
911 - Independence Day for Singaporeans

The aliens have landed, more than 2m of them, in this little island Singaporeans called home. And more will be coming according to the govt’s immigration and growth policies. Singapore has no other means to generate economic growth, productivity is at abysmally low, non existence. Its economic numbers are propped up by the influx of foreigners that are hardly enlightening as a factor for economic growth strategy.

Other than the elite, the natural aristocrats and nobles, many Singaporeans are struggling from hands to mouths and depending on govt subsidies in many things to get by, from housing, medical, hospitalization, education, bringing up children etc etc, Singaporeans are now so dependable on the subsidy crutch that removing it will shatter the lifestyle of many. No subsidies many Singaporeans will be in trouble.

Many have lost their good jobs to foreigners and many are waiting to lose theirs with the impending expansion of the terms in the CECA, TPP and Asean Economic Community. More than 50% of the population is foreigners. Many are hidden under the category called locals, ie citizens, new citizens and PRs. How many are the original Singaporeans?

The threat against the existence of the original Singaporeans is reaching breaking point and Singaporeans are voicing their anger and frustration. The govt is responding with some lip service and vague comments to assuage the people that their interest will be taken care of first as Singaporeans. But the influx of foreigners continues though at a slightly slower pace in view of the GE. How would the flow be like after the GE given that the one trick pony cannot think of anything else better than adding more heads into the island?

Singaporeans must prepare for more influx of immigrants once the GE is over and to fight for their life, their existence in the island they called home. The fear of losing their jobs, their homes and their country is more real than in the movie Independence Day.

Come 11 Sep, Singaporeans will be voting for their Independence once again, after 50 years, from being marginalized and booted from their country. It is a fight for life, for the right to be the citizens of their country, to live the way they want it. The GE is a fight to be Singaporeans, to have more rights than foreigners, to keep the foreigners out from their home country, to be proud and take back their self esteem instead of being bullied and pushed aside by foreigners.

Would Singaporeans be united to stand together to fight this last fight before they go down to the foreigners, their country overrun by foreigners? Some are still sleeping and think it is a little discomfort to be squeezing with the foreigners in the train. There is clear and present danger that they will lose their country if they continue to be apathetic and ignore the changes taking place. There is a real risk of becoming a minority to the foreigners.

The aliens are here. What are Singaporeans going to do about it? Fight or flight? Some ministers have encouraged the Singaporeans to flee, go overseas and leave their homes and jobs to the foreigners. Go and give away your homes and your country to the foreigners..

This is a fight not only for all Singaporeans but also for their children and future generations. This is a fight for independence and self determination, not to be swallowed by the hordes of foreigners. It is a fight for freedom, to breathe easier and not to be ruled and controlled by a regime that arrogantly decided everything for the people, including keeping their life savings and forcing the people to pay for a medical insurance scheme they cannot say no, and will wipe out all that is left of their life savings and…only allowed to read and see what the regime approved.

Now you hear the good news. Wait for the bad news after GE if Singaporeans failed to make Independence Day happen. Would there be cries of Merdeka again after 50 years of enslavement? Would there be any original Singaporeans left to do the fighting?


  1. Would Singaporeans be united to stand together to fight this last fight before they go down to the foreigners, their country overrun by foreigners?

    But what has happened since 2011, and for the worse for Singaporeans, that will make them be united now to stand together to fight, when they were not any more united in 2011?

  2. 2011 showed the people that the PAP stronghold was weak and can be broken quite easily. And they continued to bash at it at Hougang and Punggol East, and the pieces kept falling.

    This has given the voters a new confidence to bringing the wall down for good. It can be done. They have done it.

  3. Since 2011,

    President and ministers pay have been reduced.

    PAP has really reduced the intake of more foreigners.

    PAP has make more new citizens out of foreigners.

    Sinkies have more goodies, eg pioneer package etc.

    PAP has listened more to Sinkies.

    Opposition is still not ready to be govt.

    Opposition has become weaker and less united, with more new parties formed.

    Nicole Seah did not contest this GE, and so is RB.

    So will the above make PAP win more votes, or opposition win more votes GE 2015? What do you think?

