
City Harvest – 6 top leaders, including Pastor Kong Hee found guilty

The law of the land found them guilty for breach of trust and misappropriating $50.6 million of church funds. They are facing prison terms of between 10 years to life imprisonment. The big question, are they guilty in the eyes of their fellow believers? Apparently by the support shown after the verdict, they are still held in high regards by their followers. They and the followers could not see anything wrong with what they did. Probably some would even think they were doing the will of God, as God’s servants.

When one fails to see the difference between right and wrong, between goodness and evil, and blindly sticks to one’s belief, there is a Chinese saying called 走火入魔. When one is in such a state, the person could be always be seeking testimonies to reinforce one’s belief and ignoring or refusing to see the wrongs or ignoring the wrongs, or trying to explain the wrongs away.  In this case of misappropriation of church funds and breach of trust, is it so difficult to see the difference between right and wrong, and that wrong can be right and right can be wrong? Is the heathen court wrong and there is a heavenly justice that says Kong Hee and his 5 peers were doing right in the name of God?

Is there a conflict between human justice and godly justice? There are more than 17,000 church members in City Harvest. How many of them believe that the earthly heathen court is right and that their pastors and elders are wrong? The fact that they are still members of the City Harvest Church speaks for itself.

There are two kinds of rights and wrongs, one for the non believers and one for the believers.

Jesus said, many will come in my name to mislead you. Do not believe them for they are evil doers.


  1. I love very much the word "servant" used by you to describe what
    the CHC leaders had done for HIM.

    The word "servant" sounded very very very familiar.

    Just can't remember SOMEONE had used that word "servant" before.

    Just can't remember. Just can't remember.

  2. As 1 commentator said...the history of Christianity had always been peppered with leaders who preach good but are always convicted for breaking the law of the land...and this includes the great man himself...so is there any other way of looking at this thing..how many of them benefited personally...or were they mesmerised by the good they thought they were doing and indeed wanted to propagate their beliefs globally..after all, their success in Singapore have been absolutely astounding. Was there a mastermind or were they just patching holes to a scheme gone awry.

  3. The Pope is going around the world to apologise for the evil deeds and sins of the Church for killing the hundreds of millions of the heathen, robbed their land and wealth. But he is not returning the wealth and treasures stored in Vatican City to the owners

  4. I still remember the 1970 King Kong movie whereby the white guys said something about the natives that dress in Some monkey suit pretending to be god just to screw the women or something to that effect

  5. red bean

    I have commented in my facebook chai yen lim, you may refer to it and reflects my view on the matter. For that matter, a Milo drink tells it all-cheers!

  6. >> Apparently by the support shown after the verdict, they are still held in high regards by their followers. They and the followers could not see anything wrong with what they did. Probably some would even think they were doing the will of God, as God’s servants. <<

    As much as I hate religion, and have a special brand of shit and cum specifically for Christians, I have to take the side of the congregation here.

    As long as the mission is "peaceful" (i.e.not acts of terrorism) the court has NO PLACE in deciding what is appropriate or not for a religion organisation to be spending money derived BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION of its followers.

    Kong Hee and his mates might be "unsavoury" or even arguably "predatory", but as long as they have the support of their FLOCK (sheep), and the FLOCK gave the money voluntarily, The State should fuck the hell off and leave these people ALONE.

  7. the earthly court may not be right
    but according to the bible, when jesus preaches his teaching. He and his disciple DID NOT HAVE MILLIONS DOLLARS BANK ACCOUNTS to deal with.

    Who are these devil is disguise preaching the gospel and the LORD teaching.

  8. Can anyone ascertain mai hum got eat cockles using fish ball sticks to pry the flesh into his mouth and savour it thoroughly sucking every single drop of juice can get out of the cockles?

    1. Also whether he uses his free time to count pubic hairs or even try to smell or taste?

  9. The government should bring Matilah to justice and charge him for Contempt of Court. Matilah should not trivialise the court's verdict.

    Disgusting Matilah

  10. PAPIGSISM is here to stay and rule like Nazism in the 1930s Germany or Stalinism in the 1940S and 50s Soviet Union?

  11. Matilah - the money is clearly for the Building Fund. Not for other purposes. Not for building his wife's whoring, I mean sinning, I mean singing career. Clear CBT.

