
Training – foolishly speaking

Everyone is superficially speaking or foolishly speaking about training as the panacea for all the ills of unemployment. Training, training and acquiring new skills, skillfuture training, or whatever training, are the solutions to the woes of PME unemployment. Really? There is always something new to train for and to learn from. So telling someone to go for training cannot be wrong. Asking an old dog to learn new tricks also cannot be wrong.

There are things like frivolous training, unnecessary training, wasteful training, mismatch training, training for the sake of training and training all for nothing. Whenever a PME loses his job, the answer, send him for training. Training for what, to do what? Does anyone want to know why the PME lost his job? Obsolescence or something else?

Why send a PME who was working effectively as a logistic manager, a marketing manager or whatever manager for more training, in unrelated field, in redundant trades, to downgrade, to be a nurse, a waiter, or a cook or a cleaner? Is the path of being replaced and terminated be one of downgrading or the end of everything?

What was the reason for him or her to lose the job? Could not perform or simply being replaced by a younger person, a cheaper person, a relative or a cousin of the one in power? Who is ultimately responsible for the demeaning and destruction of our talented PME workforce? Who allows this irresponsible trend to continue unabated, taking no action and allowing it to become a permanent feature in our employment scene? Who allows the PMEs to lose their means of earning a decent living and to live with some dignity? Someone must answer for this. It did not happen without the concurrence and approval of someone.

Were the skills of the replaced PMEs still relevant? Could a little upgrading training be sufficient to remain in the job? Or actually no training was needed. He was just being replaced though he could still do the job. Why couldn’t he remain in the same profession with the skills and experience acquired over tens of years? Is the profession no longer needed in the economy? To retrain an experienced professional in another low grade trade is a waste of his talent/experience unless that profession is no longer needed?

How many professions are no longer needed in the economy? Why simply ask a PME to be trained to do something else when his job was simply taken over by a younger person who might not even be able to do better than the incumbent? And worst, a foreigner that came from nowhere to take his jobs at the expense of our very own citizens. Is the Govt very happy with this situation, abandoning its own local talents to bring in people from God knows where that the Govt has not an ounce of responsibility to provide them with a job? Why is the Govt providing 500,000 good jobs to foreigner and allowing our PMEs to become taxi drivers or be redundant and waste away, and breaking up their families or affective the lives of his families?

What is this nonsense about training for new skills when the old skills are still relevant and needed in the industry? Why retrain a professional to a lowly paid manual job when he can still be employed in the same job if the leg open wide wide policy is not foolishly applied to bring in all the animals from all over the world to replace our still able and willing to work PMEs?

What is all this silly talk about training and acquiring new skills? Would one ask a doctor or engineer or a lawyer or a teacher to be retrained as a cleaner or a waiter because a cheaper doctor, engineer, lawyer or teacher can replace him?

What is happening? Every PME cannot find a job in his previous profession and has to become taxi driver or security guard? This is mismanagement of talent at the worst. Totally irresponsible and unforgiveable.


  1. After spending so much money on private tuition for our children, and still the PAP say our children are not well trained.
    What bullshit.

    The problem is not enough jobs for Singaporeans.
    The solution is not more training.
    The solution is to vote out the PAP government.

    1. // The problem is not enough jobs for Singaporeans //

      The problem is Singaporeans are losing their jobs !

  2. This is mismanagement of talent at the worst. Totally irresponsible and unforgiveable.
    No lah.
    Many Sinkies will still forgive LKY when the plug is finally pulled.
    That's why PAP will always be government.
    And Singaporeans will always be unemployed.
    There is no hope for daft voters.
    No amount of training will change this.



    It would be wise for the PM and
    ministers to be truly on the
    ground personally to find out WHY
    people are losing their jobs.

    I am a strong believer in
    training and retraining.

    But, is training and retraining
    and further training the answer?

    Please prescribe the RIGHT


  4. No comment about your view on training and you can take it as if I never disagree with you on that.
    However. If I am retrenched as a so call pmet. I will not blame anyone except blaming myself to have choose the wrong profession and has no foresight.
    Matilah will claim I am superstitious if I say sometimes its due to karma as he insist no such thing as karma.
    Pmets losing jobs is not end of life.Try something new from a start and maybe its a blessing in disguise.
    Meantime Pmets should be good to your subordinate and be humble to others.I have seen many Pmets exploiting n bullying their juniors esp.on local elderly workers, act like they are someone special, walk like got air and I am very happy seeing this group losing their jobs or downgraded.

