honor its stated position of not taking sides on issues concerning territorial disputes. If the US is truly committed to peace and stability in the South China Sea and the wider Asia-Pacific and a rule-based order, it should judge the issue on its merits, respect facts, oppose or restrain provocations by certain countries against China and encourage countries directly concerned to settle the disputes peacefully through negotiation and consultation and implement the DOC fully and effectively.

Second, one should not be too ready to frame the South China Sea issue as a strategic issue or interpret and predict China's behavior by drawing from western theories of international relations and history. It would be nothing but baseless speculation to assert that China wants to make the South China Sea an Asian Caribbean Sea and impose the Monroe Doctrine to exclude the US from Asia or that China is trying to compete with the US for dominance in the South China Sea, Asia and even the world. Unlike traditional western powers, China, an oriental civilization that goes back five thousand years, has distinctive culture, values, political thinking and view of the world. For China, the South China Sea issue is all about territorial sovereignty, security, development and maritime rights and interests. It is all about preventing further tragic losses of territory. China's thinking is as simple as that. And there is no other agenda behind it. We have no intention or capability to engage in "strategic rivalry" with anyone. We have no ambition to rule Asia, still less the Earth. Even in the context of the issue in question, we have never claimed we own the entire South China Sea. We only have one ambition, which is to manage our own affairs well and ensure a decent life and dignity for the nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people.

China's right to rise peacefully and deliver a better life for its people should not and will not be taken away by anyone.

Third, the US's heavy-handed intervention in the South China Sea issue needs to be scaled back. There is deep concern about the US continued reinforcement of its military alliances in the Asia-Pacific and forward deployment of its military assets. Since last year, the US has intensified its close-in reconnaissance and "Freedom of Navigation" operations targeted at China. The rhetoric of a few people in the US has become blatantly confrontational. How would you feel if you were Chinese and read in the newspapers or watch on TV reports and footages about US aircraft carriers, naval ships and fighter jets flexing muscles right at your doorstep and hear a senior US military official telling the troops to be ready "to fight tonight"? Wouldn't you consider it unhelpful to the US image in the world? This is certainly not the way China and the US should interact with each other.

Having said that, we in China would not be intimidated by the US actions, not even if the US sent all the ten aircraft carriers to the South China Sea. Furthermore, US intervention on the issue has led some countries to believe that the US is on their side and they stand to gain from the competition between major countries. As a result, we have seen more provocations from these countries, adding uncertainties and escalating tensions in the South China Sea. This, in fact, is not in the interest of the US. The risk for the US is that it may be dragged into trouble against its own will and pay an unexpectedly heavy price. Hopefully, the countries, whose recent course of action has been driven by reckless impulse, will engage in some cool-headed thinking and realize that China has been living alongside them peacefully as a friendly neighbor for several thousand years. Neither had this neighbor invaded anyone nor interfered in any country's internal affairs. Neither is this neighbor pursuing any regime change nor building confrontational political or military blocs. All China's endeavors are focused on protecting its sovereignty, security and development interests and it has no intention to seek dominance or hegemony. Those countries will eventually see that it is the friendly China that will remain their neighbor for generations to come instead of some faraway superpower.

Fourth, China and the US need to find ways to manage their differences constructively. As I said, the South China Sea issue boils down to disputes between China and a few other littoral states. Given that these disputes are not going to be settled any time soon, the key question is how these disputes should be managed pending final resolution. Should parties provoke each other over these disputes, aggravate tensions and encourage confrontation? Or should they downplay the disputes, shelve their differences and expand cooperation? The answer is apparent. China has all along been committed to resolving the disputes peacefully through negotiation and consultation. Even though the South China Sea is clearly not an issue between China and the US, China is willing to maintain communication with the US on maritime issues and work with the US and all other parties to keep the situation under control, considering our shared interest in peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific. Our two sides may work together to find ways to jointly promote regional peace and stability through constructive dialogue on matters such as regional confidence-building, effectively managing disputes and advancing maritime practical cooperation.

