
Committee on the Future Economy of Singapore

A task force has been set up headed by Heng Swee Kiat to look into the future of Singapore’s economy. The Committee has identified five key areas in the development of the Singapore economy. Heng Swee Kiat would have a deputy in S Iswaran. The two will gather a team of 30 experts and professionals from different industries and backgrounds to chart the future of Singapore.

30 years ago Hsien Loong too headed a similar committee to look into the future of Singapore and an appointment of such a nature has very serious implications. In Hsien Loong’s case it was to put on notice that he is the PM in the making and the Committee he sat on would be used to cultivate and build his support base. Heng Swee Kiat is now given the same opportunity to build his base and looking good to be the future PM in the making.

A Committee to look into the economic development of the country is part and parcel of the planning process and also indicates the priorities of the govt. We had seen two decades of growth at all cost and how it has changed the fabric of our society and the demography of the people, now with many new citizens and foreigners.

What is missing till now is the security angle. The security of the country did not seem to warrant any attention other than the doctrine of a strong defence force to thwart a foreign invasion. The danger of bringing in so many foreigners and allowing them to take a controlling stake in many key industries and positions surely must deserve more considerations and raise concerns on the security of the country. How would these new citizens and foreigners impact on our national security, social security and the life of our citizens are serious matters that cannot be left to chance.

Would the govt think it necessary to form a Committee to review the security implications of the liberal and indiscriminate immigration policy? What is the point of economic growth when it ends up with the people losing their jobs, homes and even country to foreigners, to be replaced by foreigners?  What could happen if there is an international crisis, war, etc that calls on the loyalties of the new citizens and PRs and residents in the country to take sides or being exploited or attracted to do damage to the country’s security and other aspects of life and industries in the country?  What would happen if the Committee for economic growth recommends another CECA type of free trade agreements and open the immigration door wider still?

The security people must play a bigger role and a Committee on Security is calling and urgent in view of the immigration policy, the large foreign population and the problems of terrorism all over the world.  We cannot take our national security for granted and hope for the best.

What is Chee Hean doing or thinking as the Coordinating Minister for Defence and National Security? Should he call for the formation of a Committee to look into the security of our country?


Anonymous said...

Uncle, fresh legs, fresh instant trees ....?

Which part of the logic YEW dun understand. ...?

How to run an economic marathon of 42 km at the speed of 400 m race?

Anonymous said...

Hu can run at 44 s per 400 metres for an entire marathon race of 42 kilometres?

Anonymous said...

Can YEW run so fast?

Can or not?

Can the new economic migrants or new, new economic migrants run so fast for the entire ( economic ) marathon race?

Anonymous said...

Saying new economic migrants are better ( and hungrier and can run faster than indigenous sinkies in the entire economic marathon race ) is a BIG, FAT MYTH?

Anonymous said...

Look at so many of these ( so called hungrier, better ) new economic migrants to the SIN CITY ?

Anonymous said...

Once they set up base, many of them are even much worst than indigenous sinkies?

Anonymous said...

New economic migrants being better and hungrier and more hard driving is just ONE BIG FAT MYTH?

Anonymous said...

Over the longer term, over the bell curve statistically, they fare far worst than indigenous sinkies ?

Anonymous said...

Have YEW ever come across offsprings of new economic migrants who are so "stupid" YEW wonder why the gahmen bring them in?

Anonymous said...

No point single out some statistics outliers to compare and try hoodwink sinkies ...?

Try compare across the entire bell curve ....?

Many offsprings of new economic migrants are "really duds"?

Anonymous said...

Many new economic migrants or offsprings parents are struggling financially to keep up with the system?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Expurt analysis. ....?

And most likely correct .....?

Anonymous said...

See ....?

Kong cum education got what use?

65 year old part time working uncle analysis is spot on ....?

Anonymous said...

Rb, why u deleted the comment by anon 10.09am?

Now the comment at 10.10am makes no head and tail?

Bcos comment 10.10am is reply to 10.09am comment which is deleted?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.09am, can u repost your comment?

Mb uncle rb old liao or fat fingers?

Accidentally deleted?

Anonymous said...

Otherwise who "dare" comment in the future if kena "anyhow deleted" and makes "no head or tail "?

