
Benjamin Lim: A boy died, a father’s cry

I reproduce part of Benjamin’s father’s open letter posted in the TOC here. It broke my heart. I don’t care how many people are happily celebrating their CNY. Benjamin’s family are going through hell now reflecting on the agonizing and harrowing moments poor Benjamin had to go through it, all alone, trembling in fear, in the hands of strangers that have full authority over his freedom and the fate of his life. Let this never happened again to any child in this country.

There are now reports and statements from the relevant authorities that procedure will be subjected to review in regard to police questioning of minors without the presence of an adult. As Benjamin’s father, I felt this is necessary, but it came too late. It is necessary because we pray that the same treatment my son received from the police, will never ever happen again to another child.

The school, in my opinion, should never have handed over my son to five police officers during recess hours without having to wait for the arrival of family members. I hate to think of the amount of fear he had at that moment, how helpless he was then. To be escorted to the car park from the principle’s office, one student in uniform accompanied by a few adults in civilian clothes with police ID cards, how discreet this could be? I felt the embarrassment and the shame my son was subjected to.

As Benjamin’s father, it broke my heart when I later found out that my son was brought to the principle’s office with one bun on his hand; and a drink on the other from the school canteen.

I cannot understand why the teacher; or office staff did not allow my son to at least finish his food at the canteen before s/he brought him to the principle’s office. It was reported that my son was allowed to finish his breakfast before being taken to the police station. But that was after the interview. My boy had his last meal in the school, a cold bun.

Those adults that were with him at that moment, the police officers and staffs of Northview Secondary School, may I take this opportunity to tell you that my son would prefer to have his meal when it is hot.

When Benjamin finally left the police station at 2.50pm, he told his mother and sister that he was not given anything to eat, nothing to drink throughout the 3 or more hours of engagement with police investigators in the police station. At his age, my son gets hungry very fast after one meal. Just a cold bun and a drink, and we cannot be sure if he did finish the bun because he was under pressure then. Benjamin must be feeling hungry, thirsty, throughout the few hours he was with the police investigator. I can imagine the anxiety felt by my son throughout the ordeal.

As Benjamin’s father, it is now my duty to seek justice for my son. We do not know if he has indeed committed the alleged offence of “outrage of modesty” of the 11-year-old girl. Until the coroner hearing, we do not want to speculate whether the offence has indeed taken place.

That said, as parents we cannot forget and we cannot forgive the way my son was treated, from the school to the time he was in police custody. I have this to say to the school authorities. We as parents we entrusted our children to you. You have a duty to ensure that our children are appropriately taken care of, reasonably protected and have their interest in your priority.

To the police, I have to tell you that by sending 5 plainclothes officers to one secondary school in 2 unmarked police vehicles are never discreet. You are there to look for one secondary 3 student. You are not there to apprehend an adult suspect with full ability to escape or capable in single combat.

To Benjamin’s friends and team mates from the National Police Cadet Corps, thank you for the lovely cards and your encouraging words to SGT (NPCC) Benjamin Lim. To his colleagues from McDonald’s, he loved his job and he was grateful to be part of the team. If the branch manager would allow, please give your consent for him to keep his staff’s ID card.

Last but not least, on behalf of the family, I thank everyone for coming forward to show their support to Benjamin. We have created an email account dedicated to Benjamin, benjamin26012016@yahoo.com.sg. Friends and members of public are welcome to write to us.’

It is so painful to read the letter and to imagine what went through the mind of a 14 year old boy, alone, helpless, no one to turn to, gripped in fear, at the mercy of strangers in the name of the law of the country. Benjamin must be hoping that papa or mama was there with him, or at least a caring teacher to hold his hands, to support and comfort him during the harrowing hours in the police station.

This traumatic ordeal is going to haunt many people through the lunar New Year festivities.


Hands-On Green Matters said...

Singapore wrongful and painful journey for parents, student, school, police ...

Anonymous said...

Who killed Benjamin Lim?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Who killed BL?

Who?! Who?! Who?1

Anonymous said...

Five policemen and one 14 year old boy.

Anonymous said...

How about Low Thia Khiang and Chiam See Tong in parliament?
How many PAP MPs did they have to stand up to in parliament?

