
Fate of racial harmony in Singapore

“Peace in Republic is result of the ‘deliberate choice’ made by the country’s forefathers.” This is quoted from yesterday’s Today paper in an article by Amanda Lee. I think most Singaporeans would agree with this statement wholeheartedly. It is a historical fact. Our forefathers were brought here by the colonial masters to serve the interests of Empire for cheap and compliant labour. And when we were given independence, this mix bag of people was there and our forefathers had to make the best out of it. They had to live with whatever that was here. They did not create the problem of a population of so many races. They had no choice.

Chee Hean made a speech saying that the fate of racial harmony lies with the Singaporeans. How many of you agree with him? Our forefathers did their best and we were hammered, coerced and coaxed into becoming a people called Singaporeans. They succeeded to bring a people different in race, religion and history together to live as one people. That was their achievements.

Today, the people did have a choice, oops, not really, when the govt imported more than two million foreigners from all over the world and shafted them down the throat of the people. The govt had a choice, the people did not. The govt consciously and deliberately chose to do this, to bring another mix bag of people of different races, religions and historical background into a Singapore that had four major ethnic groups of people living peacefully together in harmony. The govt decided this for the people.

Now Chee Hean is saying that racial harmony is now the responsibility of Singaporeans to make it work again? Why is this not the responsibility of those people who decided to bring these foreigners here against the wishes of the Singaporeans, without the consent of the Singaporeans? How many of you agree with what Chee Hean said, that it is now the Singaporeans’ responsibility?

Peace and racial harmony were a deliberate choice of our forefathers. Is the influx of more than two million foreigners in so short a span of time a deliberate choice of the Singaporeans of today? If it is, then it must be the responsibility of the Singaporeans to make it work. If not, then who should be responsible to make it work? Who should be held responsible if it did not work and the problems became national problems?

Chee Hean lauded the peace and harmony we have so far and attributed this to ‘Each community did not insist on the primacy of its race, language or practices. Instead, each of our communities is prepared to practice its own culture and religion in the context of making adaptations to accommodate others where necessary.’  Can this be taken for granted, that it would always be like that? There are already signs of intolerance by the new immigrants and new citizens that they would like to be different and demanding more recognition of who they are and what they are.

By the way, why is it not the responsibility of the new immigrants to make racial harmony works? Why are foreigners easily let off when they bashed up Singaporeans for the smallest excuse?

The hungry Singaporeans of yesteryears were hungry enough to want to get on with their lives, to be left in peace, just to work for a better life. The new Singaporeans are not hungry, not that easy to please, very demanding and would not be easily persuaded to accommodate, integrate and accept the way of lives of other ethnic and religious groups. We are not dealing with the same inputs, the same environment and the same realities. Do not take our good fortune of racial harmony for granted and think everything will be the same, so easily done, so simple. Just because someone said integrate and the new and old citizens will integrate. Just throw a free makan and all is well, we will have a happy integrated society with racial harmony. So simple!


  1. There are too much of these racial harmony stuff, PC (politically correct) nuts, all out there to lie and sacrifice truth.

    Today, anyone in USA calling the black useless piece of shit will be sued till pants drop. The blacks always claim they are in shit because they got discriminated. In reality, they are in shit because they fuck around, commit crime, take drug and ask their women to peddle ass.

    The blacks can father 10 children with 10 different women like nobody business.

    This anti-racism stuff is the work of Jews. By going after people who speak the truth of blacks and Islamo, the Jews create a protective 1st line cover for themselves. When people cannot comment about racial attribute honestly, they cannot comment about Jews.

  2. Sin is in fourth stage cancer,
    it needs more drugs to fight the
    Cancer on top of chemo. The
    Many Aliens are Drugs and
    Chemo Treatments administer
    by the Rulers.

    Now, there are plenty of claims
    by doctors and patients that
    chemo and drug are killing the
    Patients instead of Cancer. It
    seems very true.

    What say Yew ?

    1. Only stage 4 cancer?

      Uncle YEW sleeping arhhhhhh.......?

      Leg open until so, so big .......?

      No VD?

      NO HIV?

      NO HERPES?

      NO WARTS?


      No TBs?

      No mother of all mother disease : own self checks own self?

