
More clever suggestions to control car population

The COE and high taxes on car and petrol was one of the butcher knives used to control car population here and are very effective. But more can be done to fine tune car control policies to make it even better and towards a car less society. Here are some suggestions.

1.     Bigger car pay more road tax

2.     More cars per household pay more road tax on second car

3.     Big car used more petrol, set a quota, above which pay higher petrol tax.

These measures will make car owners to switch to smaller cars. Then impose higher taxes on smaller cars as they are less efficient than bigger cars on a per cc basis as big cars have better technology to save fuel.

The result, people will use less of their cars. Some will park their cars in the car parks more than driving. Some will take trains or buses. Let me deal with those parking their cars in the car parks, especially HDB car parks. These people are causing jams in car parks for leaving their cars in the car parks all the time. Impose higher parking fees for people who park too long in the car parks. Car parks that are too full means car park fees are too cheap. This one I must agree. But cannot simply increase parking fees. Just make those who park too long to pay more. No more season parking. Charge by per hour.  Car owners parking 24 hours a day would have to pay $24. Then they will not park their cars in the car park and causing congestions in the car parks. So simple!

Now car owners will not park their cars in the car parks as it is becoming too expensive. They will also not drive on the roads as it will also become more expensive. So best thing to do is to sell off the cars and take buses and trains.

But with so many people taking trains and buses sure the trains and buses will be jam pack, then how? So simple, increase train and bus fares lah. Then no more jam pack trains and buses surely.

See, ordinary Singaporeans also can come up with clever ideas. Hope they will publish these ideas in the main media as ground up suggestions and praise Redbean for it. Then can implement it like the people are all for it. No need foreign talents with Ph Ds and what not papers to make clever suggestions to collect more money.

Please don’t send Redbean to IMH.

Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between intelligent suggestions and bullshit. It tells you how clever is the person who can see the difference and those that cannot. Stupidity cannot be cured.

Oh, HDB car park fees will be raised in December.


  1. The LTA is gonna come out a new generation of satellite/GPS-ERP system - the moment a driver drives car it charges & the moment it park its car also charges, a pay as u drive & pay as u park kind if system to replace the ERP & parking system or even act a contingency system ( it will be available by 2020 or another 5 yrs time)...by then many would think thrice to own a car & a car lite system will be kick in...

  2. Switch to smaller cars still not effective lah.Must totally reduce the car pollution.Allow only those buyer with earning of 10k monthly income to buy.
    No combined household income allowed.
    One household maximum one car.

    This will free up spaces to build more houses to accommodate the increasing population of foreign talents and their family.
    Win win situation.

  3. //The LTA is gonna come out a new generation of satellite/GPS-ERP system - the moment a driver drives car it charges & the moment it park its car also charges, a pay as u drive & pay as u park kind if system to replace the ERP & parking system or even act a contingency system ( it will be available by 2020 or another 5 yrs time)...by then many would think thrice to own a car & a car lite system will be kick in...//

    When the costs are so much higher than the benefits, it might be better to live elsewhere?

    Leave the "dungeon of kongcum and blind ox" for good

  4. On hindsight, the decisions by many peers to uproot over the years had been vindicated?

  5. It is not if but when many others choose likewise?

  6. For some, to stay, it was more for their old folks

    But some came to the point they tak boleh tahan they were so hardened they left with their old folks behind?

    1. There are some cases of 2 siblings. .....

      One left for far away land that needs almost 24 hours travel time (including transit) ......

    2. And the one that left was ironically the favourite child who received most of the goodies and attention since baby?

    3. The 2 old ones mostly are pioneer generation and too advance in age to resettle else where especially in an Ang Mo culture, (western) food is a problem for them?

    4. But no matter what still own parents mah so the sibling who stays behind is left to shoulder the whole responsibility of looking after the aged parents who are not getting younger and healthier by the day

    5. So such oldies are lucky still have 1 child stay back to look after them.

      Old age brings with it many health problems .......

      Knee caps pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, even sudden super high fever at times that need hospitalisation. .......

    6. But ever encountered such a family unit and that child privately confided oso intended to leave in the future but haven't told the oldies yet

    7. Through such conversations, the sibling who stayed behind divulged past years went through several big and small operations and countless hospital follow up checkups .......

      The parents called quite often for small assistance and sometimes the mother would make nonya kueh or minced meat chinese sausages for the grandchildren which are the favourite

      Some weekends and sch holidays they will visit the parents with the kids and often the oldies are filled with comfort and joy.

      Often they do not visit empty handed but with many household's essentials like stock up of beverage, tea bags, the oldies favorite tea time biscuits and cookies, milk powder, milo, fruits ........

      But this child have good opportunity waiting and very "torn inside" .......

      Come to a point they love their parents but no love for the place ......

  7. Uncle Rb,

    Nowadays it seems some people like to "seize this seize that" on many "pretexts"?

    Is this the way "to leed"?

    Will it not "back fire at some point" and many able sinkies choose to uproot for good and not stuck in such "ridiculous man(mis)handling and equipment(mis)handling" culture?

    Enough is enough?

  8. When so many "minuses" added together, is it time (to come soon) to "show the middle finger" and bid "no see again" .....?

    Hopefully the oldies can be persuaded to go along then no worries left to leave (the forgettable place) for gooooooood?

  9. Recently a peer who has uprooted quite some time ago shared that they still "have nightmares" on this "police state" ........

    Doesn’t sound like any time soon they want to "set foot ever again"?

    Shows how strong those who "left detest" the "place they grew up in"?

