
Sonny Truyen - He is a foreign talent you know…

‘You can’t f**king catch pokemon in this piece of f**king s**t country.’ This is what Sony Truyen ranted when he could not access the latest Pokemon game.  Other proud Singaporean bloggers got offended by his stupid rant and told him off only to be told that he was a foreign talent and Singapore did not have such fantastic foreign talents like him, a search engine optimization specialist. And he is only here and employed for one week by a local property portal 99.co.

The CEO of the 99.co portal, luckily he is another proud Singaporean, not those gong gong type that would say regardless of nationality, got talent good enough, got him fired immediately and apologized to Singaporeans and Singapore for his retard’s bad attitude.

So presumably this Sonny Truyen would be out of job for a while. But not to worry for him, his employment pass is unlikely to be cancelled as he is a worthy and hard to come by foreign talent. Even if he has this hidden hatred for this ‘shit and fucking country’, he would be treasured and be allowed to stay here to fuck up more Singaporeans.

And there will be the Singaporean employers that would employ anyone got talent regardless of nationality to want to employ him. Maybe he is already employed and his employment pass renewed. Soon he may receive a letter of offer to be a Singapore citizen you know.

He is a foreign talent that we don’t have.

Thank you Darius Cheung for doing the right thing. Oops, some may think he has done the wrong thing, firing a foreign talent for fucking Singaporeans and Singapore. It is the right of foreign talents you know. The shameless Singaporeans would not mind being fucked by foreign talents allowed into the country. They love it.

Just wait to hear them coming out in defence of this great foreign talent. And who knows, he could be happily reemployed by now by another daft Singaporean company.


  1. The employer proud Sinkie? ?

    You must be joking!!

    A proud Singaporean will employ his own countrymen.

    We are in as fellow citizens, fellow cosuffers and fellow comrades if ever we served.

    Now even fuxking RC members behaved like those useless Ministers in not queuing for immigration clearances and you proud to be Singaporeans and still voted and be slaves to them.

    Hark Pui

  2. if indeed he is what Singapore do not possess, then he is an asset to the country. If he does not like Singapore, he will not be here. Money is good here and his expertise is needed. I think he should stay. Why not? You cannot condemn a person for his belief. It is a free country, people are allowed to have their opinion, or is it? Relax RB, do us a favour, try not to be a racist.


  3. Yes! Don't play play! Don't play play!

    Yes! Never never never angered the FOREIGNER talents!

    Yes! We have to be very careful! Be very careful!

    Yes! Don't play play! Don't play pay!



  4. Truyen Sonny was frustrated that a First World Country was behind time in technology updates, though it was just an internet game.

    Doubt he was scolding Sinkies, he was probably badly disappointed because he never expected Sin could be anachronistic to tech developments.

    If anything, l guess Truyen Sonny was fucking the Ruling Elites and the Leaders in the Tech and Commercial Sectors.
    May even interpret his swear at them as
    helping Sinkies to tell the Rulers and Leaders to keep themselves updated with modernization.


  5. Sonny Truyen was just verbally fucking the Singaporeans.
    What's the big deal?
    Other foreign talents are physically fucking our Singaporean women with their dicks.
    Introducing intelligence into our otherwise daft Singaporean gene pool.
    We should be grateful to our foreign talents.

  6. This was the report:
    "Truyen was so enraged by the fact that Pokémon GO isn't available in Singapore - where he was employed at real estate website 99.co - that he took to social media to unleash a torrent of angry posts berating the island nation, claiming it was a terrible place to live and was full of "stupid" people. He also said that if he left, the average IQ of Singapore would drop."

    It is true or not? Now he left that "stupid site builder" that hire him, the average IQ of that site will suffer or not?

    I am so worry about Singapore for hiring only "Bright" foreigner like this vietnamese.
    How did he become so bright to have come to singapore to work?

    Australia cannot hire him? Must be the salary is too high and companies there cannot afford him. Oh no, singaporean s IQ is going down so much already, yet they still fire one more high IQ foreigner. Bless us please, old man. Your policy to depend on foreigners in this island is breaking down without the Bright yet being sacked talent.

    But how come a site depending so much on such talent can afford to sack him over night just like throwing something in the trust can? My IQ isnt high really. Help me please.

  7. Singapore has the highest average IQ score in the world at 108. I doubt that this viet guy is even that smart cos if he was he probably would not have said that.

  8. It was the dumbest employee sacking and became world news, reported also in some UK sites.

    However, Singaporeans' IQ is very low. May be this guy's IQ added on it, the average went up to 108, which I seriously doubt. Could be average of IMH inmates score.

    Some titles said, some singaporean paid $8k for 100 sessions in one gym company with an american name. That same same was having receivership in HK weeks ago and last week it went belly down.

    $8k for 100 sessions cash paying to the dying chain is similar to a web site hiring a dumbest foreign talent. The average IQ of singaporeans cannot be 108, looking at the 2 examples. Employers, its time to hire real singaporeans and not dumbest employee from overseas.


  9. Other foreign talents are physically fucking our Singaporean women with their dicks.
    Introducing intelligence into our otherwise daft Singaporean gene pool.
    We should be grateful to our foreign talents.
    July 20, 2016 11:44 am

    You must have offered yourself to have your intelligence uplifted. So now you can consider yourself smart to post this comment.

  10. You must have offered yourself to have your intelligence uplifted. So now you can consider yourself smart to post this comment.
    July 20, 2016 1:43 pm

    Yes my bastard half breed son.
    You have been born of foreign sperm within your mother's loins.
    You are indeed smarter than the average PAP grassroots leaders.


  11. Truyen Sonny was frustrated that a First World Country was behind time in technology updates, though it was just an internet game.

    Doubt he was scolding Sinkies, he was probably badly disappointed because he never expected Sin could be anachronistic to tech developments.

    If anything, l guess Truyen Sonny was fucking the Ruling Elites and the Leaders in the Tech and Commercial Sectors.
    May even interpret his swear at them as
    helping Sinkies to tell the Rulers and Leaders to keep themselves updated with modernization.



  12. Wow.

    Me am surprised that my Only Comment in this Thread reappears
    twice again at 3:49 pm.

    I do not know how it is so.

