
Khairy also ‘beh tahan’

‘The houses with the ‘crosses’ in Langkawi. Now repainted…We waste too much time on stupid issues.’ Khairy Jamaluddin, Youth and Sports Minister of Malaysia.

Former Cabinet Minister Zaid Ibrahim was quoted to be unhappy with the setting up of a Malay Mall operated only by Malay stall holders and a new airline, Rayani Air, that would not serve alcohol, with stewardesses wearing tudungs and reading Islamic prayers on take off, as bad commercial ideas capitalizing on Islam for profit.

I have not made any comment on the above to avoid being attacked by a dog hiding in the corner of this blog to accuse me for being insensitive and anti Islam or anti Malay. I am glad that progressive bumiputra leaders could see rubbish and would stand up to call them rubbish.  At the rate these unproductive and regressive protests continue, things would only get more ridiculous and the bumiputras would only get more angry and uncontrollable when they should be directing their energy and time on more productive things to uplift the well beings of fellow bumiputras.

The timely intervention by Zaid and Khairy would hopefully bring a stop to such wasteful and destructive energy. And hopefully they are strong enough and not become targets of attacks for being anti Islam or anti bumiputras. As someone commented, how would the bumiputras deal with cross road junctions? Are they going to demolish them for being Christian in nature? Would all the Cross Streets be renamed to Crescent Streets or something that has nothing to do with the cross?

Malaysian leaders should lead the bumiputras, if they are not interested in the general Malaysian population, towards more productive and progressive pursuits to improve their lives and well beings. They should not be stopping the bumiputras from crossing the streets or any cross over activities or events because they are related to the cross, literally. Please don’t be cross just because I write about it in my blog.


  1. The Sharia airline is a MAS marketing gimmick destined to fail big time. When MAS loses her pants, her leadership ponder how to bail themselves out, and here it goes, the hudud Airline is born.

    If I am a air traveller, first thing I think of is not to stay with a bunch of hijab head, or burka head, if possible the air stewardess goes entirely naked. Nothing is better in quenching jet lag.

    A hijab head is big turn down.

    Today the best airlines in the world UAE Emirates, out of their business sense, do not impose dull Islamic dressing. The malaysian Malay move far ahead than the the sand niggers of Sheikhland.

  2. This is progress.

  3. It is disgusting that UMNO radicals keep on saying they are the bumiputras.It is a wild claim. The real bumiputras are the Sakais, the Orang Asli, the Ibans, dayaks, dusuns and Sea Dayaks. The Malays like the Indians and Chinese are all immigrants. The Malays came to Malaysia from different parts of Indonesia like Sumatra, Java, Celebes and other Indonesia islands. The difference is that the Malays came to occupy the land as invaders or conquerors whereas the Indians and Chinese came as traders.

    It is time UMNO Malays stop calling themselves as bumiputras. They are a disgrace to all genuine Malays and society.

    Anti-wild claim

  4. "Would all the Cross Streets be renamed to Crescent Streets or something that has nothing to do with the cross?"
    - what about Singapore renaming Marina Bay contest and declaring "Marina Bay" as the new name?

    "Former Cabinet Minister Zaid Ibrahim ... unhappy with the setting up of a Malay Mall operated only by Malay stall holders and a new airline, Rayani Air, that would not serve alcohol, with stewardesses wearing tudungs and reading Islamic prayers on take off, as bad commercial idea..."
    - what about Lui Tuck Yew's COI into MRT breakdowns
    - after the COI was finalized, Singapore's MRT suffered its biggest breakdown ever, which involved a quarter of a million passengers.
    - at least Lui Tuck Yew was paiseh enough not to bother with COI #2 into the last massive breakdown

  5. /// It is time UMNO Malays stop calling themselves as bumiputras. They are a disgrace to all genuine Malays and society. ///
    January 01, 2016 11:27 am



    National Geographic’s Genographic Project has used advanced DNA analysis and worked with indigenous communities to help answer fundamental questions about where humans originated and how we came to populate the Earth.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Every single UMNO leaders are alien.

    Tungku is Thai.
    Razak is fucking pirates from Makarsar
    Onn Jaffaar is Circasian
    Mahathir Indians
    Abdullah is Arab and Chinese/viet Muslim (Champa branch)

    Note Champa (are Muslims) got genocide by Viet and China save their ass, but Malaysian Malay keep accusing Chinese of racist despite Chinese always save them.

    And the Malaccan Peranakan who are here since Malacca Sultanate are more natives the pukimak UMNO PM.

    Malaccan Peranakan cannot get bumi.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "At the rate these unproductive and regressive protests continue, things would only get more ridiculous and the bumiputras would only get more angry and uncontrollable..."

    Actually this is also good for Singapore. Imagine if the bumiputras had become productive and progressive, then Malaysia will become a strong economic competitor to Singapore! Then how can tiny Singapore tan chiak (earn a living)??

