
What kind of people to form the new govt?

A blogger writing under the name of United Opposition Front posted an article in the TRE with the title ‘Forming the new govt’. In his first sentence he wrote this, ‘Do we have in our opposition a viable alternative to become a credible government once PAP is defeated?’ The author’s thinking is that even if the PAP is defeated, which means the opposition parties have the number to form the next govt, there is still doubt about their ability to form a credible govt, and the problem is the quality of the new elected representatives.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself why was this author asking this question. The answer is simple. After so many years being fed by the same idea, the same message that only super talents, ie those with a string of As and masters or doctorates, are able to form a credible govt, one cannot think of anything else. This kind of condition is very dangerous. Ask yourself again, is this true? Let me make it clearer. Only super talents that are making millions in the professions are able to form a credible govt to run this country. Is this so? If you don’t get the idea, let me repeat, is this so?

If this is so, then the opposition parties must go out and recruit the straight As, the scholars, the doctors, the lawyers, and must be making millions or else not good enough. Is that so? If so, then the new govt must also prepare the same expensive budget to pay them in the millions or else they would not want to join them.

We have the same kind of people in govt, the straight As, the scholars, the top lawyers and doctors, aren’t they doing a very fine job? And if they are, why is there a need to want to replace them? What is the main reason to want to replace them and then to replace them with the same kind, with the same criteria and same thinking?

What I know as of today, not many opposition candidates are of these kinds, academically damn bright, making money damn clever. Think Low Thia Khiang. Silvia Lim, Png Eng Huat, Pritam Singh, Lee Li Lian and Mohamad Faisal. Chen Show Mao is the only exception.

Why are people voting for them in Aljunied, especially during the by elections when the bright and brilliant and exceptionally clever types were defeated by the ordinary Singaporean type? The only thing that the people saw in Png Eng Huat and Lee Li Lian and the Aljunied team is not academic brilliance and ability to make more money, but the heart. They saw a heart in the right place in every one of them. And they voted for a good heart, to serve the people.

Is a good heart not what the people are looking in the new candidates to form the next govt? Or are the people still being stuck with the idea that the people that are going to form the next govt must be of the same kind, the same type, the same mindset and aspirations as the PAP?

Anyone with reasonable intelligence and a good heart should be good enough to form the next govt. All they need is to think of the good of the people and country, and the super talented civil servants would be there to provide the expertise and the solutions. We need good men and women with good hearts, in the right place, with good intentions, to form the next govt. And I believe there will be no shortage of such people. Too clever people would have too many clever ideas, and if their hearts are in the wrong place, can create big and clever problems.

Ask the right questions and you will find the right answers. Ask the wrong questions and you will get the ‘right’ wrong answers.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. "Anyone with reasonable intelligence and a good heart should be good enough to form the next govt."

    Tiok. But most important is that they must be united, and accept only one of them as a leader lah.

    If all want to be generals (or rather secretary generals), then who will be the soldiers?

    And even before they can win to be govt, Teochew Ah Hia and Hainan Ah Ko are not even talking. And after Ah Ko lost in GE 2011, he also did not want to accept Aung Juan Soon Chee as leader anymore. He want to be his own general.

    And can there be one man general with no soldiers? Or hire a few soldiers only when war come?

    So what kind of people to form new govt? These are the currently available kind lah. Will they be better than those they replace, u tell me lah?

  2. PAP in the 50s comprises of chee choong fun lady and many also up to secondary or no levels.

    Why they able to do so much for the ordinary citizens???

    Because, they have the passion to serve being the ones who had suffered through the hard times.

    What for get atas atas highly educated ones who are there not for you???

    Only for self interests in milking as much out of the people blood sweat and tears???

    The highly educated ones are not necessary honest, caring and serving to their less endowed fellow men.

    They can be more evil, devilish and cruel in using their wrong intelligence.

    Many harping that only the PAP can do the jobs. Singapore can be governed by coalition parties with more humane men and women instead of one dominant party that rides slipshod over you.

  3. After only a short time, Aung Juan Soon Chee cannot even sleep on the same bed (politically lah) with Hainan Ah Ko, let alone with Teochew Ah Hia.

    In other countries, politics sometimes make strange bed fellows in order to win elections, but this is not the case for Sinkies. And not surprising, because it is a hopeless case.

  4. What about PAP?
    Does PAP have sufficient talents to form the next government even if they win GE 2016?

    PAP's list of screw-ups over the last 10 years of PM Lee's government is legendary and unprecedented in Singapore's 50 year history.

  5. "PAP in the 50s comprises of chee choong fun lady and many also up to secondary or no levels. "
    Virgo 12:49 pm

    Because in the 50s, there were not many even with secondary education mah, let alone university graduates.

