
Appointed president to elected president to appointed president

The issue of whether the current elected president system should be retained or changed is becoming a hot topic for discussion in Parliament and in the net. Why is this an issue now given that this was the best system introduced only a few years back, thought through by the super talents? Now it seems that this is no longer the best system, a stupid system, and there is an urgent need to tweak it. Before tweaking this, maybe we should go back one step further to know why there was a need to tweak the appointed president system to an elected president system.

I remembered that there was a fear that the appointed president was purely ceremonial and cannot check a rogue govt that may spend away the nation’s reserves.  They forgot that there was no need for a president to check on a rogue govt when it is appointed by the rogue govt. They should all be together in the rogue camp. So the idea of an elected president holding a second key can say no to a rogue govt, can refuse to open the reserves was born. Wasn’t this clever? Wasn’t this a well thought out scheme? Now who is saying that this is a hare brain scheme and needs to be tweaked because they forgot that the president could be a rogue president that would give trouble and pain to a good govt that needs to open the reserve but the rogue president says no? Don’t ask me why they did not think of this. Maybe the only assumption then was a rogue govt that needed a good president to cheque on them and not the possibility of having a rogue president that needed to be chequed.

Not the dire situation is a rogue president making life difficult for a good govt is going to happen. So how, go back to the old system of an appointed ceremonial president that is nice to the incumbent govt and they will all work happily together chequing each other. Like that sure no problem…unless both the appointed president and the incumbent govt are rogues. Then finish leow. But this is unlikely, to have a rogue govt appointing a rogue president. Our political system has been carefully designed and fine tuned to ensure that rogues will not be elected to govern this island, only righteous, honourable and selfless men and women will be selected and elected. The citizens cannot be so daft to elect rogues to form the govt right?  A 70% majority must be right. Can we trust our highly educated citizens to be daft and to elect rogues to form the govt?

Come to think of it this may be possible if the assumption that Singaporeans are daft is true. Singaporeans are famed for being daft, for allowing foreigners to come in and steal their jobs and never complain, accepting that this is the right thing, the good thing, because they cannot see anything further than the tip of their nose. They did not know what is going on around them.

Maybe before tweaking the elected president, I have a better idea. Create a third key. The third key can be held by an elected senior president or an elected COI, Committee of Inquisition, to cheque on the elected president and his second key. When two keys cannot work, not enough security, have a third key. Like that sure can work. And if the third key still cannot work, set up a senate of senior citizens. This one, the senior citizens must all be ex senior civil servants or ex ministers. Like that sure powerful enough to cheque on the elected president and senior elected president.

My idea can jalan or not?


  1. "The citizens cannot be so daft to elect rogues to form the govt right?"

    Not really lah. Because it can be that all the choices are rogues mah.

    So like that how? The majority (aka 70%) will choose what they think is the least rogue of all the rogues lah, tio bo?

  2. This tiny dot belongs to the Pappies

    such that they can suka suka do as

    they like.

    They have the Support of 70%


  3. our cpf board has 3 keys......

  4. // They did not know what is going on around them. //


  5. // Why is this an issue now given that this was the best system introduced only a few years back, thought through by the super talents? //


  6. // Now who is saying that this is a hare brain scheme and needs to be tweaked because they forgot that the president could be a rogue president that would give trouble and pain to a good govt that needs to open the reserve but the rogue president says no? //


  7. You see, the last Presidential election was a close affair and they know it is risky. When they change back to appointed President, everything is 'pau chiak' and no risk involved. It will then be an 'all in the familee' circus.

    I am sure the arguments will be overwhelmingly in favour of an appointed President. As sure as the sun rises in the East.

  8. Three keys, two keys or one key - they are all the same but just different in name only. If one key held by the PAP hotshot refuses or wants to open the safe, what can the other two keys do?

    Sinkies are easy to fool and they never learn from all those years of fooling. Just too bad.

  9. As the noose tightens, the peasants will shout 'song ah'. Uniquely daft.

  10. Please do not insult the originator of this Elected President scheme.
    Yew know who came up with this brilliant idea?

    1. 不知道?


  11. Hi Anon 10.00

    You watch too many Japanese ropes BSM. Sinkies loved to be tied, rotated round in circles from beams, whacked with wet cloths and perpetrate from all angles.

    The next elected President which is now not going to happen could be not from the PAP camp and could give the PAPies HELL in the Istana.

    Now beginning onw hundred Barclays staff chia kia kee liao.

    Next change, many many more will joing them from other companies.

    Sinkies after kena the ROPES treatment will feel REAL PAIN and their elected President will give them BIG SHITS.

    So better change to ceremonial President.

    Hurdles will be higher and onlt their own cronies can stand to be appointed.

    1. SoLEE ah ....?

      Goal posts change liao?

      Oops no?

      ( Opposing team ) Goal posts (REMOVED and) legislated away liao?

      LEEgally only one side with goal posts and Aung Juan Soon Chee, TeoChew Ah Pek, etc welcome ( to score for them ) .....?

  12. This shall be known as the anti Tan Cheng Bock legislation..it is good that his name spells terror to PAP n make them stain their white pants.

  13. Looks like Tan Cheng Bock is a potential rogue president.

  14. Any person who is not endorsed by the PAP could be considered a rogue. Such a person almost got elected as HOS , or shall we say the PAP man almost got defeated.
    Somehow I wish we could have a Constitution like the American's where the Party in power would not do things at their whims and fancy or to secure their political advantage.
    Seems like the more they tamper with the political system to their advantage and making a mockery of Democracy , the more the electorate like it -69.9% the last time for sure

  15. Dear redbean
    whether we have a 2nd key or 3rd key does not matter.
    - Because Sinkies are daft and cowardly
    - we can never be depended upon to stand up to a rogue government

    And anyway
    - does anybody know what is in the national reserves?
    - what exactly are we protecting?
    - are we protecting $1 or $1 trillion dollars from a rogue government?

    Since we don't know what is in the reserves right now
    - how do we know if anything is stolen in the first place?

  16. You see, even Najib took a leaf from our GIC by not letting his people know how much money goes into his bank account or how much money he took out of the donation.

    The key is, better to have no key, because no matter how many keys the people want, the money also sure gone case.

  17. Schlumberger Fires 10,000 As It Announces A $10 Billion Stock Buyback



    Will our PAP government also retrench 10,000 Singaporeans to fund Temasek to buyback more shares?

  18. Why don't we just do away with the Westminster political system? Actually what we need is a presidential system whereby the citizens vote for a president and vice president. The president then appoints the cabinet. The ministers or secretaries are selected from prominent citizens (or new citizens?) and they don't have to do grassroot work.

    Only those elected to parliament have to do grassroot work. These will be the people who will check on the government.

    The president will serve a limit of 2 5-year terms.

    We can then do away with all the BS. The generals can do their soldering until they are 55 or 65. We do not need them to KLCW in parliament. The good ones can of course be co-opted to be defence ministers, etc.