  10. Then how can tiny Singapore tan chiak (earn a living)??
    January 01, 2016 11:50 am

    Why not Singaporeans try voting Opposition instead?
    Get some pro Singaporean policies into parliament?
    - do our own work
    - instead of wishing disaster upon other country

  11. Hi Veritas, take the Islamic Airline.

    Guaranteed fast check in.

    Guaranteed no mid air flew down again to nearest airport or back to own airport for bomb hoax.

    Cheers and Happy New year to all.

  12. The relationship with China is going to improve with China appearing as the Yellow Knight bailing out Najib from his 1MDB disappearing billions. China is pouring billions to save Najib and his UMNO in a really bad situation.

    Najib is now better than David Copperfield with his escape from tight corners that no one thinks he would be able to get off the hook.

  13. Rb, doday is New Year's Day.

    Domorrow Orchard Rd closed from 6pm do 11pm.

    Pls do nod drive indo Orchard Rd during rd closure period. Dhank you.

  14. Actually I love Malaysian Malay so much that I hope their aspiration of -- ZERO Chinese in Malaysia come true.

    Malay still think their scum land are El Dorado, and Cina are dead poor, banging on their door as a slumpdog refugees. In reality, the big cities of China is already far better than Malaysia.

    When Cina is gone, Malay pukimat can do whatever they want, shouting allah hu Akbar 24x7, beheading apostasy, shitting on Shia, monopolizing Allah..

    Mind my words, in 5 years time, Malays will BEG chinese to stay.

  15. So much hate and bile in this forum. And all the supporters are from the Chinophile clan.

  16. Sorry RB. I try be moderated.

  17. Not impressed. A barking Bean dog does not bite. Once a while Bean reminds chink very atas to calm down. Very atas then calms down - for a while. Then back to the same old shitty stuff.

    Wait and see. In a few days time, very atas will condemn dark skinned people again because he thinks his yellow skin is very much atas than dark skin.

    Mark my words. All wayang wayang.

  18. “I have not made any comment on the above to avoid being attacked by a dog hiding in the corner of this blog to accuse me for being insensitive and anti Islam or anti Malay. I am glad that progressive bumiputra leaders could see rubbish and would stand up to call them rubbish.”

    RB thinks that if he comments what Muslims leaders say about other Muslims do, a certain dog will come and bite his old man backside. So “he only posts” when other Muslim leaders say about other Muslims. Hello, you can comment anything you wish as long as you don't post hate. You don't have to wait till a Muslim leader say about another Muslim.

    So far, all the hate here is present because you allow hate and bile to be posted. That is why “that dog” is after you. You create an environment for haters to post hate then blame others for that hate that is now present in your site. Aiyah, always like that one. Pro Chinese Communists is always like that. They create trouble and kill other people, including their own Chinese people, then blame the whites, the Malays, the Japs, the Americans and everyone else, except themselves.

    Wake up lah, Bean. Your pants is wet because you never control your pee lah. Not because the dog used your leg as a peeing post.

  19. Are you that dog and feeling hurt?

  20. What dog hurt? I think the lapdog of RB feels the truth hurts. Hoowl! :)

  21. why is every thread being turned into a chinese/malay hate fest ?
    is this necessary, is this even in our interest ?
    somebody has been fanning anti chinese hatred all over the world, especially in sea.
    chinese have already been targeted for attack in africa, vn, ph, indon, malaysia....even in sg in 1963.

    there's aleady a spate of attacks on chinese in malaysia in the past few months, one just happened the other day.
    i wouldnt be surprised somebody has a hand in these violence as well.
    even najib openly declared somebody is trying to drive chinese/malays into confrontation.

    malays resent the chinese dominance of the economy. yet the chinese themselves do not know how to mollify such discontent, worse still, they openly gloat their economic prowess and haughtily pour scorn on the malay's ability.
    it has been said many times that chinese are often their own worse enemy.
    with attitude like this, who needs that somebody ?


    i wouldnt be surprised some goondoo even regard me as a traitor

  22. Actually all SE Asian country, including Indon are quite open to incorporating Chinese other than Malaysia.

    Today no one tell the differences between Thai and Thai Chinese and Thai Chinese are fiercely patriotic. Pinoy Chinese even best. Current President Aquino is Chinese and he is ardently nationalistic and anti China.

    Indon Chinese are very assimilated. After Suharto gone, Indon are open up more, the top position for Chinese. Chinese Ahok, 阿学 are allow to take Jarkata governor.

    Every single SE Asian country try assimilate Chinese to themselves and they themselves also learn from Chinese culture.

    Chinese integration with Muslim Pinoy are successful. The Moro rebels and Chinese work hand in hand. There is no hate between Islamic Moro and Chinese. Abdusakur Mahail Tan is Chinese and Muslim and governor of Sulu, support of "freedom fighter".

    I can name more Chinese Muslims in Pinoyland, who are respected and commanded leadership.

    Chinese can humble down and win locals.

    The problem is Malaysian Malay.