  12. Assuming PAPIGSISM is the horrible deceased lao ah pek's legacy, will it plague and doom sinkies to succeed the dodo?

  13. 'There are two kinds of right and wrong, one for the believer and the other for the non-believers.'

    Dear red bean, think u need to correct your statement, it's one for the non-CHC members and the other the CHC members.
    I am a believer but I think justice is done to kong hee. Please don't lump us with CHC members.

  14. Just to let you Christians know that I still think your IDEAS are full of shit, and that I am in agreement with Marilyn Manson to "Fuck The Bible", I do wholeheartedly SUPPORT your right to believe any bat-shit crazy idea you choose, and give all your money away to any "charismatic leaders" of your choice, even abandon your families, quit your jobs, self flagellate and even sacrifice your life, so you can be more like that fictitious character: JESUS * as an aside: how come yellow and brown skinned gullible religious SHEEP worship a European-looking Jesus? Is this the height of the Pinkerton syndrome? Or is it that Ang Mo Jesus is more "tua kee"? 😂😱

    @cancel your citizenship and leave Singapore lah, 1122:

    >> The government should bring Matilah to justice and charge him for Contempt of Court. Matilah should not trivialise the court's verdict. <<

    WOW! You display a stunning lack of understanding on how our republic and its offices of state work.

    Only THE COURT can bring charges of contempt, not the government, you ignorant asshole---please give up your citizenship and either die now, or get the fuck out. 😂

    Also, I do not "trivialise" the court's decision. Their decision is SERIOUS as it sets in case law SERIOUS PRECEDENTS on how The State can apply its interference in religious matters. This has very bad possibilities in future. The INTERFERENCE IS WITH THE VOLUNTARY RELATIONSHIPS between the church leaders (who were charged), and their congregation---who still support them.

    BTW, you seriously dumb motherfucker, hundreds if not thousands of the church goers also disagree with the court's decision, so fuck you and your entire family 😇

  15. /// There are more than 17,000 church members in City Harvest.
    How many of them believe that the earthly heathen court is right and that their pastors and elders are wrong?
    The fact that they are still members of the City Harvest Church speaks for itself. ///

    Do you think 70% of City Harvest Church members still support Kong Hee Fatt Choy?
    Do you think that 70% of the church members got the church leaders they deserve?

  16. @ The:

    Sorry, I disagree. The court hasn't proved that the money was misappropriated, i.e. clear cut CBT case. Best part, the court has not successfully DISPROVED the church's claims of "legitimate investment".

    The money collected could be used for investment or building. Well, they chose investment---a spectacular and epic failure, but hey, that's the free market for you...i.e. most schemes fail. If the congregation supported old horse-face's foray into the global pop music scene, so what? They gave money willingly.

    The court's case is flimsy at best. My feeling is that they were just looking for a "conviction" because the "court of public opinion" demands it.

    Anyway, back luck for City Harvest. If they tried their stunt a few years later---like today, they could have taken advantage of INTERNET CROWD FUNDING for Sun Ho's career.

    Shit, even I---a die-hard blaspheming atheist, who gives gifts of toilet rolls made from pages of The Bible, and Jackhammer Jesus dildos---would pledge $50 to see Sun Ho make an absolute fool of herself on the world stage, dancing to fucked-up music, looking like a middle-aged, washed-up, ice-junkie Bangkok transsexual, singing like a dying cat ... C'mon...Fifty bucks? Cheap entertainment lah! 😂

  17. Whatever lah, but I think Kong Hee is a really talented Sinkie. Wonder why PAP did not headhunted him much earlier to stand for election and made him get his millions by being minister. And with that, this whole sad episode (for Kong Hee and the flocks who had donated to CHC) might not have happen at all.

  18. They are talented in propagating, that's true. But there are two ways of looking at talents.

    A person who steals lots of money or jewellery from high security banks or jewellery outlets is also considered a talent, but a crooked one. He is misusing his talents not for the good of society, but a menace to society. Same for all kinds of talents in every field.

    So, on what basis do we consider a person a talent? Beats me. What about you?

  19. So, on what basis do we consider a person a talent? Beats me. What about you?
    @ October 22, 2015 12:47 p.m.

    Is it true and correct?
    - In Singapore, a talent is whoever the PAP Prime Minister says is a talent.
    - can be a Singaporean or an Alien, does not matter?
    - as long as it is a person that has been "recognized" and "declared" to be a talent by PAP's meritocratic process

    BIBLE: John 14:6

    5 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?"

