
A degree course for politician wannabes – Lesson 2

After the first lesson on what is democracy and what is the meaning of serving the people, the second lesson for this course in govt for politician wannabes is about the differences between a republic, a monarchy and a dictatorship.

A monarchy is simple, the right to rule is by birth or by the mandate of heaven. The monarch and his family will rule forever. The people and country and everything in the country are owned by the monarch and his family. His children will become princes and princesses and become monarch to succeed him. And relatives would become dukes, duchess, lords etc etc and paid living expenses as an entitlement.

A dictatorship is simply a country and people seized by an individual or a group of individuals by force and the gun. Should be easy to understand when the dictator or dictatorship just ruled for their own interests and benefits and the people are merely another form of slaves or subjects.

For politician wannabes, the simple descriptions like the above are good enough.

A republic is very different. The country is owned by the people, the citizens, and if they adapt a democratic political system, then the people will elect their representatives to help them run the country on a contract basis, renewable every four or five years. Many citizens of republics know that power corrupts and put a limit to the number of years the elected representatives can be in office. They would also have many rules to prevent any scoundrel from usurping power and turn the republic into a dictatorship or a monarchy.

Politician wannabes in this country must be hammered into them the meaning of a republic, that this island is a republic and is not owned by any party, dictator or dictatorship or any family or individual. The people own this island and are the true masters of the island. And politician wannabes when they are elected to political office must remember that the people who put them into power can remove them from power. And don’t they dare usurp power to treat the republic as their own property.

And they must not forget to write the 1,000 lines, ‘A democracy is a govt of the people, by the people and for the people’ everyday.


  1. "A dictatorship is simply a country and people seized by an individual or a group of individuals by force and the gun."

    So a dictatorship evolves and develops into a kingdom when ownership of the country is passed from father-dictator to son-prince?

    And a republic spontaneously bursts into life only when citizens learn to vote wisely?

  2. "Politician wannabes in this country must be hammered into them the meaning of a republic, that this island is a republic and is not owned by any party, dictator or dictatorship or any family or individual."

    Ya lah, but what happen if the strongest opposition is not ready to be govt and majority voters die die will not vote for them because of this?

    Then the incumbent can afford to behave as a dictator and as if they own the Republic, tio bo?

  3. And a republic spontaneously bursts into life only when citizens learn to vote wisely?
    Anon 9:46 am

    But is it wise to vote for an opposition which is not ready to be govt?

  4. "But is it wise to vote for an opposition which is not ready to be govt?"

    Of course.
    Must show the white pigs who is real boss mah.
    Whether it is the Singaporean voters or it is LKY mah.

  5. There are 3 main Sinkie opposition parties namely, Teochew Ah Hia WP, Aung Juan Soon Chee SDP and Hainan Ah Ko SFP and which are the better ones to vote for.

    But are their above leaders even ready to talk to each other before they can even win, let alone ready to form coalition govt if 60% really voted for them, instead of PAP?

    Can Ah Hia and Soon Chee be political bedfellows? Don't say Ah Hia, even Ah Ko, once a political bedfellow of Soon Chee, had already left Soon Chee's bed. Maybe really can't tahan "sleeping" with Soon Chee.

  6. Does not matter which Opposition Party is better.
    Just vote Opposition to teach PAP Millionaires who is the boss of Singapore.
    Is it LKY or Singaporean voters?
    If you think LKY is still the boss of Singapore, please vote PAP.
    If you think Singaporeans are the boss of Singapore, please vote Opposition.

  7. RB, I think u need to propose a degree course for Sinkie opposition politicians on how to get ready to be govt. No need for PAP lah, of course. In fact PAP politicians, even wannabies, don't need any political course, as long as the opposition is not ready to be govt.

    And this is the most crucial course, more crucial than how to win elections in Sinkieland.

    Because when a opposition party is ready, and given the current political scenario, winning for sure will be automatic one.

  8. PAP politicians also must attend a degree course .... "How to be a Singaporean citizen."

  9. Could it be the Other Way Round?

    That is Sinkies learn about the Political System well and NOT let themselves be led by their noses or let the Rulers exploit them at pleasure?

    It appears that Sinkies are happy being manipulated and exploited.


  10. "That is Sinkies learn about the Political System well and NOT let themselves be led by their noses or let the Rulers exploit them at pleasure?"

    Good idea.
    but impossible to implement in Singapore.
    Because it is PAP rulers who decide the "correct" system to teach in Singapore schools.

  11. "Arbeit macht frei" - is a German phrase meaning "work makes you free".