    WHY WHY WHY WHY.........

    Ther reason is because Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.
    Veritas is racist and spread hate.

  23. Malaysian Chinese Muslims after so hard evangelism effort is 1%.

    Indon Chinese Muslims is 5.4%

    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?
    Whos fault?

  24. Strange, when I say Ahok, Abdusakur Mahail Tan, Aquino...

    I incite racial hate. Chinese and Muslim got along everywhere in SE Asia except Malaysia.

    The one who incite racial hate is


  25. Chin Peng and the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) have been over-glorified by their supporters. Didn't they disappear into the jungles when Malaya and Singapore fell to the Japs? They depended on the Chinese villagers to smuggle food to them, endangering the villagers who would be killed by the Japs if caught. Yet, for their cowardice we still see people sing praises for Chin Peng and his men.

  26. Tunku sing praise for Chin Peng.

  27. "Tunku sing praise for Chin Peng"

    ???? Are you sure? Where? I only recall that Tunku said CP was "soft-spoken" during the Baling talks. Soft spoken, relative to the violence his CPM committed over the decade.

  28. That wasn't Tunku talking. That's a Chin Peng supporter saying Tunku said that. I did say that CP's supporters overglorify CP.

  29. You should proof what you say and stop lying.

    Below is another source. Tunku say Malaysia cannot get independent without MCP.


  30. I think your latest link actually proved my point! So your first link only quoted part of Tunku's words, which on its own, make it look good on CPM. But if you take the whole of Tunku's quote, it is a different story.

    The Tunku recognises CPM did fight for independence - for themselves and not for Malayans in general. That's what your latest link says.

    The link before that says that Tunku says CPM fought for independence - without mentioning independence for whom. That half quote was made by a supporter of CP.

    So I am correct there is tendency for Chin Peng and CPM supporters to overglorify CP.

  31. Not just your PM, others in Malay elites circle also recognize MCP role in independent and compare some of the bloodshed as per Indon vs Dutch -- not terrorism.

    He said the public did not seem to understand the context of the international communist struggle and instead perceived the 40 years of communist insurrection in Malaya was Chin Peng’s fight alone and that he was the only one calling all the shots. “I do not know why it should develop along this line (Chin Peng versus government). The fact is that good or bad - whatever Chin Peng was - the background is a peace treaty had been signed. We got to jolly well honour the terms and conditions,” he said.

    Abdul Rahim said that Chin Peng, the man born Ong Boon Hua, should be remembered for his role and the CPM’s role in fighting against British colonial rule.

    Tunku and Chin Peng's enemies both are seeing Chin Peng as something bigger.

  32. You keep putting up links and links. Where is the part that supports your claim Tunku "sang praise" for Chin Peng? All he said was that CPM fought for independence. That is correct. Independence on Chin Peng's terms, which is not very palatable to many Malayans who were not pro-communist at that time. Tunku always saw CP as a terrorist. What singing praise?

    All other links you put up are what OTHER people say about how good and virtuous CP was. I know such people exist. That's the CP supporters I have been telling you who over-glorify him.

    And why do you assume I am a Malaysian? Stop assuming things.

  33. There is recognition of Chin Peng for his role in getting Malaya independence, among Malay elites.

    For Thai, even better.

  34. You are repeating. Without supporting the claim Tunku sang praise. Incidentally, your own praise for CP cements my claim CP supporters over-glorify him. Supporting a dead terrorist? Isn't this akin to showing support for Osama?

  35. Tunku : Just as Indonesia was fighting a bloody battle, so were the Communists of Malaya, who, too, fought for independence.

    Raja Petra, a Selangor Royal Cadet Branch said the country's independence was initiated by a non-Malay, and that Chin Peng was a freedom fighter.

    There are Malay leaders who considered Chin Peng like Sukarno fighting Dutch. Go tell Indon Sukarno are terrorist.

  36. Still repeating. Still no evidence Tunku sang praise for the dead terrorist Chin Peng. Still yet another link to show that a pro-CP supporter over-glorifies the dead terrorist. I think I will end here. Unless there is something new, there's really no point me repeating that you are repeating.

    Happy New Year.

  37. One man terrorist is the other freedom fighter. It depends.

    Tunku, Rahim Noor and Raja Petra recognize Chin Peng role in Malaysia independence. You go read more.

    Besides, Thailand former Prime Minister General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh:
    Chin Peng was a hero who fought for power for the people. He is not a guerrilla leader but a friend to us. He fought for justice and freedom.

    In fact, he is a patriot......

  38. This is like quoting those who say Osama was a hero. He helped the locals purge the Soviets.

  39. This is the same as Wasghingtons, Adams, Jefferson, Dalai, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Sukarno.etc.

  40. There are two racists here. One is Veritas, the other is the dog that is attacking him and everyone here. Both are equally shitty.

    Both are inciting racist feelings. ISD must bring them in to drink kopi.

