
Singaporeans becoming security guards

Have Singaporeans turned themselves into security guards? I don’t mean the security guards at the shopping centres or guarding housing estates but guarding the island? Our regular soldiers and NSmen are guarding the country with all its assets and reserves but the big question is for who? Have Singaporeans turned themselves into security guards, the only skill they are left with, and the good jobs are left to foreigners as Singaporeans no longer have the skill sets and talents to work in high positions, even to be political leaders? Have we reached such a hopeless state that Singaporeans are now guards to a rich island but have nothing to do with the wealth, except for some elites, that they can only look from the outside of the fence like guards usually do?

Just read the below comments from a reader in the blog.

‘For example, sinkies are put into pressure cookers from cradle to grave and guys have to sacrifice 2 precious years to serve national slavery ...... oops ...... national service ...... not mentioning life time yearly in camp trainings till 50, yearly IPPT tests and trainings, yearly ad hoc briefings, "suka suka weekends / public holidays mobilisation exercises " when u are celebrating your bd, having lunch/ dinner, looking after your new born etc?’

Is this the life of the average Singaporeans, whose main duty is to jaga the island day and night so that the foreigners can come here and get rich, take over the good jobs and may even take over the island? There are so many good stuff to guard and protect, but do the Singaporeans have a share of the good stuff and the good jobs when foreigners are even invited to be political leaders and CEOs of Singapore’s own institutions? Yes, yes, Singaporeans got no more talents. Without these foreign talents Singapore will go kaput. So no choice lah, better to be guards, still got jobs to do.

If Singapore doesn’t provide these foreigners with good jobs, they cannot provide jobs for Singaporeans.  Then Singaporeans want to be guards also cannot. Be grateful and guard the island well.


  1. Now you see Security High class guards in grey or bluish uniforms with liver coloured berets in MRT stations.

    Yesterday happened to have dinner with friend ar Seah Imm hawker centre.

    Four high class of them adjourned for diner fully armed.Wah steady poon pi pi. Out of four three had classes on. My God!!

    What happened if their specs fall in the melee? ?

    Everything in a blur??

    How's to tackle the terrorists??

    They only good to check fellow sinkies, old uncles and aunties.

    Those with cartoon drawings on their hands and legs.

    My gym friend endowed with some cartoon characters told me he was checked daily when taking MRT to gyms twice in and going out of the stations.

    Aiyo, see Bangkok security guards and Genting policeman.

    All looked like commandos.

    Sinkie land??

    Bay how kor!!


  2. No Point Talking Anymore! No Point KPKBs Anymore!

    Very very simple.

    If you can't even "guard" our sky from the poisonous/cancerous haze,
    what can you "guard" with our S$Billions investments?!

    No Point Talking Anymore! No Point KPKBs Anymore!


  3. Rb // Just read the below comments from a reader in the blog.

    ‘For example, sinkies are put into pressure cookers from cradle to grave and guys have to sacrifice 2 precious years to serve national slavery ...... oops ...... national service ...... not mentioning life time yearly in camp trainings till 50, yearly IPPT tests and trainings, yearly ad hoc briefings, "suka suka weekends / public holidays mobilisation exercises " when u are celebrating your bd, having lunch/ dinner, looking after your new born etc?’//

    Ha ha ha,

    Uncle RB, "great minds think alike"?

    Remember asked u a few weeks ago whether u welcome article contributions?

    And was hoping to contribute an article a month if the "creative juices" allowed ......

    Somehow, the inspirations to write a full article were not forthcoming but yet "bits and pieces" ( of inspiritions ) often came from reading your posts and some of the comments ......

    So the "contribution" ( monthly article ) came in the form of "comments" in some of your posts ...... as indirect ( monthly article ) contributions. .....

    Ha ha ha

    Hope so far your regular readers and new readers find some of the "indirect contributions" refreshing coming from the perspective of a post-independence sinkie growing up , educated first under our revered 1st PM the late LKY and the old guards such as GKS and TCC ( though many already retired or passed on by then...... ), shortly after under ( the forgettable ) Lao Goa and so on ......... LIFE after the switch from the 1st PM to 2nd was no more the same and the bond ( and human to human relationship ) between sinkie to sinkie and sinkie to sinkieland were getting diluted ( and polluted ) day by day .......