Anonymous said...

Rb // The Committee has identified five key areas in the development of the Singapore economy. Heng Swee Kiat would have a deputy in S Iswaran. //

How cum not "kee chiu"?

Anonymous said...

Or "one-star viled but educated but oso Hokkien peng generalissimo or aka rb's pet, oops, ex-poster boy"?

Anonymous said...

Or "Lawlessness Wrong?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I no delete anything. Can you repost what you posted?

Anonymous said...

Or "One Shot One Kill"?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

There is an anon 10.09am who posted quite a long comment .....

But was gone at 10.13 am ......?

Anonymous said...

Or "Onnng Tua Kang"?

Anonymous said...

From the ( 10.09am ) comment ( which is no more ), sounds like could be probably some chance is a 65-yo part time working uncle lah .....

Anonymous said...

He likes to use the word "expurt" lor ......


Anonymous said...

Double confirmed a comment I made earlier is missing from here.
Yesterday, it happened to another comment frim me too.
It was visible only for a few minute.
In that comment yesterday, I posted that Matilah Singapura in a fun guy to have around cause he spices up the Conversations wherever he visits.

Anonymous said...

His comment on the economics part ( though most likely without any economics training ) but makes a lot of cow sense ....?

Anonymous said...

To "paraphrase" what he said ( but no guarantee the precision ), he commented that at the end of the day, whatever committee oso "useless" lor .....?

Bcos being "one trick ponies", now the "cowboys" cannot dismount lah without "stepping on dynamites"?

Now system stucked lah ...... on ..... "eat, shit" consumption model ....

Anonymous said...

If they "pull back", risk "collapsing" the entire " economics eco system" ......?

Anonymous said...

The answers to sinkieland's problems may lie with those not inside the "political circus" ..... oops .... "circle " ......?

Anonymous said...

He postulated that at the end of the day ( the whole exercise is just like YEW know what own self CONversation with own self and a BIG waste on ( precious ) taxpayers funds ), it will be likely "eat, shit" consumption model with more "vice-laced" concoction?

Anything else is just "cui kong lp song"?

jjgg said...

Exercise in futility la....last planning exercise what was price of oil projected as..government go n PLP all the oil companies...invested heavily in petrochemical projects..all turn turtle ..cost taxpayers millions..if not billions...was the 2 casinos part of the previous plan? Was garden by the bay n t5 included?...me think the Comm is a waste of good tea,coffee n snacks

Anonymous said...

But in the end they will come up with some fairy tale high sounding battle cries/ slogan like Botak's MOE 2004/ 2005 " TLLM - Teach Less Learn More" motherhood, fatherhood, neknekhood, ah公hood STATEMENTS but ........

Anonymous said...

Teo CH's response and strategy is to expand the defence budget, buy more Fs planes, submarines, missiles, drones etc and all's well. Never mind the trojan horses of the million PRC Chinese and Indians in our midst.

Anonymous said...

...... already 10 to 12 years elapsed BUT ...... what happened to BOTAK'S grandmotherhood MOE statement of "TLLM"?

Anything happened on the ground?

By the words of previous MOM minister, some big shot one star generallisimo, he said sinkies unemployment predicament lied with sinkies abilities leh .....

So who is right, huh?

Botak's grandfatherhood "TLLM" statement in 2004 or previous MOM big shot one star generalissimo assessment about the reasons for unemployed sinkies?

Anonymous said...

So anon 10.09am "surmised" that some "beautiful, grand, high sounding schemes and neknekhood statements " likely will end the "CONmittee" findings and "fireworks all round" ( + the wasted kopi, tea, expensive snacks, parking fees, working lunch, dinners not forgetting the very expensive millions salaries and bonuses and perks like $8 heart bypass benefits .... ) but no "improvement on the ground" after another 20 years .....

By then already retired like MABO TAN, LAO GOA etc as "billionaires" ...... oops, millionaires. .....

So the 70% ( daft ) sinkies kong cum again and lapped up the oohs and ahs of the fireworks and drums and gongs but in the ended up the "SUCKERS " bled dry with high cost of living, astronomically priced pigeon holes and UNSUSTAINABLE metrics all round?

Anonymous said...