  41. Another guys ISD must lock up are Voltaire, John Locke, Rousseau...etc.

  42. RB supporters don't realise they are racists themselves. When veritas attacks Muslims, everyone was enjoying the show. When a mention is made about chinese commie, supporters jump up like they have ants in their pants. That's because of their racist streak.

    RB supporters must remember that the case against Alex Au was that a reader posted a comment in his blog that was considered seditious. Alex was taken to task while the reader who posted got away scot free. Likewise if the ISD wants to have someone for kopi, who do you think they will call? A known person with a real identity like RB as in the case of Alex, or some poster reader commenting on his site?

    RB supporters should wake up and stop worshipping him like he is a clean guy with no racist streak in him. Just like Chin Peng supporters should stop worshipping him as if he is some saviour of the chinese race.

  43. I am giving alternative view of Chin Peng in the eyes of Tunku and Thai.

  44. The Thai Southern Commands have high respect for Chin Peng, are they racist? Thai say Chin Peng is their father. Are they racist?

    Thai former army Lieutenant General Pisan Wattanawongkiri
    Chin Peng is the Malaysian equivalent of Ho Chin Minh, Aung San and Kusno Sosrodihardjo or Sukarno, for his ceaseless efforts during the battle for independence.

    Chin Peng had fought ceaselessly and sacrificed a lot for the cause of the Communist Party of Malaya.

    Although the Malaysian government, vilified Chin Peng, Pisarn said he was a kind, honest and principled individual.

    "He was like a father figure to his men and I looked up to him like a big brother. He has been like a relative of mine for the past 20 years and I will always appreciate the time that we have spent together

    Chin Peng was 'etched' into the 'hearts' of four generals. For 20 years, he has been in our hearts (including Kitti's aide General Akkanit Muensawad). He was always talked of with fondness. I am happy that I had the opportunity to know this man who fought for independence for 50 years......

    Chin Peng's 'jungle' fighting skills that was taught to the Australian army.

    He also had a very good relationship with the Thai royalty and Princess Chulabhorn Walailak," he said.

  45. I NEVER attack Muslims and I praise Shia and Ahmadya. I only attack extremist.

    Chinese and Muslims are always good in relationship. Check out Datuk Piang who is the LEADERS of Philipines Southern Muslims but is a Chinese.

    The only place Chinese and "Muslims (so call Muslims but actually dono what they are ) have problem is Malaysia.

    Now idiots want to paint Chinese racist against Muslims. I debunk their lies.


    Pinoy Muslims till today are supporting and work hand in hand with Chinese.

    Again I would like to illustrate more what happened.

    I am sure people will call me racist for exposing the truth.

  46. Indeed the CPM is terrorist on some POV. I dont deny they cause death.

    But I am here to provide a balance view.

  47. "Balance view" is very subjective. It is an argument used by terror supporters to tone down the atrocities of their terror leader.

    A Nazi supporter can say that Hitler helped Germany overcome their oppressors and that he is just giving a "balance view". Anyway, how can 11,000 deaths caused by terror chief Chin Peng be balanced out? Just admit you support a terror chief.

    The Chinese commie ideal is one of the most divisive ideals I have come across. The Chinese commie will force you to make a choice that you either support the ideal or you will die. At least US say “you are for us or against us”. But Chinese Commie is that “you support us or you die”. Then they expect all Chinese to support their divisive Chinese commie plan.

    But Chinese Commie is not even 100 years old. This Chinese Commie plan is nothing more than a plan to destroy the rich historical culture China had for thousands of years. All literature, religion, philosophy that was built up by Chinese historians are destroyed. Only the Chinese commie rule must remain. Again, the ownself kill ownself mindset.

    Your lampooning of the Indian, Malay and Arab race is ridiculous. It is because of India and Hinduism that Buddhism in China flourished, which gave way to Taoism and other Chinese religions. No Hinduism, no Gautama, no Buddhism, no Chinese religion and culture!

    Also it is because of Arab culture that gave rise to the Silk Road and the many diverse cultures in Xinjiang. No Arabs, no Silk Road, no diversity in West China.

    It is because of Zheng He's visit to Malaysia that the Chinese in Malacca flourished. No visit to Malaysia, no rich Chinese culture in Malacca.

    Stop criticising all the races you hate but claim to love. Look instead into your own obsession with Chinese commie ideal that has destroyed so much culture, destroyed so much diplomacy with others, and caused so much misery to hundreds and even millions of people both inside and outside China.

  48. I want to give balance view by providing Thai generals.

    I have said I love Buddhist culture because Buddhist is anti caste. Now Buddhist is gone. And caste getting stronger.

    I feel painful.

    I am not too sure if Zheng He make Chinese in Malacca growth. The reason more likely with the prowess of Chinese navigator.

    1293, Mongol are able send 30,000 Chinese marines to attack Java, and all these are Chinese recruits.

    Chinese presence in SE Asia is quite long, but undocumented.

  49. veritas
    *Actually all SE Asian country, including Indon are quite open to incorporating Chinese other than malaysia.