    6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

    7"If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."…

  20. @ confusing apples with durians, 1247:

    >> A person who steals lots of money or jewellery from high security banks or jewellery outlets is also considered a talent, but a crooked one. <<

    Who said anything about THEFT? Theft is against the law. However if you get the money because people willingly give it to you, especially for a "higher purpose", then that is definitely a consequence of GREAT TALENT put to use.

    And BTW, it seems that you've all forgotten:

    YOU CAN'T CHEAT AN HONEST MAN! i.e. if you kena "con", you are at fault because you believed that you could derive "benefit" over an above what is considered to be "normal".

    For e.g. the "victims" of the 60 billion dollar Madoff schemes all believed that they could "beat the market" and derive greater benefit, over and above other investors. If they were HONEST about their expectations, they would have not been "victims".

  21. @ AnonymousOctober 22, 2015 12:47 p.m.
    //They are talented in propagating, that's true. But there are two ways of looking at talents. //

    That is the REAL HARDTRUTHS and not those propaganda more suited to be written on the walls of stone age caves but reprinted and sold in bookstores and anyway should be bought but consigned to the incinerator immediately without flipping a single page in it. It is that toxic! Pure concentrated toxic indoctrination suited only in pariah totalitarian state like DPRK!

    1. Back to the point on what is talent?

      It is as subjective as curry and hamburgers and french fries. Or durian and strawberry and blackberry.

      Some Asians love durian and willing willing to pay $200 for a high quality spiky fruit.

      But even if u pay $2,000 to some ang mo, such is like the things they only try in the "Fear Factor" shows and the starting prize tag is $50,000 for those brave, daring and crazy enough!

    2. So for those talents papigs use sinkies taxpayers monies to pay millions, it is also another REAL HARDTRUTHS about this self-created market.


      A 100kg gold bullion worth $6.4 million is probably worth about the same anywhere in the world albeit accounting for different exchange rate in different currencies.

    3. Mugam holds two portfolios arguably worth 2 ministers pay and also most likely need those rare knowledge or experience that are not easily available in another two pax, much less one person.

      But PAPIGSISM also consider two airborne greenhorns with kong cum looking faces real talents and split up the same job previously into two but pay 2 ministers salaries. .......

      YEW see the point ......

    4. Talking about free market, Adam Smith will be the one turning in his grave when he sees how PAPIGSISM has distorted, disfigured, vandalised the free market concept of talents.

      Mugam likely will be worth the same ( just like the 100kg gold bullion ) as he is paid now or even more probably anywhere or in many places in the world.

      But this Ong Tua Kang and Ng Chee Sai, the incredulity of their real market value in the real world anywhere ( in the private sector ) can only be relieved by as many as a gazillion face palms .......

    5. In economics, if a student draw a demand and supply curve with quantity and price but no market indicated, technically he can be marked wrong even if his diagram is perfectly correct with all other labels in order.

      Similarly, this ministers salaries market is never a real market and thus the "goods" bought and sold in it are subjected not to the real world maxims of real talents demand and supply.

      The equilibrium price attained, in this self-created minister salaries market, for each "good" if YEW notice could be through the demand and supply of PLP .......

    6. Thus, rather calling it a self-created market based on demand and supply of real talents such as those in the likes of Mugam, there could be another market whereby the real "goods" in this market is "PLP" ......

      The demand and supply of "PLP" could have decided the salary some of them got.

      The real talent of mugam as a law expert and thus worthy of his portfolio is for all to see. For Ng Chee Sai "one shot one kill", his real market value should be fighting ISIS in Syria than "his foray" into school boys and girls compound ...... For Ong Tua Kang, to give and save some credulity to this highly distorted, disfigured, vandalised version of free market by PAPIGSISM , how the demand and supply arriving at the value of his talent shall be skipped ......

  22. 5 Daft Sinkie said to Him, "Lord, we do not know what is talent. So how do we know who to vote for in the General Elections?"

    6 And the Son said to the Daft Sinkie, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

    7"If you have been approved by Me, you would have have been approved My Father also; from now on you are a Talent appointed by Him, and have been approved by Him, my Father."

    1. Not necessarily.

      His father have not been heard to be a fan of cockles.

