
Singapore the safest and most peaceful place on earth

A chaotic year went by and many will ‘kee chiu’ if I say Singapore is one of the safest and peaceful countries in the world. We should count our blessings and thank a forward looking, proactive and good planning govt that is all the time worrying about our national security and the preservation of our social fabric. Chee Hean had made two statements yesterday, one after protecting our social fabric from a breakdown of social cohesion that would lead us down the rubbish chute of social unrest and racial strife. And it is a miracle that we could keep our social fabric intact after stuffing the little island with more than 2m of the people highly prone to violence from around the world. The few punching bag incidents are peanuts and tolerable. We can live with that. It must be the successful integration process that the govt has put in place and the good jobs that were given to the foreigners that resulted in this harmony. This is something to be proud of, and a price worth paying for.

The next important statement by Chee Hean is on cyber security. This is an increasing threat to our smart nation where the decision to cross the road or what to eat, or whether the oldies at home are safe, are all wired and computerized. Then there are the transport system, the water and flooding system, the electrical grid, banking and finance, the health records and our power system. With so many systems being wired up, the opportunities for them to be targeted for mischief are plentiful and very real.

And thanks again to the great policies of the govt to import the best foreigners to boost up our IT industry and our cyber security. It is a cat and mouse thing and we need the best cats to catch the most intelligent mice. And if the mice are from foreign sources, we need foreign cats to deal with them. Ah, to set a thief to catch a thief really works. What about local threats? They would route their attacks from overseas and the foreign cats would be well placed to catch them too. Our cyber security and cyber defence are in the best hands, the best foreigners money can buy to guard our security and to protect us.

Singaporeans can sleep well. All the computerized systems will be safe under the watchful eyes of our foreign IT experts. This may be called defence in depth like having gurkhas to guard our installations. Foreign mercenaries can play a big role in our safety and security. So far so good. This is not ownself check ownself. This is depending on foreigners to check ownself and to protect us. The foreigners not only protect us, they also provide good jobs for us and integrated very nicely with our citizens. This is like what they say, have the cake and eat it as well.

Let’s hope our social fabric will remain intact when we hit 6.9m. Let’s hope we would not be dragged into a war by some of our good friends or because of them terrorists would want to teach us a lesson for meddling with their domestic affairs.

This is another good thing to remember for Christmas.


  1. Rb // A chaotic year went by and many will ‘kee chiu’ if I say Singapore is one of the safest and peaceful countries in the world //

    Aiyo uncle, why u "Bo Tua Bo Suay "?

    1. Why YEW use the words "kee chiu" .....?

    2. Later "somebolee" feel it is (very) "insulting" ...... leh ....?

    3. Remember how Georgie and Lao Goa "hantam" Catherine in the 90s?

    4. Bcos they ( think and ) called her "Bo Tua Bo Suay "?

  2. Rb // This is another good thing to remember for Christmas. //

    Aiyo, rb .....

    No santa claus ......

    Ho ho ho ho ho

    1. Yesterday one Xmas gift from China .....

      Today even better ....

      Ching Ho .... leh ....

    2. Getting better .....?

      Swee .....?

      Ho ho ho ho ho .....?

    3. Typo @ 9.20

      Missing "!"

      Should be "No! Santa Claus ......"

  3. Rb u so kualan Everyday double speak sure Kena one day knock on the door at night. I do enjoy your article but it's at the expense of your.....

  4. Do you think the PAP government will be building a nuclear power plant here in Singapore?
    Do you feel very safe?

    What is the bedding in period for our MRT system built & operated by a PAP government?
    What is the bedding in period for a nuclear power plant built operated by a PAP government?
    Do you think there will be teething problems?

    What is the evacuation plan for Singaporeans if there is a nuclear accident in Singapore?
    - Fly SIA 1st class?

    What is the evacuation plan for PAP Ministers if there is a nuclear accident in Singapore?
    - Fly SIA 1st class?

    Following the recommendation of Singapore’s pre-feasibility study on nuclear energy that Singapore should strengthen its capabilities to understand nuclear science and technology, the National Research Foundation announced the setup of the Nuclear Safety Research and Education Programme (NSREP) in April 2014.

    Nuclear Energy for Singapore?