    Today no one tell the differences between Thai and Thai Chinese and Thai Chinese are fiercely patriotic. Pinoy Chinese even best. Current President Aquino is Chinese and he is ardently nationalistic and anti China.

    Indon Chinese are very assimilated

    The problem is Malaysian Malay.*

    do u realise that what u mention above actually shows that malaysia is more enlightened compared to others.
    its the only place in sea that minority chinese can still retain their own names, language and culture, everywhere else they had to assimilate or else.......

    indon is actually the worst of the lot, the *chinese* have been robbed of all their roots, their language is banned, their culture is banned, they have to adopt indon names. they'r chinese only on account of their looks.
    yet...its still not enough for the bumis, the *chinese* suffered many pogroms and two genocides, even today they still live in fear, constantly harrassed and abused.

    u call that a *success* story compared to malaysia ???
    lol !

  50. Denk, my mistake. In the heat of moment, I mistook your post for another. I take back what I said about your post. I offer unreservedly a thousand apologies.

    Veritas, if you want to give "balance view" by quoting Thais, then a Nazi supporter can give "balance view" by quoting alliance from Italy too. What now, bigot?

    It is not that Chinese presence is not documented. It is that the Chinese history of ownself kill ownself that eradicated all history records. The latest is that commie chinese destroyed many historical Chinese records.

    Now you complain that there is no documentation. Rubbish. It is that your ideal commie that destroyed the rich Chinese history. Accept that fact.

  51. Denk, the Indon Chinese have been robbed off their roots due to Suharto (CIA man). Suharto killed Sukarno's men, who were pro-communist. Most pro-communist just so happened to be Chinese.

    Again, I think it is unfair to blame the indigenous Indons for the ills of Indon Chinese like it is unfair to blame the Malays in Malaysia for the misfortunes of the Malaysian Chinese. Chinese communists in Indon suffered under the CIA backed Suharto and ordinary Indons get blamed. Japs and Brits went hard on Chinese commies in Malaysian and Malays get blamed. It is time the pro-Chinese commies bark up the right tree.

  52. This anon so hating the Chinese and commies. Was his mother a prostitute serving the Chinese and commies and they did not pay her? Or his birth got to do with them? I cannot understand why he has so much hate at them. There must be a good reason, and this must be it.

  53. Thai general praise Chin Peng for good reasons. MCP was ally of Thai army in proscribing the Southern Thai Malay insurgence.

    Again one Anon keep on attack me when I broach this and say I speak nonsense. He never bothered to read carefully most of my URLs keep make wild accusation that I anyhow embed. This guy need go to school.

  54. Also to Denk:

    The difficulties of Malaysian Malay and Chinese to assimilate with one another is fairly recently, after 1945. Before, the Peranakan can assume both identity and marry into one another frequently.

    The Malay women marry CHinese and take Chinese identity. Or the Peranakan marry Malay and take Malay identity. This whole thing grind to a halt. And today, it is practically NOT possible for Malaysian Malay women and their offspring to take Chinese identity.

    Why is it so?

    People will accuse me racist again.

  55. veritas

    u didnt address the fact,
    malaysia is the only sea country where minority chinese could retain their names, language , culture.
    your socalled chinese *success story* of total assimination into indon society is cuz they dont have a choice. !!!

    since u keep on evading my points i shall rest my case here.
    good nite.

  56. No my mother was not a prossie, unlike yours who offered herself to the commies. You see, my maternal grandfarder was a high ranking government official working for the Brit govt. No cheap commie in Singapore dare touched his children, including my marder. My farder was a high ranking officer working for a Brit MNC and again, no cheap commie dare touched his wife, which is again my marder. It is the horrigible commies in Malaya, aka Chin Peng's CPM, who kept assaulting Brit government officials and their families. But in Singapore, the commies had no bollocks. That's why LKY had so much an easier task dustbinning these commies than Tunku had trying to tame Chin Peng.

  57. Veritas, I don't want to continue about your links because Hermit closed the topic and you looked like a fool. All the links you gave did not support Tunku's praise for Chin Peng. It only supports the claim that Chin Peng is over-worshipped. But since you bring it up after being slapped, let me show you how you slap yourself again....

    You are claiming Thai generals praise him. Of course, of course. They are only doing it for self interest. They had no control over the Thai South and it would look bad on them if they admitted that Chin Peng, the world's number one terrorist then, was hiding in their backyard. So they cunningly say that he is not a terrorist and was some sort of a hero.

    Well, really? Why then not officially offer him amnesty in Thailand, instead of allowing him to live in the jungles? At least that would be consistent with the words of the generals. Imagine that you look up to somebody, even make him a hero, but expect him to rough it out in the jungles to fight for his survival. What cock these generals talk?

    Thai didn't offer amnesty because they knew he was a commie terrorist! Thai themselves were fighting the commies with North Viet being a major threat. Then when S Viet fell, followed by Laos, even bigger threat. If Thai generals really see him as hero and no commie, why not get him over to Thai's side, use his well trained army to repel the commie threat up north?