Uneducated Uncle Anon oso old liao at 65. Somemore he always post spontaneously and intuitively and not on an intellectual basis.
He comes in here to learn more than to provide didactics.
Actually oso to seek enlightenment from the
Better Endowed for me does not believe in learning to be wise though one can be more knowledgeable by learning.
Me contends that wisdom is inborn and cant be inculcated or transferred.
Like to say that the Gist of my missing comment was rightly and correctly interpreted.
Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Even some top 5% high flyer ex-school mate kena given "iron handshake" recently so cannot happen to bottom 95%?

Now stuck with expensive private housing, big cars, expensive to maintain ( and spoilt ) relatively young children, so how?

Go ask around lah .....

Dun be lazzzzzzi!

REAL Statistics dun lie lah .....

Why only 30,500 SG50 babies?

In 1988-1990 with about only 3 million population ( the preceding years before lao goa took over ), average number of babies born each year is 50,000+ ......

School or university ever taught YEW "Causality and Effect"?

Now with almost double population ( 5.6 million ), number of babies produced is about 50% previously ......?

After a short 25 years, tfr can change so drastically?

Sinkies have voted ( on the papigs created system ) .....

With the numbers of babies they are willing to produce ......?

Anonymous said...

BOTAK 2004 ah公 ( grandfatherhood ) statement :" TLLM - Teach Less Learn More"

Ah Suay's possible 2016 alternative: " MLLT"?

"May Last Longer ..... Temporarily "?

Anonymous said...

// What is the point of economic growth when it ends up with the people losing their jobs, homes and even country to foreigners, to be replaced by foreigners? ///

That is why Singaporeans should ask: 'What's the point of voting PAP if it means that we will lose our jobs to Aliens?

Anonymous said...

Sinkies shall be left to lick their wounds in the very near future when the Elites leave to live in their oversea havens.
Most Elites have amassed huge fortunes in the Last 50 years and they and their offsprings and successors will enjoy their booties for many generations to come.
Sone in the 70% maybe able to join the Elites, however, majority of them shall be no better than the Other Commoners.

Anonymous said...

When the new stations for Downtown Line (DTL) open this Sunday (27th December), adding 12 stations from Bukit Panjang to Rocher to the existing line, Transport Minister says that commuters should expect some "teething issues" over the next few months.
Will a PAP Minister say the same thing if or when the PAP government opens a nuclear power plant in Singapore?
- imagine "teething" problems in a new nuclear power plant

In his blog post, Khaw said that engineers have done thousands of tests of the whole system over the past few months, including many tests between the integration points of DTL1 and DTL2, but his engineers have told him that a typical "bedding-in" period of several months is needed before the system stabilizes. Mr Khaw warned that train disruptions could be expected during this period.
- imagine Singapore's new nuclear power plant needing a typical "bedding-in" period of several months "before the system stabilizes".
- imagine us preparing for "disruptions"

“But we are working hard to minimise any disruptions in this teething process. We must also anticipate the worst, and have drawer plans for contingencies in the event that disruptions do occur.”
- I wonder what is the worst that can happen to a nuclear power plant in Singapore?
- and how are we going to prepare for that worst case scenario?


Anonymous said...

Sinkieland is fast becoming a joke?

After spending more than 20 to 30 billions, almost donkey years of disruptions, pollution, road diversions, big big "mess" along 1st mile ( rochor area ) to 10th mile ( Ten Mile Junction area ) for the past few years, sinkies need to expect another at least several months of big "mess" ......?

Lol ......?

Anonymous said...

Now YEW know why erection was on 911 2015?

Anonymous said...

Many of The 70% residents staying along Bt Timah, Bt Panjang, would likely curse themselves from 27th December 2015 onwards?

Anonymous said...

Took the 6-station DTL recently. ....

When DTL2 merge with the 6-station DTL ..... on 27th Dec 2015 ......

Aiyo ..... can YEW foresee the potential "short-sighted" planning?

Anonymous said...

In a democracy, you get the traffic jams that you voted for.

Does Singapore have a long term future if there are plans to build a nuclear plant in Singapore?
- this is the elephant in the room
- Do you think the "Committee on the Future Economy of Singapore" will address this question?