Anonymous said...

singaporeas (except those...........) oso cried with BL's father.........

Anonymous said...

I voted Opposition. So don't say I got the government I deserve hor.

What about Benjamin's family? Did they get the government they deserve?
Will the people they voted for stand up for Benjamin in parliament?
Who will represent Benjamin's family in parliament?

Anonymous said...

In Sin, where to find justice?

What's justice in Sin?

Anonymous said...

The investigation dairy will highlight

Detail of investigations n instructions given.

Anonymous said...

They picked Akanni up one morning
Beat him soft like clay
And stuffed him down the belly
Of a waiting jeep.
What business of mine is it
So long they don't take the yam
From my savouring mouth?

They came one night
Booted the whole house awake
And dragged Danladi out,
Then off to a lengthy absence.
What business of mine is it
So long they don't take the yam
From my savouring mouth?

Chinwe went to work one day
Only to find her job was gone:
No query, no warning, no probe -
Just one neat sack for a stainless record.
What business of mine is it
So long they don't take the yam
From my savouring mouth?

And then one evening
As I sat down to eat my yam
A knock on the door froze my hungry hand.
The jeep was waiting on my bewildered lawn
Waiting, waiting in its usual silence.

By Niyi Osundare


Anonymous said...

Why such a thing happened in Singapore?

Just imagine......if BL is your son.

Pls remember......"every son is a GOOD son"!

Sad! Very Sad! Very Very Sad!

Anonymous said...

"What about Low Thia Khiang and Chiam See Tong in Parliament?
How many PAP MPs did they have to stand up to in Parliament?" unquote

Can they do much in Parliament if Sinkies continue to fall for the politics of throwing candies to win their support? How long will this continue and will it be too late when they find out they have bleeding arses?

Who killed Benjamin Lim? Not the 30% obviously. They did not vote for an autocracy that controls all the elements of administration and executive functions of a 'warp' democracy.

Virgo 49 said...

Sinkies dont give two hoots to these tragic unnecessary events that do not concern them.

Wait till these happen to their loved ones and they cry alone.

See the happy vudeo of LHL singing tong tong chiang with the kuai cap going to collect more revenue from the daft 70% and equal miseries to the 30%

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

And so the "tragedy porn" continues, incessantly promulgated by famous tragedy porn-mongerers like redbean, who probably get sexually excited from their proactive "self righteousness".

Of course the parents are suffering in indescribable anguish over the death of their child. What would you expect? However promoting this tragedy in post after post definitely qualifies it as PORN...

And yet, thru all this wailing and carrying-on on these folks who PROUDLY take the "moral high road"---mostly people who are UNKNOWN to the victim and his parents---have yet to ascertain whether the boy fell accidentally, was pushed, or willfully took his own life.

Got facts, motherfucker? Hey, facts are important...or not? Up to you ;-)

Sure the cops, the school---i.e. virtually all the adults involved in the case, who should know better (hmmm...apparently they didn't!)---could have probably conducted investigative proceedings in much better ways.

Also, it is VERY STRANGE that the "victim" of the alleged sexual assault hasn't made a comment.

Anyway, let the tragedy porn continue. Since you all love getting off on sanctimonious caterwauling...let your perversions feed voraciously off someone else's unspeakable tragedy!

On with the emotional masturbation you so enjoy!

agongkia said...

I feel sorry for the Lim family .
It's all Sinkies fault.Brought up children with no brain and high handed when given authority.
I do not blame the school here as they have no authority to stop the subject from being taken away.
Civil servant in all departments need to use their brain instead of hurting others just because they are empowered to do so.
One example is my neighbour employer who manage to pay the fine for his late cpf contribution but still receive a registered letter,for failing to pay the fine which he did,with heading of Notice to attend Court .
Such shame is not necessary since all his staff contribution,interest for late payment is paid up to date and fine are fully paid.
Why the need to shame him and attend Court is beyond my understanding.
Not every being can take shame lightly especially for some introvert teenagers.
I plead all civil servant to be more humane instead of abusing your power just because you think you are given authority.Do not forget many of you are overpaid while many citizens are struggling for 3 meals.
Do not bully the poor like me can or not.

