
Educating other people’s children

When Deng Xiaoping opened up China, what he found wanting was the lack of talents in the latest technology, science and engineering. He embarked on a massive education programme by sending hundreds of thousands of young Chinese to the West to learn everything they could. The number by now could be in the millions. And when asked what happened if they refused to return to China? Deng was confident to say that if some returned, that would be good enough. He was confident that many would return, knowing China’s history and being the home for the Chinese. Sure many would stay put in Europe and the US, by there would be some to come home where the families and roots were.

Confidentially he might be saying to himself, if he could build a rich and prosperous China, the graduated students would come home when the opportunities were there. China is now a land of opportunities, and not only Chinese students are returning home, the Americans and Europeans are marching to China for their pot of gold. The fear of an exodus of talented Chinese did not materialise. The Chinese are coming home. Communist, capitalist or whatever, when life is good, when opportunities abound, it would attract talents all over the world to China.

China was investing in their children and counting on them to return home to build their country and to prosper their country.

What have we been doing in the education of our children? We rather educate the children of other countries and hoping that they stayed to work here, or if not, they would be good to us and say a few good words for us when they returned home. Is this what we hoped to achieve by spending hundreds of millions or billions to educate other countries’ children? What about our own children? How much are we investing on our own children other than the 250 PSC scholars?

Think how many of our children would have benefited from the hundreds of millions or billions invested in other people’s children? And think how many of our children will be home contributing to our economy and our growth? We have wasted a lot of money on foreign students with returns that are barely a fraction of our investments. And we have sacrificed the interests to our own children by depriving them of a good education as many could not do so.

And we are wasting more money to employ foreigners as lecturers in our universities, to fatten them, to make them more valuable, while our own lecturers were let go and left in the lurch. Is this a wise policy, a pro Singaporean policy?

We are losing a whole generation of our children by these flawed policies of educating other people’s children and fattening other people’s talents at the expense of our very own people and children. The long term ill effect would be worst as our people started to lose out and opt out of the talent pool and economic system.

What is happening? What kind of silly policies are these? Good? We need more foreign talents, we don’t need our own talents, our own talents are no good? Fakes and cheats are better? If we cannot get a fundamental policy like this right, everything down stream will be tearing our society and country apart. What is the point of a Singapore filled by foreigners and all the good jobs taken over by foreigners?

This is home? Really, surely? Or this is home to the foreigners? What would happen to the true blue Singaporeans if these silly policies are not killed immediately?


  1. Employ lecturers to Hamtam our cabbies for a few dollars. Employ those so called great scientists in our research labs in A star and NUS. After siphon in the billions not even lay an egg but leave behind all the shits pat their backs and bye bye

    Gave all the children of all nations free education and they go home to their countries laughing saying you are daft as what your Supreme Leader said

    Father Christmas to all and Stooge to own children

  2. "We are losing a whole generation of our children by these flawed policies of educating other people’s children and fattening other people’s talents at the expense of our very own people and children."

    Not really lah. PAP also give scholarships to talented local Sinkies what. But too bad lah, due to Sinkies no enough, talented Sinkies also not enough to get all the scholarships that PAP can give what. So the rest of the scholarships must give to foreign talents mah. If not, give to a no talent Sinkie just because he/she is a Sinkie? Also cannot what, tio bo?


  3. IMO, it is ok to do our part as a good global citizen
    to educate a small number of other people's children.

    But, we MUST also not forget our own children FIRST!

    We should have FREE education up to diploma and degree levels.

    Our children will then know what is a Singaporean!

    Our children will then be proud to be Singaporean!

    What think you?


  4. You all here can kpkb but the hard truth is 60% don't agree with you mah, Tio bo?

  5. "We should have FREE education up to diploma and degree levels."
    Anon 9:16 a.m

    If I were PM Lee, if 60% don't mind no FREE education, why need to give, u tell me lah?

  6. Every year we have thousands of 4As students, not hundreds. Not enough?
    The govt chose to give scholarships to half bakes and fakes and students with questionable results and don't have to take second language.

  7. Ya, our 4 As students cannot read medicine. Then we bring in craps from 3rd World countries as doctors to our hospitals.


  8. Ha ha ha

    To know whether a country education system is screwed up, just look at the productivity level .....

    Every month millions of households need to pay SCC charges to TC but beside collecting the rubbish and washing the staircases, what else they do?

    "Good to see" dirty staircases and corridors not sweep ed for weeks ......

    Means many more votes into the opposition camp .....

    U feedback until siao oso no use ...... waste time somemore. .....

    Education system same same lah ......

    Whether nurturing or providing necessary financial backup, there are many similar situations of "unswept and dirty corridors and staircases" in the education system, just to draw an analogy .....

