
Are foreign politicians allowed to campaign in Singapore

60,000 British Indians turned out at the Wembley Stadium in London to welcome Indian PM Narendra Modi during his official visit to the UK.  According to a report appearing in the Today paper by Yale Global on 20 Nov 15, ‘The gathering of about 60,000 British Indians seleted through community organizations had a serious purpose – build a database of overseas Indians to help re-elect Mr Modi’s Bharatlya Janata Party(BJP) in 2019….A study of the reception at London’s Wembley Stadium last Friday shows how shrewedly the BJP hides its political agenda with a non political mask.’ Even the PM Cameron was roped in to make an introduction of Modi at Wembley.
The BJP won a landslide victory with the help of another rally at Madison Square in the 2014 election and expecting a better result in 2019 after Wembley. There will also be a similar rally in Singapore for a massive 100,000 turnout at the Changi Expo site on 24 Nov reported earlier.

This is the first time that Singapore allows such a huge gathering of foreigners masked as a non political event in Singapore soil. Would this set the precedence for more of such political rallies in Singapore. Singapore is not only the home for Indian diaspora, there are the Chinese diaspora, Malaysian diaspora, Myanmese, Pinoys, Bangladeshi and many others.

Would the Malaysians be the next to hold such gatherings in Singapore? Would the Pinoys and the Chinese also follow the bandwagon? Would Singapore become a favourite political campaign sites for foreign politicians to stage their rallies here? It is good money for the organizers and the landlord too. This can be a new business with a lot of potentials for earning foreign exchange and also to make Singapore well known throughout the world.

Oh yes, more new jobs will be created.


Anonymous said...

If any country adheres to true
Democracy, the Right and Freedom
to practice and express MUST BE ALLOWED, unless the Activity violates the Local Law.

Redbean likes anyone else can
speak at Hyde Park or in New York

If Modi can do it in Britain and
Elsewhere, why CAN'T he do it
in Sin, a World Renowned
Democratic State?

Anonymous said...

RB is worried about losing the Singapore identity. RB must realise that Singapore belongs not only to true blue Singaporeans but to all who live here, whether they are PRs, on work permits or new citizens. Do not be too possessive RB. Singapore should allow all foreigners to participate in the economic growth of the country. This economic growth would benefit all who live here. Al who work here contribute to the GDP growth of Singapore. LHL said we need foreigner participation for the good of the country. So, RB please be more accepting of foreigners.

Anonymous said...

You lee khong cum?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I welcome all foreigners to participate in our growth. I detest foreigners coming here and discriminate against the citizens, cheat and con the citizens and mess up the lives of citizens by replacing the citizens with their own kind.

I say again, this is a crime against the citizens and anyone agreeing to it and helping this to happen is accomplice to this crime against the citizens.

Anonymous said...

// Would the Malaysians be the next to hold such gatherings in Singapore? //

Would Xi Jin Ping allowed Abe to hold a mass gatherings of overseas Japanese in the Beijing Olympics Bird Nest Stadium?

Anonymous said...

RB, in accepting those foreigners who have come to this island to help grow the economy, you must also accept that there will also be those who come with lesser good intention. You cannot cherry pick. Surely you know there are always a few bad apples in the barrel. This is also true amongst the true blue Singaporeans. Good ones and bad, they always come together. So please RB, when you write, think before you put pen to paper. Do not always paint everything and everyone with the same brush and always in one colour. Just try to be fair and less kiasu.

Anonymous said...

// Would the Malaysians be the next to hold such gatherings in Singapore? //

Would President Tin-Pu allow Chancellor Kel-Mer to hold a mass gatherings of Man-Ger in Lin-Krem Sq in Sco-Mow?

Anonymous said...

//Would the Malaysians be the next to hold such gatherings in Singapore?//

Would Matland Jib-Na allow sinkieland Hum-Mai to hold a mass gathering of sinkies soldiers disguised as overseas Sinkies in Tra-Pu Ya-Ja?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous November 21, 2015 10:53 a.m. //You cannot cherry pick//

RB //Would the Malaysians be the next to hold such gatherings in Singapore? //


Hu is the kong-cum?

Would sinkieland Hum-Mai allow Be-A to hold a mass gathering of Penis-Jap in the former mass massacre site of Sook Ching where YKL escaped cetain death by a hair breath?

Anonymous said...

/// There will also be a similar rally in Singapore for a massive 100,000 turnout at the Changi Expo site on 24 Nov reported earlier. ///

Let's hope these new citizens of Singapore of Indian origin.
Let's hope they form a new political party for Singapore's GE 2020.
Let's hope they run against the PAP.

It is clear that Singaporean Opposition Parties are no match for PAP.
It's time we use Alien Talents to defeat the PAP in a General Elections.
100,000 new citizens is a credible voting bloc.

A Pro Alien Party versus a Pro Indian Party.
Who will win?
Should I vote for the traitors or the invaders?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Indians can use the Singapore Expo for a political activity.
But Singaporeans are not allowed.

Anonymous said...

" I say again, this is a crime against the citizens and anyone agreeing to it and helping this to happen is accomplice to this crime against the citizens. "
November 21, 2015 10:33 a.m.

But Singaporeans already gave a strong mandate of 70% that this is okay.

What is missing is the legislation to make the discrimination against Singaporeans explicitly legal.
This will shut up redbean once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies can only ... clean up the mess after 100,000 nehs spit, shit, urine, and litter all over the place.
November 21, 2015 1:37 p.m.

Are these the "good jobs" that PM Lee Hsien Loong say the Aliens will create for our Singaporean children?
Imagine your children and grandparents cleaning up the toilets after 100,000 Aliens have finished using them.
Aren't you glad you voted for PAP?

Anonymous said...

"Are foreign politicians allowed to campaign in Singapore"

Foreigners can do anything they want in Singapore.
Only Singaporeans are not allowed ... must ask for permission first.
- don't believe me?
- ask Amos Yee.

If a foreigner calls LKY or LHL a motherfucker
- do you think he would receive the same type of punishment like Amos Yee?