      Mai hum is.

    2. Sinkies are one of the daftest people on earth, if not the daftest.

      To put a person easily smitten, enchanted, bewitched by a fish ball stick in an important position is more than pure madness!

      Many cannot see beyond the surface ...... just like the herb behaviour in organisational studies in the human world and animal kingdom as well. Often, they are taken advantage of to the max and have been far short-changed without even remotely aware .....

  23. It is greed, all greed and nothing but greed. Fraud, murder, kidnapping, dealing in drugs etc are all tied to greed. Money is indeed the root of all evil.

    Greed is everywhere. In politics, in sports, in business, in ranking agencies, in healthcare and now in religious bodies as well. It is just a question of whether they get caught or not.

    1. @ Anonymous October 22, 2015 4:57 p.m.
      // ...... Money is indeed the root of all evil.....//

      Not just money alone!

      YEW forgot another root of evil since time immemorial!

    2. And that's. ...... S - E - X !!!

      Remember what undid Peter Lim and Ng Boon Gay's careers?

      How about Yawgate and Palmergate in 2012?

    3. The Chinese coined the term:

      " 上梁不正下梁歪 "

      When the top beam is slanted, the bottom beam cannot be straight!

    4. According to some geomancy experts, to tell whether a man is a serial womaniser, look at the shape of his eye brow!

      The Chinese character of the numeric 8 is "八" 。。。。。。and the accuracy is almost 100% spot on according to those geomancy masters who revealed such traits in a person's face .....

      Already hinted the answer very strongly liao.............. If sinkies are still too daft to understand, too bad!

    5. Means what ...... ?

    6. Means if YEW are in MRT trains now, just scan around and observe anybody with such eye brow shape ......

      Another channel is newspapers. ......

      Look at photos of public figures, see whose eye brow have that kind of shape ....... Not really an exact science but help YEW, your wives, your daughters to tell whether the person they are associating with could be a S-E-X M-A-N-I-A-C.

      No belief?

      Go Baidu ( chinese Google version ) on PRC corrupted officials caught for keeping dozens of mistresses. ......

      Look at the shape of their eye brow ..... of course the photos in the media lah ......

  24. Don't complain anymore.
    You got the church leader they deserve.

  25. The Father,
    the Son and the
    Holy Ghost.
    The Father is not
    the Son and the
    Holy Goh combined ?

    Was he not the Man
    that maketh Both ?
    Oh, he maketh Both
    Men who they are.
    Rite ?

  26. Eh, Redbean, don't be like that lah! Double standard, don't you think?

    70% support the PAP, 30% don't. Both sides think they are right.

    16,000 congregation in Harvest Church, the rest of Singaporeans may not. Why can't we let both sides be? How do you know the 16,000 are wrong? Don't practice double standard - if you hantam the 16,000, then also hantam the 30% Singaporeans o.k.?

  27. Actually I also not sure who is right who is wrong. God works in its mysterious way. They may be sent by God to work with the inmates and to save them.

  28. /// How do you know the 16,000 are wrong? ///
    October 23, 2015 4:33 p.m.

    What part of the GUILTY verdict you did not understand?

  29. I am more interested in what happen to Sun Po.
    Whether properties bought oversea under her name will or can be cheongkong.

  30. /// What part of the GUILTY verdict you did not understand? ///

    October 23, 2015 11:19 p.m.

    You have made it very obvious what's the difference between you and Redbean.

    Redbean is probably not so sure that Amos is GUILTY. Even now, after the Verdict.
    You, on the other hand, must be sure he is GUILTY.

    If you are not sure of Amos verdict, then you would be practicing double standards. And that is precisely the point of my comment.

    But if you are sure Amos is GUILTY because of the GUILTY verdict, then you will obviously not understand my comment, which is directed to people who think like Redbean.

  31. There is a court judgement that the 6 CHC elders are guilty. This is like what Jesus said, what you owed to Caesar, you pay, ie tax. On earth, you are subject to the laws on earth. Jesus paid his tax.

    Many on earth believe in the heavenly laws and in their minds, the 6 are doing the works of God and thus not guilty. Some invoked the name of God callously and in the process abused the sanctity of God.

    The court can find the 6 guilty but everyone has his own belief and own judgement. In controversial matters, like Amos, there is also the court of conscience.