Anonymous said...

In Germany, they came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . .
And by that time there was no one left to speak up.

Martin Niemöller
(14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a Protestant pastor and social activist


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ time to come into the present, stop living in the past! anon 1016:

Pastor Martin Niemöller's "lament" hardly applies today. With our present access to social media, people actually speak up TOO MUCH, such that there is much more NOISE than SIGNAL.

Better update yourself and realise we live in 2016, not 1936.

Anonymous said...

at night SURE cannot sleep cannot sleep for those..........

dark places......shallow.......following following following........

very very scary......

so........ be careful be careful be careful.......

Anonymous said...

PAPies & rich cronies will say too bad, that boy got no guts, weak constitution, too mollycoddled by parents. His jumping is simply cleansing of Sinkies gene pool.

Investigations and coroner's inquiry will simply show that he jumped, end of story. The police and school will not be found to have breached any laws or regulations, and everything conducted according to official & legal procedures.

In order to soothe the idiot Sinkies, PAPies will reassign the school principal to a high-paying but relaxed job in MOE HQ; the school councilor will be transferred to another school anonymously. As the police & investigation officers involved are anonymous anyway, they'll just continue their business as usual.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ agongkia:

Singapore jurisprudence has never been noted for its sense of "proportionality". Usually the punitive measure awarded to punish the (so-called) "guilty" is overly harsh in nature....i.e. dun give chance, no pan chan, hatam the fella terok terbokok...

These are signs of an immature culture; a culture based on self-righteousness and hammering down the "accused" to validate the "goodness" or high-morality of the law-enforcer.

Punishment not enough....must make the bugger lose face too...

I doubt this is going to change anytime soon.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

To add to:

>> Punishment not enough....must make the bugger lose face too...<<

Also must make an "example" out of the guilty. Ok Ok, they are guilty, the evidence, the testimony, the due process...but must every "law breaker" made to be AN EXAMPLE? WTF...that is NOT the purpose of the Rule of Law. This is an example of the Rule Of Man disregarding the spirit and intent of the law, just to get some "jollies" out of hammering a person who is already guilty and down, and lost so much face...and then as a bonus MAKE AN EXAMPLE of him.

Singapore culture. 1st world? Ah...you be the judge lah...because the day you go to court and kena judged...

Anonymous said...

Who will represent Benjamin's family in parliament?
Do you think Benjamin's father should approach his Yishun MP for help?
Who is the Yishun MP who is supposed to represent Benjamin's family in parliament?
Has this Yishun MP visited Benjamin's family yet?

Do you think this Yishun MP is earning his salary?

Anonymous said...

"I think such incidents of police going to schools to arrest minors the way they did to Benjamin had happened before. It is just that since no suicides happened after that, the authorities think it is normal, although it may be very inappropriate for a minor. So it takes a suicide for them to wake up to review their procedures.
Same for political parties. It takes a major defeat in elections for them to wake up and realise that something has not been right and a serious need to review their strategies (in the case of opposition) and policies (in the case of the ruling party)."
From Mat Alamak in https://www.facebook.com/cheesoonjuan/posts/10154802821658849?comment_id=10154804530583849&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D

Anonymous said...

I wish the parents will know WHEN to shut up and be humble. But alas, typical singaporean.. unreasonable,petty, a tit for a tat.
From their account, the police would have sufficient time to determine and authenticate the offense to warrant an arrest.
We feel sorry for the boy and family but like the father said, he felt the embarrassment and the shame of the boy. What do you expect the police to do when a little girl was molested? Send a plain clothe officer to his school, make sure he had a warm hearty breakfast before holding his hand gently and take a taxi ride to the police station so as not to embarrass the teenager?

Considering the seriousness of the crime, I think 50 police officers should descend upon the school and scare the shit out of these kids! :))

Anonymous said...

"Who is the Yishun MP who is supposed to represent Benjamin's family in parliament?'
Anon 10:42 am

He is PAP MP Louis Ng. I think it was reported he attended a meeting with Benjamin's family and the police.

He is also a founder of ACRES, an animal welfare society. So besides humans, he is also as much concerned about dead cats in Yishun and elsewhere in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Tragic case but reveals a lot about Singapore society.

