
Chuan Jin – logically speaking

“Even without the IRs, people will find a way to gamble if they want to gamble — like going on online gambling sites, or going to neighbouring countries,”
Chuan Jin was at a forum in Ngee Ann Polytechnic and a question thrown to him was whether the two casinos at the Integrated Resorts (IRs) have brought more social ills into the country. The above statement was his answer to the question.

Does this look like going with the flow? Or is it like, since they would do it, why not let them do it here, and we can control the numbers? And since people are going to Batam and Bintang to spend their CPF savings, why not convert some southern islands to be like Batam and Bintang? Stretching this kind of logic further, since people are going to take drugs, why not?

Can there be a better explanation for the existence of the two IRs here when some quarters of the population were against them for the social ills that they would cause? Don’t bet on it that the two IRs would be closed. Like the CECA, no chance of turning back the clock, no chance to unwind as there are legal implications and cost involved. You cannot simply strip away a multi billion dollar set up with thousands of jobs at stake even if many are foreigners, directly or indirectly.

When a decision is made on a difficult basis or difficult to defend premises, the more one tries to explain it away, the more ridiculous it will look. It is best to take it by the horns and tell the hard truths and be less embarrassing explaining something by using funny logic, or is it power logic at work?


  1. Redbean not very creative or imaginative today and not having military strategy like Chuan Jin.

    We have advance weapons and young men to play war games, so despite no war, we have NS.
    With National Service, our young men will be trained to be obedient, that is take instructions with NO QUESTION AND REASONING.

    When money can be made and others are making them, why bother about a few casualties?

    Some people make millions, how much do they care about those eating others leftovers? And this is becoming a common sighting.


  2. Tiok. Clever people sure make a lot of money one.

  3. People with power no need any logic in anything.
    They are in command, whatever they say are edicts or at least legal. No need to talk sense or reason with those they command. What for?


  4. CECA could be rescinded and annulled by the next government as it is detrimental to us the Singaporeans citizens' interests just like how the new government of Sri Lanka reviewing some the contracts signed between Sri Lanka's previous government and China.
    Likewise CECA could be used as a geo-political tool by a big country in south asia to influence us. We dun want to be another Nepal or Bhutan.

  5. CECA should be void. Temasek Holdings stands to benefit with business deals from it but NOT Singapore citizens who are forced to compete with influx of 551- ranked degrees holders from as a result of such agreement between SG and India.

  6. Please lah.Who say gambling must lose money.It gives gamblers a chance to be rich.It give hope.A poor man with a little luck or intelligence can turn into a millionaire over night, settle his debt and go venture into businesses or helping others in charity.Thanks to casino.
    My friend dun go to casino but still spent 1 k on 4d n toto a week end up commiting suicide.
    If he go casino chances of him becoming millionaire can be higher.
    Ministers need 6 months to earn a million and get curse .You too can be instant millionaire overnight easily.
    Those with extra cash should go try your luck since it is specially built for our convenience.
    Supporting casinos is supporting our talents smart idea.
    Think positive.
    I oso want to be millionaire but no money for entrance fee.
    We can allow 4d n toto why can't allow casino.
    Why you no complaint too many 4d or toto outlet?
    How many dun buy toto or 4d here.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Someone in his elements today.

    Tomorrow he will be a millionaire

    if only he pays $100 entrance fee


    Good Luck to Agongkia !

  9. Chuan Jin is not answering the question too if you notice

  10. I think IRs not as harmful as toto or 4D. How come no one protest when they setup shops everywhere?

  11. fundamentally, people must learn to say NO to vices - gambling, alcohols, drugs and sex. temptations will exist in different forms, different places and different time.

  12. More important;
    will Singaporeans learn to say NO to PAP and their Pro Alien Policies?

  13. Patriot 12.42pm
    Thanks.Yesterday saved one hundred cents on Toto.

    Go try your luck when the prize is snowballed to 3 million dollar.小刀据大树.Try your luck and your dream of having your own land for plantations in nearby countries will become true.

    Good luck:-)
