
Chinese media needs to extend its international influence

The power of media to influence the thinking of the readers is there for all to see. Just brand a person as a rogue, call countries by name like the Axis of Evil, and automatically the readers would think the person or countries are bad. The invasion of two countries, killing their presidents and destroying their economies, murdering millions of their citizens, called collateral not victims of an invasion, all because of a fabricated lie of WMD went pass as something so innocent, non events.

The perpetrators, if on the wrong side of the Empire, would be charged for crimes against humanity. The International Court of Justice would be invoked, the UN would be making all kinds of resolutions and sanctions. But nothing happens and the murderers and invaders go on their daily lives as if nothing happens. And no one is using the phrase 'might is right'. But the same phrase is being used to parrot what the Americans are accusing China for building their islands like what Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines are doing. And the parrots would just parrot the same phrase because the Americans are using it. They did not even know why they are using it.

What about the flying of B52 nuclear bombers and missile destroyers all the way from American bases to the South China Sea? Freedom of navigation or a statement that 'might is right'. I carry a bigger gun so I can do as I like? Shall I ask the parrots? Pointless, the parrots have only a bird brain the size of a pea and incapable of thinking.

Below is an article about China trying to undo the damage done by western media over two centuries, that God is white and anything white is right, including might. And the coloured people, after two centuries of reading white lies cannot tell the difference anymore. China and Asians would have to tell their own stories from their perspectives and interests. Channel News Asia has been created to do this job but is getting diluted and starting to become a western media and telling news the western way, becoming more like the trash being published by NYT, Washington Post, WSJ, and the agencies like Fox News, Agencies, AFP etc etc. It would be so sad to see Channel News Asia becoming another western clone and thinking and talking like angmoh media and taken over by the angmohs.

Chinese media needs to extend its international influence
By Chua Chin Leng (chinadaily.com.cn)Updated: 2016-02-24 17:43

President Xi Jinping made an important date with the Chinese media industry immediately after the Chinese New Year holidays. Fresh from the Golden Week break, President Xi visited Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily and CCTV in an event widely covered by the Chinese media, a sign that the President is launching another major initiative for the Chinese media.
The Chinese media industry is likely to see a major policy shift with greater central government support to play a bigger role as major international news providers on the world stage crowded by other big media players.

Chinese media are entering the world of news reporting and communication as a late starter. The Western media have been dominating the world news for more than two centuries, telling their stories and influencing the minds and views of their readers.
Western media have many advantages on their side, from being the first movers, being first on the world stage and carving out their sphere of influence, and also the advantage of the English speaking world.

News reporting has been one sided, seeing and reporting world events and news from a Western perspective, particularly in media platforms where English is the main language of communication and a willing and ready audience of English speakers.

Chinese media has a lot of catching up to do in talking to the world, in news reporting and the coverage of world events. They are competing for readership against many very well established Western media that have attained certain level of reputation, familiarity and acceptance over the years.

China Daily, Global Times, Xinhua and CCTV are doing a decent job in presenting news from the Chinese perspective. But they are talking to an audience of converts, people who are interested in China and events in China. World news is still dominated by Western media by virtue of their extensive coverage and an army of journalists and reporters worldwide.

How could China with a limited number of news agencies that are reporting mainly to a domestic audience win the readership of the world, to compete successfully for readership with the established Western media? There is no need to reinvent the wheel in news reporting. Chinese media could learn from what the Western media have been doing for years, investing in news agencies, in journalists and reporters, in commentators and academics, to present a different world view that is favorable to China, to tell the Chinese story.

The Western media is still hostile to China and presenting China and news related to China in a negative way, stereotyping and with a Western biased agenda. There is no short cut towards erasing or changing the worldviews of China presented by Western media and their hordes of journalists and contributors on world events.

China would have to adopt a wide ranging strategy across all forms of media, from news reporting, journals, magazines, TV, movies, pop cultures, sports and new media. There will be short term and long term strategies to consider.