    Hopefully, your readers find the indirect contributions "interesting, informative and at times thought provoking" but all are written with "good intentions for the betterment of fellow sinkies and our motherland --- the one and only sinkieland ( read mythological UNICORN ) "

    PS Uncle RB, Thank you for "publishing" mind indirect "monthly article contributions" ...... they are mind little "contributions" ( hopefully they are and can some small parts ) to my fellow sinkies and motherland before Ai leave this place eventually. ..... Frankly, at times, the comments do take up a fair bit of time ( and "cost me to spend nights "banished" and sleeping in the LR sofa instead of the comfy double bed in the room" ....... ha ha ha )


  4. True, true. Now old sinkies after retirement or even pre-retirement ended up as Security Guards. Maybe not so lau quque as pushing trolley and collecting the used crockery from the hawker centres.

    This due to the moronic policy of the Imbecile government big heart in giving the plum jibs to the foreign refugees.

    My childhood friend, brightest among us neighbourhood kids. In SJI and up to HSC.ends up now as a Security Guard in a shopping mall.

    Ex HDB all rounder staff with vast experiences from maintenance to construction being phased out to be Security Guard.

    At one time even mentor to some PRC engineers here to learn the trade.

    Iron rice bowl broken whence posted to Town council. Change of MP goes your jobs.

    Still need monies to sustain living so become security guard.

    Still atas sakit rather than working in hawker centre.

    1. Uncle Virgo49,

      How come your frens so "UNINFORMED"?

      Garment already trotted out this BIGGIE IDEA TINKIE called "SkillsFuture" $500 grant ......

      Faster go ask your frens to take up the one or some of the 10,000 courses ( with the 50 cents ....... oops $500 grant ) offered under this GRAND GREAT ( LEAP FORWARD ) CENTRALLY PLANNED "$500 RE-SKILLING AND 劳改 PROGRAMME-PAGANDA"?

      Sure can find better job and pay after attending the 10,000 courses on offer?

      Mai Tan Liao?


  5. Sinkies perpetually must upgrade skills.

    They really misfits??

    Just learn to be more ruthless and smart enough to buy or forge The highest degrees and no need to tap the 500 dollars skills fund.

    This one only good to learn basic typing in computer laptops.

    1. But ....... but ...... the NAME so "BIGGGGGGG" leh ......?

      "SKILLSFUTURE" lair ......?


      But to rank and file sinkie such as you, only ( good ) enough to learn a-b-c typing on a kiddo pseudo made-in-China $19.90 toy laptop made for 3-yo?

      Then how cum they call it "SKILLSFUTURE" and even the President in his new parlimentary session opening address spoke about "SKILLSFUTURE" ( as if it is a damn "BIGGGGGG tinkie" ) and that "IT MUST WORK"?

      Is he serious in it or also tawking "ROGUELY" abt "SKILLSFUTURE"?

  6. If we look down on security guard jobs, soon, security guards will be upgraded to 'security captains' like bus drivers. Then they will enjoy the same 'atas' status like gardeners who became 'landscape technicians', toilet cleaners who became 'healthcare...' don't know what lah but something 'atas'.

    They are very good in inventing fanciful titles like 'minister mentor', 'emeritus senior minister and fanciful welfare vote buying koyok like upgrading, workfare, skillsfuture using public money. In Thailand, ex PM Yingluck did the same with rice subsidies using public money and is in trouble. How come?


    1. Fucking expurts stuff in the Cabinet like comic books at the Library.
      If they do not bring in another 5 million alien settlers in the Next 5 years, halg the shops in Sin will have to close.

      Talents in the Cabinet?
      My foot!


  7. The best and most valuable thing to do with the $500 is to buy a good degree from the degree mills. At least can submit as part of the resume, maybe can get a better job than become secoority guard.

    1. But they dun give u in cash ..... otherwise can oso spend on mei mei ....?

      They give ( $500 ) in grant, redeemable only if u sign up for the 10,000 ( simisai ) courses?

      What is mind multimillion businessman fren who stay in a GCB ( GOOD CLASS BUNGALOW ) to do with the $500 grant .....?

      Isn't this a "silly" garment broadbased policy "misallocating" precious taxpayers funds?

      Some more spent so much taxpayers $$$$$$ doing roadshows in Jem shopping mall etc, radio and TV advertisements, "silly" marketing materials in the form of vegetables such as "PARKCHOY, WONGBOK, HUGE CUCUMBER, HUGE BRINJAL, HUGE RADDISH ......"?


      Asking sinkies to become farmers, slaves for the guys ......?

      And leg ......... open ......bi....... for the sinkie women ......izzit?

