
Careful tweaking of political system is Spore’s way backward

Oops, oops, I am a bit dyslexic today. I read something in the paper and, ok, ok, now I remember, the title of the article is ‘Careful evolution of political system is Spore’s way forward’.  Apologies, apologies.  How can the evolution of the political system in the hands of righteous, flawless, honourable, selfless, incorruptible and well meaning people whose only concern is the well being of Singapore and the Singaporeans be going backward? Cannot be mah. Singapore is really so bless to have so many generations of good men and women in charge.
Now the good men and women in charge are suddenly charged with a body full of adrenalin and great inspirations and ideas to carefully tweak our political system for the future, to last ten thousand years. There are so many good changes coming up, NCMP lah, elected president lah, minority interests lah, smaller GRCs and more SMCs and many more that it would fill a library if I would put them down in words. I have so many things to say, so many ways of saying them. Maybe over the weekend I shall spend some time talking about them in more details.
Now why are the people, oops, some people, especially those from the opposition camps, sounding so unhappy? Why are they objecting? Just cannot understand them. All the proposals are good things, for the good of the country and people. I think the opposition camps should just shut up and listen quietly, like all good boys in schools will do, like children at home will do when papa speaks.
Seriously, I cannot find any single thread of fault in the proposals printed in the main media. They all sounded so good, so encouraging, so progressive, full of good intentions. I also read and heard so many praises that we are moving forward. Sorry Cheng Bock, sorry Jee Say, I didn’t hear your objections.
It is good that the Singapore political system should evolve around the goodness of natural aristocrats and not around peasants. The natural aristocrats have many in born qualities, or greatness by birth that peasants can never hope to possess. One of the most important things is that their blood is purple in colour.
Ok, when a person has purple blood, he must be exceptional. It would be good if our political system is run by people with purple blood. All those with blood of the commoners, red, please step aside and be good.  Remember your station in life and do the part you are born to do, to listen and obey, be the doers, not thinkers or leaders. Stop objecting, resistance is futile.


  1. National.Slavery.

    All those with purple blood are treated differently from the peasants and yet they gave them 70% kee chiu

  2. Refugee Murders 22-Year-Old Swedish Woman In Knife Attack


    No amount of tweaking by Swedish politicians is going to bring back an innocent 22 year old woman killed by lax immigration controls in Sweden.

  3. Did anyone observe the nodding parrots in parliament.
    I saw quite a few nodding their heads as PM Lee spoke in parliament.

    Is it true?
    When PM Lee speaks .... PAP listens.

  4. Is it true?
    Is there coffeeshop talk (unsubstantiated rumors) about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost succession plan being restarted again within PAP?
    This time around;
    Who is the Father?
    Who is the Holy Ghost?
    Who is the Son?

  5. Hidden vile motives?

  6. Only people of "pure heart" are nominated into parliament.

  7. If NCMPs (who had to fight an election) gets more voting privileges now.
    What about Nominated Members of Parliament (NMPs)?
    After a few years, will the NMPs also enjoy similar enlarged voting privileges?

    These NMPs are nominated into parliament by a conmittee whose members have been carefully selected (who & how are these conmitteee members selected? ).

    Are NCMPs the red herrings (give a chicken wing) for the real endgame (take back an entire chicken) - when only MPs are nominated into parliament?
    No more elections anymore in the future?


  8. Aiyoyo......human with purple blood?

    Very very very scary lah!

    Sure or not?

    Never see/heard before!

    But, at least not BLACK BLACK blood!

    Heng Ahhhhhhhhh!

  9. Massive Coverup Exposed In Sweden As Media, Cops Hid Migrant Sex Attacks


    Such things can only happen in other countries.
    Never in Stinkapore.

  10. The emergence of an illuminati chapter in Singapore.

  11. Got hear got black heart but no black blood.

  12. Actually hor.
    maybe the blood is not purple or black.
    maybe it's green from collecting too much money?

  13. Readers here knew who to vote.

  14. Ncmp isit must join pap now?new law?

  15. Now I heard some people in TRE said the rules are changed to benefit someone. Rules are like that one mah. Someone will benefit someone will not benefit. What to complain about?

  16. Wah Anon2.20

    The rules benefitted you meh??

    The PAP Ministers and MPs million dollars remunerations share with you meh??

    You loved to suck up to them meh?

  17. In animal farm, no other animals thought any pronouncements and changes by the pigs were bad.

    But eventually, four legs good and two lega bad became two legs good and four legs became better. In any case the other animals were just too daft to understand and follow the pigs, who later sold them to the slaughterhouse.