Fifth, China and the US need to expand their positive maritime agenda. Both countries support freedom of navigation and overflight. As long as the US does not use that as a pretext to challenge China's sovereignty and security interests, the two countries can cooperate on a global level to safeguard such freedom. Closer cooperation is also called for in a wide range of ocean-related fields such as marine environmental protection, marine science and research and maritime law-enforcement to give a stronger boost to China-US interaction at sea.

I was born at the height of the Second World War, and as a 75-year-old man, I either lived through or witnessed the evolution of relations between some major countries. I have studied the Korean War, Vietnam War and Iraq War and how these wars took a heavy toll on the US. Since the turn of the century, I had the further privilege to chair China's strategic dialogues with the US and some other major countries, which were of great depth and quality and helped produce common thinking between our two countries on building a new model of major-country relationship. I love my country and people and have nothing but profound goodwill towards the American people. I wish for the best of China-US relations and for both our countries. We must work together to avoid strategic mistakes pushing us into conflict or confrontation. Some of my remarks today might sound a little bit harsh, but I said them with the best of intentions. You may consider them words spoken from the heart of a friend of the US.

Wang Anshi, a famous Chinese poet who lived in the Northern Song Dynasty wrote, "We should not be afraid of the clouds blocking our view, because we already are at the highest elevation." It means that only by adopting a strategic vision and minimizing distractions can one understand where the trend is moving. In a globalized world full of opportunities and challenges, as the biggest developing and developed countries and the world's two largest economies, China and the US shoulder more common responsibilities and face more common challenges in driving world economic recovery and promoting international peace and security. There is so much potential of cooperation yet to be tapped. What we need is not a microscope to enlarge our differences, but a telescope to look ahead and focus on cooperation. Both Chinese and Americans are great nations with insight and vision. As long as the two sides work for common interests, respect each other, treat each other as equals, have candid dialogue, and expand common ground, China and the US will be able to manage differences and find the key to turning those issues into opportunities of working together. I have no doubt that China-US relations will embrace a great future.

To conclude, I wish the dialogue a full success.

Posted in: Asian Review, South China Sea Focus


  1. It is too late now as both sides already placed high stakes.

    Cannot back out now.

    Even SK choose to deploy Thaad. This was announced by US korea commander and deputy SK defense minister. This shows something deeper.

    China foreign ministry really dont know what they are doing. This Wang Yi should resign and change a new one and all the other spokes person. Must work like a fox and not like a bull. Under his portfolio, he changed everything. Need to train to smile more naturally and sincerely even it is only the skin that smiles.


  2. Right you are bro!

    If you live in this time as an upright, principle,honest person, you are not going far.

    Must be as hypocritical like a fox. One hand tapped the shoulder and the other poked the backside.

    But so some they are unable to do so As their genes are not like foxes.

    As Paying their alms and karma in this world to be an arhat in the next, they have to suffer
    all these persecutions as destined in this life.

    Whist those living as foxes now will have to be foxes or wolves on their afterlife.

    No worry, USA has her hands Full in the future with her own civil strifes that are only the tips of the icebergs now.

    More to come of their own killing one another.

    They will have to leave China alone.

  3. China men if still think US is their partner like Russia, habis for them.

    Look at the map, Scs is just a sparking point, started from Hillary s time "we are back", and demanded China to follow "code of conduct" set by "asean", mainly the vocal ones like old man and the son, pinoys, indon, vietnamese, other asean are just followers. This manipulation flop frustrated US s plan to want China to obey US s order. Carter had warned China at Shangrila the consequence is isolation for disobeying the most superior army from the superior country.

    Thaad was carefully avoided in Shangrila, and this is the one US put at S Korea to monitor all lands with sensitive radar within 500km. China missiles are carefully monitored from now. China is half done.

    Attack from the carrier groups can be safer now with Thaad intercept the missiles firing from mainland china.

