
Do NOT allow another Benjamin to happen!

Is it too much to ask for more protection for our young children when they in the custody of the police?  Why are there protections and regulations in civilized countries to protect the children from the police and the adults? Why then are adults protected by law from the police but children are not?

The case of Benjamin Lim revealed the kind of deep seated thinking in the minds of the people in authority on how to treat our children. Two points came out disgustingly, one, to interrogate children without the presence of an adult, and two, to handcuff children though in this case Shanmugam said Benjamin was not.

Children are children and many are very naïve, innocent and easily frighten by the presence of authority. They are juveniles, vulnerable in many ways. Their mental make up and psychology are not equipped to face the authority especially the police and in a situation when an alleged crime or offence is involved and they are being accused of it. Human decency would say children need to be protected and the younger they are the more they should be protected.  Any asshole in Parliament or in authority wants to say otherwise? The presence of an adult to protect them, to give them some emotional and psychological support is the least that decent people must agree with.

The second point is handcuffing children. There are exceptions and age and physical considerations and the nature of the crime. In general, it is unbecoming and disgusting to put children in handcuffs for minor infringement of the law. There must be clear laws and regulations regarding the use of handcuffs like the use of the gun. The ministers must not conveniently say the discretion must be with the police. It should be the other way. The police can use their discretion when a crime is very serious, when the accused is physically big, violent and not cooperating. But when the accused is a diminutive child, a little girl or a little boy that can easily be handled by the adults, when they are physically small and not violent, cooperating, the handcuffs must be avoided and not be used foolishly and happily.  When children below certain age are handcuffed, the officers must submit a report to justify the act like the firing of a gun to prevent abuses. There must be clear guidelines to the junior officers on the ground when they can use handcuffs on children. We do not need sadist in the police force that could see nothing wrong with handcuffing children.

After this sad episode, I hope the police would come up with clear rules and regulations on the protocol to bring a child into custody and the use of handcuff.  In bringing Benjamin to the police station, was he arrested? If he is not arrested, why is an adult not permitted to be with him? The use of the handcuffs cannot be a blank cheque and allowed junior officers to ‘ownself checks ownself’, can suka suka put handcuffs on children. There have been many abuses in the past. Put it right once for all.  Why all the crocodile tears after poor children in a divorce when no one has the decency in Parliament to speak out about how the police should treat our children with care as guardians?

If it is too difficult to think, ask the Americans or the Europeans how they do it. No need to form another COI on this and wasting precious resources and time.  No need to send delegations on study trips overseas. This is nothing new. It is about how we treat our young children with decency. It speaks volumes about the mentality of the adults and their upbringing, their values and beliefs and humanity. Some adults look normal but are sick in the head, are psychopaths and did not know themselves.

It is long overdue to change the protocol in the way the police is allowed to handle children in their custody and what can or cannot be handcuffed when children are concerned. Do it right for once, for goodness sake.

Presumed innocent until proven guilty? Never heard of it?


  1. SAD!

    Just a very small boy!


  2. What if an adult commit suicide over a similar offense? The procedure basically the sam...does It make it alright? How does sinkie brain works here? And I mean uniquely sinkie brain

  3. Anyone wants to confirm Benjamin's religious background? Otherwise should we assume the family are Christians?

  4. I don't think there is a future for the boy living in Sin

  5. "In bringing Benjamin to the police station, was he arrested? "

    In western civilization;
    when a policeman asks you to go to the police station;
    You can ask "Am I under arrest?"
    If the policeman says "No"
    Then you can refuse to follow his to the police station.

    But here in Singapore ...
    What do you think your rights are?

  6. The parents voted for PAP so they shouldn't complain so much. Sleep with the devil, must be prepared to die with the devil.

  7. Let's say we roll out a red carpet for his offense....I think he still cannot face his gossip monger relatives, friends and schoolmates etc etc etc

    Die lah? What you think?

  8. /// After this sad episode, I hope the police would come up with clear rules and regulations on the protocol to bring a child into custody and the use of handcuff. ///

    Will the police say that they are awaiting the Law Ministry to come up with the rules & regulations since the Law Ministry represents the will of the people of Singapore?

    Will the Law Ministry say they are awaiting the police to declare their existing rules & regulations since the police is responsible for enforcing the law?

    Will Singaporeans as usual say "lan lan bo pian lor"?