    The slogan was placed over the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
    Do you think it is appropriate to put up such slogans in Singapore too?

  12. It appears that Sinkies are happy being manipulated and exploited.
    patriot 11:24 am

    Not really lah. I depends on which type of Sinkies u are talking about.

    For smart Sinkies, far from being manipulated and exploited, they know how to manipulate and exploit the PAP system to make lots of money for themselves. And with lots of money, a smart Sinkie will have a good life even in high cost Sinkieland. And with that, for sure they will vote PAP come election time.

  13. @ completely WRONG RB:

    >> A dictatorship is simply a country and people seized by an individual or a group of individuals by force and the gun.

    Redbean, you need to read our history again, and try to keep your emotions out of the understanding of the interpretation of our history.

    Here's the hard cold fact no one---especially you---refuses to accept:

    Singapore's BENIGN DICTATORSHIP was installed BY CONSENT of the majority (democratic process), and maintained in office for half a century BY EXPLICIT CONSENT OF THE MAJORITY (again, democratic process).

    I'm not saying there wasn't any political dealings, horse-trading and character assassinations/ finacial ruination of the opposition. Of course that political shit goes on in any human group larger than an intimate dinner party amongst friends--say 20 people.

    Go to any large office, observe the office politics there. Now multiply those numbers by orders of magnitude to arrive at the size of the population.

    Humans are SOCIAL ANIMALS. We like groups and associations. The POLITICAL ANIMAL in humans arises from the fact THAT HUMANS ARE SOCIAL ANIMALS. As soon as there is a group of humans larger than say 20 people, you will get a HIERARCHY where certain individuals will win the approval and support of the rest of the group to be "leaders" for specific objectives.

    If you have different groups, they will compete with one another for dominance. This is true in football, sales team A vs sales team B, Islam vs Judeo-Christianity, and amongst political candidates and their various parties.

    OK, I get your drift...I think you are trying to start a "grassroots" thing for political reform. IMO, in Singapore, like China, any "reform" is likely to occur TOP DOWN, and slowly. And it has. Never before have Singaporeans had the opportunity to be so outspoken and free with their thoughts on their govt. and its workings. Yes, technology has played a part, but so too has education and an increase in WEALTH, which inevitably leads to more freedom.

    For all those "radicals" out there, if you want to be "grassroots" about this, then you need to read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals"---now considered "standard text" for people-power movements.

    So far in Singapore history, Lee Kuan Yew has been THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL PERSON to "take it to the streets" and win. That's the ONLY WAY a grassroots movement will have a chance (no guarantee!) of "success". You have to be wiling to die, in violent protest---no kiasu kiasi attitude here.

    Since Singaporeans in general are UNWILLINGLY to do that shit, including VIOLENCE against the state, political reform will be---I will bet---form the top down. i.e. the govt will "allow" more freedom and democratic activities. Full democracy? Maybe in 2 generations, or maybe never.

  14. Talk so much for what.
    Just vote Opposition first.
    If got enough votes to win, then we worry about how to form the government later.
    Do you think PAP government is any better?
    Install Desmond Kuek to be CEO of SMRT first?
    And then figure out how to "improve" SMRT later?

    Do you think Desmond Kuek had to make a presentation to the board of SMRT about his plans to improve SMRT services ... BEFORE he was appointed CEO?

  15. MS, you stupid idiot. Singapore is a democracy. What farking benign dictatorship are you farting?

  16. matilar, look like u are indeed a very knowledgeable man and a well read one. Can I request that u proceed to publish a few books based on the books proposal last time?

  17. Install Desmond Kuek to be CEO of SMRT first?
    And then figure out how to "improve" SMRT later?
    Anon 1:51 pm

    Aiya, what are u complaining, that's the privilege of being ready to be govt and winning 93% seats but with only 60% votes mah.

    Just remember, winners have their privileges.

    U want that privilege? Then be with a party that can contest 100 seats and win big in the elections lah.

  18. PAP was a Communist Party in the beginning. It is still a Communist Party today. Otherwise Lee Hsien Loong won't use the word "COMRADES" to address the 6,000 party members during the 60th Anniversay Celebration Speech.

  19. @ patriot 1124:

    >> It appears that Sinkies are happy being manipulated and exploited.

    Singaporeans are neither. They're happy shopping and eating, and owning nice expensive things. Occasionally they moan and groan about life and their govt. They then go to Orchard Rd and spend money, visit a night club and spend more, then go out and makan until stomach burst....and everything is ok once again.

    Singaporeans are big on the material things in life: as long as they have them, they are fine and quite docile.

