
The Evil of Religious Conversion couple with Deculturalisation

Now it seems is a fashion to be converted to one major religion or another. You can be converted to any foreign religion but you must not let others or allow yourself to be deculturalised from your own culture and tradition. When through religion you are deculturalised because of wrongful or biased concept you are no more what you are, a respectable person because your mind , soul and spirit are being captured and imprisoned by your new converted beliefs . In other words you will think and act the ways whatever religious doctrines or masters want you to believe to toe their line of thinking and behaviour. That's the reason why Western countries and Middle-East Arabic religious orders have been fighting tooth and nail for centuries to convert the world to their respective religions. And they are doing so not because they want to improve your life and make you a better person but because they want to capture your mind, spirit and soul so that they can hold sway over your life and destiny and in this way maintain hegemonic control over the whole world. Why allow the freaks and charlatans in the name of their religion to hold sway over you and your country and through their sham dissemination of fear about their wonderful gods and deities to play havoc with your own lives. They always tell us " Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. " There you see, to them only the poor whether individuals or poor countries can only dream of heaven while the rich and mighty enjoy unlimited wealth and glory in this world because they always pillage all the wealth and riches from other countries at will. They always tell you 'money is evil' but at the same time all the priests and religious leaders will compete endlessly and shamelessly to ask for donations or offerings from the people even from the poorest individuals.

What these major religions preach or taught whether in public, schools or learning centres are always biased against local practices and traditional cultures. In other words they try to stop us from practising our culture, tradition and customs. Many Asians, Africans and Native Americans pay respect to the dead through rituals of Ancestral reverence which is a way of giving the honour to deserving parents or ancestors for all the sacrifices they made for us and for our future generations and thus enable us to learn the secrets to immortality. It is atrocious that Chinese who become Christians are forbidden to hold joss sticks to pay respect to their dead parents or ancestors. However, the priests of Western and Middle-East religious bodies will pour scorn on the practice and twisted the fact by saying that the people have committed sin for they are worshipping the dead. This is far from the truth. The Western and Arabic practice of erecting a stone tablet in remembrance of their dead bears no difference to the aforementioned practice. The difference is that the West and the Arabs have the habit of practising cultural racism attributing every good thing in this world to themselves while blaming others for all the negative things .

Another bad practice is to bestow or adopt a religious name of that faith on the converted person and thus the converted individual become a misnomer in his own country, town or village because he has lost whatever semblance he has with his own countrymen.

It is time that people wake up and allow themselves some deep thinking, self-respect and dignity and not allow religious freaks and governments to hold sway over their lives with the end result the loss not only of their personal selves but also their own countries.

Author - Sun, Moon and Darkness


  1. Desmond Tutu once said "The white men came and gave us a Book. They told us to closed our eyes and say the prayers. When we opened our eyes, we still have the book but our land is taken away." That's religion my friends.

  2. Religion has been exploited for evil purposes because humans always fall for greed, fear and ignorance.

    It is the same with politics. Can you smell it close by?

    1. By far the worst, most toxic political religion in the history of mankind is "PAPIGSISM"?

  3. The Jews are the smartest of all the tribes. To be precise, the really talented are those from Europe, not from the lines of Abraham.

    And they wrote two books that influenced the thinking of half the world's population.

    In one book, they said all men are equal, but some are more equal than others.

    In another book they said all men are equal, but some are chosen people of God. And they convinced the believers that are not Jews that they are less equal than the Jews in the eyes of God.

    And the best part, the believers believe that they are less equal in the eyes of God happily and without questions or protests.

  4. We got 70% believers Yew know.

  5. But Desmond Tutu did not say:
    "The Men-In-White came and gave us a Book. They told us to close our minds and stop using our brains and just trust them. When we opened our eyes, we still have the Book but everything else was gone."

    No siree. Desmond Tutu never said that.

  6. But PAP did not use any God or religion in their politics or during their long rule, tio bo?

    Hence PAP has proven that there is no need to use God or religion to be powerful and for so long.

    1. The vandalised, raped, distorted, disfigured, mutilated, brutalised religious form of "PAPIGSISM" is one drop of venom too many and "poison daft believers in their souls" like a KING COBRA annihilating its chosen preys with a SWIFT, DEADLY, LIGHTNING strike of its venomous, highly concentrated and super toxic, fatal poison hidden in its fangs.

      No prize for guessing who represented the KING COBRA OF PAPIGSISM.

      One KING COBRA is already extremely DEADLY. Now it is infested with a nest of creepy crawlers. No! It is now a gargantuan network of numerous DENs of countless deadly serpents. .......


    Religion has got too much of a bad name. Many people blame organised religion and politicised religious DOGMA for all manner of brutality and carnage as ongoing "gang warfare"of one god's gang against all others. This is necessary because the "winner" gets to impose their beliefs, culture and laws over the vanquished.

    I used to think like that. However, I've recently changed my views. I have learnt to EMBRACE religions for all the priceless never-ending entertainment which results directly from gullible humans believing in "magical invisible stuff".