  9. In Sin culture...you touch touch chow charbo...you go church confess the god also can't save you...sure die...is it like that say?


  10. 可怜 Benjamin Lim.........


    Are you aware that.......

    人在做天在看! 人在做天在看!

    善恶有报! 善恶有报! 善恶有报!

    可怜! 可怜! 可怜!

  11. Some blame police..some blame Sin culture...some blame the bak kut teh...maybe the tissue papers sellers...aiyoh...Singapore lah...like that one

  12. /// If it is too difficult to think, ask the Americans or the Europeans how they do it. No need to form another COI on this and wasting precious resources and time. ///

    You see lah.
    When it comes to human rights, even redbean say to go ask the Europeans or Americans.
    He does not say go ask the PRC government.

    That's why I keep saying;
    The Chinese culture is a slave culture.
    Never trust a Chinese Emperor because all he knows is how to bully Chinese people.

    And never trust Chinese people to use their vote wisely.
    Slaves are too stupid to know how to use their votes wisely to free themselves.
    If Chinese people were that smart, they wouldn't have been slaves for 5,000 years would they?

    Better to be a smart banana than a stupid yellow slave of the Yellow Emperor.

  13. Aiya RB ..Singapore becoming a land of 'do nots'..do not let another Benjamin type case happen..do not let another prisoner die from chokehold while in prison...do not let once in 50 years type ponding..do not let mrt commuters wait longer than 6 mins ( these utterances by that Khaw chap is priceless...))) )... Do not overspend on insane projects eg YOG...why not we do an RB list of do nots it may become SOP for the government n civil service...)))

  14. After the wayang and crocodile tears...what's the next topic for discussion?

  15. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Singaporean answers:
    Gahmen say to cross the road mah. Lan lan bo pian lor.


  16. just a very small boy
    just a very small boy
    just a very small boy
    just a very small boy

  17. Do you think Benjamin's parents keep themselves updated by reading the Shit Times?
    Do you think they are long time subscribers of the Shit Times?

  18. They read the bible

  19. If they read the Bible, do you think they will be protected by the HoLee spirit?


  20. Indeed Benjamin’s passing was tragic! Very tragic!

    Hope those people............can sleep peacefully!


  21. 'I don't think there is a future for the boy living in Sin'
    Couldn't agreed more
    As a boy, treated as adult without rights if run foul of the law
    At 18, call up for NS even if you chose to give up citizenship at 21
    As adult joining the labour market you are already disadvantaged competing with the hordes of FTs brought in every year coupled with reservists commitments, high costs of living etc.
    And they are telling you to die for the country with that silly Majula video?

  22. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ... is a bill of rights entrenched in the Constitution of Canada.
    It forms the first part of the Constitution Act, 1982.
    The Charter guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights of everyone in Canada from the policies and actions of all areas and levels of government.
    It is designed to unify Canadians around a set of principles that embody those rights.
    The Charter was signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II of Canada on April 17, 1982 along with the rest of the Act.

    Citizens have guaranteed Rights and Freedoms.
    Do you think slaves have guaranteed Rights and Freedoms?

    Do you think Singaporeans should also have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms like Canada?


  23. Better to be a smart banana than a stupid yellow slave of the Yellow Emperor.
    March 04, 2016 9:58 am

    So who are you going to call father and mother now?

  24. @ March 04, 2016 11:37 am

    Wah! Canadian citizen so good ah.
    No need to do National Service.
    But they are still protected by a Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Singaporeans how ah?
    Do National service for what ah?
    Defend what ah?

    Can defend a 14 year old boy or not ah?
    Can ask questions or not ah?

  25. Remember your place in society before you engage in political debate…
    Debate cannot generate into a free-for-all where no distinction is made between the senior and junior party…
    You must make distinctions – What is high, what is low, what is above, what is below, and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion… people should not take on those in authority as ‘equals’”
    – Former Foreign Minister George Yeo (1994)


    Dear George
    Can we have a debate or not ah?

  26. Absolute nonsense. Do what RB suggests and the cuntry's kids will be OUT OF CONTROL in only a few years.

    FYI a 14 year old **IS NOT** considered a child. That biological state has past. A 14 year old is a teenager which is way different from a child.

    Most people wouldn't concern themselves with a couple of 5 or 6 years olds showing one another their genitals and laughing and playing. There is no 'sexuality' there...it's just play and discovery.