    Last time policeman even wear shorts, so cannot compare with now lah.

    Now even being a graduate is already one too many, so cannot compare with last time lah.

  6. Hi Anon at 1.03

    MPs with secondary and no levels build up the country.

    MPs with degrees and all screwed up the country.

    So why not compared???

  7. Today, only teochew Ah Hia has declared that he is not prepared to take over the govt. No confidence lah! The rest like Ah Ko, Ah Juan, KJ should be more than capable to lead a new govt. What counts is the heart as RB says.
    But aren't we jumping the gun, counting the chicken before the eggs are hatched? Most important now is for the oppositions not to step on each others' toes or territories in contesting the GE. What matters is enough good men/women with the heart to fight for every seat against the PAP. If enough seats can be won, it is the natural development next for them to consolidate to form the alternative govt. But why worry before that can happen! Secure the seats first.

  8. @ RB + the loquacious ramblers at the TRE:

    The people who form govt in a cuntry are people from the same common stock of deluded idiots of that cuntry. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANY *BETTER* OR *WORSE* THAN THIS.

    So the "new" govt is going to be SIMILAR to the "old" govt.

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

    Culture motherfuckers, culture. That's where every cuntree's politics, shared values, social norms originate from.

    The Sheeple and their cuntry will ALWAYS get the government they DESERVE!

    Got PR Visa or second passport to another cuntree?

  9. Matilar, knn u nothing better to do is it? Go and apank your mother, wife and daughters lar since u like this sort of thing, you mother fucker or go write your book 12.

  10. I have a money proposition for the PAPigs if they get voted out in GE 2016.
    Instead of working for peanuts as Opposition MPs.
    Why not form a $2 consultation company.
    And the new pro Singaporean government will hire you as consultants to dig up all the shit you have left behind for us.

  11. I am willing to give the opposition party 50 years to learn and perform.

  12. "Anyone with reasonable intelligence and a good heart should be good enough to form the next govt. All they need is to think of the good of the people and country, and the super talented civil servants would be there to provide the expertise and the solutions."
    And if the super talented civil servants are all PAPigs ...
    We will bring in real talents from the United Nations and other countries.

  13. `Meet the new boss, same as the old boss....Culture motherfuckers, culture.... That's where every cuntree's politics, shared values, social norms originate from...
    The Sheeple and their cuntry will ALWAYS get the government they DESERVE!`

    Wah!! This is very cheem, very profound; from a smug arsehole who was `lucky enough` to have been given a break by others and now can gloat and `talk big` because he has achieved some success in another country and conveniently forgotten why he left in the first place; forgotten that others may not have been as `lucky` as he has been.

    I agree will RB that no great talent is required, but a genuine concern for the well-being of the populace; a good heart is far far more important. People in position can learn what is takes to make a good government. LKY learnt what it took, Clinton learnt to become a true statesman, so did Blair and so did many other so-called `great` leaders lik Churchill. There is too much `he-lo lai lo` kind of mentality. Marx once said, `men make history but they do not do so in circumstances of their own making`. Given the opportunity many Singaporeans will be able to do a decent and competent job, AND with compassion and care.

  14. @ I make up stories about people I don't know 1154:

    >> conveniently forgotten why he left in the first place

    No, I haven't forgotten. I left for adventure and fun. I also heard that Aussie chicks--although a bit plump--were very open about sex.

    I definitely didn't "run away" from Singapore, if that's what you're implying.

    >> forgotten that others may not have been as `lucky` as he has been.

    WOW! Talk about being "cheem"...

    That's not even on my radar. Who is to say who is 'lucky' and who isn't?

    Everyone is lucky to varying degrees--ever since one of the billions of their father's jizz managed to impregnate and fuse with one of their mum's ovums, when their dad ejaculated into their mum, instead of the usual coming on her face or up her arse.

    Any air-breathing cunt can go apply for a visa and buy a ticket to fuck off to another cuntree. You're a dumb shit--it's not a matter of 'luck', it's a matter of wanting to do something and doing it--even for the silliest of reasons.

    The only 'luck' one ever needs is the luck to remain alive and healthy enough to think and move about. All 'luck' is simply probabilistic events occurring in favourable ways. To skew the odds in your favour by using your brain to make certain decisions. That's all.

  15. He pretends to be suffering from some psychiatric sickness so that he can curse and swear at everyone. He is just taking advantage of other people's kindness.

    RB must not be duped by this pretender. He is not so simple and has a private agenda, to serve his master. How else he could have so much money to fly around and fool around without a proper job? He is being paid by you know who to do some dirty work.