  18. Are sinkies sold oredy?

  19. "Careful tweaking of political system is Spore’s way backward"

    When PAP gahmen tweaks the political system
    - it it to benefit Singaporeans or is it to benefit PAP?
    - what do you thunk?

  20. Singapore government is by far one of the most forward thinking government in S E Asia, if not the world. Why are some Singaporeans complaining all the time? Those who are not satisfied with the way Singapore is heading should look at the neighbouring countries and start counting their blessings. You have the best education system, best public transport, medical facilities, jobs, good GDP growth and best of all safety. What more do you want? Best government in the PAP.

  21. The unthinking toking. His vision is up to the tip of his nose. Can't see any further.

  22. Singapore authorities closely monitoring Zika virus: Amy Khor


    PAP Millionaire's government can't even control our decades long losing battle against dengue fever.
    What do you think PAP can do against the Zika virus?

    What does "Closely monitor" mean anyway?
    Does it mean just watch, report and do nothing?

    Does it mean give out useless advice like "we can prevent the zika virus by avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes"?
    - I'm not paid a million dollars ... I also know how to say this.

  23. @ January 28, 2016 6:30 pm
    /// Singapore government is by far one of the most forward thinking government in S E Asia, if not the world. ///

    The sun will rise even if the rooster doesn't crow.

    The story behind this idiom is that the rooster observed that the sun always rises after he crows in the morning, and so decided that it was his crowing that made the sun rise.
    He became arrogant on realising this and decided that if he doesn't get up and crow the next day, the sun won't rise and everyone will beg him to crow.
    Of course, things did not turn out that way, and his arrogance was shattered the next morning when the sun rose "anyway" and he realised that nobody even noticed that the rooster did not crow.

    In Singapore, the PAP government pay their roosters million dollar salaries to crow every morning.

  24. How many millions is the SMRT rooster being paid to operate the best MRT trains in the world?

  25. Singapore authorities closely monitoring Zika virus: Amy Khor


    Dear Amy Khor
    It's no use to "monitor" the zika virus.
    Just get rid of the mosquitoes and Singaporeans will be safe from zika and dengue.

    We monitor things like political dissidents.
    We get rid of things like disease carrying mosquitoes.

    Of course we all know PAP government has not been able to control our dengue infested mosquitoes.
    So when the zika virus arrives, we are all probably doomed.

  26. Singapore authorities closely monitoring Zika virus: Amy Khor


    Dear Amy Khor
    It's no use to "monitor" the zika virus.
    Just get rid of the mosquitoes and Singaporeans will be safe from zika and dengue.

    We monitor things like political dissidents.
    We get rid of things like disease carrying mosquitoes.

    Of course we all know PAP government has not been able to control our dengue infested mosquitoes.
    So when the zika virus arrives, we are all probably doomed.

  27. Use ISA on the mosquitoes. Lock them up.

  28. There are so many things wrong with his speech. Fundamentally questionable but hey, you are no wiser right?

    Well, read between the lines. Outwardly, worldly but inwardly, who decides your tea and coffee?

    "Fourthly, our political system must uphold a multi-racial society. Multi-racialism is fundamental to our identity as a nation, because we have three major races in Singapore, we have all the world’s major religions in Singapore. Race and religion will always be fundamental tectonic fault lines for us. If we ever split along one of these fault lines that would be the end of us. Therefore, our political system must encourage multi-racial and secular politics, not racial or religious politics. It has got to encourage political parties to seek broad-based, multi-racial consensus, and pursue moderate policies in the interests of all Singaporeans, regardless of race, language, or religion. It has to discourage parties from forming along racial and religious lines, or championing the interests of one race or religion over others, whether it be a majority or a minority group in our society. Minority Singaporeans must have the confidence that they will not be marginalised, or shut out, or discriminated against. Every Singaporean must have the confidence that he has a place in Singapore."

    A revolution in the making for decades right under the noses of the very people who write the constitution and yet warned about security risks?

    One wonders where these jokers got their squares because, you shouldn't send your children there at all

  29. They want to ensure a minority candidate gets to be elected President.
    Did the EP suddenly come under their affirmative action?
    You want to ensure this/that candidate get elected, then the whole election thing is just a fake/facade.
    Why bother what the race of the candidate is as long as its the best man win.
    Take JB Jeyaretnam for eg. An Indian minority candidate that beat the pants of of PAP Chinese candidate in a Chinese majority ward. Not once but three times over.

  30. Please Resign:
    January 29, 2016 at 3:22 pm (Quote)
    The people have rewarded the highly incompetent PAP with 70% of the votes.
    Read today’s Straits Times on the front page. Of the 31,200 jobs created last year, only 100 were allocated to Singaporeans. The rest were taken up by foreigners.