    It is so obvious even a half blind student or parent can see it .......

    The Pimps are shooting their own feet everyday. ......

    Every PG and what not goodies they give out, they are losing many more voters in many other aspects.

    Since all are so COCKY, let them "drown" in their own "cesspool" .....

    They have less than 20 months and the window period is fast closing .......

    Elections likely will be won or lost not bcos of opposition but more likely the (in)competence of the piggies ......

    以逸代劳 。。。。。零石多鸟 ( Zero stone but many birds ) 。。。。。

  9. Ya, our 4 As students cannot read medicine.
    Anon 9:49 a.m

    It's a matter of economics lah. It is very expensive to train a doctor in Singapore, u know. That's why vacancies in medical school is so limited that even our 4 As students cannot read medicine there. Hence it is cheaper to bring in ready trained doctors from 3rd World countries to our hospitals. And to be fair, most, at least 60%, are OK and not crap lah. Anyway, only those highly subsidised patients, not ministers and their families, will most likely be treated by these 3rd world doctors in our hospitals so as to reduce health cost for the govt. If not, govt where to get money to subsidise, u tell me lah?

  10. We only need enough universities to educate our children. Extra universities to promote education hub must be commercial and be self financing, not using public money to pay for foreign lecturers and foreign students.

    Don't any how suka suka spend the people's money on foreigners.

  11. Tiok!

    No $$$ reduce Singaporeans' class size ratio and improve on the quality of education but have billions splurge on free scholarships, free lunch, dinner, breakfast, supper, teabreak, books, yearly 2-way airticket, new year clothing. ......

    Singapore no need so many Japenis translators. ...... think ....... oops ...... shhhhhhh

  12. Tiok! BerLEE silLEE poLEEcies! 吃LEE扒外

  13. Famous is WRIGHT!


    Prosper free-loaders but screw NS sinkies.

    Waste 2 years .....

    Uni fees jacked up every year .....

    Some sinkies undergrad no $$$ monthly pocket allowance even less than some primary school children ......

    Never help NS serving sinkies but demand serve 2 years and every year in camp training ++ till 50 years old .....


    Famous! Sinkieland needs U! Thank u for calling a spade a spade and let everyboLEEEEEEE know how hallLEEEEEEEEEEblurLEEEEEEEE sinkies are being treated ........

  14. When I have mee siam instead of brains
    - of course I educate Aliens rather than Singaporean children lah
    - mee siam mai hum
    - everyday talk lan-cheow and get paid a million dollar salary

    1. MB have talked CB oso ..... that's y bcum pig brain ...... ter no .....

      Mee siam mail hum is correct ...... bcos eat too much CB (hum) liao .....

      Everyday eat until the brain go kaput so foreign children treat like local and local children treat like aliens

  15. People will likely vote for those who dun treat NS serving sinkies as shits and relegate them to the end of the Q despite the 2 years sacrifices and ridiculousLEE cut Q put 3rd world children ahead of sinkies children in everything including free university education but sinkies uni fees every year up, up, up ..... Many freshie undergrad very Tulan liao ...... One young man's parents recently every night also sleepless bcos no enuf money give him for makan and public transport allowance. Very cham! Study NTU but stay Tampines. No $ stay hostel or rent room near NTU cos ah Suay $$$ give other countries children free education, books, lodging, food, airticket liao ...... His family very Tulan liao so now whole family switched camp liao ..... really treat sinkies nsmen like sai and pay crumps for 2 years NS and give free uni education to foreign students but nsmen every year increase uni fees ..... tak boleh tahan liao ...... 孰不可忍了 。。。。。ah Suay have a lot of defending to do after score so many own goals since 2011 ..... ah 猪 pai Mia ..... posted to ah suay's doomed district ..... ah Baey likely could be pulled out from there cos possibility change color ......

  16. Sch term starting next month so the young man's parents tell his son 1, 3, 5 bring bread and jam to NTU put in locker and eat for lunch and dinner. 2 and 4 instant cup noodles bring to campus. Once or twice a month eat campus canteen ..... every month budget $200 for transport from Tampines to NTU and back and at least 2 meals in campus ........ how to budget? Bor ban lor ........ SG50 celebrate what oso dunno ...... Mr Teochew, can table this question in 1st world parliament?

  17. Some more need buy stationery and books ...... and also pay for notes printing, campus activities etc ..... some NS boy born with rusty spoon worst than 3rd world children in sinkieland. ...... u say the young man inside his heart Tulan ah Suay or not .......?

  18. Why so suay born not nobles and aristocrats? Blame yourself lor. Why not born as children of farmers in neighbouring countries, got chance get free education, free food, free lodging, got pocket money some more. Some more no NS, no bond.

