
School bus operators to raise fees next year

I thought I heard it over the news that school bus operators will raise their fees next year by 10% to 20%.  Just wonder what would be the reasons for the hike when petrol prices have gone down so much. Can it be rental, wages or COEs that are forcing them to hike the fees? Or are they paying their top management millions and needed the parents to pay for their high pay?

It was also reported that an operator serving a primary school in Jurong would be raising fees by 100% or more. And the reason, they lost some contracts and therefore must make up for the loss of revenue. Also the bus operator needs to make more trips for students attending ECAs.

It was also reported that the School Bus Association will be talking to this school bus operator. Maybe raising by 100% is too much. How about 90% or 80%? What about the reasons, losing other contracts can pass the cost to the parents?

My neighbourhood chicken rice stall closed down another stall in another food court. So now he is raising his chicken rice from $3 a plate to $5 to make up. This is an easy way to run a business.

Uniquely Singapore!

PS. Can the school terminate such unreasonable bus operator and engage another operator? I think cannot. I don’t think it even occur to them that they can do so.


  1. // Just wonder what would be the reasons for the hike when petrol prices have gone down so much. Can it be rental, wages or COEs that are forcing them to hike the fees? //

    Aiyo rb, u have short memory?

    After 2015 "911", one "MOE" head become 2 heads => need 2 offices, everything times 2 lah, phone lines, secretary, computers, printers .....

    Mb bus operators also very tough biz like education need 2 heads oso to manage. Therefore "one shot one kill" cannot work liao, now need "two shots one kill"?

  2. // PS. Can the school terminate such unreasonable bus operator and engage another operator?//

    Rb, here again u have short memory?

    Remember 3-star ex-cdf Ng Chee B .... oops .... Meng "boasted" ONE SHOT ONE KILL?

    Yew can ask him why not MOE needs "Two Shots One Kill"?

  3. Rb // This is an easy way to run a business.//

    What's wrong to collect more $$$ ( after GE )?

  4. " When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. "
    Frédéric Bastiat

    "What's wrong with collecting more money?"
    Lee Kuan Yew

    Who is more correct?

  5. "Can the school terminate such unreasonable bus operator and engage another operator?"

    Aiyo, that is provided there is another equally good, or cheaper rather, operator available lah.

    If not, how to terminate?

    Just like how to expect 70% to vote the PAP out when the alternative is even worse?

  6. // Just like how to expect 70% to vote the PAP out when the alternative is even worse?//

    That’s why now NOL ends up for sale?

    Papigs are only the " best " in SIN city but the lousiest in the world?

    Can only bully sinkies but hapless against outside competition?

  7. Cannot blame the bus operators as they are good employers who need to increase salaries of their drivers.
    Sinkies have been complaining about employers exploiting their employees by offering low salaries, esp those khongcum failures who are jealous of seeing towkays driving big cars.I see those like Geebert, uncle Liong ..calling for higher pay for cleaners, screwty...
    Private bus drivers also need to be paid more so as to have dignity so that they are on par when they talk to screwty, gardeners and cleaners.
    As such it is reasonable to increase bus fares so that wages can be increase.
    Plenty of neighbourhood schools within walking distance. Those who chose schools far away are those who can afford.Garmen never say you must choose good school for your kid and force you to take private bus.
    Live within your mean and stop whinning.

  8. All the khongcums coming here to act rich.

  9. // This is an easy way to run a business.//

    NOL chairman surname is KWA.


  11. GE 2015 is over.
    PAP bitches .... I mean Singaporeans.
    It's time to pay.

  12. Haha........

    How much more cynical can
    Stinkies go with their Political

    We are into Spring Season.
    When will the Spring Cleanings

    Maybe Stinkies are fine with the
    Sqeaky Cleanliness of Singalore.
    Only a few are uncomfortable. So
    those calling the Shots, whether
    One Shot One Down or Ten Shot
    Ten Bobos, nothing matters.

    Important thing is keep the
    70% Khingcums daft and everthing
    shall be fine for Pappies.

    1. How long can last with another 70% kongcum being CEOS ......?

      By 2020, many sinkieland flagships icons likely be pawned or change ownership?

      Count yewrself lucky if the GBB, Botanic Gdn and the urn haven pawn yet?

  13. Out of so many countries, which two are dictatorial state and pass power from father to son like ancient monarchy?

  14. Both states have absolute control over their national medias .......

  15. Both leaders live more than the lives of emperors when more and more of their population sink under poverty?

  16. The legislative arm in both countries are nothing more than rubber stamps?

  17. The best professions to be are "Pimps ", "prostitutes", "狗"?

    1. One is a pariah state bordering China.

    2. The other snort size further further south with a lot of traitors .....

    3. Another similarity is an extremely suppressed culture and mindset, from how YEW live, to how YEW shit, to how YEW pee, to how YEW make babies in the bedroom oso these two "seow great" leeders wan to poke their noses to interfere and meddle .....