    Please continue to discriminate, ostracise and even kill one another in the name of your chosen god/ goddess/ demon / warlock/ fairy-godmother/ jin / elf / angel etc.

  8. No time to read today but just wish to add that change of faith can lead to loss of filiel piety .
    F those who make their blind followers to believe that they cannot carry incense or eat what is being offered for prayer to their ancestor or make them believe that their ancestors are devil.

  9. I know many of those who have no feeling for their biological struggling parent but show concern for that going to be a jailbird keong hee .
    I always tell my close kin unless they are of certain religion , else not to name their children as .........Its a first step making them acknowledging angmo as their ancestor if one name them angmo.
    Cannot blame the young because its their parents who are khongcum.

  10. "But PAP did not use any God or religion in their politics..."

    Hahaha, they used the God that no one else but only the 70% of Sinkies worship - The God of no Mercy.

  11. Send my car to workshop for servicing and manage to enjoy free bus ride today.If everyday train breakdown I hope to do away with my lao pok car.
    Willing to change my faith if any god can make me travel or eat free , maybe with more breakdown with less suffering daily.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Erm...Read your above after giving my comments while enjoying my free bus ride now, I now have the time to thank uncle RB for this interesting article .Today we are on the same page.

  14. For about 750,000 sinkies who believe in Aung Juan Soon Chee, Mr Teochew etc and thus NON-BELIEVERS in the toxic religion of PAPIGSISM, it is without any doubt in them that PAPIGSISM could be far, FAR WORST than all the other religions combined.

    Unsurprising given that the author could be the demonic humanoid KING COBRA.

    DEADLY and DEAD, but alas, there are arguably hundreds of thousands or even in excess of millions of its equally deadly zombiefied creepy crawlers cronies and grasslooters around to doom and extinguish any last flicker of HOPE!

  15. The haze and train breakdowns will be a 'permanent resident' fixture of our Sinkie landscape, however they try to fix it. Even changing the whole system, up to the last screw, is not going to work, because newer parts are not necessarily more reliable than that of the system of German origin.

    The fires causing the haze is no ordinary burning of the jungle and grassland. Burning peat underground cannot be doused by water alone. It is a simple explanation on the surface, but a difficult problem to solve underground.

    Train breakdowns will come more often, maybe even once a week, not once in 50 years. The simple reason is that some things just cannot be based on cheapness and expected to be reliable, and for such an important national tranport system, accepting the cheapest tender is not the answer. It is not like building a sheltered walkway that cause little trouble even with leaking roofs. The MRT if the artery of the whole economic system.

    The first MRT trains, stations, tracks and power supply had relatively little trouble for two decades. The newer system already suffered from malfunctions barely two years in operation.

    Cheaper is not better and neither is it going to be faster travel for those who rely solely on the MRT.

    1. The volcanic implosion of the deep lava underpinning PAPIGSISM could be far more deadly for sinkies than the giant asteroid collision with earth that wiped out dinosaurs and PERMANENTLY INTO EXTINCTION.

  16. All the IBs Aye Kao liao?

    1. No lah ......

      Must wait for the upstairs erections finish lah ......?

      Still smoking PAPPY cracks, high in spirit and deep in dreamland?

  17. It was overheard that many infertile sinkies became VERY FERTILE and multiply by the hordes once they managed to escape captivity from the claws of the demonic darkness of the HELLISH LAND OF SINS.

    The rational was that what good can germinate from the quicksand of SINS polluted land.

    Many sinkies flourish and some literally flying high in their new found and thankful montherLand of reason, humanity, moral, values and close kinship and ties.

  18. The perpetual blanketing, suffocating, debilitating toxic haze pollution could be divinely intervention and manifestation of the political, social, economic, communal, cultural landscape of the land of INFINITE SINS, VICES and IMMORALITY.

    1. What Jiat Lat?

      Ching Ho!

      Ching Ho!

    2. Christmas season coming.

      Ching Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho.

      Ching Ho Bell, Ching Ho Bell, Ching Ho Ching Ho Bell!

      A season of giving. ......

      Which ( foreign ) banks need $€£¥₩$€£¥₩ ......?

      Just ask journalists to plp and write Ching Ho is on top of the financial game in their newspapers ......

      The €£¥₩$€£¥₩$ will flow freely out .....

      Ching Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho .......

  19. Can stinkies become extinct overnight?

    1. Probably not but .....

      Look at the train systems ( red line, green line, purple line, yellow line, orange line etc ) which are the main channels transporting labour and students from households to firms and school everyday.

      Look at the massive DISRUPTION at the NEL ( purple line ) this morning.

    2. About 100,000 students are taking their A-Level, O-Level and N-Level exam between now till around end Nov.

      Another 100,000 undergrads, post-graduates and poly students are having their term papers etc.

      Students taking trips on the trains to the exam halls now are like playing Russian Roulette at MBS and GWS CASINOS. A CITY OF VICES, SINS AND THE UNCERTAINTY ON THE GAMBLING TABLE.


      The most feared word among economists, firms and consumers .......