    The war with China is escalated with Thaad. It means when war, China will dump its heavy missiles on S Koreans side to neutralize the power of Thaad, while they attack the carriers groups, 3 carriers now.
    Can China manage it? China might need Russia to fire at S Korea at the same time to destroy S Korean s radar including Thaad. That will be a great war to watch.

    N Korea might pick up the chance to invade S Korea to unify Koreans. If the fat boy does, it will be a long term war like vietnam war that US will have to fight with UK.

    Will UK still have the interest to fight war like iraq? Tony Blair that kind of gay leh gay leh who signed "your ever" on official letter to Bush, kinda relationship of a slave to master type, might no longer exist in UK. UK s Chilcot report alleging Tony Blair of ignoring the risk of UK soldiers to go into Iraq war will put UK voters to go against war with China.
    Chilcot report only went public 3 days ago. Wanna UK with war with the Chinese? Kidding right. Then US must fight lone war.
    Can US win?

    The troops are deployed. Its time for pinoys to get ready to shoot at those occupying the Scarborough Shoal, ie the chinese soldiers. Will US go into it? Or will China PLA decided to chase US out of Scs?

    If China dare to missile and damage a Carrier, it is likely to win this encircling, by warning S Korean that an invasion is possible if it put the Thaad there to monitor China.

    Final question is: China got gut? The guns are at door step pointing at them.
    Do not be fooled by cool down. Its US that hot up, not china.


  4. too loooooooooong to read lah........

    anyway, let there be peace........


  5. @ Virgo49

    This is where you are wrong.

    The reason why US refocus it force and efforts back to Asia is to halt china's growth. In short, they are not happy on money distribution that is now share by China due to globalization where US consider that it is his credit and China's dominance not only in the region but in world wide scene overtaking US itself.

    Unless US gets it "pork", there will be no peace. Those internal issues are comparatively nothing. You see US 2 political powers have been in power so long to practice taiji no matter who is in control, thus administration will still continue to run.

    China is so big, i am sure they can find one that fits the profile to be a "fox". China businessman are actually one of the best fox you can find world wide. Put the wrong person in charge and this is what you get. SK backstabb china.

    Will all these issues affect china economy of restructuring or 1B1R shit?

    Now this Wang yi have suggested ( i hope i read correctly) due to change of strategic balance due to deployment of Thaad, China would have to consider whether China would honor the commitment of China non nuclear 1st strike policy.

    What a idiot to say this? What benefit would you bring to China at this stage?

  6. The Supreme Commander of the South Korean Army is an American. That says what kind of relationship btw the two countries. South Korea is a de facto colony of the Americans. And they objected to the Thaad deployment but overruled. That's why the Americans Supreme Commander made the announcement. The shame on the South Koreans, after being colonised by the Japanese continues today with the colonial master changed to the Americans.

    Many nationlistic South Koreans are very upset and angry by being a colony of the Americans. The Chinese do not need to attack the Thaad set ups. These would be blown up by the nationalist South Koreans when the time comes to save their country from a joint attack by China, Russia and North Korea.

    At least the North Koreans are strongly nationalistic and independent, not a colony of any country. They stand stall with pride, unlike the balless colonised South Koreans.

  7. @ Anon 1023am

    What i can say is NK will stand to gain in cash, hardware, assistance from China who now have no choice. With luck, can get military assistance to modernize NK army as well. Imagine NK gets fuel and J10 or even FC-1.

    US & SK will stand to gain as they have each achieved their objective.

    Russia has too many missiles ( more than US arsenal) and warheads positioned elsewhere as such to worry.

    China is the sucker who loses money and almost everything. After previous incident, you think the NK fatty can be outsmart. In a way he is also smart by playing the right card.

    China has to ban taiwan, Pinoy, Japan, now SK, Indonesia, two headed Singapore, also cannot get too close to vietnam. HK also like shit. Left with cambodia, thailand, malaysia, Burma, Laos..... who you dont know how they will react if pressured. What 1B1R? More like broken pieces and somemore in the backyard closeby. And this is the region only, Not mentioning our India brother.