Fukushima's nuclear disaster has destroyed the farming economy around the nuclear plant.
The area affected is several times the size of Singapore.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

This is one serious waste of time, money, resources and unnecessary because most people are UNIMPRESSED with this shit.

Here's how silly it is:

The PAP thinks it is necessary for CENTRAL PLANNING to ensure that the economy is OPEN and not centrally planned.

Huh?!? Yah, I know, a real head-scratcher this one...

If I believed there was a heaven, I would also believe that Lee Kuan Yew is now essentially running the place because he manage to convince and empirically prove to god (or whomever) that he, LKY made THE perfect cuntry despite god making an imperfect world.

Snap! The universe will from now on run by Lee Kuan Yew.

You Lee Kuan Yew ball-lickers should be happy. Your hero is now bigger than god.

Are your cocks hard yet? Good. Shake it all out to the thought of lau Lee, go on, shake it...

Anonymous said...

PAP brand Nuclear Power Plant
- wah! I feel so safe

PAP brand MRT train system
- wah! I feel so reliable.

Anonymous said...

Rb // Heng Wee Kiat is now given the same opportunity to build his base and looking good to be the future PM in the making. //

Uncle r u jumping the gun too fast?

Anonymous said...

30 years ago all the low hanging fruits were otw to ripening and aplenty for the next 2 to 3 decades to harvest ....?

Anonymous said...

Now got what?

Anonymous said...

All the low and mid hanging fruits already gone and the 2 G "leeches" ..... oops "leeders" already "retired" with billions. .... oops millions. .....?

High hanging fruits oso max out liao or so the mathematician already publicly voiced out .....?

So left what for ah Suay to "clean and pick up" ......?

Anonymous said...

Even some "IBs" taking pot shots at him .....?

Anonymous said...

The "tons of shit" left behind by Lao goa and company for ah Suay to clean ..... ?

Virgo 49 said...

That's goldfish eyes with specs with cynical smile future PM??

Why Central Committee??

Because the Biggest Blunder that the PAP had committed is the flux of these refugees that is now rooted to to tiny rock.

Coming quarters will see further negative growth.

Now they're caught in a quaimarire of so called restructuring which actual meaning is retrenchments.

Who to go?? Sinkies may qua qua blamed themselves as been bon pian.

Suai Ah, we are incompetent.

You think the black ants and others will be like Sinkies??

Spacial Command prepare for some actions and keep the Polis Cars sirens blaring.

Anonymous said...

We have Hard-working, Stupid Leeders.
- see the leadership matrix below

"Hardworking and Stupid Leaders create irrelevant work" for everybody"
- Field marshall Von Manstein


Anonymous said...

Now got plenty of rotten woods for the Pyre.
Enjoy the Burning.

Anonymous said...

//Mr Heng said the formation of the committee “comes at an important juncture for us”. //


Anonymous said...

// “Businesses and workers are facing some difficult adjustments in light of global economic developments,” he said. //


Anonymous said...

// “But we have our strengths, and there are many exciting opportunities ahead... By working together – workers, businesses and government – we can overcome challenges and seize new opportunities.”//


Anonymous said...

// The committee - described by Mr Heng as comprising “diverse expertise and experience” - will consult widely, including with trade associations and chambers, as well as the unions. //


virgo49 said...

Already shit and pee near backside and ko koo.

Just preach some hai kow yew to con the dafts again.

Anonymous said...

// The committee - described by Mr Heng as comprising “diverse expertise and experience” - will consult widely, including with trade associations and chambers, as well as the unions. //

- million dollar salaries for civil servants and Ministers?
- tax cuts for businesses?
- salary cuts for workers?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

// What is Chee Hean doing or thinking as the Coordinating Minister for Defence and National Security? //

"Boss" not around for 2 weeks on holidays. ......


No need see the boss ( hum ("Ji peng") ) face?

Anonymous said...

// ( hum ("Ji peng") ) //

( hum ("Ji peng") )?

What is it in "English" ( hokkien dialect )?

Any uncle can help with the "English / Hokkien main stream version"?

Virgo 49 said...

That's why three to four hours of stupid enhanced security check waiting to pass thru is fun for Shamu.