  4. There we go again, RB playing one of his favourite card. RB is always harping on this issue. Now that GE is here, lets hear some constructive opinion and ideas. RB is never tired of dwelling on the FT issue. Please give it a rest. I think Singaporeans must be totally tired and sick of this issue.

  5. Now that GE is here, lets hear some constructive opinion and ideas.
    Anon 9:02 a.m.

    When the opposition is not ready to be govt, constructive opinion and ideas are just that, opinions and ideas. And they are real cheap.

    Constructive opinions and ideas only got use when they are translated into constructive happenings.

  6. And they continued to bash at it at Hougang and Punggol East, ....
    Anon 8:59 a.m.

    Hougang and Punggol East are by elections lah.

    As WP Teochew Ah Hia already said, and it is worth repeating, in a General Election, majority (aka 60%) voters are very scared to accidentally vote PAP out because WP is not ready to be govt.

    And which Sinkie has better credentials than Ah Hia to speak on such a matter?

  7. Please throw away that broken record.

  8. @ exaggeration better than Bollywood, redbean:

    >> Come 11 Sep, Singaporeans will be voting for their Independence once again, after 50 years, from being marginalized and booted from their country. <<

    Please lah, it is just an election, a time where people get a chance to make always-regret-after-the-fact bad choices with their One Lousy Vote, which will reap them the government they deserve.

    Come Monday morning, it will be business as usual, and lots of people jubilant and happy or dispirited and crushed....whatever. Within a year, those who were happy now are fuming with angry regret as buyer's remorse sets in.

    It's just an election. The moment will pass. I'm finding what's happening in Malaysia more "tasty" than boring old Singapore politics ;-)

    At least in Malaysia the fact that the military will be called out, or that there could be rioting is more "shiok" lah.

    Malay drama at its best!
    "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - H. L. Mencken

  9. 911 could be "independence day", which is impossible lah since most of the voters have entitlement mentality and therefore will never be independent.

    However 911 is also American (culture) code for "Call the Police! Some shit is going down!!"

    Got mood for riot? ;-)


  10. Where got so easy one.

    I m not sure Singaporeans are ready for "Independence Day".

    Many still feel that PAP is "Too Big To Fail".

    At best best, the oppositions get a couple more GRCs and SMCs,
    short of 2/3 majority in parliament.

    Worst worse case is that PAP recaptured all lost seats and a
    100% PAP elected parliament.

    IMO, this GE is very very very unpredictable.

    Like what the hokkien say, the GE results will be "Big Good Big Bad".

    The GE results will not be "middle-of-the-road" results.

    Either PAP says bye-bye to a couple of GRCs and SMCs or PAP recaptured
    all lost seats, for a 100% elected parliament.

    Many are likely to be very very very surprised and very very very shocked
    by the GE results.

    But, please relax, be calm and say a big hello to 12 Sept, the new day.

    What will it be?

    We shall see.


  11. Talk rubbish like sing song.
    Political changes in Singapore will be very gradual and slow.

    Singaporeans are careful, fearful, status quo people despite all the complains and grumblings even in the face of being replaced by FTs, even among many PMETs.

    They are used to being led and being told what to do, despite the top rate rigorous education.

    Changes in SINGAPORE politics will be step by step.

    The person who understands this BEST, probably is MR. Low Thia Kiang. The Sun Tze of politics in Singapore. He knows Singaporeans WELL!

  12. Come Sept 11, the only change is WP wins by additional at most 1 GRC, 1 SMC and Mrs Lina Chiam wins back Potor Pasir.

    Nothing much is going to change.
    Singaporean PMETs will be steadily replaced.
    GST is going up.
    Profits margins of BIG OIL in Singapore will remain fat.
    Ministers and their families & close friends will have outstanding opportunities, and Ministers & MIW will be getting million dollars renumerations.

    Like what Matilda said, "Singaporeans deserved the Gahmen they voted.".

  13. The GE results will not be "middle-of-the-road" results.
    Anon 9:31 a.m.

    100% tiok.

    If the party is ready to be govt, then majority Sinkies will make them win big. If not, they lose big. It's that simple and very easy to predict one.


  14. RB is never tired of dwelling on the FT issue. Please give it a rest. I think Singaporeans must be totally tired and sick of this issue.
    September 03, 2015 9:02 a.m.