      This ( last ) one is the actual fatal one?

  3. Sadly the facet of racial harmony in Singapore is built on the expense of the sacrifice of Chinese, on the backdrop of vociferous minorities. In Singapore, it is perfectly OK for any minorities to shout Chinese racist, for anything under the sun, even though these minorities are bully Chinese.

    In banks, the FT Indians keep kicking out Singaporean Chinese meanwhile shouting Chinese racist, and bragging that Hindus is much more clever.

    The Malay chant Chinese racist when Isetan fashion stall do not allow them to hijab.

    Every single minorities shout Chinese racist on the issue of SAP schools, thinking minorities got short change. In fact, SAP schools are there to kill Chinese culture.

    The only way of racial harmony in Singapore is Chinese stooge and got insulted, while minorities keep making a lot of noise.

    Clearly this is not acceptable.

  4. // Now Chee Hean is saying that racial harmony is now the responsibility of Singaporeans to make it work again? //

    Now, hypothetically, if CPF got problems, they become sinkies problems?

    1. And sinkies will be treated like ATM ( yet again and again and again ...... )?

    2. Somemore on a monthly basis like clockwork?

  5. There is much malaise in Sin.

    When Rulers talk good about
    Racial Harmony, Sinkies beware.
    It means they know it's a PROBLEM,
    They CANT solve and need the People
    to help.

    Unfortunately, it is the Rulers that are
    CREATING the PROBLEMS by opening their legs wide wide in the name of economic progress.

    in short.

    1. Aiyo, YEW are spoiling the name of pimps ......?

      And prostitutes oso .....?

      The pimps and prostitutes in Geylang back lanes command more ( and have more respect ) respect than the walking but zombie white demons?

    2. // They CANT solve and need the People to help.//

      Are YEW sure?

      Need meh?

      Not by SIMPLY shifting the goal posts anytime suit their needs?

    3. Dun YEW know many sinkies bank account from 1 Jan 2016 "missing" $200 every other month onwards?

    4. Is it NOT a VERY IRRESPONSIBLE garment to "impose about 3.5% tax" at this point ( with the economy dying and businesses calling out aloud for help ) to further contract consumption and savings in the private sector with the latest round of what fxxk ceiling raised on 1 Jan 2016 ( not withstanding their usual rational or reason to do so )?

    5. For the benefit of some oldies who are working part time and earn some income to pass time or supplement their expenses, they might not know that the fund used for Ching Ho's and her ( frivoulous and extravagant ) team's gambles ......oops ......investments overseas had indirectly used new laws to "tax" another $200 cash from ( middle income ) salaried workers every month from 1 Jan 2016 .....?

    6. Assuming it adds up to $200 millions per month, does it not implied contraction of private consumption and savings in the economy from 1 Jan 2016 when the economy practically is head south ( unabated and ) rapidly?

    7. Oops typo .....

      Should be "heading south" .....

      Which ( kongcum ) garment would do that in the midst of a pending ( steep and rapid ) slowdown and even ( the economy ) slipping into a recession in 2016 ( and likely one worst than 2009 ?

    8. Unless it is a "YEW DIE YEWR BUSINESS GARMENT"?

    9. Unless it is a "OWN SELF CHECKS OWN SELF GARMENT"?

    10. Unless it is a "WHAT'S WRONG COLLECTING MORE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Gar(bage)ment"?

  6. Here we go with the crazy PAP social engineering again.

    Singapore, like many DEVELOPED nations, has a very solid pluralistic society, and has had it for 150 years. i.e. many cultures (the correct word to use instead of "race") have co-existed well for a long long time. Straits-born Chinese culture dominates, because Chinese ethnicity are the largest group...but not to the expense of other cultures...that's what PLURALITY is all about.

    "Racial harmony"?? What the fuck? This idiot is using language from a long forgotten past. I don't see, nor do I care about "racial harmony". What I see are INDIVIDUALS getting along with each other peacefully and for the most part: quite happily.

    Fuck this minister. He's an idiot. And fuck the "politically correct" assholes who go overseas to "PC" universities and bring all that useless bullshit post-modern airey-fairey western liberal "philosophy" (if you can call it that) back to Singapore and attempt to INFECT the peace and functionality of the STATUS QUO in Singapore---with all it's occasional flaring up of xenophobia and non-PC speech. Xenophobic? So what. Sometimes it is necessary!

