
Trump for President

He is absolutely controversial. He is exceptional and he is America. Trump is what America is all about, exceptionalism, about being different, and had the cake and eat it too. His latest comment about banning Muslims from entering the USA is going to take everyone straight on and demanding them to take a stand. The politically correct politicians wanting to sound right are already slamming him and setting him up for target practice.

The point is that they have no better solutions than what Trump is proposing. Is there another Presidential candidate or politician in Washington that has a better solution to protect the lives of Americans in homeland? No, the answer is no. They will come up with many half baked solutions all full of holes to deal with the threat from ISIS and lone suicide bomber or gunman just shooting at anyone on sight.

The outcry against Trump today is loud and expected. Just wait for a few more gunmen running wild in the streets of America and cutting down more innocent Americans in broad daylight and on the TV screens, showing live while they are shooting away, then you will see how the public opinion will change. The events on the streets will turn towards supporting Trump for President when pressure mounts, when more lives are taken and when fear becomes real.  Crazy men killing Americans need crazy solutions from a crazy President.

Trump is real and unplugged, uncensored. The rest of the politicians and presidential hopefuls are just politicians, saying the right things and hoping to be elected for the wrong reasons. Quietly they may want to say what Donald Trump is saying. What Trump said strikes a cord in the hearts of many Americans. America homeland will have no peace and security if no one is brave enough to do the right thing. Looks like there is only one man left standing up, one man up to the task….he is Donald Trump, the mean machine.

Trump for President and moving into the White House is a high possibility. ISIS can help him by doing a few more shootings on the streets of America. And Trump will be the word on the lips of all conservative Americans and the extreme right. There is still a lot of time for events to turn to favour Trump for President.

Would it be awful if it happens? It is outrageous. So is Trump. The Americans may have to go down on their knees begging for Trump….to be President when things get worse.

PS. The mediocre leaders among the presidential hopefuls are so hopeless and could only say the safe things. What kind of leadership can they be expected to provide, saying the right things that the Americans expect them to say? America needs strong and exceptional leaders, not weak and lame leaders afraid to say and do the right things.


  1. It is time to give Sunni some tough love. The strategy of Sunni is the moderate hate everyone but pretend to be very discriminated. The moderate then want their vanguard, the extremist to kill everyone.

    Meanwhile if someone tries to rein on Muslims, the moderates will rant discrimination.

    The world need more Sunni-zation not less. We need to learn from Sunni religion of peace and their shit ways and give it to them how they give to the world. Every single Sunni land shit hard on minorities including the so call moderate Malaysia, that is not the work of any extremist but collective will of moderates.

    So something closer to a Malay style of Saudi style towards Sunni minorities is desirable because this is exactly the shit Sunni is giving.

  2. Rb is spot on in his reading of
    The US needs Donald Trump just
    like the French after the Attacks at
    Paris. Now the French Extreme
    Right is getting tremendous support.

    France is one of the Most Liberal in accepting refugees and that kind of
    got it into trouble, quite an irony.

    The Americans may like to have a president in the Like of Donald to
    avoid getting attacks.

    May Donald trumps the Coming US Presidential Contest. However, from news reportings, it was teported that the Americans are dumping Donald Trump leh.

    1. Where u got such ( inaccurate ) news?

    2. Latest polls showed Trump leading his nearest rival by more than 2000 basis points .......

    3. Below polls from the above link ( updated about 10 hours ago ):

      Donald Trump 35.6%
      Ted Cruz 13.1%
      Marco Rubio 13.0%
      Ben Carson 12.7%
      Jeb Bush 4.9%
      Chris Christie 2.8%
      Carly Fiorina 2.3% //

    4. Below polls from the above link ( updated about 10 hours ago ):

      Donald Trump 35.6%
      Ted Cruz 13.1%
      Marco Rubio 13.0%
      Ben Carson 12.7%
      Jeb Bush 4.9%
      Chris Christie 2.8%
      Carly Fiorina 2.3% //

  3. Wait for one or two more big hits on the streets of America and you will hear them screaming for blood and Trump for President.

    1. Didn't Trump said at current trend, there are probabilities for more WTC?


  4. DT......

    万岁 万万岁!

    万岁 万万岁!

    万岁 万万岁!

