
The PAP flip flop

Flip flop or flip flopping is a term associated with the opposition parties. It is a tag attached to them by the PAP for changing their policy stance every now and than as claimed by the PAP. How true is this charge depends on what one drinks or where one is coming from. The opposition parties also accused the PAP of flip flopping, of changing its policies or using the opposition’s recommendations or proposals and claimed as PAP’s original. Again whether this is true of false depends on the water one drinks.

Generally flip flopping is seen as a negative light and used in that way by both sides. There are many instances of PAP flip flopping as well. Look at the housing policies, the education policies, the foreign talent or worker policies, the flip flopping are obvious. Whether these flip flopping are good or bad, that is again subjective.

Lately there is a new kind of flip flopping introduced by the PAP that is positive in nature. This is the flip flopping of ministerial appointments. The management gurus will call this training by exposing the person to different jobs, in the process of grooming the person for higher appointments. Job rotation is good for the young turks being handpicked to be the next PMs.

In some cases these job rotations are also called musical chairs for good or bad reasons. If an incumbent is not performing, shift him out or put him into less stressful jobs. The positive flip flopping is synonymous with the name Khaw Boon Wan. This magical wan is PAP’s trump card to be flipflopped whenever there is trouble. The flipping of this magical wan is positive flip flopping, to solve a tough problem when on one else is capable of solving.

Khaw Boon Wan is the PAP’s flip flop king, the magical wan. Let’s see where and when would he be flipped to again. There are many ministries that are waiting for Hsien Loong to move the magical wan to, MOH, NEA, MAS, hopefully not MOE.  MOE cannot be flip flopping every time there is a change of minister. Don’t ‘main main’ with the future of our children.  Boon Wan should look into the finance industry, in particular the stock market. It is on the road to finito.

Hsien Loong must be very grateful to have this magic wan in his armoury.


  1. Please lah, flip flop or not, by PAP or not, is beside the point.

    The point is that even if PAP flip flop, or worse due to PAP screwups and Sinkies suffer, PAP can still win elections with 70% of the votes!

    So what's the point (WP) of arguing or accusing so much about this and that, but in the end still lost the election?

  2. Magic Wan can casts spells but will not be able be able to do it for long. It has used too much of his magics and will wane very soon.
    Anyway, rotating the ministars to different ministries is a ploy to absolve the mistakes committed in their former posts, avery cunning arrangement.

  3. "Boon Wan should look into the finance industry, in particular the stock market. It is on the road to finito."

    But the streets are still peaceful and safe what. And PAP also won with 70% votes last election.

    So what's the issue?

  4. You die your business.

  5. @ RB:

    >> Boon Wan should look into the finance industry, in particular the stock market. It is on the road to finito. <<

    I agree. He should implement a plan to rapidly remove the humans and hasten the move to robot-based operations.

    Let Singapore lead the world in intelligent automation, and other "disruptive" technologies.

    Got creative destruction?

  6. I think Koh Boon Wan should look into the Prime Minister's Office.
    Maybe this is the Ministry that really needs urgent attention.
    Even more urgent than MRT.

  7. //There are many ministries that are waiting for Hsien Loong to move the magical wan to, MOH, NEA, MAS, hopefully not MOE. //

    Flip flop to the men and women in the street is just a pair of slippers worn during jalan jalan as very, very casual piece of protective gear worn on the feet to move around. Flip flop has always been casual and never worn on serious occasions. This is great for "SG100"................... !?!?!? Bery "GOOOOOOOD? As "gooooooood" as Ching Ho?