      At the Jem roadshow, overheard the aunties keep giggling giggling ...... when they saw the "huge cucumbers" printings ...... and "huge brinjals" printings ....... and "huge raddish" printings ....... ?


      Some more overheard the aunties whispering and giggling among themselves said use the "grant" go take ..... xxx#_=^€#;^÷£,@ ..... course ......?

      Omg ......

      How many face palms u decide lah ......?

      What kind of remaking the economy or restructuring the economy idea is that?

      Some more said advice came from "economists"?

      BLUFF WHO?

      Can name which "economists" came up with the idea?

      Are you sure some "economists" came up with the idea or some millions-dollars salaries Jiak Liao Bee ?

  8. // They are very good in inventing fanciful titles like 'minister mentor', 'emeritus senior minister and fanciful welfare vote buying koyok like upgrading, workfare, skillsfuture ..... //

    How about the latest fanciful economic policies name trotted out?


    Sama sama like "bus captains", "toilet healthcare assistants", "security industry captains, majors, colonels, and what have you", "canteen and food court hygiene MX Grade Specialists ( aka table and leftover trash cleaners ) ?

    CON-sultan advice/ packaging?


    70% daft sinkies?

    No, not daft, it is kongcum. ....?

    No, ..... kongcum also not strong enough to convey the .......?

    Should be "SIAO TING TONG" ...... then apt description of .....?


  9. At least there is still something for You to guard.

    There shall come a day whence You wont even want to guard yourself.

    Suicide is getting common lo.


    1. Uncle Patriot,

      Din u write some time back that you wish to retire to some Cameron Highlands type of settings to purchase a piece of ( cheap ) land and spend the rest of your life there .....?

      Pls never think of "silly things"?




  10. In Sinkieland they have no big mountains and rivers leh, only tiny hills and longkangs. So, they have to invent all the big titles, names, words, rules, regulations, laws etc to confuse the 70% daft sinkies. Where in the world do they have GRCs, COEs, MM, ESM, Workfare, Skillsfutre etc. And not to mention bus captains. It is an insult to the plane captains and really lowers their 'atas-ness'.

  11. This garment must be "looooooooook dowwwwwwn sinkies BIGGGG TIME"?

    Why use vegetables to symbolise "FUTURE SKILLS"?

    Izzit they think sinkies "BOR TAK CHAY" so must use "BOR TAK CHAY" symbols liKe "WONGBOK, PARKCHOY, CAULIFLOWER. ......etc" to symbolise "FUTURE CUTTING EDGE SKILLS"?

    1. Why cannot use symbols like "IPad", "IPhone", "Mini-Laptop" ......?


  12. they'r my neighbor, in the lift, crowding the void deck, surrounding me in mrt/bus, taking over offices in my office block, lunch time squeezing me at one table,bump into them at the town centre.....

    how come i feel like this is india's china town ??


  13. Hi bro, Aunties giggling when they saw the cucumbers etc.

    Aiyo, don't be a spoilsport. Aunties learning something new with the use of the cucumbers.
    May spice up their skills in their private hours.

    Must thank them for letting us oldies somenew lessons in loosening up our rigid lifestyles.

    1. Uncle Virgo49,

      Some people may think sinkies are out to "mock" the "elites" 24-7?

      So free meh?

      Must still give them a pat on the back when they "waste and misallocate" public resources in "coming up with wasteful and useless" initiatives like the $500 SkillsFuture grant?

      Sinkies pay them millions dollars salaries just for them to "sneer" at sinkies and come up with sthg to "mock" at sinkies?

      Why spend up to $500,000 on foreign alien children per student for their university education in sinkieland and just set aside $500 for each sinkie adult to "equip" themselves with "Skills to compete" in the Future?

      Who is "mocking" who in the first place?

      Sinkies "mocking" the elite garment 24-7?

      Or the "elite garment mocking" sinkies 24-7-365 with such "demeaning" schemes such as SkillsFuture?

      NS for sinkies ( to jaga the aliens )?

      BUT $500,000 Scholarships for foreign aliens?

  14. Hear we go again. People who "over-value" themselves complaining.

    1. If you want to earn more, make yourself worth more---i.e. be able to create more "value"

    2. If you are pissed off about being a mall cop, get off complaining on the internet---it is pointless and of no benefit to you.

    3. Instead, spend that valuable, non-infinite time upgrading your obviously irrelevant skill set to something which has market value in TODAY'S WORLD.

    4. Any job is better than NO job.

    5. We live in a meritocracy i.e. our society REWARDS value-creators and acknowledges SUCCESS and WEALTH. Get with the program...or not...it's up to you.

