
We want a rogue Elected President

This statement must wake many people up, eyes popping out and asking what is that? When the govt floated the idea of a rogue president, no one bothered to ask what was that?  Only those in the know knew what was the whole idea behind it but would not think it was right to talk about it or to ask question about it. The masses as usual gobbled it up without knowing why or what it was. Rogue president, must be bad, just like the Americans calling Iran and North Korea evil and China militarizing South China Sea or MacDonald hamburger is good. To the Iranians and North Koreans, they loved their leaders, and to China they are just building up their islands and protecting them. To many, to put it directly, the Americans are the rogues!

The Americans are going to have a Presidential Election soon. By the way, how many people think George Bush Jr and Obama were rogues? The slate of presidential candidates is all rogues except Bernie Sanders. Ted Cruz was called a liar on national TV by Trump and did not sue him, thus admitting that he is a liar for not defending his integrity as a wholesome person. Jeb Bush could be just like his brother, it is in the blood you know, for invading two countries and murdering two Arab presidents by fabricating a big white lie on WMD.  Donald Trump is saying all the wrong things, like a rogue, but the Americans love this rogue and have a high chance of electing him as their president. Hillary is not called a wicked woman for nothing. But she too could be the next American president. The only decent chap was the poor guy called Bernie Sanders, not rich, not a natural aristocrat, would not qualify to stand for our Elected President.

By now I hope you will get the idea. What is rogue to one person may not be rogue to another. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. So, what kind of rogue president are we talking about?  From what we read about the Workers Party and their handling of the Aljunied Hougang Town Council account, they must be rogues right? But the voters insisted on voting them, the ‘rogues’ to represent them.

So, when I say, ‘We want a rogue Elected President’, it is not far fetched. What to some is rogue but to the people the ‘rogue’ may be what they need, a ‘rogue’ president to work for them, to protect their interests. Do I sound confusing?  Was Ong Teng Cheong a rogue president? Or would Tan Cheng Bock become a rogue president if elected?  Did we have any rogue president before, I mean elected Presidents, not nominated by the ruling party?

This hopefully will set you thinking on a Sunday morning.


  1. ‘We want a rogue Elected President’

    Aiyo RB, then first we need to have a rogue opposition to become govt mah.

    But if PAP always win one, then rogue or not Elected President is up to PAP, and not anyone else, to define what, tio bo?

  2. Washington's elite put political differences aside on Saturday as thousands gathered to pay final respects to US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, whose death last week ignited a fierce battle over his successor.

    It also set off an epic election-year battle over Scalia's successor, whose appointment could tip the body to a liberal majority with the potential to reshape American life far into the future.

    Thousands of mourners filled the pews at the vast Romanesque-Byzantine basilica, the country's largest Catholic church -- where Pope Francis celebrated a mass in September.

    Dozens of white-robed priests were on hand -- so laughter ensued when Wuerl said that Scalia had expressed a desire for a "simple parish family mass."

    The mass was led by one of the justice's nine children, Paul Scalia, who is a priest in nearby Arlington, Virginia. Four other sons served as pallbearers.

    While the late justice preferred traditional Latin masses, his own was mostly in English.

    In words that to many seemed to refer to his father, Paul Scalia said: "We are gathered here because of one man. A man known personally to many of us, known only by reputation to even more, a man loved by many, scorned by others, a man known for great controversy, and for great compassion."

    He paused, then added, "That man, of course, is Jesus of Nazareth."

  3. @ still doesn't get it, RB:

    >> What to some is rogue but to the people the ‘rogue’ may be what they need, a ‘rogue’ president to work for them, to protect their interests. <<

    Well, good luck on that 😂😂. Why stop there? Maybe Singaporeans needs a "messiah" to save them...

    If the people voted in the "wrong" government, what makes you (with the fucked up "logic") so confident that they have the CAPACITY to vote in a "messiah" president to save them?!?

    Whahahahaha....the people get the authority they deserve lah. That's never going to change.

    At the end of the day, the people will vote for one of themselves to "represent" the people's interests. You can't do better than your CULTURE will allow.

    If your culture is, let's say, VERY DISTINCTLY materialistic and meritocratic, (huah ah, you die your business) then you are going to vote in EXACTLY those types of people.

    Don't beieve? No problem...just try lah, and see...

  4. Justice Antonin Scalia's True Legacy


  5. "At the end of the day, the people will vote for one of themselves to "represent" the people's interests. You can't do better than your CULTURE will allow.

    If your culture is, let's say, VERY DISTINCTLY materialistic and meritocratic, (huah ah, you die your business) then you are going to vote in EXACTLY those types of people.

    Don't beieve? No problem...just try lah, and see..."

    Own selves kill own selves is it?

  6. How can a democratically elected President be a rogue President?

    How can a democratically elected government be a rogue government?