    If people want to express their "controversial" opinion, they should be allowed to do so, and the govt should SHUT THE FUCK UP because it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!

    Where's Amos? The govt needs to be scolded again!

  7. "Singapore, PAP and LKY does not owe Singaporeans a living"
    - do you think this is true?

    If true, then ...
    "Do Singaporeans owe Aliens a living?"
    "Do Singaporeans owe Singapore a living by doing national service?"
    "Do Singaporeans owe LKY a living by paying for his state funeral?"
    "Do Singaporeans owe PAP a living by voting for them and paying them a million dollar salary to maintain their dignity?"

    Grassroots clubs.
    Who pays for these country clubs?

  8. Veritas is again looking down on other races and praising his own. Heil veritas!

  9. You must have not been rape in backside by blacks.

    I dare you go LA downtown at night alone. If your backside is still virgin, I lose $100.

  10. Now I know why veritas hate blacks. He got raped by a black before. Or maybe his mommy got raped by a black and he is the bastard child of that rape. That should explain his hate for dark skin people.

  11. What 3.5% tax. I old ah pek still in the dark.
    Please switch on the light for me to see can?

    1. Ok ok ......

      Income ( contribution ) ceiling raised from $5k to $6k from 1 Jan 2016?

      Another $200 cash "extracted and taxed" from middle income salaried earners?

    2. Why dun YEW go ask any economist whether Donald Low or Yeoh Lam Keong or ....... whether it is the right time to "suck" about $200 millions in private consumption spending and savings when the economy is "dying and calling out for help"?

      If this is not "kongcum or irresponsible and YEW DIE YEWR OWN BUSINESS" economics, what is?

    3. Is it bcos "erection" over?

      Already "penetrated" and "got what they want"?

      Like those ah Neh in India? After gang rape still kill the gals or women?

    4. That's why always think the 70% ( kongcums ) eyes paste stamps ....?

      No .....? It is more than that? It is total "BLINDNESS" ( of the 70% kongcums )?

      After kena "penetrated and fxxked", still every month "toh tiamk" $200 cash open-ended and dunno what else to cum and treat their "penetrated conquests "?

    5. ....... as ATM?

      At least the legal prostitutes in the brothels and those illegal ones standing on the back lanes are smarter right?

      They don't have to "toh tiapk" and earn $$$$$$$ for every "penetration", right?

    6. 70% ( kongcums ) sinkies themselves and oso make the other 30% now after "ERECTION and kena penetrated finish over liao " and have to pay money to the PIMPS every month ......?

      For what?

      The 70% not more kongcum than legal prostitutes in the brothels and those illegal ones standing on the road sides and back lanes in Geylang, meh?

    7. Btw, YEW anon 3.26pm old ah pek, thought oldies very lao jiao and smart, why still groping in the dark or darkness?

      For those earning about $6k or slightly more, ($200/$6000 × 100) not = about 3.5%?

      Somemore it is every month. ....?

    8. To show YEW a comparison this is "HORRIBLE" ( contractionary fiscal ) policy, even GREECE under the arm twisting obligations by the Troika ( IMF, ECB & EC ) austerity measures did not increase "tax" by that much in a single year .....?

      On record, even GREECE under austerity measures ( forced by the Troika ) increased indirect tax by only 2% at the max in 2011 ......?

      For those interested, YEW all ( especially those wearing dark glasses in the dark lao ah peks? ) can go Google ...... about it?

    9. Lao ah pek, do YEW all need go back to school?

      So "big thing" still "groping and in the dark" .......?

      And need a bortakchay to like kindergarten "abc" step by step explain to YEW?

    10. No wonder the horrible person called sinkies what ....?


      ....... and still daft ...... even in their last breath?

    11. This garment their souls and conscience eaten by the wolves, wild dogs, jackals, foxes, hyenas, crocodiles, vultures, and the devils ......?