  10. Implement day use n nite only use cars.


  11. Now HDB parking fee increase leow. Cannot afford to visit parents, in laws and friends leow. So expensive to want to be filial.

  12. Why would they send you to IMH for employing money extracting ideas or means to solve people's problems? Like you said, it is so simple. You don't need brains or a degree to run people's lives. Anyone coming from or out of IMH will qualify to make decisions for the masses.

    Ah..that's where our Politicians have been recruited?

  13. With money carrot and money stick, you will breed and nation of donkeys....successfully.

  14. With money carrot and money stick, you will breed A nation of donkeys....successfully.

  15. YES! GOOD NEWS Increase,increase n increase it is only the beginning!

  16. It is like passing little electric shock into your body. Money has that kind of power over people.

    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure, done under general anesthesia, in which small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses.

    You are mentally ill if you do not obey your...leechers

    1. Under Hitler's tyranny, those who do not obey his draconian orders and rule absolutely perished during the "Night of the Long Knives" or banished to concentration camps

      "Heil LEEDERS"

      Oops ....... "Heil Hitler"


  17. Hahaha.....



    1. Tiok

      Faster "drown your sorrows" during Fri nite happy hours

      With the largest 5L/ 10L order x 5 ......

      Cheers (To your damaged LEEver n KIDLEEY)

  18. I will Vote Opposition because of all the recent price increases imposed by the PAP government on Singaporeans.
    - car park increase
    - electricity price increase
    and etc.

    I will Vote Opposition to guide PAP in their future decisions to increase prices.

    1. At this period of (gloomy) time, still announced carpark charges increments?

      There must be (many good) reasons why the wifey left after less than a year?

      Expect many charges under Age-T-B to go up ........?

      Heng arrrhhhhhhhh. .......

      Got CBF?

  19. JLB is JLB

    Trying to use tpt to bump up price level?

    Pple will try save more and the economy likely will fall into the downward spiral of "Paradox of Thrift" ?

  20. Hehe...

    l very the lucky leh
    cos l only own bicycle.

    Increase as many costs
    as possible for car owners.
    Nothing to do with me.

  21. Hengoed ah !

    l oso no own car leh !

    Everything up very the

    good leh !

  22. @ Anon 8.55 pm and 9.22pm
    // Increase as many costs as possible for car owners.Nothing to do with me.//

    // Hengoed ah !I oso no own car leh!//

    Both of u could be the daft 70% and speak like them?

    This cost increase in absolute term is small but psychologically to consumers is BIG?

    This is a field in behavioural economics that the JLB may have studied and book smart but dunno how it gets translated in the real economy?

    1. Thus, both of u will have to "eat your words" in 6 to 12 months time?

    2. Consumers behaviour will affect the entire economy and not just car owners?

      Many of the "WRONG BUTTONS" pressed since GE2015 are likely to have a time lag and therefore show up in different phases?

      Several monetary policy tools in EU and in particular EZ are "not working" and the Brits know it?

    3. Remember, the Brits occupy some small islands (no bigger than the Japenise islands) off the European Continent (some more) and all the while with a relatively small population (less than 50% of the Japenise) but they were able to conquer and colonise half the land size on earth

      This is not a coincidence.

      The Brits are (tough, wily and) streetmart survivors?

    4. Just as a comparison how good their minds are, one British uni alone may easily have 30 to 50 past Nobel Prize winners but one "sickland island" even all the uni combined till now dun even have a nomination, much less a winner?


      The point is, "a perfect storm is brewing" and the JLB still "keep pressing many wrong buttons and rolled out silly policies"?

  23. Here's what I would do:

    1. Drop the COE to $100---uniform, across the board

    2. Drop the HDB parking charges to a flat $1

    3. Drop the ERP to a flat $1

    4. Allow the ensuing chaos to continue for up to a year, or more.

    Let the people feel the pain until they cannot tahan. Traffic jams, Parking shortages, gridlocked highways...it would take perhaps 2 hours to get to the airport from the city, 2 or 3 hours to get to and from work and school. Ambulance with critically ill patients stuck in traffic, having to drive on pavements and cross median strips.

    Allow this to continue. Don't do shit.

    Then SUDDENLY raise everything in one brutal shot.

    5. COE to 2 x or 3x what it is today (car market collapse)

    6. HDB parking $100-200 per day (car market lagi collapse)

    7. ERP 10x what it is today (car market dead)

  24. P.S.

    Notice that the charges are not removed...only the price is played with. The reason not to remove the charges is to "fool people" cognitively into believing that they are paying for some idea of "value". Which boosts their sense of ENTITLEMENT.

    The idea here is to take over people's brains so you can manipulate them. A sense of ENTITLEMENT is a great "abstraction" because people really feel this at a deep level, and will defend against any perceived "attack" on their "rights"

    You want people to get mad during the chaos: "Eh, harlow, chee bai...I pay OK? My money OK? Therefore it is my RIGHT OK? Fuck you, OK?"

    Once people are like that, you have got them.

    Then simply raise the prices BRUTALLY and IMMEDIATELY.

    Problem solved.

  25. Is NOT the current carpark DEMAND is "LIMITED" by the COE quota (policy)?

    U buy a toy(car) and ask for a carpark lot, sry, no carpark lot for mati(and better go admitted to IMH for checkup)?

    So where is the additional carpark crunch going to come from if charges are not hiked in Dec?

    1. Typo

      No "is" after the word "demand" in line 1 above.

  26. Some people (zombie aka mati?) are just "stooges" but the "scare tactic" ( primary sch level psychology) "can only CONDition 3-yo minds"?

    1. Typo

      Should be "CONdition"