    6. No one champions those on the lower rungs of the social ladder. You won't be rewarded. You might get some "pity" or "charity", but no rewards.

    Got reality check?

  15. Not just security guards.
    If you follow the piece of shit (POS) called agongkia and our PAP Ministers, Singaporeans will also become nurses and taxi drivers for our elderly parents.
    All in the name of filial piety.

  16. “In fact, if I can get another 10 billionaires to move to Singapore and set up their base here, my Gini coefficient will get worse but I think Singaporeans will be better off, because they will bring in business, bring in opportunities, open new doors and create new jobs, and I think that is the attitude with which we must approach this problem.”

    Who said this you tell me lah?

  17. @ Cock sucking, balls licking, IMH SIAO TING TONG April 04, 2016 1:51 pm
    // Hear we go again. People who "over-value" themselves complaining.

    1. If you want to earn more, make yourself worth more---i.e. be able to create more "value"//

    What you just said apply and "FIT" into your millions dollars JIAK LIAO BEE masters to a BIGGGGGG "T" ......

    They are leeching on taxpayers $$$$$$ every single second yet NOT ABLE TO CREATE MUCH value .....?

    And always way "OVER VALUE " themselves and complain and complain about sinkies?

  18. @ 1.51pm IMH escapee food wasting parasites

    // 4. Any job is better than NO job.//

    Like being a shameless IB willing to wag his tail to please his masters as long as they throw him a few pieces of meat and bones everyday?

  19. // 5. We live in a meritocracy i.e. our society REWARDS value-creators and acknowledges SUCCESS and WEALTH. Get with the program...or not...it's up to you. //

    Shame on them?

    Are they worth the millions?

    Can they get a job in the private sector?

    Who want to employ some Jiak Liao Bee ( paper generals ) for millions of dollars per year and let them run their corporations to the ground?

    Pls kee chiu .....?

    1. Got more NOL ( to sell and hire them )?

      Get real?


  20. // 2. If you are pissed off about being a mall cop, get off complaining on the internet---it is pointless and of no benefit to you.//

    Ha ha ha

    Some "paper generals" feeling the "pain" and need "dig a big hole to jump in to hide their embarrassments"?

    For being so "useless"?

  21. // 3. Instead, spend that valuable, non-infinite time upgrading your obviously irrelevant skill set to something which has market value in TODAY'S WORLD. //


    Can you tell the those two 3-star ( paper generals ) CEOs who are running or already ran their companies to the ground to go upgrade themselves than causing further "damage"?

    One already "pawned and sold" away every single assets in the corporation worth selling ...... The other ...... aiyo ...... dunno what to say ......

  22. // 5. We live in a meritocracy i.e. our society REWARDS value-creators and acknowledges SUCCESS and WEALTH. Get with the program...or not...it's up to you.//


    Tell your masters that ....?

    Go out to the private sector and show how they can "SURVIVE" in a meritocracy and be paid MILLIONS per year?

    Get real?




  23. // 6. No one champions those on the lower rungs of the social ladder. You won't be rewarded. You might get some "pity" or "charity", but no rewards.//

    There you go again and talking nonsense?

    If sinkies have to depend on the handouts, would have LONG gone already?

    Who is asking who to champion the old auntie collecting card board from rubbish bins?

    You "SIA TING TONG"?

    If u dun mouth nonsense, sinkies still have some respect for your masters?

  24. // Got reality check? //


    Can tell that to the North Korea lookalike "great leader"?

    The real biz world is not masak masak "playing war games for some immature 3-yo"?

    Got reality check?

  25. Wah, Singapore got so many cry babies ah? Wah, Wah, waaaaahhh!

    Who would have thought that. No wonder they can't "make it".

    Little bit of pain and a few words form me to mke it sting just that little bit more...all cry like baby hungry for mommy's tetek...👶 😰

    Hilarious lah! 😂

  26. Can you also tell the four star general who caused the death of two of their young employees on the tracks that a simple common sense plan by even a corporal in the SAF to inform all those concerned to be wary and looked out for the workers on tbe tracks. Trains not on Auto run.

    Just simple communication instruction.

    Now they admitted that this is one of the so called lapse.

    And what does the MOM do?? Just a simple reprimand.

    Others in the other industries will get hell from them.

    Millions Dollars fine and swamped with MOM inspectors.

  27. Matilah, you talk only.

    If you are really capable, no need to hide in Auss Land and Kpkb from there.

    Must have find hard to earn a living here, that's why you chabok.

