
The appeals of Chee Soon Juan and the SDP

There are still many comments from the unthinking that Chee Soon Juan is a rash and mad politician. This message has been repeated and rammed into the heads of many innocent readers for the last twenty years and many are unable to shake this piece of shit off their minds. This fortunately is only true when the unthinking masses are concerned. It is a different matter to those who think, who question how a man could be so wronged, so badly tarnished for a small and questionable act when many had got away with murders and still walking around like angels.

The introduction of the new SDP town council team designated to run the Bukit Batok Town Council is a good case to watch. The people name are professionals and respected individuals and with lawyer like Peter Low, formerly the Law Society President, in the list, speak very well of the SDP and Chee Soon Juan. The professionals are not easily dragged to believe the taints thrown all over Chee Soon Juan. They are rallying to his side, to join his party and his cause, a statement of trust and faith.

These professionals are not only showing way, they are telling the people that they believe Chee Soon Juan is a good man, a man worthy of their support. They want him to be in Parliament. They are saying, do not believe the craps thrown at Chee Soon Juan. They are telling the people, the masses, to think and to believe in Chee Soon Juan and the SDP.

It is an endorsement of the man and his works. Would the people of Bukit Batok listen to the good voices of these good men, to shrug off the craps that they were made to believe in, that Chee Soon Juan is an unworthy man? How many people out there among the politicians are more worthy than Chee Soon Juan?

The Bukit Batok by election is a test of the maturity of the people of Bukit Batok, to think for themselves on what is good for the constituency and for the country. Do not let other people think for you or make you think what they want you to think or how to think. Think for yourself for goodness’ sake, and decide what is best for yourself and for Bukit Batok and for Singapore.


  1. /// The Bukit Batok by election is a test of the maturity of the people of Bukit Batok, to think for themselves on what is good for the constituency and for the country.
    Do not let other people think for you or make you think what they want you to think or how to think.
    Think for yourself for goodness’ sake, and decide what is best for yourself and for Bukit Batok and for Singapore. ////////

    Singaporeans can think meh?
    Gahmen say can think meh?
    Sure or not?

    I better re-read my textbook "The Hard Truths".
    Must try and double confirm that I am allowed to think.

    Note to self.
    My wife say I am allowed to fuck her.
    I better double confirm with my MP to make sure.

  2. Best wishes to CSJ. BB needs to wake up. Alternative voices in Singapore Parliament can only be a good thing for Singaporeans.

  3. Rb // Think for yourself for goodness’ sake, and decide what is best for yourself and for Bukit Batok and for Singapore. //

    When the 2 mortal enemies ( USA and USSR ) needed to stop HITLER during WWII, they joined forces?

    During WWII, they even shipped/ supplied massive weaponry, armoury, ammo to the communist Soviets to fight against Germany's Hitler?

    Sometimes in life, to save your own ass, sleeping with the snakes and devils is a necessity, NOT A CHOICE?

  4. @ April 12, 2016 9:19 am

    So in summary;
    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
    Is this what you want to say?

    1. At most hold your noses only lah ...... and choose ( this time? ) the snakes or devils lor .....?

      Not enuf then wear N95 mask lah?

      Still cannot then borrow the anti-chemical warfare protective suit and mask lor ..... wear it then proceed to make your choice?

      Hope that clears the air?

      Got air purifier?

  5. Someone who can lay down his gun and carries a broom. The humble broom may one day turn into a scepter. Gun,broom and scepter all too familiar.


  6. Chee Soon Juan- mad man??

    Singapore needs people like Dr Chee to lead the way for the docile, meek and unthinking idiots who lived like slaves the last fifty years.

    Including how to wake up the Workers Party MPs to open their golden mouths and speak out for the citizens.

    See how LKY fought the UMNO putras. Anyone called him MAD??

  7. Wah! CSJ and SDP got Transition Team for BB Town Council.

    SMRT got Transition Team or not ah?
    just in case Desmod Kuek suddenly hara kiri?

  8. The opposition pollies ar good for in-parliament entertainment, the occasional FaceBook throw-down, and the regular event: "let's go to Hong Lim and say things which make us look like assholes".

    But please, don't give them any responsibility to run town councils, or organise anything more complex than a togol session down the local kopitiam. The oppos couldn't manage a fart in a shithouse. They couldn't organise a ten-dollar fuck in a five-dollar brothel. It is doubtful whether they can distinguish between a hole in the ground and their own assholes...