  5. It'll be interesting to see if he lasts until the time for him to debate Hillary, who definitely has more "book smarts" than Trump. Hillary also has millions of loyal supporters.

    The best part, Trump and the Clinton's are good friends. Trump was a financial contributor to the Clinton campaigns.

    Smoke and mirrors anyone? I reckon the American Sheeple are being played, as they always have been.

    Also Trump is a cunning deal-maker who is no stranger to "win some loose some", which one to the reasons he never backs down from "offensive" comments he's made. So far, some of his socio-political faux pas have included:

    1. Making creepy insulting reference to woman presenter's menstrual period
    2. Making fun of journalist with palsy
    3. Identity cards for Muslims
    4. The banning of Muslims from entering US territory

    Everytime he says something outrageous and offensive, his detractors predict the end of Trump's presidential race, but unfortunately for the detractors, Trump's popularity "trumps" their ill-wishes.

    But like I said, a savvy, business man is he who is used to dealing in an "imperfect' world. His latest outbursts have bought him more and deeper global attention, divided people by their outrage and emotional opinion, and probably more importantly made a more than a few THINK after their emotion has died down.

    For e.g.:
    " There is no way to condone or excuse what Trump said about barring Muslims from entering the US. ...HOWEVER, the gist of what he says could be valid in that what he really means is that we should be careful of WHO we ALLOW IN.", which will appeal to even the staunchest of "open border" advocates.

    In the UK, hundreds of thousands have signed a petition to ban Trump from entering the UK (nice try lah, the man has gazillions in real estate there), however many from the UKIP (independence party) AGREE with Trump's suggestion to ban Muslims from entering the US.

    Got fascism?


  6. Actually for the good of Sunni, Sunni must ensure themselves to be the only unique religion in this planet, and they should try to prevent every single asshole and gangster to emulate their way of peace.

    Right now the one getting close is Myanmese junta.

    The way of Sunni is telling everyone they themselves are the most peaceful people and they themselves are biggest victim. Next, they produce 1% of vanguard who go around killing people. Also Sunni forever tell people they are fucking sensitive, and tell people not to provoke them. And things Sunni get sensitive about keep on growing like recently, Allah monopolization is on the sensitive list of Malaysian Malay.

    So long as Sunni is the unique religion in this way, they have no problem. Fortunately, the Myanmese junta is also learning Sunni way of truth. Myanmese 969 Buddhist is getting sensitive and producing vanguard.

    So Sunni who always claim to be brave and macho get shit.

    And Sunni have to endure the shit like a coward. ISIS dare not commit terror in Myanmar because 969 will do the Sunni way and make entire community pay with blood.

    Meanwhile in Thailand now, ISIS and Sunni have been bombing and cutting people for years. In Myanmar they are coward like a meekest sheep.

    The problem is Myanmese Buddhist has Islamize and learn from Sunni way of peace. Meanwhile Thai Buddhist stick to satan way of love and refuse to learn something from Sunni.

  7. Rb: // The mediocre leaders among the presidential hopefuls are so hopeless and could only say the safe things. What kind of leadership can they be expected to provide, saying the right things that the Americans expect them to say? America needs strong and exceptional leaders, not weak and lame leaders afraid to say and do the right things. //

    If Redbean replace the subject in the statements abive with another word starting with the letter "S", his quoted statements above sound even more true?

  8. Rb: // The Americans may have to go down on their knees begging for Trump….to be President when things get worse. //

    How about ...... errrrrrrrr ....?

    Will they be begging likewise for errrrrrrrr. .... to be ...... errrrrrr. ......?

    When the SAMPAN 2.0 ...... errrrrrr rrrrrrr. ..... ?

    1. Ha ha ha .....

      The sinking already started?

      Everywhere YEW go, YEW can sense it ( only those KONG CUM up there get "artificial, glowing" briefings "wholly scripted" by their sycophants and totally removed from realities and the kong cums on top ( in the 1000th storey super ivory towers ) feel so happy and secured everyday? )

  9. Rb // Trump for President //

    In the US.

    In SINLAND. ..... "DUMP" for president?

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .......

    1. As in "rubbish dump"?

    2. "Dump"?

      Or "Dumped"?

      Or "Dumb"?