    Damn shiok.

    1. U dun say anymore .....

      Many sinkies parents and undergrads very Tulan liao .......


  19. Many sinkies undergrad get 400 and below pocket allowance per mth for everything including cunt chew aka hold hand with gal frens .... now YEW know y sinkies no married? Some get only 200 1 mth, some 300, some 400 ...... how to pay for food, transport, books, stationery, and bring gal frens go out ..... how? Now u know why many male undergrad no gal frens ...... own self makan and taKe mrt already barely enuf and many meals survive on bread and cup noodles ..... how to Pak tow ....?

  20. Ah Suay only know how to be ya ya cocky cocky go up stage read mother hood , father hood, grandmother hood, grandfather hood, great great grandmother hood SPEECHES like big fark but the ground situation like burning in hell he pretend deaf, blind, head in sand ostrich see nothing hear nothing ..... u say how to support this type of u die your biz aristocrats. ....? There are many worst off cases in the past years and at the moment. ..... some already graduated but go work earn miserable salary but kena bully by FTS like shit but lan lan ..... grit teeth and every nite go home before sleep cry in the pillow lor ..... what to do .... lousy salary but every month must pay back study loan, pay CPF, give parents at least 500 dollars, take mrt, lunch, buy some working clothes, shoes .... YEW say every month left how much ..... how to have savings buy pigeon hole, pay for weddings, have children .....? Aristocrats born millionaire or some billionaire. Where got $ problem or even know have such problems on the ground ..... ivory tower taller than Mt kk how to be connected to the ground .... tiok bor?

  21. Erection cumming. ah Suay 兄多鸡少。Many undergrads starting sch term next month.

    And they realised their uni fees just spiked up again and eat into their pocket allowance. #×^#€÷&£×*&#£ ( unprintable expletives )

    Thousands of their parents also 恨毒烂。

    Especially those in Tampines.

    The undergraduates every day travel more than 2 to 3 hours to and fro NTU, NUS etc

    See all the 3rd world farmers' children enjoying all the brand new hundreds of millions hostels in NUS Town and NTU. Some more all so ya ya papaya looked down and bully sinkies undergrads when everything they use, eat, stay, sleep, sit ......... even shit the toilet papers oso provided by sinkies undergrads parents taxpayers $$$.

    Bor LEE YEW ...... doesn't make KHAW sense ......

    Sinkies undergrads everyday travel up down 3 hours but farmers children enjoy brand new hundreds of millions spanking airconditioned hostels?

    孰可忍孰不可忍 。。。。。


    €÷€¥=€%@%$+;',&'#;#€@ ( "banned expletives" )

  22. After the signal from the unknown ( earthquake ), ah suay's fate may have been "sealed".

    Likely nobody wants to partner a doomed person.

    Best isolate him in single ward with ring fenced firewall to prevent the collateral damages spreading to other people.

    The Chinese have a saying : 城门失火,殃及池鱼

    Literally means the fire on their city gate spread to the pond and doomed themselves fishes in ir .....

  23. *doomed the fishes in it

  24. Redbean, the problem now is not only sinkies undergrads getting the cold shoulders financially.

    At the lower levels from primary to secondary and JC, arguably often there are pervasive poor handling and education of sinkies children.

    Many good students are probably being wasted and not surprising for many to feel negative against the school system.

    MOE gets about $12-13 billion annually each year in recent years and a close second to defence. In percentage term, it consumes about 20% of the national budget.

    After 50 years of independence and with massive budget, MOE seems to be failing in several aspects to mould sinkies youth and help them realise their potentials.

    With human capital being the most important in a barren island, Sinkieland is likely to fall behind in the international arena in time to come.

    Somebody was directly under old man before but failed big time in delivering what old man used to demand from his key personnels. Old man used to say : "Less than the best is done."

    In current situation, this is probably an understatement.

    MOE have a lot of reform, restructuring, house cleaning and catch up to do but unlikely to know or able to in the current situation despite given massive budget and resources.

    Sinkieland's fortune down the road is unlikely to shine if its uneducation is not delivering as it should.

    1. *if its education system

  25. //Educating other people 's children ...//

    At times we need others to educate our local children if we have difficulty, unable, bo chap or do not want or know how.
    The recent tua pui angmo educating the boy in the train may be effective in some way...

  26. You are so right. He is telling the Sinkies that they are all sick like sheep. And if this cannot wake up the sheep, then there is no hope for Sinkies anymore.

    Must thank this Ang Moh for showing the Sinkies how useless they have become.

    What is there to celebrate in SG50 when the citizens have been turned into sick sheep?