China could tap on the pulling power of celebrities in the media, in the industries, in the movie and pop culture industries, to harness their influence to change and improve the perspective and perception of China and the Chinese Civilization.

Cultivating brand names by acquisition or promoting popular domestic brands in the international arena, promoting China's brand of pop culture and pop idols to promote soft power.

In this regard, China could tap on the established celebrities and brand names in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the overseas Chinese as part of the ascendance of the Chinese Civilization. CCTV has been doing this very well and more effort and resources could be committed towards this direction.

Winning the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world, changing world perception of China and the Chinese Civilization are not an easy task. And this is made even more difficult when the Western media are doing all the damage they can to paint China and the Chinese Civilization in a negative light for over two centuries.

It is an uphill task but over time, with great effort and perseverance, the world would see China and the Chinese Civilization in a different light.

Chinese media have a very important and urgent task to play to change the way the world sees China after what the Western media have done to China and the Chinese Civilization. It is just the beginning of a very long journey and with many obstacles ahead.


  1. Chinese media need to use English if it needs to extend its international influence.

    PRCs need to use English and speak and behave like Sinkies if they want to be less distinguisable and more accepted in Sinkieland.

  2. RB's articles in English in China Daily is one way Chinese media can extend its international influence.

    But whether it indeed can do that is another matter.

  3. " It is an uphill task but over time, with great effort and perseverance, the world would see China and the Chinese Civilization in a different light. "
    Just tell the world the truth lah.
    Chinese emperors and rulers are just a bunch of cowardly bullies.
    That's why they built the Great Wall of China.

    Too incompetent and afraid to fight external threats.
    Only know how to bully and kill Chinese people within the Great Wall of China.

    Give guns to every Chinese citizen.
    Let's see if the Chinese people will shoot the Chinese emperor or they shoot the foreigners.

    Read about the journey of Lily Tang Wiliams
    - from former Chinese slave to American freedom fighter
    - she is now running for US Senator on the Libertarian Party ticket




  4. Memorable photo of Lily Tang Williams with an American assault rifle and the American flag.


    " If you believe more gun control by your government is going to save lives, you are being naïve. The champion of all the mass killings in this world is always a tyrannical government.

    Where I came from, China had killed thousands of the students by its own government during the massacre of Tian An Men square in 1989. I surely wish my fellow Chinese citizens back then had guns like this one I am holding in the picture.

    I am a Chinese immigrant and an American citizen by choice. I once was a slave before and I will never be one again.

    I will always stand with my AR, no matter what my President signs with his pen.

    Ms. Williams ran for Congress in 2014, and will be a speaker at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas in July, 2016. "

  5. There will always be rogues running a country over time. The big difference, if you know and recognise which is a rogue and which is for the people. Hard to tell to the blind.

    A slave set free when millions were slaves.

    One swallow does not make a summer.

    She did not live through the days when her grandfathers and mothers could only be cooks and laundrymen and be discriminated and killed at the fancy of the rogues. Today the descendants of rogues and slave owners and slave abusers are walking around like angels with a halo on the head.

  6. /// She did not live through the days when her grandfathers and mothers could only be cooks and laundrymen and be discriminated and killed at the fancy of the rogues. ///

    And why were Chinese people so weak that they were discriminated and killed at the fancy of the rogues (the white people)?
    - because the Chinese emperors did not serve the Chinese people

    Chinese Emperors believed China is strong as long as the Chinese Emperor is strong.
    - that's why Chinese emperors do not serve the Chinese people

    White people discriminated and killed Chinese people because the Chinese emperor also discriminated and killed Chinese people.

    Why should white people respect Chinese people when the Chinese Emperor himself does not respect and value the life of a Chinese citizen?

  7. Just as it was in China
    - Do you think history is repeating itself in Singapore?

    Are Aliens bullying and discriminating against Singaporeans?
    Why are Singaporeans so weak that an Alien can come into Singapore and take our jobs and discriminate against us?

  8. Good question, ask the people in white.

  9. "Mine is a very matter-of-fact approach to the problem.
    If you can select a population and they're educated and they're properly brought up, then you don't have to use too much of the stick because they would already have been trained.