    Lived on parasitical rental income and some shady small business that you think so highly of yourself.

    Blaring criticism at true blue Singaporeans who truly loved Singapore.

    I for one no need rental income causing social problems to my fellowmen and am welcome to stay overseas as contributing to the economy of them.

    Investing extra monies in their casinos.


  28. No gov system is fair, just and perfect in this world. Everywhere the gov is part of the problem not part of the solution. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  29. @ Siao Ting Tong Cry Babies need minum susu everyday with hand long long take taxpayers $$$$$$ masters . April 04, 2016 3:00 pm
    //Wah, Singapore got so many cry babies ah? Wah, Wah, waaaaahhh!

    Who would have thought that. No wonder they can't "make it".

    Little bit of pain and a few words form me to mke it sting just that little bit more...all cry like baby hungry for mommy's tetek...�� ��

    Hilarious lah! ��//

    Ha ha ha

    Your masters must be "real idiots"?


    Get an IB called them "cry babies 3 star generals " asking for more toys ..... oops ..... "NOL" to "play more war games and run to the ground again" ........ and they still wire "$$$" to u everyday for calling them names and talking nonsense?

    Ha ha ha

    Which is more hilarious?


  30. @ Siao Ting Tong mati insulting his Mt Buttock's masters

    // Little bit of pain and a few words form me to mke it sting just that little bit more...all cry like baby hungry for mommy's tetek...�� ��//

    After eating the tetek ...... now have to call the CHEE BY election?

    Got more cry babies ( to eat more tetek )?

    And trigger more CHEE BY election?

    Just a few words from bloggers cry babies must run to their "mommies" for tetek ...... some more is "grassroot" mommies, not "young grass" (嫩草) mommy's tetek .......

    "Old" ( 老鸡母 ) tetek oso will do?

    Ha ha ha

  31. Matilar u stayed in Australia of course u can boast about minimum susu there cause the white girl milk very large. So u cry baby can sulk and drink more susu than sinkies here so don't talk big lar


  32. Matilah, Optus retrenchments! Are u one of them??

    Don't cry babies if you are in theif lists!

    Me to crazy at its highest

    See whether The As sissies will kbkb.

  33. @ 3pm Cannot make it in sinkieland, quitter to arziland turned IB Siao Ting Tong

    Faster go "take your medication ( aka drug )?

    Then u can talk lagi big and sound lagi siao ting tong. .....?

    Got hallucination medication ( drugs )?

  34. Budget 2016 debate
    Source: Asiaone

    "MP Foo Mee Har says that robust debate is needed on the country's spending as expenditure growth has exceeded operating revenue growth in the past four years.

    She also asked Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat whether there were indicators to track the effectiveness of big-spending initiatives such as SkillsFuture."

    1. In other words, in the future, likely there could be a BUDGET DEFICIT .......?

      And the "blame" as usual placed squarely on "social programmes" than other "big-spending initiatives such as SkillsFuture"?

      Are there indicators to track big spendings such as on PIC were EFFECTIVE AT ALL?

      Are there indicators to track big spendings such as on SKILLSFUTURE were EFFECTIVE AT ALL?

      So the "culprits" for garment expenditure growth EXCEEDING garment revenue growth may not be the "necessary social programmes" but some of the "white elephant BIG NAMES, HIGH SOUNDING initiatives"?

      Then when the BUDGET DEFICIT surfaces down the road ( due predominantly to some of the "white elephants, BIG NAMES, HIGH SOUNDING, WASTEFUL, INEFFECTIVE initiatives", what will they RESORT to?

  35. Budget 2016
    Source: Asiaone

    "MP Liang Eng Hwa supports initiatives that help SMEs
    The first Parliamentarian to debate the Budget speech is Holland-Bukit Timah GRC MP Liang Eng Hwa.

    He said that he supported the Government's initiatives to support local businesses.

    He also called on the Government to better integrate the work of various agencies, such as the Economic Development Board and Spring Singapore."

    1. In other words, as much as BIG SPENDING such as the $4.5 BILLIONS ITP ( Industry Transformation Programme ) could help SMEs, will it be able to deliver ( at all )?

    2. To paraphrase MR Hwa, is he saying ( to Mr Gold-Fish Eyes ), "can get the myriad motley crew of disparate public servants from DIVERSE settings to work together or not"?

      If you clobber together, say even a star football team from different clubs, can they gel and play together ( as a COHESIVE team ) WELL?

      For SMEs, everyday is maciam "fighting in a war zone" ( "in Syria" )?