    Move to nuclear power needed if Singapore wants to cut emissions:

    Singapore must be prepared to handle nuclear developments:


  5. Singapore should go nuclear

    including having nuclear satellites

    and drones hovering over the


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I support nuclear, because the current technology PAP is looking at the "Pebble Bed Reactor" will not melt down, in theory and in EVERY empirical experience. While pebble bed is an efficient reactor, far more efficient than the current deployment of light water or heavy water reactor, its efficiency is still far behind the fast neutron or Molten Salt reactor.

    Fast nuetron reactor is a little more dangerous while Molten Salt still have challenges in reactor core design.

    So Pebble Bed wins out now, and the current leadership of Pebble Bed is --China.

  8. One of foremost Singapore IT security group is CSIT. The group is too small to offer good coverage. The engineers are very well-paid there.

    Other than that, the FT Indians are doing most IT work in banks, and their work quality sucks big time.

  9. Wow!

    There are so many expurts in MSN?

    The latest is "nuclear scientist"?

  10. Past expurt in "mei mei cowtology" .....?

  11. "Insanecestology" .....?

  12. " All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man:
    its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him…

    The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.
    Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it.
    And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.

    The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic.
    He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched.
    He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair. "

    – H.L. Mencken

    1. @ AnonymousDecember 26, 2015 11:12 am
      //" All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man:
      its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him…

      The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.
      Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it.
      And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.

      The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic.
      He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched.
      He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair. "

      – H.L. Mencken//

      Hello Anon 11.12 am,

      Thks for posting the above-mentioned quote.

      Indeed, it is not easy being the "devil's advocate"?

      Some could easily have bended and blended with modern "crony capitalism" and "partake the fruits of monopolistic gains" .....

      It could very well be a thankless and ( highly ) unprofitable endeavour to be a "superior, thinking, romantic radical, a good citizen driven to despair and playing the role of a devil's advocate."

      He could not be anything else except "more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest ...... and is thus more disturbed than the rest ....... when he sees it debauched."

      Thank you again Anon 11.12 for posting the above-mentioned quote.


    2. Change invariably comes from the Radicals.

      Conventional folks are likely compliant to whatever impose
      by the Power in Control. They
      are more fearful than genuinely
      want to comply. They lack the initiative to want and effect change. However, there could have had some driven to the edge and hence revolution.

      It shall be very very sad should
      just any Sinkie be driven to desperation and have to self radicalize and take solo action
      or gets supports from others
      to oppose the Regime in any
      violent ways.

      No country can rule out armed
      revolution, especially oppressive
      government and abusive regime.

    3. Ha ha ha

      YEW sound like a ..... NUTS!

    4. Talking nonsense ....?

    5. Nonsensical, far fetch, incongruent ROJAK ......?

    6. R YEW trying your luck to fool some "daft, kong cum" beans here?

    7. A very dark force?

    8. Cloak in evil?

    9. YEW think green bean 3-yo?

    10. Cannot see through your "evil" with just one look?

    11. YEW r trying with link simple disagreement in views with .....

    12. Typo

      " with link"

      Should be "to link" ....

    13. ..... the full spectrum of extremism ......?

      How evil can a human bean get?

    14. Talking about extremist violent acts on one hand ....... to armed revolution on the other ....?

    15. Who are YEW trying to MISLEAD ......?

    16. Or get into trouble .....?

    17. Who would want to ( come and ) comment anymore when there are such "evil beans" lurking in a corner ...... laying a "devious trap and ambush" ......?

    18. Or a solo "devious" bean?

    19. For you to say such things and spring such ( evil ) thoughts "at the slightest opportunity" reveal a "sick mind" ......?

  13. "Pliss cstab er-sai" ....?

  14. "Other than that, the FT Indians are doing most IT work in banks, and their work quality sucks big time."
    Veritas 10:45 am

    Veritas, u got exaggerate or not? My money, and lots of it, so far very safe and secure in the bank leh. Some more I do a lot of internet banking, also no problem one.

  15. You better pull your monies out of Indian banks like Citibank, Deutschbank and Standard Chartered. Go google and he how Indians scammers and cancer blow derivative up, cook books and throw the banks into shithole of bankruptcy.