    When you are still being raped by the FTs, would taking a break save you from being raped over and over again?

    BTW, are you a FT or PR, or IB?

  15. RB is right. THE FT POLICY is the real game changer of Singapore and Singaporeans....you will have a Singapore that is no more Singaporeans. The powerful has sold away Singaporean interests for self interests and expediency for short-term high GDP. This is the most critical crisis ISSUE, created by PAPPIES facing our fellow Singaporeans & Singapore.

  16. I don't know about Independence Day but it sure is signs of singaporeans' downfall and the rise of the new citizens.

    Dint believe me? Just look at the independent candidate in bt Batok, Samir.
    Here is the new breed of new citizens from the earlier CECA agreement perhaps, that the PAP has approved of.
    Lived here for 15 years (not even one generation) and he hired his own tribes of village people in his company.
    Now he deems himself good enough to run for the office, despite the fact that he wasn't even borned here.
    Doe he know enough about our culture, food, history and political background to represent us?
    Or is he hoping to be the voices for his newly arrived village people and citizens?
    Doe she have a good track record in. No tail left behind like what PM says about ourown kind, Dr chee soon Juan?
    Did anyone CSI out his background ? is his a fake degree?
    Today is Indian new citizen, what next? Chinese communist new member also think they can represent the 1 m new arrivals lah!!!
    That is the trend and signs for those singaporeans who are still slumbing in their deep dreams.
    Time for the rooster to crowl and wake them up.

    Only in unique singapore, a new citizen who has lived 15 years feel confident to be the voices for singaporeans.
    Meanwhile, Singaporeans living here last 50 years, still not confident that their own local opposition leaders can be their voices.

  17. Only in unique singapore, a new citizen who has lived 15 years feel confident to be the voices for singaporeans.
    Anon 11:57 a.m.

    Even if he is ordinary, and because he came here so PAP made him new citizen to supplement the ordinary Sinkies no enough lah. At least he is an entrepreneur and own a company, you know. How many ordinary Sinkies are entrepreneurs, or confident to be a voice for their own Sinkies, u tell me lah?

  18. The PAP is also kpkb about AHPETC day and night everyday. And they think the people would believe them. Keep talking about it so some people will be conned to believe it is true.

    WP cannot manage town council, WP cannot manage town council.....

    They really treat the voters as daft.

  19. I think RB should move on from this topic. It is high time to move past this topic. This favourite topic from RB has been talked about so many times and for so long. Tired of reading about it. It is like flogging a dead horse. Lets move on. ENOUGH !!!!

  20. @ xenophobic and living in the past, 1157:

    >> Today is Indian new citizen, what next? Chinese communist new member also think they can represent the 1 m new arrivals lah!!! <<

    Eh cock sucker, that's how it is SUPPOSED TO BE lah! PLURALITY---anyone can throw their hat in the ring and lose their deposit. Dun like the candidate? Don't vote for them lah. Why open your cheebye mouth? For what?

    If the person is here LEGALLY and has got his citizenship LEGALLY, works or runs businesses, pays taxes, has set up a home, then you or any one with your shitty xenophobic brain (redbean comes to mind immediately---he is one BIG xenophobe) do not have cause to criticise that person, and fuck you and SHAME ON YOU for doing so.

    Ever considered suicide? ;-)

  21. Wow! The PAP Cybertroopers are out in full force trying to discredit any opposing views. Well done trolls!! Keep,it up. The more you troll, the more convinced we are that the PAP dogs need to be kicked out. We may not be able to kick you out but a clear and succinct message sent by reducing the number of votes you will receive. This will be a watershed election. It will be a day of reckoning. Singaporeans are not happy and they will speak with their votes.

  22. The fact that foreigners are here means they have jobs here - this is undeniable.

    If Singaporeans have lost their jobs and are now jobless, this does not match the official tale that we need foreigners to fill those jobs! Something is fishy, is there a lie somewhere?

    For any voters to consider - do you know any friends or any Singaporeans who have lost their jobs? If so, then you know for certain who is lying.

  23. This mother abuser is their best attack dog to bite at the people.
    With such a dog who is so proud of telling the world his mama's cunt is very smelly, but he likes it, you can imagine the kind of people this animal is serving.
