
What is Power Logic?

Everyone is familiar with the meaning of logic as well as the term power. Logic on its own is logic but there are false logic, contrived logic, fake logic, and of course Power Logic. Simply put, power logic has two parts, power and logic. Power comes first. With power, the logic stands. Minus the power, the logic is as good as hogwash. Now you get the picture.

Power Logic is often used in autocratic system or by dictators. They can say anything they want, and everything they said is logic and right, as long as they are in power. A good case is Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. When he was chased out of his country, all his Power Logics turned into abused of power, violation of power and nothing logical. They were used to charge him and to hang him. Power Logic often becomes crime and the user of Power Logic turns into criminal.

Power Logic is only logical within the precinct of the power wielded by the power holder. No one can challenge Power Logic or risk being charged and put behind bars, or even more serious consequences. Never play or go against Power Logic in its area of control where its power is dominant and unquestionable. The logic may be flimsy, maybe the silliest of reasons, but the power is real.

Out of its area of control, the same logic would make the person using it looking like a clown. Everyone word dressed up as logic, without the power, will be a joke. Power Logic can only apply against the people under its power and control. People that are not under the power, people who are free to think freely cannot miss the stupidity of Power Logic.

Sometimes, the users of Power Logic got so intoxicated in their logic, and after some time, after several practices, they forgot that the Power Logic was contrived and even believed in them, and may go to the world stage to expound their Power Logic as the logical way to go. They think the rest of the world could not see through the farce of Power Logic that is anything but logic.

One can’t use Power Logic on any reasonable thinking man unless one is so drunk in his mental state, after drinking too much Power Logic. Believe me, the practitioners of Power Logic never for a moment think that it is not logical. They sincerely, honestly and faithfully believe in the goodness and righteousness of their Power Logic. They never believe that once they lose their grips on power, the logic will be used to judge them and incarcerate them. Practitioners of Power Logic better pray they will not lose their power and not be taken to task for the farce of Power Logic.


  1. So is PAP a practitioner of Power Logic?

    If yes, does PAP need to pray they will not lose their power?

    Or rather is the opposition the one, and together with all suffering, money no enough Sinkies, that need to pray they (opposition) will be ready for power?

    What do u think? Or rather pray for?

  2. If PAP can lose power, they would have already lost in 2011.

    If RB want to join opposition, he would have already joined by now. Tio bo, RB?

  3. Haha, there will be a time for everything. like they said, when the durian is ripe it will fall.

  4. What power logic?

    It is same as justice. With power, one can invoke justice. With money, one can pervert justice. So, what is justice?

    And what is power logic? Just another term to justify the illogical actions of those in power,


  5. They said Attitude is everything.

    But, in today's uncertain and
    very cruel world, you are right,

    POWER is everything!

    With POWER, the "BLIND" can rules!


    So do you have POWER?

  6. Who says 1 man 1 vote system is good?
    LKY objects to democracy...he said he knew mankind better and he was against 1 man 1 vote!

    Thereupon, he made our
    Singapore judicial system - not so independent but takes instructions from ruling politician of the day.

    if we don't want this system then opposition got to champion and lead like David Cameron.Be charming about it And win our hearts!

    Emperor ShiHuanti used 2 million peasants to built the Great Wall of China in 30 years.
    Singapore PAP emperor Li uses 2 million citizens to pay their 99 yr leased HDB flats using all savings from a days work by working 30 years For PAP emperor Li.

    Of course must pay emperor high salary.
    the rest are slave only. Not equal.

    very logical ma!
    tiok Bo?

  7. Who says 1 man 1 vote system is good?
    LKY objects to democracy...he said he knew mankind better and he was against 1 man 1 vote!

    Thereupon, he made our
    Singapore judicial system - not so independent but takes instructions from ruling politician of the day.

    if we don't want this system then opposition got to champion and lead like David Cameron.Be charming about it And win our hearts!

    Emperor ShiHuanti used 2 million peasants to built the Great Wall of China in 30 years.
    Singapore PAP emperor Li uses 2 million citizens to pay their 99 yr leased HDB flats using all savings from a days work by working 30 years For PAP emperor Li.