    1. // If I am retrenched as a so call pmet. I will not blame anyone except blaming myself.. //

      I have never been a PMET,
      I won't understand the hurt,
      so I'm not qualified to comment.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It would be wise for the PM and
    ministers to be truly on the
    ground personally to find out WHY
    people are losing their jobs.
    March 08, 2015 10:34 am
    No need for the PM and Ministers to work so hard lah!
    Let's just vote them out in GE 2015 can already.
    Singaporeans help unemployed Singaporeans by voting out PAP.
    Just vote only.
    Very simple.
    We only need to have the courage to change.
    What do we have to lose?

  7. I will blame the people who brought in the foreigners to replace me.

    VTO to save your jobs.

  8. Ho Ching got go for training course for investing or not ah?
    Desmond Kuek got go for training to learn how to be a train manager or not ah?
    The "Hard Truths" got chapters on investing and train management or not ah?

  9. Uncle redbean.
    I suggest you go for training as a rickshaw driver.
    You see this old Singaporean rickshaw driver in the video?
    Not enough strength to carry two big ang moh.
    Very obviously not well trained.
    Do you think we should send the old man to a PAP government training course on how to be a rickshaw driver?


  10. At the end of the day, you can only earn or be relevant to the level of VALUE that you can/ are wiling to create for the dude signing your paycheck---who also has to stay relevant by creating value for their bosses.

    Re-training can help and thus has a place. But IMO the most important change is in one's own attitude. Too many folks out of work have attitudes which will guarantee failure, not success. Face it, who the fuck wants to employ a sour-puss or angry negative spirit? Fuck off and die already ;-)

    Hundreds of millions of new workers from cuntrees like India and China are coming onto the global job market to provide VALUE. They are hungry, motivated and many of them well-trained.

    If you refuse to accept that, then you probably don't deserve a job :-)

    Got "victim" midset?

    1. Hungry for jobs yes!

      Well trained- NO!


      SINGAPOREANS standard of studies from kindergarten to U takes twenty five years.

      Can be chow kar than these trashes??

  11. This is mismanagement of talent at the worst.

    Tiok. And this had happened even before 2011.

    Yet 60% still voted PAP in GE 2011.

    And has the situation improved since 2011? Or rather is the PAP now better than the PAP of 2011?

    What do u think?

  12. "Why is the Govt providing 500,000 good jobs to foreigner and allowing our PMEs to become taxi drivers or be redundant and waste away,..."

    Please lah, only a minority of Sinkie PMEs become taxi drivers or be redundant lah. Definitely less than 40% of all PMEs.

    RB, u need to see things in perspective. U cannot expect no PMEs are affected, anymore than no Sinkies will vote opposition, tio bo?


    People with an excellent score in their O or A levels examinations become "Scholars" (a misfit and misnomer title by itself) and therefore have been propelled to Top Leadership Positions without proper ground experiences. These are the unfit leaders who making decisions for all of us.

    They are under the erroneous impression that they are the best in this country. And they want us to believe that they are the best by paying themselves the most obscene and shameless wages and bonuses from the taxpayers coffers.

    They think their are the elites and hold the power to decide our fate and our lives, without having to shoulder any responsibility and consequences.

    These are the Fuuking Basstards who ought to be sent to the Labour Camps to build the Great Wall of China by the Emperor.

    With these useless, irresponsible and irrelevent fuuckers around to lead us, we are definitely going to be doomed.

  14. With these useless, irresponsible and irrelevent fuuckers around to lead us, we are definitely going to be doomed.
    Anon 4:50 pm

    In that case, we are already doomed for quite some time already what? In fact, even before 2011.

    But are there illegal protests on the streets by Sinkies for being doomed by PAP?

    So how much more doom than already doomed?

  15. Do you think it's too late to send LKY for training?
    What about LHL?

  16. I will not mind being train as a doctor. All they do is to issue pain killers and mcs. I also do not mind being train as pm as all he does is to make promises without keeping them.

  17. Can't you see everyone of them is so happy? They don't have a single worry in the world. The worries are passed to the people, to support their good life.

  18. I will not mind being train as a doctor. All they do is to issue pain killers and mcs.
    b 8:18 pm

    I think the training for a doctor is long and tough but practising as one is much easier, especially for a GP. And there may be some truth about that with regards to issuing painkillers and mcs.

  19. Is this true?
    "The only Singaporeans that seem NOT to be well trained for their jobs are our PAP politicians and PAP appointed CEOs."

  20. Singapore workers & executives especially white collar, IT and engineering are about the best in the world. Problem is Mr.LEE think he, his family and his Yes-men are the best and monopolized the top opportunities for themselves with some fake top FT.

    Singaporeans when given the OPPORTUNITIES usually will rise up to the challenge.

    Our children are the most hardworking and disciplined students in the world. We are very competitive.

    Our top work-force is destroyed by a highly incentivized system to be Yes-man. Such a WASTE!!! An end-product of Mr. LEE obsession with his own ego, his family and need for total control.