Anonymous said...

Strong shame and religious culture contributed to his death? What do you think?

agongkia said...

anon 10.49
You another khongcum ting tong on the loose.
It's not a case of outrage of modesty committed on the spot .
It's just case on a report of a 11 year old complainant and it should not be treated like a seizable offence where one can arrest without warrant.
How serious can that be.Have some sympathy on the Lim family.

Anonymous said...

Would he jumped to his death if he was arrested for vandalism?

Anonymous said...

At this point, no one knows whether it was his routine to be around the crime scene. Acting suspiciously, running after the incident etc...all captured on cctv can be very revealing..signs of premeditated activities

Anonymous said...

Some things dont add up here.

1. Police conducted an "interview" based on an anonamous neighbour complain letter.
2. The school authority quickly "gave away" pupils in their charge.
3. “they said I am guilty, so I am guilty lor”.

Seems that the episode was to break up a relationship and alleged victim's parent are very powderful people.

Anonymous said...

In this case, the family should be wise and just quietly mourn the death of their son and wait for the outcome of the investigation

Anonymous said...

14 years old and a Sgt in NPCC? Not that innocent? Surely he is as rebellious as any teenage kid and would dare to stand up for his innocence, considering his parents are rather aggressive?

Anonymous said...

"Seems that the episode was to break up a relationship and alleged victim's parent are very powderful people."
Anon 11:23 am

Oh, out of the box thinking! A relationship? A relationship between a 14 yr old boy and a 11 yr old girl? Why not?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

WOW! Nice to see even the great Chee Soon Juan using a family tragedy to boost his public profile!

"Suicide"? Please lah Dr Chee, the "motivation"---if any---has not yet been established.

@ anon 1049:

>> Considering the seriousness of the crime, I think 50 police officers should descend upon the school and scare the shit out of these kids! :)) <<

Not a bad idea. If just to teach hormone-infused young lads that you do need the permission of the other party if there is going to be mutual intimate touching and/ or exchange of bodily fluids!

Anonymous said...

He probably doesn't have the benefit of a blow job at his age. Sad, don't you think so? :)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I dunno....kids these days are expressing their sexuality at very young ages. The world has changed man. You do know that kids are "sexting" each other frequently that it's already part of youth culture...

Got megapixel smartphone?

Anonymous said...

The Descriptions of the Attitudes and Possible End Results of the Case, as perceived is exactly the Sickness of our society.
High handedness, authoritative and cold execution of duties.
As Matilah Singapura puts it; overly harsh.

Sin, like most other THIRD WORLD Countries today, has a queer social/cultural development; the Poor and Weak Echelons are more caring of each other while the Elite and Powerful are authoritative and cold. On top of been officious, high handed and cold, the Top Echelons are also greedy, a common ground sentiment that's wide perceived.

Human evolution has not nurtured the Expected Humanness in the Two Legged Beings that education is supposed to inculcate. It could be just my personal feel and I do hope that me am wrong. Maybe readers here can post your opinions for me to correct myself.


Anonymous said...

@ February 05, 2016 10:49 am
" From their account, the police would have sufficient time to determine and authenticate the offense to warrant an arrest. "

Another piece of poisonous IB shit.
If this piece of IB shit (POS) is to be believed, then we no longer need the courts and expensive judges anymore.
Just let the cameras and police decide who is guilty.

Anonymous said...

Correction to 'wide perceived' to 'widely perceived'.

My apology.


Anonymous said...

"I wish the parents will know WHEN to shut up and be humble."
February 05, 2016 10:49 am

When a Japanese translator died recently, did the family know when to shut up and be humble?

Anonymous said...

CCTV..body language..you are dead

Anonymous said...

"What do you expect the police to do when a little girl was molested?"
February 05, 2016 10:49 am

The accused has a right to know who is the accuser in a court.
The accused has a right to know the crime he is being charged with.

So if the police is so sure of their case.
If the accuser is so sure of their case.
Stand up in public and let us know who you are.
Why so shy?

Anonymous said...

I wish I can defend the family but in this case, I shall go with the police. Better not let me down..ha ha ha ha

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

For anon 1138, a glimpse at teenage sexuality in Singapore (i.e. aka "The Facts")





Anonymous said...