    The PAP knows this. And they use it, not to "control" as you suggest, but to remain in 100% concordance with what the people expect their lives to be.

    Singaporeans are quite comfortable with the lack of democracy. But if you take away their makan and shopping, you will have CIVIL WAR on your hands.

    Singapore is a materialistic society. Don't ever forget that.

  20. P.S. If you attend one of those epic-failure "protests" at Hong Lim, you will conclude that the only fringe-looney's concerned with "undemocracy" are the fuckers with too much time on their hands writing screeds on the internets and complaining about the govt.

    For 90% + of the population, they just get the fuck on, and enjoy life in a wonderful Hotel-cum-cuntree---making their money, and spending it lavishly to have excellent lives---i.e . THE BEST lives in Asia and also on top there when copared to the rest of the world.

    Democracy? What the fuck for lah? No need!

  21. Haha.....

    Dear Idol;

    I cant agree more with You.
    Other than showing people around me how many continental branded vehicles on the roads, I oso tell them to look at the long queues at restaurants and the Integrated Resorts. Then there are students with their branded electronic gadgets and meals at fast food outlets and expensive cafes.

    Allow me to advertise a little of my personal experience at work places. As me am in the mid sixties in age, many foreign workers from various countries like to ask why at my age, I am still working as a cargo hand. They probably find handling a few thousands kilograms of cargoes within one and a half hours, too tough for an oldie. Btw, I am not the only oldie, infact there are many housewives around their fifties working with me, two are chemo-treated for Cancers and both work double shifts. There are few young female divorcee mothers of midget size of under 40 kilos working too.
    Most of the Chinese Housewives are actively involve with grassroot organizations or their activities. Their other pastimes are eating, shopping, karaoke and travelling. Many of them make multiple trips a year.
    Talking to them, one item stands out, few have good spousal relationship or close knitted family. I assume that individual material pursuits is the MAIN REASON.

    If spouse and children are no more the Main Precept and Concern, WHAT THEN IS NATIONHOOD AND PATRIOTISM? ? ?
    This then let me to the Conclusion that the DESTINY OF SIN IS NEAR.

    Though my wish to live like a mountain tortoise cannot be actualized due to lack of mountain, I can live like an ant, any corner will do and born to work like ant, I cant be like the elders of my fellow workers from other countries, they retire when their children become adult. I also accept fate as in what happens to individuals and countries could fall under Murphy's Law, so called what must happen will happen. In one word,
    Destiny. I am resign to it.


  22. Can you imagine a quitter that can't make it here singing songs of praise? Where is he coming from?

  23. @ 812:

    >> Where is he coming from?

    Pure, unabashed self interest, based on FACT, that's where. I call it "rational greed".

    Because if not, your self interest will lead you to decrease value or consume capital. This is "irrational" or emotionally-based greed.

    As a market-loving and market-based Anarcho-Capitalist, increase and stewardship of CAPITALl IS #1 PRIORITY. i.e. "no money, no talk". If you live in Singapore, you are a bloody fool if you don't pay attention to this aspect of Singaporean culture.

    @ patriot:

    At sometime in the past, I think my hands were as calloused or more calloused than yours. When these fat lazy, alcoholic fucks were working their unproductive 38 hr weeks, I was toiling away on weekends earning 2-3 x "penalty" rates in so many different jobs over the years, I lose count. I was a house painter, delivery truckie and tourist bus driver, deckhand, restaurant and bar staff, Artesian well-digger (damn siong), fruit picker, tutor, lecturer, director, managing director, computer tech, real estate agent, real estate managing agent, renovations contractor...and more...but at least I always had money...Even as a student, when most of my peers were struggling to pay their utilities, I was buying sports cars, clothes and fucking many Aussie gals---most of who were taller than me. :-)

    All throughout the years, I was cursing the Federal govt for stealing my hard-earned money through taxes, until one day my politically-connected girlfriend at the time introduced me to a killer corporate accountant who was so great on looking for "lobangs" that for years I would receive annual tax refund cheques from the tax man of around than $10k at a time. Back in the 1980's as a young late 20-something to early 30-something, that was a shit-ton of money lah. My money lah, I earned it.

    Racism? You bet. I kena my (un)fair share, but surprisingly not much from white folks. The fuckers who really tekan me were the Abos. Wah, they would mock me with kung fu moves, including "sound effects" learned from movies, call me "ching chong" and ask me to "fuck off back to China".

    Anyway patriot, be thankful you have a supportive workplace. It was not always the case for me ;-)