    You see Veritas, you really have to stop slapping yourself, putting up links that are not consistent with the fairy tales you dish out here.

    Please stop imagining that Chin Peng is some sort of a god. I have made myself clear that pro-commies are to be monitored because they are a security threat to our nation. They still harbour this thought of turning the whole of SE Asia into a commie rule, aka China. The record also shows that these commies and pro-commies will stop at nothing, including killing innocents and raping to achieve their goals.

    Finally, I am not against Chinese culture or race. I am against Chinese who think China as their motherland and commie rule is to be propagated in the region.

  58. As I have mentioned in earlier post, I am giving a balance view and you can call Chin Peng terrorist, because people has died in his insurgency.

    But he definitely resulted to lesser death than Prophet Mohamad. You can call Mohamad a prophet while someone else can call him a xxxxxx.

  59. Anon 11:32, the Thais praised Chin Peng for self interest. What do you think the bumi govt is doing and is not for self interest. Your hatred for the commie and Chinese, why, not for self interest, that after your grand farder and farder, you became a failure, unable to be like them. So you hate them?

    And don't be stupid about commie China ruling SE Asia. There is no communism today. Don't be silly. Only stupid and unintelligent people will spout such nonsensical claims. No country today can rule over any country, even small country. Malaysia will not rule over Sabah and Sarawak for long.

  60. Yes, yes. Truth hurts. Chin Peng, Chin Siong and the Marxist detainees were up trying to set up a commie rule in Singapore, Malaysia and even SE Asia. You have no answer to my killer punch I gave you.

    As for me a loser? Well, actually I am in a very comfortable position. You see, my grandfarder, being a high ranking official under the Brit government of course got to have the privilege to send his children to the top, top schools funded by Brit affiliated schools then. These schools were Christan/Catholic schools and they were the cream of the crop at that point of time. Like ACS, SJI, CHIJ etc. This has an after effect. My parents being ex-students of these schools therefore had the privilege to send their children (that's me and my siblings) to these top schools too. Then of course, I in turn, being a former student of such affiliated schools, will get the first bite to send my own children to these top schools again. And their children in future will of course enjoy the same privilige.

    Now let's consider loser you. You want the Nanyang spit, I mean Nanyang spirit to carry on so you want your loser children to go to the pseudo chinese SAP schools. But to be in these half-baked Chinese schools, you must overcome the tough HCL. Unlike my children and grandchildren to be, who will have an easy time going into top elite schools, your children will have to fight with others on top of acing HCL.

    See? I love the Brits. They treated my ancestors well. They treated me well, and of course, the after effect is that my children and grandchildren will be treated well.

    So stop your talking cock that Chin Peng was a hero. He was nothing more than a zero. While the Brits gave us the infrastructure of the legal system, education, health and economic foundation for Singapore to survive, Shit Peng only caused misery and pain.

  61. Your grandparents must have got into their privilege institution based on British patronage and your Malay background, and having three generation of privilege upbringing does not seems to raise your intellectual prowess on par with other British protege.

    My father does not finished primary school. I have more to brag given that my parent social standings and how I manage to attain myself without much family resources, and started off in humble neighborhood schools.

    Your seems to have very little knowledge about SE Asia history and keep making up fantasy.

    The Brits indeed treated the Malay well, and the treacherous Malay Royalties and elites are there due to Brits patronage.

    I present history as it is. You do not even read the links I given you, and start making up claims.

  62. There is a truth in what you say that due to the fact that the PAP engineered preservation dynastic wealth in SG. I indeed need to go through English language barrier in school. Next, when I go out to work, the real estate indeed raise faster that wages, and some of my friends are able to idle just because he inherit a few real estate.

    I never claim Chin Peng a hero. You go look at what I write and quote my words.

    You can have your POV by saying Chin Peng is a terrorist. But as someone who read history, I will need to give alternative views.

    You can claim Mohamad is good, but many others including POPE Benedict claim he is bad.

  63. Again you assume I am Malay. How many times must I tell you I am Chinese? Looks like you don't ground of Singapore and Malaysia. In the old days, 99.9% of Malays stayed away from Christian and Catholic schools. You just cannot accept that the Brits and English speaking Chinese have a very strong alliance. You are in your delusional world that all Chinese hate the Brits.

    Look at our early leaders and philanthropists . LKY, Goh KS, Gan Eng Seng, Tan Tock Seng etc. There are all English educated and had very strong ties with Brits. They helped Singapore prosper.

    Cannot accept that there are Chinese more comfortable with Brits and English language than with Shit Peng?

    Wake up and stop believing that I am a Malay trying to show that Shit Peng is nothing but shit. I am a Chinese and I know Shit Peng is shit. Live with the fact that not all Chinese love Shit Peng.