"Considering the seriousness of the crime, I think 50 police officers should descend upon the school and scare the shit out of these kids! :)) "
February 05, 2016 10:49 am

Where is the proof that Benjamin has committed a crime?
If there is proof, then make it public.
Let the proof be examined by a judge in a court of law.
Are you saying the police has never made any mistakes?

Anonymous said...

Who is this neighbour that made the annonymous report about the alleged molest?
Why continue to stay annonymous?

Anonymous said...

Is Louis Ng the PAP MP of Yishun representing Benjamin and his family?
So what does he intend to do about an unnatural death in his constituency?

Anonymous said...

Anybody knows where the crime scene is? Has the teenager any business being there.. That's on assumption he was not stupid enough to commit a crime at his own block or something

Anonymous said...

Whatever the outcome from the investigation, the police will say it is water under the bridge and nothing can bring back Benjamin. But Benjamin is not water but a human being, more precious than the many cats found killed that received so much media and police attention. Despite spending billions $ each year on the force, all they will do is by the law, regardless of the nature of the alleged offence, age or gender. Only have cow sense and a mindset and a fear of not following zero-defect rules set by their superiors and rulers.

The ultimate fear is that should one-day there be a martial law situation, our sons in uniform will shoot our sons indiscretely going strictly by the law.

Anonymous said...

"Anybody knows where the crime scene is?"
Anon 12:09 pm

They did not mentioned the block where the CCTV recording of the alleged crime took place. Another issue to look at is whether Benjamin knew the victim. Were they friends or even in a relationship? If so, has this got anything to do with his death?Nowadays it is not uncommon to see very young teens in relationships, or behaving intimately even in public places.

Anonymous said...

Is this how we should behave when we are not charged with a crime and the police just wants to question us (in the hope that we will make a mistake and confess to a crime).

Two minute video.
Watch how an elite billionaire handles uncomfortable questions.
(They definitely don't jump out of a window because of shame).

Watch it with your children.
It may save your child's life.


Watch Martin Shkreli laugh and refuse to answer questions during his testimony to Congress

Anonymous said...

Police officer also get conviction for double murder.(kovan case)

Anonymous said...

If the police asks you to follow them to the police station;
Always ask.

Are you arresting me?
If you are not arresting me, why must I follow you to the police station?
Can I don't go to the police station since you are not arresting me?

Anything you say to the police can be used against you later in a court of law.
True or not?
Isn't it better not to answer any question the police asks you?
Is it true that the police has to either charge you or release you?

Is it true?
The reason the police questions you before they charge you is because they are hoping you will incriminate yourself when you answer their questions?

Anonymous said...

Somebody deleting my posts? Why so scare? Lol

Anonymous said...

If Benjamin is guilty, why did the police release him after 3 hours of questioning?
Why didn't they charge Benjamin and arrest him on the spot?

Anonymous said...

 Anonymous said...

"Anybody knows where the crime scene is?"
Anon 12:09 pm

They did not mentioned the block where the CCTV recording of the alleged crime took place. Another issue to look at is whether Benjamin knew the victim. Were they friends or even in a relationship? If so, has this got anything to do with his death?Nowadays it is not uncommon to see very young teens in relationships, or behaving intimately even in public places.

February 05, 2016 12:26 pm

Police would have the advantage hence the arrest?

Anonymous said...

Police would have the advantage hence the arrest?
February 05, 2016 12:42 pm

Was Benjamin ever arrested?
If he was arrested, then why did they release him 3 hours later?
If Benjamin was arrested, his family would have been required to post bail before release ... correct?

Anonymous said...

Matilah... Ahhh... The importance of blow jobs haa

Anonymous said...

Guys are always at the receiving end when come to molest whether is real or imaginary. It is a seize-able offence even without any charge being made eventually. Police should be considerate when handling such cases. More than half turned up to be false. Sending so many police to arrest a young boy in school is definitely over-doing. No excuse at all.

Anonymous said...

February 05, 2016 12:47 pm.. procedures...

Anonymous said...