    However, it is quite a different situation when a 14 yr old male is physically inappropriate with an 11 yr old girl.

    And there is absolutely no reason not to apply handcuffs to restrain the alleged culprit---according to good law enforcement procedures. This could be for the culprit's own protection.

    Imagine a teenage culprit, unshackled, suddenly breaking free and running to escape...and then being hit by a car as he dashes across the road. Put the fucking handcuffs on....who decides? The officers at the scene of course. It is always their call, their judgement which decides what to do in any "live" situation, not politicians, not parents...and certainly not motherfucking cry-baby bloggers.

    Stop being namby-pamby about the children. Children and teens are VERY WELL LOOKED AFTER in Singapore. In fact, a case could be made to say that they are SPOILT---perhaps a conversation for another time.

    To suggest or even HINT that the authorities are DERELICT in their duty of care when dealing with children and minors is just mindbogglingly ILLOGICAL.

  27. Poor Benjamin...his all powerful God couldn't save him...can help him to study but can't strengthen his might

  28. So is god fault now? lol

  29. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
    Absolute nonsense. Do what RB suggests and the cuntry's kids will be OUT OF CONTROL in only a few years.

    FYI a 14 year old **IS NOT** considered a child. That biological state has past. A 14 year old is a teenager which is way different from a child.

    You think all kids are as bad like you ah?

  30. I ever seen(the gym has pool view) an idiotic teenager( he wasn't aware of his surrounding), about bens age, proudly showing off his erection, clearly visible through his swimming trunk, to his Friend as they chatted behind an unsuspecting aunty whose bare back facing them and was lying at the side of a shallow pool. He didn't take the next step of accidentally brushing into her or like many, cross the line.

    Many other boys his age, are very horny..even the girls. Was he any less shameful because he didn't "cross the line"? His friend didn't think so. I think they made great pals in NS(you guys will have more stories to tell I am sure)

  31. Oh .forgot to add..he went under water

  32. Anonymous said...
    So is god fault now? lol

    March 04, 2016 1:24 pm

    Go check with the snake oil salesman before you use his holy oil maybe got expiry date and may only apply to AH lol

  33. @ 145:

    >> Many other boys his age, are very horny..even the girls. <<

    If you know anything about biology, and evolution you'll understand WHY this is.

    If you've been keeping up with the research, you'll also have a grasp on why the teenage brain is SPECIAL CASE of what "normal" brain activity is at those ages.

    That's why teens especially require adult supervision and GUIDANCE, and methods of "checking up" on them, because teens do unknowingly get into "situations" driven by their teen brains (impulsiveness, difficulty in self-restraint) fueled by sex-hormones (ensuring maximum fertility and fecundity at those ages).


  34. Matilah
    Most boys bens age are about the same. Ben I am sure had "guidance" or already knew about the thou shall nots at his stage of growth. why these few crossed the line is anybody guess. Point here is, the only difference is...crossing the line

  35. @ 128:

    >> You think all kids are as bad like you ah? <<

    Some are most definitely worse. They molest little girls in lifts. I never even came close to doing that.

    Probably the dumbest worst thing I did was to throw 2 thunderflashes into the bunk whilst motherfuckers were sleeping/ playing cards 😂 To this day, they don't know who dun it...Karma, where the fuck got such thing? 😂

  36. Btw, many boys don't have supervision or "guidance"(especially poor family background or rich but brain dead parents). You don't see these horny boys getting into trouble with the law, do you?

  37. Precisely...motherfuckers

  38. @ 200:

    >> Point here is, the only difference is...crossing the line <<

    Yes, I get it. At some point, the law has to step in...the line is crossed, in comes the law to apply itself to the situation.

    That's how we've all agreed (implicitly) to abide by whenever there are situations of "conflict" i.e.: in this case Party A wants to "touch" due to horniness, Party B doesn't not consent to being touched. So there's a CONFLICT.

    The Rule of Law ensures that one way or another according to a pre-set "code", the conflict is resolved. The Rule of Law is imperfect, but that's what we have.

    Don't want the cops to pay a visit to your children? Then teach them well, monitor their whereabouts, peer groups and behaviour... and hope for the best!

  39. Tiil this day, sinkies and their leaders are still in denial over Benjamin death

  40. @ All:

    The law doesn't (and should not) take into account irresponsible parenting or brain-dead teachers.