    Of course must pay emperor high salary.
    the rest are slave only. Not equal.

    very logical ma!
    tiok Bo?

  8. Is this an example of Power Logic?
    "The Aliens are here to create good jobs for Singaporeans."

  9. We need to grow the population to have growth.

  10. Is this an example of Power Logic?
    "High salaries will make bad people honest."
    "High salaries will enable lousy people to serve citizens with wisdom, honesty and diligence."

  11. Power Logic is really Mental Masturbation in disguise.
    When Yew put lipstick on the "Mental Masturbation pig" ... Yew get "Power Logic".

  12. That's why IMO, it behooves people to learn how to think critically---which is a LEARNED SKILL, and has to be practiced constantly.

    We (and our brains) evolved to SURVIVE, and thus developed strong "emotion-based" reaction to whatever "data" the environment is sending us. Thinking, takes too long.

    For e.g. You and your friend hear a rustling in the bushes. You high-tail it out of there, in an Olympian sprint. (Emotion: balls-drop fear. Reaction: escape ASAP). Your friend, a nerd, is just standing there trying to figure out what could be causing the noise? (State of Mind: Intellectual curiosity). A baseball bat comes out of nowhere and hits him on the head. He goes down. 30 seconds later the hooded robber is running away with your friend's watch, wallet and cell.

    Statistically, reacting to FEAR is a preferred survival strategy for the species. We are all EMOTIONALLY PRIMED at all times.

  13. Power Logic?
    "Creating a Smart Nation that does not know how to operate the smallest train network in Asia."

    Is this Power Logic?
    In order to improve train services, we need a CEO with 20 years of retail experience.
    Ooops! OK.
    They learn from their earlier mistake.
    In order to improve train services, we need a CEO with 20 years of army experience.

    Until Singaporeans realize just how stupid we are to keep voting PAP ... we will just be like our MRT system.
    Broken down without any hope for a better future.

  14. More Power Logic?
    PM Lee has been talking about leadership renewal over the last 20 years.
    How come he is still the Prime Minister?
    Yew mean he no need to renew himself by retiring meh?

  15. " Power Logic often becomes crime and the user of Power Logic turns into criminal."

    The user of Power Logic do not suddenly become criminal once his Power is gone. The user of Power Logic has been a criminal on the very first day of using Power Logic to oppress, depress, oppress, subpress, subdue, subjugate and subplant FEAR into his citizens. And he knows it very well. He knows in the heart of heart that he is GUILTY, yet for the sake of retarining Power, he continues on and on .... even to the extent of trying to replace the whole Nation of its people with pro-party and pro-establishment foreigners to become New Citizens, making using of national resources to welcome them with open arms and legs, and to make them pleased, comfortable, and psychologically tuned-in to cast the vital VOTE for the incumbent Ruler, the Emperor or Prince of Power, in disguise as a Good Leader, the God-Son sent by the Father and Supported by the Holely Gosh.

    In very brief, that is the Crust of the Whole CONcept of Power Logic.

  16. What yew said is power logic.

  17. Power Logic only works whence the Citizenry is DAFT.

    Some at it, woke up belatedly and now
    sad to say, IT IS TOO LATE.

    There was a time of plenty that was celebrated by all the animals, until the tails of the foxes was discovered, many still paid no heed until the Foxes show their jaws. Unfortunately, there is no escape.
    Singaporeans have sealed their own destiny.

    The Sheeple deserve the Wolves they have chosen to live with all the Past 6 Decades or so.


  18. Smiling and gracious wolves.

  19. Power Logic?
    I can't even manage my own smallest train network in Asia ... and yet I want to now manage a high speed train system between two countries.


  20. The CEO of the HSR on the Malaysian side likely to be Saw.

  21. Everywhere is the same, the gov colluded with the bankers to con their own people. the system where gov is given power to redistribute wealth has to change in the whole world.

  22. Q: What do you call a high speed train that keeps breaking down?
    A: SMRT.