Let's you poor Sinkies including the daft 70% running to the mobile toilets b4 check point when pee or shit coming out.

The poor 30% got to suffer the fate brought uoon by the 70%.

They are just torturing you. Show you who are the Masters.

Anonymous said...

As good as saying nothing ..... ?

Anonymous said...

This statement same?

Wet market aunties and uncles can tell YEW same thing?

Anonymous said...

Aiyo ....?

What kind of statement that is?

Sec 1 English essay?

Anonymous said...


Just get Donald and Yeoh to co-chair the main sub committee on the economic policies part lah?

The rest consult consult for show can carry on ....?

Anonymous said...

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic
by Soeren Kern
September 18, 2015 at 5:00 am


Meanwhile, the raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace. Following are a few select cases just from 2015:

Anonymous said...

Germany in a state of SIEGE: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood's changing


Anonymous said...

Pan-European Arab Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic


Anonymous said...

// ..... Committee on the Future Economy has identified five areas that will be crucial to economic development in the coming years.

These are future growth industries and markets, corporate capabilities and innovation, jobs and skills, urban development and infrastructure, as well as connectivity.//

Just one relatively small subway system already so much problems after utilising so much resources ......

Future markets?

Mars or Jupiter's?

Anonymous said...

Torn apart by an open door for migrants: Sweden is seen as Europe's most liberal nation, but violent crime is soaring and the Far Right is on the march, reports SUE REID

In 15 years' time, demographers say, indigenous Swedes will be in a minority because the men who arrive are allowed to send home for wives and children, who in turn will have their own children.

The Swedish economist Tino Sanandaji, who himself has an Iranian-Kurdish background, recently described what's happening in Sweden as 'quite disastrous'. He said: 'This is an irreversible social experiment that no wealthy state has ever attempted. There are almost no ideas or visions over how this can be solved.

'You can't combine open borders with a welfare state. If you offer generous benefits, and anyone can come and use these benefits, a very large number of people will try to do that. It's just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund that.'


Anonymous said...

The planning, execution and implementation of the subway already barely passable. ....

Tasked to steer the economy in a much more complicated and omplex paradigm?

What are the chances?

Anonymous said...

// Mr Iswaran said: “We will work closely with stakeholders spanning various backgrounds and experience to design strategies that can spur sustainable growth and create good jobs for Singaporeans.” //


What kind of neknekhood statement is that?

Does it mean anything?

How many times have such ( xxxxxxxhood ) statement being said before?

Lost count already?

Anonymous said...

// He stressed the need for a small and open country such as Singapore to hone its competitive advantage in industries that will “drive the global economy of the future”.//

Aiyo, Aiyo .....!

Aren't YEW scared to hear further of such motherfatherneknekah公hood" statement all rolled into one?

Writing GP essay?

Anonymous said...

A small mrt system already cawked up like fart ?

How hone?

Pray tell with the specifics?

Anonymous said...

Should post iswalan to MOT to hone the mrt system first before tawking "nonsense" abt hone industry competitive advantage?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

Go check singstats.gov.sg

Sinkieland NODX ( non oil domestic ex ports ) has been "falling off the cliff " for the past donkey years already. ....

Hone competitive advantage ?

What iswalan tawking?

Rb and oldies here very daft and kongcum easier to hsien tao is it?

Anonymous said...

If they can't even operate existing MRT and hospitals without repeated incidents of failure;
(and the MRT and hospitals have been around for many years);
- operating MRT and hospitals are just operational matters
- no need a lot of creativity ... just discipline and execution

How are they going to succeed in other areas of the economy which requires creative thinking?

b said...

Its another wayang. How can anyone put the future of a country and people into the hands of a few non-lky material jokers ? If that is the case, I advise sinkies to look for greener pastures.

Anonymous said...

Ya lah ...?

Managing mrt already face all turned white and green ....?

Manage economy and chart future path ......?

Aiyo ......?

Dunno what ( excuses ) they coming up to cover ( their incompetence )?

Anonymous said...

Need ( endless ) "bedding-in" time .... to get the economy on the "right track"?

How many ( gazillion ) face palms?

YEW decide?

Anonymous said...

Uncle rb, YEW are now arguably the most senior "spokesman" among the 30% sinkies .....?