  8. Anon 11:44am
    Your post spot on. I agree with the entire strategy. China is a fool in the past for supporting S Koreans giving them free trade agreement. China must now teach its own people, especially the communists to NOT buy S Koreans products. This is the best effective way to drain the S Koreans economy in Long Term so that S Koreans will ask more money from US.

    The same tactics is applying on taiwanese products, and tours, and some little dot some where. I guess the chinese will have to do it to "love china", else they will be habis, they are surrounded by US bases around Asean.

    The most important of all strategy is to help North Koreans. China now must not follow the sanctions to starve NK to death, else, China will die of cancer if S Koreans takes over the north. The US troops and Thaad and more powerful weapons will be placed at border between N Korea and China if the South is incharge.

    China Xi govt will be a traitor to chinese if it helps US to starve North Korea, and help the S Koreans to take the North.

    The next Chinese govt most likely will help North Korean to fire missile more accurately. This will prevent NK fire to China by mistake. North now can fire miniaturized nuclear war head mounted on missile. Helping the North to fire accurately also can help China to fire at S Korean the Thaad missiles positions.

    Thaad missile was branded as defensive weapon. DO NOT be fooled. Thaad is an offensive missile mobile launcher, the missiles can fire 3000km. Can reach China eastern cities.

    China is dying, if Xi is still so weak. Xi must now work with Russians to cooperate in missiles launching to maximize their fire power against the Carriers surround China and Russians, and help N Koreans to fire missile with precision. Or Else, China will be shoot left right center. By then, Xi will have to commit suicide.

  9. @ Anon 12:16am

    That is not what i meant. If China starts banning those countries i mentioned, what makes it different 30 years ago when china starts to open up. Who else is out there to replace? with aliens?

    Exactly this is what US wants which is to let China cut down trade with these so called economy better off asian countries.

    If trade are forced to cut down on these countries, what other alternatives do these countries have other than to go back to 30 years ago?

    Also what makes you think NK kim is a trustworthy ally to china at the end of the day especially if its economy takes off? NK is next to China, how to guarantee that any mishap or nuclear strike will not affect China northern population? In the end, all your suggestions will cause more money with no guarantee.

    Do you think Russia will help China to take care of SK? Why do they need to worry if their nuclear arsenal is world biggest? Russia is so so much bigger.

    In this world, there are only mutual benefits/interest or common foe. No such thing as forever ally or enemy. Diplomacy and Foreign policy is what China needs to catch up desperately but perhaps too late now for current regime.

    Also all china media should stop trumpet on its military superiority. Now trumpet until so big where a real wolf appears right at the doorstep all at a coordinated timing. Can only spend more money and coughing out more blood.

  10. Anon 1:05pm
    No way to work in your dream world way. China is a big importer. It can decide on which countries should get more of its import. Countries hostile to china get less import is a way to let these countries to learn not to be hostile and offensive.

    You lack this basic instinct and that is why i see China let US play it with its fingers. China Xi thinks similar to u, trade and even let S Korean to have free trade agreement to have the entire china as a market. Xi will have to regret it when TPP comes alive.

    I like China trumpet about its military development. The news become pressure on US to develop more potent weapons and borrow more money thro selling bonds.

    That is China s cards, flood the market with US bonds can be a good tactics, as it hold 1.3 trillions usd of bonds.

    China s weaponry is real in my view, no boosting. Its time when real war happens, US may have the final war in pacific, similar to Japan, who used to be the superior naval power.

    NorthKoreans are more trustworthy than south korean due to their ideology. Who say they are not trust worthy? They are. Because of benefits. China should now choose North korean to cultivate alliance in order to prepare war with US surrounding China.

    If China does not do it this time, i will expect the next communist china president to do just that. It is similar to Russia.