    Should we believe everything the Proud Arrogant People tell us?

    1. Ya lor.
      70% oredi voted for a corrupt free executive regime 90 over % from a single party that had proven itself or rather, accepted by 70% as the Best Sinners, why the Need for a chiak leow bee president?
      Or is it not only creating a lucrative post for kakilang as well entrenching deeper into power?

      why worry so much when the Sheeple have stay faithfully for more tgan 50 years?

  7. Aiyo Rb, the simple definition of a rogue president is the one not nominated by the party in government lar which ever the government of the day

  8. Of the few Tan,the citizen chose the Special Tan.
    The citizen get the President they deserve.
    What's the problem.

  9. Ya man..anon 11.32....adding on....how can natural aristocracy ever want to be lorded over

  10. " This year is the Year of the Monkey.
    The monkey is always thinking of new things to do, finding a higher branch to climb, another fruit to pluck.
    And I think we should be like that too. If we are like that, then I think we have a bright future.”
    PM Lee Hsien Loong


  11. Monkey alert!
    Monkey alert!

  12. @ Socratic enquirer, 1059:

    >> Own selves kill own selves is it? <<

    As a collective, a nation/ society/ cuntry...probably YES. That is my prediction, which I'll restate here:

    The moniker "Matilah_Singapura" is based on the PREDICTION that over time, the people of Singapore will DESTROY their own cuntry. i.e. the epic failure of Singapore and its relegation to the swirling vortex of shit in the sewer of history will be ENTIRELY The Peoples' fault, and will emanate from within.

    This is why I took the initiative to distance myself from the disaster, and thus treat Singapore like a HOTEL where I enjoy all the rights and privileges as a citizen and all the awesomeness as a foreign tourist. 👽 (alien shiok sendiri!).

    I've always suggested to my fellow Singaporeans to think along these lines, and for fuck's sake get PR in at least one other cuntry. Keeping your Singapore citizenship just makes good economic and financial sense---it's got nothing to do with "patriotism" or "attachment" (none of this maudlin "touchy-feely" stuff. Just pragmatism and self interest).

    Singapore, as a collective idea will probably FAIL. However as an INDIVIDUAL, you can really take advantage of the moment and PROSPER. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

    Here's question you should be asking: When the shit hits the fan, and your mother cuntry is going down the shit-chute 🚽, do you thing the "elites" are going to lose BIG TIME like you? 💣

    1. Saying it again.

      The Elite and Ruling Class Sinkies are folks who have multiple homes in multiple countries; all luxurious and splendid. Many of their succeeding generations are already occupying them or studying in those foreign countries.

      Those that got trapped here shall be the Well Dwellers and Die Hard Sinkies who prefer to be boiled like frogs.

      Matilah Singapura it shall be.

  13. When you are detached, what is there to lose? Some will escape, many will not. Those who are responsible for the many will find their rewards in due time. The nation is still in a celebrative and self congratulatory mood. But her sermons to fix the fault lines are signs of desperation. It cannot be fixed that way.

  14. Justice Antonin Scalia's True Legacy


    February 21, 2016 10:32 am

    The sting of death is Sin
    The power of Sin is the law

  15. Go die...now that's a good choice

  16. @ 322:

    >> Go die...now that's a good choice <<

    If you say so. Why don't you lead by example? I'm sure you'll be doing mankind a favour. Plus if you jump in front of a train, there'll be video to prove how terrific a choice-maker you are, which in time will be "leaked" onto YouTube. C'mon, entertain us! 😂

  17. If it was that obvious, the world and religious morons would not have been fooled so easily

  18. Excerpts from Friedrich Hayek in his 1974 Economics Nobel Prize Award Ceremony speech:

    "The Nobel Prize confers on an individual an authority which in economics no man ought to possess.... This does not matter in the natural sciences. Here the influence exercised by an individual is chiefly an influence on his fellow experts; and they will soon cut him down to size if he exceeds his competence. But the influence of the economist that mainly matters is an influence over laymen: politicians, journalists, civil servants and the public generally."

    1. The same can be said of "own self check own self and hence own self appoint own self president and own self declared NON-ROGUE president"?

    2. To paraphrase Hayek, "It does not matter if a Rogue president is popularly elected by the people. Here his influence is on the experts and they will soon cut him down to size if he exceeds his competence?"

    3. Further paraphrasing Hayek, "But the influence of the own self check own self, own self set own criteria non-rogue ( but could be a rogue in disguised? ) President that MAINLY MATTERS is an influence over laymen: politicians, journalists, civil servants and the public generally?" ???

    4. Do the above paraphrases NOT succinctly summarised the heart and crux of the issues surrounding the controversies of electing a so called "ROGUE PRESIDENT "?

  19. Can politicians be trusted? All just want to plunder people.

  20. Remember: Election is about electing the lesser of two evils.