  64. And also please dont give me wild accusation. I have know all along Peranakan love white man, and there are many CHinese banana.

  65. Yes, I am banana chinese and because I can speak Malay better than Chinese, I have many Malay friends. In fact, I trust my Malay friends and neighbours better than the Chinophile guy who supports China's Spratly claim or the Chinese educated Nantah guy who supports terrorist Chin Peng. At least I know my Malay friend won't stab me in the back. But I can never trust Chinophile guy who feels for China and Chin Peng more than for fellow Singaporeans.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Banana Chinese do not hate China, especially nowadays. They do not like Malaysian Malay. They are Christian and they are wary of Muslims radicalism.

    Also Anglicize and westernize Malay do not defend Islam fervently. They open themselves to discussion. You can always discuss the Mohmet killings and pedophile conduct with westernize Malay and westernize Chinese but not with Malay Muslims fundamentalist.

    You are an interesting exceptions.

    Besides you are not accurate in your words and keep throwing accusations. Your thought are not organized.

  68. You are so arrogant, you think you can tell me what it is like to be a banana chinese when I am have one all my life! Where have I hated China? I said I don't trust Chinophiles who put China before Singapore.

    Who says banana Chinese don't trust Malaysian Malays? Banana Chinese heritage has a lot of ties with Malaysia. Especially Melaka and Penang.

    Like I said, pro-commie Chinese want to create a divide between Chinese and Malays. They are jealous that banana Chinese feel more comfortable with Malays than pro-commie Chinese. So they spread lots of rumours (like you) about Chinese-Malay hatred.

    But banana Chinese know the truth. They know the real evil-stokers are the pro-commie Chinese who instigate and create trouble. That was what Chin Peng did. That was what Chin Siong did. That was what the Marxist detainees did. That is what you are doing now.

    In fact, that is what this site has implicated subtly too if you look at some of the past posts. That's why, this site, a stoker of false rumour that there is Malay-Chinese feud, attracts other stokers of such feud too. That's what I have been saying all along.

  69. Are you the one who use your fantasy "Chinese female infant killing" to attack me?

    Peranakan choose the Singaporean Chinese identity with anglicize culture and very little trace of Islamic culture in them. It was the Peranakan in SG who breaks with UMNO.

    Also if you are a banana Chinese, you do not call yourselves banana Chinese. You call yourselves Peranakan, and this peranakan race is gone. They took Chinese identity. They do not take Malay identity. So much of your claims that Peranakan trust Malay more than pro-commie Chinese.

    Peranakan do not defend Islam.

    If you want me to believe you are peranakan maybe you say "fxxx Axxxh" and "fxxx Mxhxmxt"... that will be a good verification.

    Or alternative you can say "Christ is good", "Christ is son of God",

    Or as a atheist, you can say "NO GOD"

    haha... Islam has Taqiya, opps

  70. Yes, banana Chinese is a term not commonly used by Peranakans. But I am OK with it because I am used to it, after being called that many times. What's with this asking me to use expletives on a religion? You want me to commit a crime posting insidious remarks?

    You cannot accept that I am a Chinese peranakan who trust Malays more than pro-commie Chinese. Note that I have never claimed that I don't trust Chinese. I trust Chinese as much as Malays. It is the pro-commie ones who put China first and Singapore second, as well as those who worship Shit Peng that I don't trust.

    I have never defended Islam to you here. I defend the Malay race and the Indian race. I made a remark that you have ridiculed the religion of Islam and Hinduism. Where have I defended religion itself?

    Face it veritas. You know nuts about peranakan. Even after I told you that I have 3 generations that went to Christian schools, you still mistook me for a Malay! But about everyone knows that in the old days, 99/9% of Malays avoid these schools like plague! And you didn't know that? Are you even a born Singaporean to start with? If you are, you certainly don't know the ground of Singaporeans. You only cite links that don't support you claims!

    Now even after I have pointed that 99.9% of Malays at that time don't go to Christian/Catholic schools to you, you still want to think I am a Malay. That's up to you. Like I said, pro-commie Chinese cannot face the fact that there are Chinese who see Chin Peng as terrorists.

    That is what Veritas is good at. Fabricating hate between Chinese and Malays, believing in that hate and living in a shell of hate. He is very comfortable in this site, because this site is a haven for him to instigate that hate.

  71. Oh, btw, there is no such thing as taking Chinese identity and giving up Malay identity for Peranakans. That's because Peranakans have ALWAYS been Chinese to start with. Peranakans only adopt Malay culture. Looks you really don't know what you are talking about. But then, that's Veritas. He always doesn't know what he talks. Like claiming Thai generals revere Shit Peng when it is actually self interest. Or like Sukarno wanted to make SE into a Malay region when he was pro-commie, or that he can think I am from Malay family when three generations (actually 4, granddad, mum/dad, me, my children) studied in catholic/christian schools, when it is a known fact that in the old days, malays avoid such schools like plague....and many many more laughable fabrications from comedian veritas.