    12. They are now walking corpses, soulless zombies possessed by GREED, utter selfishness, "own self enriches own self", "own self serves own self ( instead of the people )", "YEW DIE YEWR OWN BUSINESS ", "WHAT'S WRONG COLLECTING MORE $$$$$$$$$$$" ........ ( from the poor, old, frail, sick, widowed, destitute, downtrodden, jobless etc etc )?

  12. The lowest income they already sucked dry liao?


    1. Now they are "targeting" the middle income?

      Suck? Suck? Suck?


    2. No wonder the dengue causing mozzies ( Aedes mozzies ) proliferate non-stop, out of control, unabated?

    3. Karma is a bitch?

      The more the leeches sucked the people, the more Aedes mozzies multiplied out of control?

      Old dragon lady was tortured for more than 2 years .....?

      Now the horrible kias and papigskias will suffer same fate and/ or more ...... soon?

      Let karma finish the job .......?

  13. Race is a smoke curtain to enable manipulation, divide and rule and empire building. The real discrimination is between the top 1% and the rest 99%. Naturally, not all cultures are equal, some cultures need reform so that the 99% can see the truth.

    1. Too late le ......?

    2. Own self checks own self will run rampant over the kongcums and in the end, only bones and ruins laid in waste ...... nothing ( left ) to salvage le ( or build on ) ......?

      Game over?

  14. // Just throw a free makan and all is well, we will have a happy integrated society with racial harmony. So simple!//

    Like coming budget?

    Just announce some fiscal policies and schemes and hope all ( economic ) problems swept under carpet?

    That simple?

    1. Just muddle through?

    2. But act blur act blur hand long, long stick out and collect millions pay checks and bonuses ( courtesy of kongcum 70% taxpayers )?

    3. Own self writes own self checks ( with taxpayers monies $$$$$$$$ ) and splurge on extravagance. .....?

    4. Bentley, Maserati, Ferrari. .......etc?

    5. The "smallest cars splurged on ( using monies $$$$$$$ paid at expense of taxpayers, own self pay own self ) oso at least the BIGGEST series Jaguar, Lexus, BMW, Audi, Merz, Volvo, Porche?

    6. While the daft ( 70% kongcums ) everyday caught in the mrt sardine and frequent sudden stoppages ....?

    7. The elites everyday "吃香喝辣" 。。。。。。?

    8. Enjoy life to the max .....?

    9. Yew die YEWR business?

    10. What's wrong collecting more money $$$$$$$$$$$$ ( from the lower income, poor, oldies, sick, disabled, orphaned, widowed, retrench )?

    11. Own self check own self is the best?

    12. Treat sinkies like ATM?

    13. Anyhow squander and throw billions $$$$$$$$$$$$ in duds overseas investment, then need money just change goal posts?

    14. On self pays own self?

    15. Own self checks own self?

    16. Own self audit own self?

  15. Time to form a think tank, to challenge the old, archaic, antiquated, outdated and vampires "blood"-thirsty policies?

    1. How about the resident giant intellect RB takes the lead?

    2. Form a REDBEAN SOUP Think Tank?

    3. On pro bono basis?

    4. A shadow think tank perhaps?

    5. To give light to the blinded and eyes paste stamps 70%?

    6. Invite NTD on board?

    7. TCB dun wan!

  16. Ask him build a bungalow in ahmakeng and stay there .......?

  17. // I think most Singaporeans would agree with this statement wholeheartedly. //

    Are YEW sure?

    Yew agree there is nothing wrong collecting more $$$$$$$$$$$ from the sick, the oldies, the destitute, the jobless ....... etc etc?

    1. YEWR brain water go inside?

    2. The 70% oso eyes paste stamps ......

    3. ....... or even totally blind ......?

    4. ....... water goes inside their brains. ...?

    5. 头脑进水?

    6. Tao Nao Jeep Chui?

    7. Shouldn't the 70% drink plenty and plenty of Redbean Soup, to rid their minds of toxic water from pig sty?

    8. Any policies come out from pig sty stinks like HELL?

    9. Stink like rotten fishy odour from one mati's mouth?

    10. Anything from pig sty stinks?

    11. Not 100% but 1 gazillion percent CANNOT be trusted?

    12. Count how many comments now all together?

      Does it ring any bell?

      Each and everyone of them stinks like pig sty, rotten fishy smell?