    After a certain point, the only reason a teenager does something THEY KNOW IS CLEARLY WRONG...is because they think they won't be CAUGHT!

    @ 208:

    >> Tiil this day, sinkies and their leaders are still in denial over Benjamin death <<

    No, they are not in "denial". Simply because they are not in any way RESPONSIBLE.

  41. Matilah

    You really believed the minister when he said his offense was no more than a light "warning"?

    Don't think because you are not locked up in Changi prison you are not in Sin prison lah

  42. "Simply because they are not in any way RESPONSIBLE."

    Then relinquish your superior role as "guardians of the people"

  43. Your murderers wear white and are lau ah pek lau ah ma mojo trapped in the 50s 60s lol

  44. 70% are fine with Sin.

    30% are unhappy and some voice
    their frustrations with some contributing constructive idea and suggestion in very positive manners.

    Unfortunately, 70% Pro Establishment and the Rest are ay odd with each others.

    70% Stinkies facing off with 30% Sinkies and never the Twains shall meet.

    It's a case of Matilah Singapura. A natural ending of Sin.

  45. What is COI? Sounds like a 'Certificate of Indemnity' for any wrongdoings for those in power nowadays.

    Got use one or not?

  46. Archbishop more bad ass than minister sham..he would have burn his lanjiao...hahaaa...minister relish in being technical right hooor....hahahaa

  47. Archbishop more bad ass than minister sham..he would have burn his lanjiao...hahaaa...minister relish in being technical right hooor....hahahaa

    March 04, 2016 5:15 pm

    The school got to his dick first...they cut him off

  48. Still don't know what benjamin told the police of his case till now?

  49. @ 217:

    >> Matilah

    You really believed the minister when he said his offense was no more than a light "warning"? <<


    Why is there reason for doubt? Why would he lie, and to whose benefit if he did?

    >> Don't think because you are not locked up in Changi prison you are not in Sin prison lah <<

    Don't even try to even think of what I'm thinking. You have neither the means, ability nor the resources.

    Might I suggest you go to Changi Village, chill out. The beer is very cold there.

  50. Sillah..could be duck chicken talking there. The comment was pointing to a greater punishment than state official punishment . He died out of "Changi prison". Goes to show there is "another state prison" at work which has a heavier hand so the light warning you can just brush aside.

  51. 'What's so good about being Chinese?
    In Chinese culture, "you die is your business".
    That's why there are over 50 million overseas Chinese.'

    At least better than those type that always asked for handouts and protection from the angmohs. And when angmoh shit, quickly pick it up and eat.

    The 50 million overseas are rich and successful. Now the 1.4b are even more successful. What have your type got to show? Failures after failures.

  52. Is Najib your type?

  53. Matilah must be sleeping with the minister.

  54. @ "seriously delusional" 1139:

    >> the comment was pointing to a greater punishment than state official punishment .<<

    Really ah, got such a thing ah...can you point to where this "thing" exists (aka "hard evidence, objective FACT)....oh wait...it's a METAPHOR ah? OK, I hereby "grant" you ARTISTIC license. Please go to Home Affairs to claim your artistic license. Tell them Matilah sent you 😝

    >> Goes to show there is "another state prison" at work which has a heavier hand so the light warning you can just brush aside. <<

    Yah hor. It exists in your mind. You made it in your imagination. Therefore you should also suffer "imaginary" torment.

    Serves you right for not practicing mental hygiene. 😈


    @ "speculation with a speculum" 1035:

    >> Matilah must be sleeping with the minister. <<

    Oh please. Is this your best shot? To me it is so typical culturally SINGAPOREAN---don't like someone's opinion, make some gay-sex innuendo, mind you without any proof. (This is a damn good reason to replace local "don't-know-how-to-argue-easily-offended-cry-baby" local loser asshole Singaporeans like ➡ 𝙔OU ⬅︎ with BETTER FOREIGN IMPORTS)👏

    Me? I don't discourage gay sex. In real life I'm a very open and loud supporter of the LGBT community in Singapore. As far as sex goes, everyone---gay, straight, or "variable"---should be getting more of it! ✔️✔️

  55. What is mental hygiene? You very the hygiene meh? Can share how you go mental?

  56. I think he meant men in white uncorrupted mind :) or his church holy water cleansed mind