Seizable offence means police can make an arrest without a warrant. Non-seizable offence means a warrant is require before an arrest can be made.


Anonymous said...

@ February 05, 2016 12:55 pm

My question remains.
Was Benjamin arrested and charged with molest?
If yes, then why was he released 3 hours later without requiring bail to be posted?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Tragic case but reveals a lot about Singapore society.

February 05, 2016 10:55 am


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1248:

I've raised this point before, and without surprise have been accused of promoting the idea of "rape culture" so prevalent among the present Nazi Feminist crowd and their sympathizers.

If you (male) are accused of "molest" or "outrage modesty", it becomes a stain on your character, and can ruin your life---even though it may not be true. It often becomes your word against the accuser, and it is ALWAYS BIASED to the women's advantage.

Now that more is revealed about this tragic incident, perhaps it could be the case of the deceased being "overly friendly" with the (consenting) girl, and unfortunately got spotted by an "anonymous" witness who misinterpreted the incident they witnessed as "molest".

Study after study has shown that eyewitness testimony is HIGHLY UNRELIABLE.

Unfortunately ALL THE (so-called "responsible") ADULTS involved in accusing this kid are not aware of this scientific fact, and immediately jump to a conclusion which rendered the poor boy "guilty".

C'mon people, kids have sexuality too. It's BIOLOGICAL. The correct way to handle teenage sexuality is by discussion, and the teaching of what behaviour is appropriate and what is not.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to place children under surveillance 24/7. If we can teach kids how to cross the road safely, we should also be teaching them how to express or exercise self-control when it comes to matters of sexuality.

Unfortunately adults (parents, cops, teachers) in Singapore tend to be IMMATURE as well when it comes to sexuality. Since these adults are FUCKED UP, how can we expect them to be UNDERSTANDING and RATIONAL when it comes to a couple of hormone-loaded kids having a grope or a smooch?

Anonymous said...

"C'mon people, kids have sexuality too. It's BIOLOGICAL. The correct way to handle teenage sexuality is by discussion, and the teaching of what behaviour is appropriate and what is not... "

Singapore is a religious society what discussion you want? Chop off your penis lol

Anonymous said...

Father with dementia, forced to confess to a offence by police

Who guards the guardians?
Who watches the watchmen?

Ownself check ownself?

Anonymous said...

Or ownself take punishment on ownself

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'Anonymous said...
Somebody deleting my posts? Why so scare? Lol
February 05, 2016 12:38 pm'

I just read your post. In this blog only I can delete a post or the author of the post himself. In this case maybe the ghost of Benjamin deleted your post.

Please post again to see how scary is your post. But please do not feel scare tonight if Benjamin visits you.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

WOW! Insensitive gallows humour from none other than the tragedy porn-monger himself!

How come I'm not surprised? Bwahahahhaha....

agongkia said...

Martilah ,my sifu.
Boy at 13 may start to park chew cheng which is normal.
Girl at 10 may start to have menstrual and usually mother will tell her she is now adult and cannot anyhow touch so become more sensitive.
Hope one day no one go to your office and take you away in the presence of your staff for playing with little girl..

Anonymous said...

PAP Millionaire Ng Eng Hen sings Total Defence song in his facebook


After Benjamin's death;
What is it that we are defending ourselves against?
Was it an external threat that killed Benjamin?

Anonymous said...

Is Benjamin and the family Christians? Maybe that explains the tragedy. Tio bo?

Anonymous said...

It is a SIN....or is it rubbish? Ha Ha ha ha

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Please do not laugh at people's tragedy nor making a joke out of it.
This is the least decent thing you can do. Do not let karma repay you what you are due.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ agongkia:

>> Hope one day no one go to your office and take you away in the presence of your staff for playing with little girl.. <<

No need to hope lah. Why? Because I don't do such things. Very mischievous of you to suggest, but no problem...if it is a joke... ha ha ha, ok?

Anonymous said...

We ask pointed questions if you want to get to the root of the tragedy. No crocodile tears

Anonymous said...

Benjamin visiting you is quite a funny joke. You have got a sense of humor :)

Anonymous said...