    Given their limited scope and range of abilities, the oppos should confine their antics to being a big PAIN THE ASS for the dominant party in parliament. This is the main role of oppos: ENTERTAINMENT for the unwashed masses; The Sheeple.

  9. Will young Singaporeans become the lost generation just like the young Japanese?
    Will our young Singaporeans become a tidal wave of Opposition voters?

    Has this trend already started?
    Where are our Singaporean bankers?
    What has happened to our SGX?
    What has happened to our NOL?
    What has happened to our SMRT?
    New World of Work: Japan’s lost generation struggles to catch up

    What Americans Should Understand About Japan's 1990s Economic Bust


    Should we Vote Opposition for a revival of a Singaporean Singapore?
    Should we say NO to an Alien Dominated Singapore?
    Should we say NO to PAP's pro Alien policies?

  10. MS, only fools if not IMH cases would make such a generalisation of the abilities of the opposition. Go and take your medicine before it get too bad and make you look more stupid.

  11. @ 123:

    I don't have any problems with looking stupid. I consider it a "disguise". 😎😝

    "We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." ~ Johnny "The Wolf" Gothe


  12. Yes! CSJ is a good man!

    Yes! SDP is a good party!

    Yes! The proposed team to run the TC is a good team!

    So, BB voters will vote CSJ into parliament?

    Think about it.

    In today's "ownself-look-after-ownself" and "you-die-your-business" attitudes, I think it is almost impossible to win for CSJ.

    CSJ should be happy if he is able to keep GE2015 majority.

    People will just kpkb. But, it will be very very different when come to voting, especially where current economy is bad with widespread retrenchments.

    I know many many many outside BB want CSJ to get into parliament.

    But. How to win? How to win?

    We shall see.

  13. There is a reason why Mt Buttock needs to do the right thing for the sake of the long term well-being of sinkieland?

    Hold your nose, wear a N95 mask, anti-biological warfare suit whatever but do the right thing?

    If they miss this opportunity, in 20 years time, Sinkieland and the whole of AEC ( Asean Economic Community ) with a population of about 700 million by 2036, will not only be behind Japan's GDP whose population is expected to shrink to about 80 million by 2035 but also South Korea's GDP whose population will hover around 50 million?

    Given current life expectancy, some oldies may live to see this day .....?

    The best and better men ( and women in sinkieland ) need to be injected?

    Sometimes a devil or snake is no panacea itself but ironically can galvanise the angels and saints to the "rescue" ........?

    That's the ( additional ) real hardtruths ( in sinkieland ) ?

  14. Election is about electing the best. The best motherland fuckers. What do you think?

  15. Anon 1:44,

    You want to go and ask Dr Koh why he lost to Ah Lian?

    The reason for the Punggol East by election was the same as this Chee by election.

    And if anyone thinks that is not good enough a reason, here is Dr Chee, not Ah Lian walking into the arena.

    If that is not good enough, God threw in another spanner in the spat between the brother and the sister to tell you things are ripe for a change.

  16. God said if Dr Chee needs more help, he will create a few more miracles.

  17. You want more signs?

  18. The best if yet to come.

    Will LWL be sued? If not it is obvious double standards are being applied glaringly, not to say we do not know it existed. Many are waiting to see what happens now.

    What will be the result of suing LWL, if that should come about? Being closer to her father than the other, she probably knows lots of juicy news that no one else knows at this time as pointed out by some people. Clearly she is not one to take defeat lying down, and she can really do much damage.

    Eventually, she may be accused of telling tales, but it is up to us to believe who is telling the truth.

    You cannot be sued for believing in what they tell you as lies, nor can they sue you for not believeing in what they tell you as the sanitised truth.


  19. Yes! 人是斗不过GOD!

    Yes! 人算不如GOD算!


  20. God here god there..who the hell is God? ...your Father ah?


  21. GOD is GOD!

    GOD will forgives you.

    Worry not.

  22. 3.43 pm I think in Christianity, God is referred as one's Father FYI. U don't know meh.

  23. The beginning of the end .....?

    The hope of some beans that there can be some reversal of the unmistakable decline is not meant to be ......?

    The general trend of incessant and unabated slide is unstoppable, regardless of Mt Buttock?