      With PROLONGED UNCERTAINTY, even the strongest economy and society would be taken apart bolt by bolt just like what the 70% had voted for happening right in front of their eyes. Now showing ....... as and when the train system is in foul mood ....... and refused to budge or move a millimetre.

    4. The uncertainty in the train system ......

      The uncertainty in the FED rate hikes ....

      The uncertainty in those managing the haze menace. .....

    5. The uncertainty of 200,000 students getting to the exam halls in time over the next 40 days .....

      The uncertainty of 3,000,000 workers ( local and foreign ) day in day out getting to work in time in the morning, afternoon or grave yard shift .....

      The uncertainty of 800,000 parents every evening getting home in time to feed and care for their young kids, elderly parents and those who are sick or I'll ......

    6. Where is the sinkieland train now ...?

      At the edge of the cliff ......?

      Pls pray tell the 70% ....... will YEW?

  20. Have to agree that anything cheap is inferior. Luckily we hav the most expensive people running the show. Had they being any less costly, Sinkies could have became hostages and victims and not enjoying their lives of plenty and luxuries.
    Let embrace democracy and freedom, including the freedom of belief. We shud allow the people to believe in devils or behave like devils, so long as they harm nobody.any believe in penance to rid themselves of their sins, thus punishing themselves for others to witness their repentance and admission s of wrongs.

    Many also believe that other fellow humans are able to pave the road to heaven for them. That these high priest and priestess so ordained are faultless beings, whatever they do are wholesome and pure. Ad pure as many of our Cabinet Members.
    Do not begrudge the wealth and fortune awarded to the revered and divine by their believers. The believers are paying to get themselves forgiven and sanctify to go heaven, they are not giving without wish and want. Whatever believers do with their preachers and gods are family affairs, others should not interfere and or cast aspersions or make allegations of fraud and crime.
    Respect the freewill and belief of others and one shall be less disturbed and lives more peacefully and happier.

  21. What happens if the haze are laced with something toxic and the next morning all the Sinkies cannot wake up?

  22. NS Shit, this is for you.

    'Justice Tay said (rightly in my view): “This is not freedom of speech, this is a licence to hate, to humiliate others and to totally disregard their feelings or beliefs by using words to inflict unseen wounds”. It seems like Amos Yee is throwing stones at his neighbour’s flat to force the neighbour to notice him, (and) come out to quarrel.”

    “Yee used coarse, hard-hitting words to arouse emotions … vulgar insults to deliberately provoke readers and draw them out,”'

    1. Card policemen, paper generals, virtual tigers .....?

  23. /// But PAP did not use any God or religion in their politics or during their long rule, tio bo? ///
    October 26, 2015 10:13 a.m.

    Are you saying Lee Kuan Yew is not a God?

    1. 棺妖: God of PAPIGSISM?

  24. Ching Ho Tan.
    Ching Ho Tan.

    Work hard for two terms of nine months each.
    Ching Ho Tan for the rest of my life.

    1. Ching Ho Jiak

      Ching Ho Jiak

      Cockles on Fish Ball Stick

      Yum Yum Yum

      Jiak Hard Hard for 2 terms 11 months each.

      Ching Ho Shiok ........

  25. $8 cow need pray to the God of PAPIGSISM very hard for the next 0ne month or so that the trains dun screw up .........

    Otherwise, he may be facing the wrath of 50,000 to 100,000 parents whose children are taking the O-Level and A-Level exam .......

    Meanwhile Makosa also need pray hard hard no 400 - 500 PSI haze during the exam period ......

  26. Skirting closer and closer ......

    With RB's pocket to pocket ......

    The net is set .....

  27. Everything has a prize .....

    Or so it is to some people. .....

    To some cheap skate, even the souL is for sale?

    1. In the city of SINS, what is not possible?

    2. For the millions salary, even a 90 yo hunch back lady is not too ruthless to demean by saying her rampaging of rubbish bins for discarded card boards and disposed drink cans is for exercise?

  28. In the city of SINS, many hearts are long eaten by the dogs and jackals. .....

  29. In this wee hours, kids haven't taken their dinners.

    Wives tearing to the stage of mental breakdown ......

    Their fathers and husbands are sweating at the casino tables ...... How can there not be retributive resultant forces?

  30. The ghostper of CONYOU assiduously studied and embraced by many cronies and grasslooters .....

  31. ConYouism is the biggest lie of the 20th century?

  32. Just watched Francis Seow video interview :

    To catch a Tartar .....

    Real insightful views ....

  33. Best watch was Aung Juan Soon Chee's video ......

    A real man indeed ......

    But sacrificing in vain for daftest ingrates on earth?

  34. RB,
    Are u refering to those aangmmo who visited Wu Tang Shan n stayed there as tTaoist?

  35. @anon 8.02am
    Meaningful to practise or learn kungfu, meditation or philosophy in Wudang without the need to change name ,than to watch Ah Kua scandily dressed , singing chinese wine, disgracing his/her ancestors and others,being touch here and there by Orlarng...on stage :-).