  16. Are local banks safe? Are they also scamming in derivatives?

  17. "So Pebble Bed wins out now, and the current leadership of Pebble Bed is --China."
    December 26, 2015 10:41 am

    Really ah?
    The technology is so safe meh?
    Sounds very unsafe and untested to me
    See Wikipaedia below
    - suggest the PAP government limits their engineering ambition to learning how to operate an MRT train system.

    "The concept was first suggested by Farrington Daniels in the 1940s, ...
    but commercial development did not take place until the 1960s in the German AVR reactor by Rudolf Schulten. ...
    but this system was plagued with problems and political and economic decisions were made to abandon the technology.
    ... design was licensed to South Africa as the PBMR and China as the HTR-10, the latter currently the only such design operational.

    1986 accident
    In West Germany, in 1986, an accident involved a jammed pebble damaged by the reactor operators when they were attempting to dislodge it from a feeder tube (see THTR-300 section). This accident released radiation into the surrounding area,[12] and probably was one reason for the shutdown of the research program by the West German government.


  18. Right now everyone other than China is not doing pebble bed.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Who would want to ( come and ) comment anymore when there are such "evil beans" lurking in a corner ...... laying a "devious trap and ambush" ......?
    December 27, 2015 8:02 am

    You so right. If you are still here again then your parents must have produced a real silly ass.

    Are you still here?

    1. Ha ha ha

      The commenter is referring to a particular comment ..... Not about this blog site MSN ......

      Unless YEW anon 9.06am own this site ( MSN / is the owner of this site ) ? ...... ha ha ha ha ha

  20. What logic is that?

    Then why are YEW still in sin city?

    Who is sick?

  21. Hahahahahah, the sickos are back.

    1. Dun try to evade "the issue" ( "your sick mind" ) by posting ad hominem remarks.

    2. @ Anon Dec 27 2015, 10.43am

      Just one simple question : were you the one who posted the following remarks on 26 Dec 2015 at 2.14 pm?


      // " AnonymousDecember 26, 2015 2:14 pm

      Change invariably comes from the Radicals.

      Conventional folks are likely compliant to whatever impose
      by the Power in Control. They
      are more fearful than genuinely
      want to comply. They lack the initiative to want and effect change. However, there could have had some driven to the edge and hence revolution.

      It shall be very very sad should
      just any Sinkie be driven to desperation and have to self radicalize and take solo action
      or gets supports from others
      to oppose the Regime in any
      violent ways.

      No country can rule out armed
      revolution, especially oppressive
      government and abusive regime. " //


      Admit it if you are one who posted the above-mentioned?

    3. @ Anonymous December 26, 2015 2:14 pm

      Such ("extreme") comment would likely drive readers ( and commenters ) away from MSN ( unwittingly ) unless that's your intention bcos you are an ( undercover ) IB?

      If you are not ( an IB ), what is your intention either way ( other than "own self shoot own self foot" or do the "alternative course a disfavour" )?

      Anyhow, if driving away traffic ( from MSN ) is your intention, you have succeeded?

  22. One has got an extremely deep reading of a generally stated comment and went into a tirade on the Poster.
    How said person was able to fathom that much and riled against the Poster of that Comment must have got many scratching their heads or lost in disbelief.

    1. When one can only see up to the tip of YEWR nose, YEW will be frequently scratching YEWR head and/ or often lost in disbelief?

      After GE 2015, many became much balder ( after incessant scratching? ) and ever more bewildered ( lost in deeper disbelief? )?


  23. veritas,

    May i ask you

    Do ancient Egyptian are related to Chinese people?
    Chinese people are descendant of ancient Egyptian?

    There are so many similarities between their cultures.

    Chinese build big size Buddha statute
    Egyptian love to build big size statute

    Chinese Taoism (god) - Egyptian concept of god
    Chinese yin and yang -Egyptian concept duality.

  24. Minister Chan Chun Sing said it very well that united, Sinkies can handle any threat and challenges. He can't be wrong tioh boh?
    Any Sinkie must have knew by now that
    70% have 'keed chiu' in agreement with him.

    There is nothing untowards that will happen in Sin, we are one people, one nation under one PAP.

    Sinkies are very happy under PAP, so what's the worry ?