      One wrong move and one wrong battle plan could MEAN several battalions ( precious SMEs paid up capital and other fundings ) wiped out?

      Can the SMEs afford one agency newbies officers ( learning on the rope ), much less a "motley crew of several myriad agencies officers clobbered together" to even be "involved" in their business planning, much less operations?

      What would be the purpose?

      What are the objectives?

      Will the the costs and disruptions to the SMEs business planning and operations FAR OUTWEIGH the little benefits these "motley crews" might be able to bring to the TABLE ?

      Which SMEs "want to be the guinea (pa)pigs", pls KEE CHIU?

      Look at the Sports Hub, so many agencies and organisations and how many tens of billions pumped in?

      And what happened?

      Big screwed up?

      The most important feature in the sports hub aka the field in the centre piece of the entire sport hub "Tak Boleh Jalan" ( in terms of international standard )?

      Many top world teams ( and their players ) are "worried sick" of getting "unnecessary injuries" playing in such a field?

      If one gigantic ( national iconic ) project with all the best experieneced talents cannot work properly together after having spent tens of billions, a "motley crew of disparate agencies newbie officers clobbered together with probably ZERO business and private sector experience" can contribute to the SMEs and "TRANSFORM" the industry?

      Another ( simisai ) big sounding, big spending ( wasteful ) programme to ( do more damage to an already quite sick economy and ) hammer in the final nails?

  36. Singapore long has a operating budget deficit. The situation is not so serious nevertheless. We are using the returns from reserve investment "CPF" to make up the short fall. We still have not use land sales proceed.

    One thing for sure LHL screwed us. LHL give birth to a FT boom in his time and most of these FT will not go away when they retire. They will stay and we need to think of a way to take care of them.

  37. @ Virgo49:

    Here's a short version of a long story, because you have really misunderstood and wrongly characterised me:

    I've been my own boss for 20 years---ever since a whole lot of us were let go during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. I was then an expat in Singapore (I'm Singaporean BTW)...managed to CONvince the global firm that I was worth hiring as a "foreigner". Got a nice 1700 sq ft apartment in Ardmore Park, at night Orchard Towers regular drunken horny guy, yearly bonus + airfare home... that sort of thing, debauched expat lifestyle.

    Since I am Singaporean, I could use my CPF to buy HDB...which I did, very cheap after broke motherfuckers were dying after the 1997 crisis. I have no problem "profiteering" from people's hardship. I think that's why the mat saleh firm hired me: I'm known to be quite a ruthless bastard, and I get results. The retrenchment package was sweet. I didn't work for 2 years back in Oz. I moved into the back of my mother's place (save living expenses), smoked lots of weed, drank dangerous amounts of booze and banged lots of chicks. 😈

    When things settled down in Asia, I snared American and Brit clients in Thailand---I "stole" them from my ex-employer...the motherfuckers who fired me---and that lasted 11 years until the stupid Red Shirt vs Yellow Shirt shit got too hot, and many expats shutdown and left.

    So now I conduct my enterprise in Singapore. The majority of my clients are PRC and Indian. The cheebyes really make you work for your money! Not like the 1990's when people were throwing it all over the place, all you had to do was pick up a few "crumbs" here and there, and you could afford a 3-series BMW (the cheapest one).

    I live in Australia (39 years this year) because I like it. I can own guns, I can drive a nice car for 1/3 the cost of Singapore, I eat well, I get restful sleep, and I LOVE the outdoors. I re-apply for my PR visa every 5 years, and pay exorbitant taxes to support the bums and abos, and the corporate cronies of the government. I'm like a "tourist-beach bum" here, and every 6 weeks or so, I'm in Hotel Singapore...working for money, like most of you fuckers. 😂😂

    I've lost my job so many times already lah. I started working here straight after NS ROD in jobs most Singaporeans today won't do....manual labour, fucking hot and dirty Asian restaurants for chow cheebye stingy Asian bosses, illegal gambling clubs (I worked for the Greek "mafia" for awhile). Later I got a real estate agent's license, and then job-hopped my way into corporate life.

    This is why I give NO QUARTER to those cry baby losers who are so mollycoddled they cannot tahan even a little bit of "hardship". They haven't failed enough. They have never been punched to the ground, they have not lost lots of money, they've never been hungry or broke or worse...in crippling debt, they've never experienced "in your face" RACISM, they've never been cheated....and they've probably never been taken to the cleaners by 2 ex-wives---demon bitches from hell.