Can YEW ask them ( perhaps open letter type like CL - CATHERINE Lim ) how many ( donkey ) years ( or decades ) of "bedding-in time" they need for their impending "new economics initiatives " ( in the 5 key areas the "very high super duber powered CON-mittee identified " )?

Anonymous said...

RB is at his nonsense again. Why is RB so insecure? Singapore is in good hands. Please be sure that the country will be OK because we have te best government in power. Well done to the 70%. LHL and team will see that we are all safe and well provided for. More new citizens and PRs is the way to go. Singaporeans should wake up and compete with the newcomers. There are no free lunches and if Singaporeans still expect the government to continue to coddle them then they deserve to be displace. As they say, if you cannot tahan the heat then stay out of the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

News report:

// Singapore stock losses set to rival Greece in 2015 //

Anonymous said...

// Singapore’s stocks are set for a 15 per cent tumble this year, putting them in the same league as Greece. Baring Asset Management and UBS Group AG say shares need to get even cheaper before they’re prepared to buy. //

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous December 22, 2015 11:34 am
/// ..... Like to say that the Gist of my missing comment was rightly and correctly interpreted.
Thank You.///

Ha ha .....

Really. .....?

No problem. YEW r welcome!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous December 22, 2015 6:33 pm
// There are no free lunches and if Singaporeans still expect the government to continue to coddle them then they deserve to be displace. As they say, if you cannot tahan the heat then stay out of the kitchen. //

Ha ha ha ....

R YEW telling Mr So? to get out of the kitchen if he can't take the heat?

Thank YEW for joining the 30% and telling YEWR papigs that "There are no free lunches and if" PAPIGS "still expect" sinkies and WP "to continue to coddle them then they deserve to be displace(d)."

The last (d) is added.

Anon 6.33pm, YEW need to up your grammar standard otherwise YEWR master oso never own YEW a living and free lunch and YEW need to wake up to compete with NEW CITIZENS and PRs before YEW are asked to get out of their "elite faces"?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:33, yes competition is good. Wait till your mother and wife start competing with the foreigners as prostitutes then you will diam diam.

Anonymous said...

Btw, it is a BIG, FAT MYTH that new citizens or PRs are better than indigenous sinkies across the bell curve.

There are many new citizens and PRs who are actually "quite noop" and their offsprings "those make YEW want to face palms type" ......

Empirically, many are struggling to settle in and can't even reproduce ( enough ) babies to match indigenous sinkies TFR woman for woman in the age bearing group. ....

Anonymous said...

Many new citizens and PRs offsprings are "duds or near duds" and it is quite bewildering why taxpayers $$$ are "wasted" to subsidise their education here .....

Anonymous said...

" rotten woods"?

"Char Tao"?

Pls kee chiu?

Anonymous said...

Rb // Heng Wee Kiat is now given the same opportunity to build his base and looking good to be the future PM in the making. //

Rb shouldn't it be Heng Gwee Kiat?


Anonymous said...

1723 days 37 mins to "liberation " ......

Anonymous said...

Rb // A task force has been set up headed by Heng Swee Kiat to look into the future of Singapore’s economy. //


Anonymous said...

1722 "agonising" days 17 "torturing" hrs 22 "dark" mins to "liberation" ......

Anonymous said...

Rb // The two will gather a team of 30 experts and professionals from different industries and backgrounds to chart the future of Singapore. //


Anonymous said...

// The Committee has identified five key areas in the development of the Singapore economy.//


Anonymous said...

Rb // Heng Swee Kiat would have a deputy in S Iswaran.//


Anonymous said...

Rb // The Committee has identified five key areas in the development of the Singapore economy. //

1) Casinos?

Anonymous said...

2) Legs open bigger?

Anonymous said...

3) Built more white elephants?

Anonymous said...

4) Every month dig up 1,000 roads, hold up traffic for 2 weeks, cover back, repeat process following month at another 1,000 locations, repeat process again and again, 24/7/365?

Anonymous said...

5) Increase GST to 10-15%, cut income tax to 18%, corporate tax to 16% to attract " industry of the future"? Increase GST is good for the poor and lower income?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks Anon 11:36. Amended.