    3. All means "rubbish"?

    4. Like those things YEW threw into the waste paper baskets in the office?

    5. Or rubbish chute?

    6. Then moved to the rubbish dump?

    7. Collected by the rubbish trucks?

    8. To Tuas incinerator plant?

    9. To be burned incinerated permanently?

    10. Bcos YEW threw away and deemed of no more use?

    11. (Such people after they kicked the bucket their obituary pics are ) Targets for your throat "bullets" when a lot of yellowish thick viscous phlegm build up especially during year end cold weather?

  10. Rb // No, the answer is no.//

    No meh?

    Isn't NOL sold out already?

    Who is next ......?

    1. Clue?: Corpns fronted by some (useless) military-trained duds with santa claus ( ho ho ho ho ho ) and duck ( quack quack quack quack ) sounding names?

    2. Under Ching Ho, sooner or later even the "Merlion" might be sold for "(the last) gambling chips" to feed the (incurable) "addiction. .....

  11. Rb // He is absolutely controversial. //

    Cannot compare to the one in sin city lah ..... ha ha ha

  12. Rb // The point is that they have no better solutions ..... //

    That's why they are papigs?

  13. Rb // Would it be awful if it happens? //

    Hasn't it already happened?

    "Chewing" and sucking cockles?

    Smelly cockles some more?

  14. Rb // Looks like there is only one man left standing up, ...... //

    He is Mr Aung of SINLAND?

  15. Rb // He is exceptional ....... //

    Is rb referring to his "nemesis"?

  16. Rb // all about, exceptionalism, about being different,//

    Are YEW parroting?

    Toking abt the city of SINS?


  17. "IMH escapee": // we should be careful of WHO we ALLOW IN //

    Can meh .....?

    LEGS already opened soooooo BIIIIIG liao ......?

    And countless, countless already went in and out, in and out gazillion times liao ......?

    1. The cuntry with the most loose, most opened-leg open big big policy ( meanystirs )?

  18. Rb //They will come up with many half baked solutions all full of holes to deal with the threat from ISIS and lone suicide bomber or gunman just shooting at anyone on sight.//

    In nature, the natural enemy of the rodents is the cat .....

    1. The natural enemies of freely shooting and killing cow men is ....... is .....?

  19. Rb // The events on the streets will turn towards supporting Trump for President when pressure mounts, when more lives are taken and when fear becomes real. //

    To paraphrase in the context of the land of whores:

    "The events in the main street will tutn towards supporting Aung Juan for .... when pressure mounts, when more "NOL" are taken ( "and sold out" ) and when "fear" ( "insolvency" ) becomes real."

  20. Rb // The politically correct politicians wanting to sound right are already slamming him and setting him up for target practice.//

    Are YEW toking abt those traitors operating in the city of SINS?

    The Greatest Whore land of all time?

  21. "Ah seow": // Also Trump is a cunning deal-maker who is no stranger to "win some loose some"//

    Will the land of whores oso see a deal maker in the cityful of SINS rise against "胡害"?

  22. Kong cum: " It'll be interesting to see if he lasts until the time for him to debate Hillary"

    "It'll be interesting to see if he ("胡害" of the CITY OF SINS & ALL TIME GREATEST LAND OF WHORES ) lasts until the time for him to debate Aung Juan"?

    1. Yeeeeeeah ......

    2. Hillary - the fast aging woman .....?

    3. For some when they get old, their appearances at times can be quite creepy when those old ladies let their long white hairs down, especially in their home gowns ...... look like .....

  23. Mati://Everytime he says something outrageous and offensive,//

    YEW sounded like referring to a 16 yo ......

    Who happened to post at "the right time " on 29 Mar 2015 .....

    Sthg that 30% wanted to say in their hearts ....?

    1. Heard many in the 30% opened and drank their long-kept most expensive champagnes during that period ..... until super drunk ..... why they so happy and big cause for celebration?

  24. Veritas,

    i enjoy reading your opinion.

    do you have new blog? i used to visit your old blog.

    you are not writing anymore. why?

    Where can i read more about your unique perspective? Although your opinion are very controversial but it provoke my mind to think deeply about subject matter.

    Do you take part in the discussion on any forum?

  25. I will try update my old blog. I am too busy nowadays. Probably when I update old blog I will inform in RB comment.

    Hope RB wont mind.