    So fuck them. If they think I have "no compassion", that's up to them. At 60 years of age, I don't care about their shitty, shallow lives. I have the best of both worlds, and I intend to milk it for as long as I can. Beach-bum Australia, to Hotel Singapore. 😎

    "When life hands you lemons, order lobster". Stay happy motherfuckers, if you can...😂

  38. @ 9.38 pm liar ......
    // ....Later I got a real estate agent's license, .....//

    Liar oso dun know how to lie?

    You think all the oldies here kongcum lao ah pek dunno how to count hah?

    U go to CEA ( Council of Estate Agents ) website, property agents licensing only started in 2010 ...... ?

    How old were u when u ROD and after a while "Later I got a real estate agent's license, " .....?

    You are 60-yo now correct?

    1. After ROD, at most you r 20+?

      That means 30+ years ago or in the 1970s?

      But CEA only establish in 2010 and started licensing property agents in 2010 ....?

      Mati, no wonder so many called u MF and talk NONSENSE. ..... all the time .....?


      Want to BS also CANNOT string the "lies" properly together?

      Hope din touch your raw nerve and stung u .....?

      Ha ha ha ......

  39. // They have never been punched to the ground, they have not lost lots of money, they've never been hungry or broke or worse...in crippling debt, they've never experienced "in your face" RACISM, they've never been cheated....and they've probably never been taken to the cleaners by 2 ex-wives---demon bitches from hell.//

    MATILAH, u just contradicted yourself?

    Ha ha ha ......

    @ mati 1.51pm

    // 6. No one champions those on the lower rungs of the social ladder. You won't be rewarded. You might get some "pity" or "charity", but no rewards.//

    When u concocted the above story abt being punched to the ground, dragged by 2 numbers of 老鸡母 along the pavements like a dead hunted animal ...... etc, r u trying to elicit sympathy from the oldies here .....?

    You think the oldies here kongcum, dumb?

    So easy to CON like the masaleh boss u bragged about?

    Need sympathy izzit?

    Some another already said arziland many big tek tek mommies for u cry 60-yo cry baby to run to lor .....


    Got more back bones and spine?

    Can stand straight?

    Can stand up right?

    Punched to the ground?

    Mind foot?

    Are u a ( real ) man?

    Or a cry baby?

    Need more tek tek?

  40. Not any Arthur ah Kow can have the privilege to guard the country .Be proud of yourselves if you are being call up or given privilege to guard the country.
    Only failures or losers will complain .
    Wonder how our Laocheks like Virgo,Patriot or RB etc can now klkk with so many grandchildren?
    This is because of their past sacrifices contributing to NS.Because of their contribution,many can safely produce generations of Sinkies.
    Guard country or condominiums are the same.We cannot see the benefits but it is a fact that many can sleep peacefully.
    As for FTs,they are here to create jobs .Without them ,many law enforcers ,healthcare staff,court clerks etc will lost their jobs.
    Thank our Garmen for allowing us to play our part guarding my country .

  41. Budget Debate 2016
    Source: CNA

    //Efficacy and accountability in government spending emerged as a key area of concern on Monday (Apr 4), the first day of the two week-long Budget and Committee of Supply debates in Parliament.


    MP Foo Mee Har (West Coast GRC), for example, wanted to know what measures are in place to track Key Performance Indicators and outcomes on big-ticket investments such as the Industry Transformation Programme and SkillsFuture.

    “This is to ensure that these multi-year schemes achieve policy intent and deliver the expected outcome, namely the boost that’s needed to our capabilities and competitiveness," she said. "What lessons have we learnt from our experience of years past, where well-intentioned productivity schemes, costing billions of dollars, ultimately failed to lift productivity levels?” //

    1. MP Foo really lives up to her past experience and private sector stringent KPIs standard when it comes to spending huge amount of taxpayers $$$ ......?

      Going forward, this SAMPAN 2.0 "may not have that much room to fail anymore with BIG SPENDINGS programmes" .......?

      No more "business as usual ( and failures as usual )?

  42. Redbean// If Singapore doesn’t provide these foreigners with good jobs, they cannot provide jobs for Singaporeans. Then Singaporeans want to be guards also cannot. Be grateful and guard the island well. //

    LustBean @ 10.41pm : // Thank our Garmen for allowing us to play our part guarding my country .//

    BeachBumBean @ 9.38pm: // At 60 years of age, I don't care about their shitty, shallow lives. I have the best of both worlds, and I intend to milk it for as long as I can. Beach-bum Australia, to Hotel Singapore. //

    Come on, sinkies.