    It's like with dogs.
    You train it in a proper way from small.
    It will know that it's got to leave, go outside to pee and to defecate.
    No, we are not that kind of society.
    We had to train adult dogs who even today deliberately urinate in the lifts."
    - Lee Kuan Yew on Singapore society, The Man & His Ideas, 1997


    If 70% of Singaporeans voted to be compared with dogs.
    Why shouldn't Aliens discriminate against Singaporeans and treat us like dogs?

  10. Good question, ask the people in white.
    February 28, 2016 11:42 am

    typical daft Singaporean.
    Why ask the people in white?
    Just vote Opposition and let the Opposition ask the question in parliament.

  11. "If I have to shoot 200,000 students to save China from another 100 years of disorder, so be it."

    - just how cheap do you think Chinese lives are?
    - do you think Singaporeans lives are worth more?

    Why do you complain about white people bullying and killing Chinese people?
    White people are just following the example of Chinese Emperors over the past 5,000 years.

    It is perfectly acceptable for foreigners, aliens and white people to bully and discriminate against Chinese people.
    - even Chinese people agree
    - if they do not agree, then why don't they vote out their government?

  12. Dear Premiere Xi Jinping

    Whether I am white, african, filipino, vietnamese or yellow banana
    - regardless of how legitimate your territorial claims are over the South China sea

    If you do not treat your own Chinese citizens well;
    If you ill treat and bully them in their own country in China;
    How do I know you won't do the same to me?

    Why should I give you a voice in the international stage;
    When you won't give a voice to your own Chinese people in the China stage?

    Is there a word for hypocrisy in the Chinese language?

    If you want China to be respected in the world;
    Respect your own Chinese citizens in China first.

  13. The international media is controlled by a few western elites.

  14. My dear ignorant friend 1:21pm,

    I have given a good life to 1.4b people. I raised them from poverty to middle class and many millionaires and billionaires. There is no more poverty in China. Everyone has a good education. Our senior citizens are well taken care of with pensions and free medical care. Chinese people are buying cars and bigger houses. The Chinese people are travelling around the world buying expensive consumables that you cannot afford. If I treat them badly, these hundreds of millions of Chinese tourists would not return to China.

    Today China is the second most powerful country in the world with the standard of living for its people rising and will get better than Singaporeans like you. The Chinese can buy houses and cars, hundreds of millions of them. You can go and buy your bicycles and stay in your HDB flats. I know you cannot afford to buy a decent car anymore.

    I have given the Chinese people well being, pride and dignity that you are losing everyday. I don't need you to respect me when I have 1.4b Chinese respecting me.

    Thank you for your stupidity. Your former PM Lee Kuan Yew did not call you daft for no reason. You are a perfect example.

    President Xi Jinping
    People's Republic of China

  15. Han Fook Kwang, one of media elites, finally talked about Sin on Sunday. All those in power are in denial or simply idiots. Worst are preachers misleading everyone to hell. What woke him up? Blinded by his conceited education?

  16. Please lah, no one takes the China media seriously. Why? Because they are controlled by their government. It is still a communist cuntry read : NO FREE PRESS. Foreign press is heavily monitored, and their reporters are under surveillance. The internet is monitored and certain sites BLOCKED.

    That isn't to say China's media is not 'good'. However in the hearts and minds of billions in the area of geopolitics: PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

    Many people already don't really trust the so-called "free" press of the world's media. If that's the case, China's media will fight an uphill battle to gain the confidence of the global audience.

    China's govt and their culture is the #1 culprit. For decades they've hidden the "bad stuff" and tried to whitewash events which to them cast a "bad light" on China's image. Those of us who've been to China know that lots of stuff is kept out of being reported.

    This is the govt. biggest mistake---because over time, many people have become skeptical of "news" which comes from China.

    Solution? IMO the best way is to be as open and honest as you can---i.e. short of giving away state secrets. China needs to take a leaf out of Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore's book.