    Peranakan race may be gone in Singapore due to LKY's MT plan. But there it is still very much alive in Melaka and Penang. Again you don't seem to know that. Another fabrication from fantasizer veritas? But what is really gone is the Nantah spit. LKY closed down Nantah and all Chinese vernacular schools. That's the death nail to pro-commie Chinese ideology. But then again, it is in Malaysia, the very country Veritas hates, that has Chinese vernacular schools. Again, he got his fabrication story wrong that Malaysia is against Chinese when it is Singapore that killed that Chinese education!

    So sad that Veritas always cooks up stories to create Chinese-Malay dispute when there is none to start with. Like I said, that is the trademark of pro-commie Chinese. Create acrimony, create distrust, create disharmony. Hail, the Nantah Spirit that spits!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Yes, banana chinese is use as a snide by mainly PRO-COMMIE PRO-ELITIST CHINESE who think that anyone who is Chinese must uphold Chinese language and culture, to the point that a Chinese who knows English or any other language better than Chinese Language, is considered banana. That describes the pro-Commie people LIKE YOU, isn't it? Can't you see the sarcasm I was levelling at you when I was using that term?

    At the same time, I use CHINK so that it would cut into racists like you, who think it is fun to make fun of "Chinese but not Chinese" like OCBC (Orang China bukan China), and who think that it is fun to make fun of Malays, Indians and Arabs. Again, can't you see the sarcasm?

    All you see is that anyone who does not support pro-commie cannot be Chinese. But that is the typical pro-commie Chinese Nanyang spirit in you.

    You live in a delusional world that Chinese and Malays have perpetual disputes. So you live in your fantasy world that the Tunku sang praise for Shit Peng when it wasn't true. You believe Thai generals supported Shit Peng when it was all self-interest. The proof is that Thai govt didn't even offer him amnesty to live a dignified life but let him rot to die in the jungles. Most ridiculous of all, you believe that Sukarno a pro-commie guy like yourself, wanted to Malay-nise Indonesia and even SE Asia! You do all that because like the typical pro-Commie guy, you must create a Chinese-Malay divide and hope that all Chinese will support the nefarious agenda of a commie rule in SE Asia.

    You think you "have enough fun" with me. Not really. I think you are trying to have fun poking and instigating racial disharmony by creating a Chinese-Malay divide, as well as creating animosity among other races like Indians, which is so so soooo typical of a pro-Commie Chinese. But instead of having your fun, you have been exposed to the bone.

  74. 'In the old days, 99.9% of Malays stayed away from Christian and Catholic schools. You just cannot accept that the Brits and English speaking Chinese have a very strong alliance. You are in your delusional world that all Chinese hate the Brits.'

    You are a fucking retard. In the old days the British were very closed to the Indians and Seranis. The Chinese that spoke Ingrish were very few and were ostracised by the British.

    You are mentally sick, a pariah pretending to be Chinese. You don't even know your breed. A real troublemaker, an extremist rejected by the Chinese and the Malays.

  75. "You are a fucking retard. In the old days the British were very closed to the Indians and Seranis. The Chinese that spoke Ingrish were very few and were ostracised by the British."

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Another pro-commie Chinese who cannot accept that there are Chinese who rubbed shoulders with the elite Brits! Hello, ignorant guy, if what you say is true, how did the Peranakans like LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Toh Chin Chye, Lim Kim San, Wee Kim Wee, Tan Tock Seng, Gan Eng Seng blah, blah, blah.... all made it good?

    The Chinese who spoke Ingrish were few? You were born yesterday, weren't you? Who told you that? Another of your fellow pro-commie Chinese?

    English speaking Chinese ostracised by Brits? Where did you get that from? From the rear end flatulence releasing orifice of the commies? Wasn't it the pro-commies who had it bad? While Peranakans enjoyed privilege from Brits, the pro-commies had free accommodation and food under a certain name called Op Coldstore. Forgot that?

    “You are mentally sick, a pariah pretending to be Chinese. You don't even know your breed. A real troublemaker, an extremist rejected by the Chinese and the Malays.”

    A true blue commie Chinese sputtering excrement from his mouth. A commie Chinese just cannot accept that there are Chinese who don't support commie ideals. That's why Shit Peng killed Chinese who don't co-operate. That's why Chinese commie call Chinese Peranakans by the derogatory term “banana Chinese, OCBC or even chap cheng kia”, even when they know Peranakans are FULL Chinese and not mixed.

    Here is another kicker for you. While the Peranakan Chinese worked hand in hand in harmony with the Brit government and rank and file Malay/Indian civil servants then, it was the pro-Communist Chinese who created trouble like riots in Singapore and killings and bombings in Malaya. What is amazing is that today, we have pro-commie Chinese who are PROUD of that very violent history! Such sickos!

  76. Hey retard, you called yourself anonymous, and then claimed you are Chinese.
    Why don't you claim yourself as God. No one will know who the shit you are, you can also swear you are God.