    As the above 3 ( incorrigible ) gentlemen above already said, DIE DIE MUST JAGA this Hotel for them and the foreign aliens to "milk it as long as" they can, for all they care, until this Sin City "implodes"?

    Huat ah?

    Heng ah?

    So lucky ah?

    To be a sinkie ah and work the shit ass off as slaves ( and AT less than blanga pay ) to guard this ( sick ) city for the cronies, papigs, scums like the meimeiseow and matiseow to milk every drop of lust and decadence till it implodes ...... then you sinkies all can go "you die your business" ...... noboLEE cares!?

    So dun be cry baby anymore?

    At MRT, see foreign aliens must bow to them ( like WWII )?

    If they ask you to kneel down ( like old man kena during WWII ) and kena 1 big kick, say "Thank You"?

    Live by the words of the 3 gentlemen quoted above. ...... sure won't die one ......?

    Huat ah?

    Heng ah?

    So lucky be a sinkie ah?

  43. @ "doubting Thomases" Beleive me or don't. I don't care. But I'm on a roll writing, and am going to add these "experiences" to a book I might start writing next year👍🏽👍🏽 So...to clarify earlier points made to Virgo49:

    1. I born 1956, Upper Serangoon (Hougang)

    2. I got my PR in 1977 while still in NS. Took annual leave, flew over, got passport stamped, fucked around for 2 weeks blowing all my money, then flew back. That time AUD : SGD == ~3 : 1. In those days, you could do shit like that. Used to be so many loopholes with the PR Visa---I've exploited them all. Now all the loopholes closed.

    I ROD'd LATE in '80/'81, when most of my batch were done with their NS by mid '78. Repeated HSC (lazy delinquent fuck I was) and then disrupted service again to start university. I completed NS during term breaks. I had to; my dad (not rich) had to put down alot of money to secure my disruption.

    3. Before getting into real estate, I was doing shitty jobs and studying (struggling) in university, very broke and unhappy. I was trained at/by REIWA. The license in those days was awarded by the State Government. No "council" set up yet. I was a shit-kicker for about a year...selling crap to "first home buyers" aka "broke motherfuckers" all getting into homes with their $7000 Govt Housing Grant they apply to the govt (i.e. BEG) for. Way to go entitlement mentality! 😱

    After running around like a dumb blur-cock newbie and not making much money---kena "pluck" by my boss and other agents I had to share deals with...I left and joined [name omitted] who was selling Aussie property in Singapore.

    Since I am Singaporean, I managed to wrangle a 6 month stint with their partner firm [name omitted] located in a nice high office in Shenton Way, Singapore. Made some money, no big deal. Shared office cubicle with a chio bu 😍 local Chinese gal. Tried to bang her, unsuccessfully. Out of my league. Way, way out. Her remiser boyfriend drove a Lotus. Me? I took taxi and bus. 😂 As my dad used to remind me: "You lose nothing by trying!"

    4. Later on, back in Oz, I joined the more established [name omitted] who ran large Aussie property exhibitions in Singapore. Dumb Singaporeans would queue up, cheque-books in hand, salivating to buy "overseas property" like hum sup uncles in a fish-tank brothel. "Investors" were promised outrageous capital gains and 6-8% (rent income) "guaranteed" for 2 years in new units (1 year old), already tenanted.

    What the "investors" didn't realise was that the agency tacked on the 2 years rent into the selling price (all done legally...just barely). The Singaporeans were essentially getting their own money back over 2 years. The agency also hatam the Singaporeans for property management and strata fees. This was very profitable. I made shit loads of money over many "exhibition" trips.

    Being the only Singaporean on the team, I was the GSO for the rest of the male agents. A typical "outing" would begin at the hotel bar or drinking up our duty free, then it was off to the gentlemen's "spa" at Badminton Stadium at Guillemard Road. Hot and cold pool, steam, massage, eat free makan. Then cross the road and walk to Geylang Lorong Even-Number.😂.

    After all said and done, and done again and again (horny young mat salehs banging drop-dead gorgeous Malaysian gals), we'd cross Guillemard Rd again and make our way to Fatty Weng's for the famous zi char. (This is what I'm good at: GUANXI)

  44. Those above 60s are survivals, grew up at a time when things were not so tidy and structured. Anything goes. Many started life from nothing, from scratch and make the best out of it.

  45. Sounds like a "mess-up" life?

    No wonder sinkieland oso "mess-up"?

    Time for millennials to take over the driver's seat?