    Russia has a druckard yellstin pro west and its broke into parts, military wise almost sank to the bottom.

    The Russian support Putin who is actually communist in nature. Putin raises Russian to today s state, fully against western countries and US s wishes.

    Xi is slightly similarly to Yellstin, having the tendency to please US for whatever, so much so to the extent to support S Koreans more than N Koreans, to risk China s own security.
    Now S Koreans put the Thaad right inside the main land. This is a lesson to Xi. How is he going to get out?

    There are a lot of differences between yours and my opinions. I dont think we share the world view based on security of country in particular.

  11. Hell will freezes over before the west changes its mentality. Don't count on it to happen.

    Don't forget that Treaty of Versailles is also one of the major cause of World War 2, due to the extreme greed of certain well-known European countries against Germany.


  12. China or rather the Chinese needs only to do

    There is NO such thing as friendly neighbors. Even if there are, no one should expect the Neighbours to remain friendly infinitely. No one should defies reality and the Reality is that mankind is forever greedy, envious and even evil.

    Chinese must ensure that they remain
    United and powerful


  13. China s news said Russia may deploy missiles units at the east with troops in response to US s Thaad in Korea.

    Global times, an english papers of china officials, proposed china to work with Russia to counter Thaad when mentioning china will aim missiles at south korea. Global times also propose sanctions on south koreans companies.

    In view of the quick responses from Russia, it is likely that Russians will point missiles at south korea, in addition, to china s missiles.

    Global times also proposes technical disturbances on the radar of Thaad. That could be a good tool on electronic warfare.

    South Koreans will have rains of missiles when US have conflicts with china. May be soon next month August. Good news to them, when the North will be laughing.

    In my view, China and Russia might need North Korea to keep its own Nuclear weapon. Even China want to guarantee North Korea s security, the fat boy might not trust China s soft approach. At the end, China sold out NorthKorea s security to please S korea. It was lucky the fat boy did not give up his father s missile programs. If he listen to China Xi, and with the Thaad at his door step, the fat boy will lose any war without missiles.
    If the boy has no missiles, china will also dead, when S Korean charge to the North with its troops supported by US. S Koreans just had a big exercise involving 300000 koreans troops and US marines this year. North Korea will be more shaky now with the Thaad at its door step.

  14. NK is under UN sanctions.

    Any country attempting to help NK especially in military will need to think twice.

    So checkmate again. It is all part of the plan/strategy. Also US/SK is waiting for NK to successfully test fired their long range ballistic missile that can reached US.

    I think Thaad which is successfully tested on the scud type ballistic missiles is aim more at protecting US bases especially in Japan against china. The X band radar can also help to provide information of any launch with coordinated defense from Japan ageis SM3 missiles with shared link thus increasing reaction time.

    So who is next, India or vietnam?

  15. Latest, Russia said it will deploy missiles at Kuril island, near Japan and South Korea. In addition, it will construct a naval base at Kuril island is uninhabited Matua island.

    Russia may also work with China on countermeasures for South Koreans Thaad.

    Russian deploying missiles at the head of Japan may threaten Okinawa US base. If China fire at the base during war, Russians troops will have great chance to invade this island next to Kuril island.

    Missiles are real stuff. The exercise right now at Scs are firing real missiles between China s two team of naval troops, the blue team vs the red team. Good for Harris 7th fleer, 3 Carriers are near the exercise areas, looking at Scarborough Shoal island, ready for a go.

    Russians missiles might be useful in future as the 7th fleet are around to welcome the Russians at pacific.

  16. I thought it is old news in Mar that Russia said that it deploy missiles and construct naval base in kuril island.

    Yah right, spend more money and time to work on counter measures or do reverse engineering?

    Anyway, Now the latest juicy news from BBC is US and Russia both expel 2 diplomats respectively from each country.

    WWW3 is brewing and who is the real 3rd anti christ?


  17. Nostradamus


    Long awaited he will never return
    In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
    One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
    And he will grow over all the Kings of the East