He probably cannot fly aeroplane... Because it is SIN... So cannot tahan and tragedy... Possible or not? Matilah expert in this lol

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Benjamin's last meal was a cold bun. And he had to eat it while being questioned by the adults half way through his recess time. Farkers did not have the courtesy or compassion to let the boy finish his meal during recess.

And the police held him and questioned him and kept him till 2.50pm, through lunch hours without giving him a drink nor anything to eat.

Benjamin died while his mother was preparing something for him to eat after taking him home. He died, hungry, before having his last meal prepared by his mother.

What a tragic ending.

Anonymous said...

It is which side of the prism you choose to look at but don't kid yourself. The family wasn't wise, at least to some people

Anonymous said...

We talked about Amos Yee........ during our lunch break.

Anonymous said...

Sin my foot... Ownself kills ownself... But that's your daft society :)

Anonymous said...

when they came for Francis Seow, Devan Nair and etc.
did Benjamin's father stand up for them?

when they came for Roy Ngerng;
did Benjamin's father stand up for Roy Ngerng?

when they came for Amos Yee;
did Benjamin's father stand up for Amos Yee

when they came for Benjamin;
who was left to stand up for Benjamin?

Anonymous said...

February 05, 2016 2:41 pm

No fake crocodile tears huh?

Anonymous said...

I think it's better to spend $10 million dollars a year on setting up a proper "Public Defender's Office" so that there is always a lawyer present when our police arrest a Singaporean.

What's the point of spending $10 billion dollars on all our expensive jet fighters?
How many Singaporeans have died from an external threat?

Most if not all Singaporeans are dying from internal problems.
Including poor Benjamin.

Anonymous said...

Public defender (United States)

In the United States, a public defender is a lawyer appointed to represent people who cannot afford to hire an attorney.
The 1963 US Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainwright held that the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel provision requires the government to provide legal counsel to indigent defendants in criminal cases.


Anonymous said...

February 05, 2016 2:59 pm..u r funny hahaha

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We talked about Amos Yee........ during our lunch break.

February 05, 2016 2:36 pm

He gladly told the world he flew aeroplane, and very proud of it lol and he is alive today lol the power of relinquishing religion? lol

Anonymous said...

February 05, 2016 3:10 pm...Matilah more advanced...someone flew the aeroplane for him hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Aiyoh....teenager Amos is trying to get laid...what would men in white think? ...chow lj Hahahahahah

Anonymous said...

Men in white lun jiao must be very clean..maybe white in Color lol

Anonymous said...

Scary stuff hahahah

virgo49 said...

What farking ccctv cameras??

CCCTV 1 (808☆ ☆ better.
Tomorrow got CNY variety shows.

Wasting tax payers monies and SPF chiak liai bee became more lazy.

My estate from void decks to shelters and practically all areas with CCTvs.

Gangs of black ants huddled together drinking in full view
of the cameras making hell of noise.

Pinoy performing artists piss drunk at 3 in morning shouting and quarrelling over tips in full view of cameras.

PRC women chatting like quarrelling from 12 to 5 am.

High tide squat and pee in front of cameras at small drains.

Called the chiak liao bee. Said will come but never come.

Untill Mr Ng Boon Gay also gave up and go to garden.

Told them to dismantle them as they see no big disturbance then no need move their fat asses.

Anonymous said...

February 05, 2016 4:31 pm..not sexiting for authorities lah,tio bo haaa

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Benjamine was doing with all the CCTV tracking him from one place to another. Take time to read into his activities or patterns

b said...

Thats the problem with the system here. No one can make mistake, not even a single one. Everyone from parents, siblings, teachers, police and public will rip you apart. RIP.

b said...

But the gov can make mistakes and there is no one to police them.

Anonymous said...

All we can say is...he is not as lucky as Matilah

Anonymous said...

Some people get free mouth wash, some people get free Sunday school teachings..who has the better deal?

Anonymous said...

Everything here is getting so expensives

Only cheap things here r us...

Anonymous said...

Whenever someone suddenly depart..

crying will be.. ..heart..

Anonymous said...

This place is not so fine

Even a kid can leave everything behind......

Anonymous said...

...even leaving behind mouth wash?

Anonymous said...

ben will never b accused of any crime

B cos no identification parade can b done anymore...i think.