    "Singapore bashing" was a favourite pastime of the media---regional and international. LKY and the PAP were often criticised for being too authoritarian and using the authority of the state to politically "assassinate" opposition politicians, like JBJ and CSJ---who both appeared on foreign media to "alert the world" of the LKY and his PAP's political jiggery-pokery.

    In the end, no one gave a flying shit. LKY defended their (the PAP) way of governing (ruling?!?) Singapore, essentially telling the foreign media to "fuck off"...even putting out an arrest warrant for William Safire. His collegue from the NYT's Paul Krugman is no fan either, and invokes the same hostility from the PAP.

    LKY was open about how he ran Singapore. He made it clear he didn't want any "rogues" in parliament and that's why he has to stymie political wannabes from getting in. Any trouble makers were well warned of the knuckle dusters and hatchets that could be used on them if they persisted. Remember how LKY "killed off" Dr James Gomez back in 2006?

    The Chinese Regime could benefit by being less controlling and allow openess in the press. They should never apologise nor even explain to the world why they do the things they deem necessary to run the cuntry which started of in chaos and poverty and now is the world's top economy.

  17. i.e. once you are open and honest---even allowing the "bad stuff" to be seen, you take back your "power". People might INITIALLY get outraged and not like you, but overtime these negativities will decrease.

    Krugman still bashes Singapore whenever he can. But no one gives a shit. He may be a Nobel Laureate, but still, no one (except for a few Hong Lim protesters) gives a fucking shit.

    In fact, Singapore's reputation is so "open", everyone who visits already knows that the govt. doesn't fuck around. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

  18. @ February 28, 2016 1:54 pm

    " I have given a good life to 1.4b people. I raised them from poverty to middle class and many millionaires and billionaires. There is no more poverty in China. Everyone has a good education. Our senior citizens are well taken care of with pensions and free medical care. Chinese people are buying cars and bigger houses. The Chinese people are travelling around the world buying expensive consumables that you cannot afford. If I treat them badly, these hundreds of millions of Chinese tourists would not return to China. "

    Sure or not?
    Then why not redbean and Singaporeans emigrate to China?

  19. When you can't move forward, most will turn look for a saviour they can worship. Even dead one is fine.

  20. Read more books and grow some weeds on your head. There is always something to be grateful for. nervermind another looming war closer to your shores. Just enjoy your fireworks in your night sky

  21. If you bother to notice, China media has already been growing for past 30 years. whether it is news, travel, variety, movie, dramas.....etc.

    However sad to say, it is used for catering for their 1.4 billion market which is too huge to even grab than have time to even bother about overseas market.

    The conclusion: If you have work or live in China now, what makes you think they would be bother with what people outside China thinks about them? Remember gone are the previous generation who are the humble lot. It is different times. Isnt it better for the nation to progress in one direction as long as the govt feel it is right? Oops, doesnt this sound familiar with what we are having?

  22. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
    'Please lah, no one takes the USA media seriously. Why? Because they are controlled by their government. It is still a fake cuntry read : NO FREE PRESS. Foreign and local press is heavily monitored (please double check with Assange and Snowden , and their reporters are under surveillance. The internet is monitored and certain sites BLOCKED....USA's govt and their culture is the #1 culprit. For decades they've hidden the "bad stuff" and tried to whitewash events which to them cast a "bad light" on USA's image. Those of us who've been to USA know that lots of stuff is kept out of being reported.'

    This is what this nut should be saying, but being a banana, unconsciously he would parrot the right things to say.

  23. It is not impossible to create a international news channel in China that has aura of credibility.

    The RT is extremely credible for all news other than those negative of Russia. The Al Jazeera is extremely credible for all news other than negative of Sunni. In comparison, BBC, Fox news and all western media are extremely uncredible for everything.

    China would be successful if she can create a channel for everything that is credible other than those negative of CHina.

  24. There is no freepress in this world just like there is no freedom. Nothing is free. Everything has a price.

  25. I believe western media the best. Only tell the truth, very objective, very intelligent, no bluff one.
    I, banana. I believe everything in the western media.
