
What if Obama say these?

Obama stood in Congress and warned the Americans that the USA would be in deep trouble if the Democrats lost the next general election. He also warned that in a freak election he would move in the army to take over the country.

Can anyone imagine Obama threatening the Americans with such a scenario? Can anyone imagine Obama following up with the threat that the American womanfolks would become maids and Americans would become boat refugees?

I can’t imagine this would be said in the American Congress. But don’t worry, if Obama or any American President would dare to say it the whole Congress will burst out in laughters. They will give him a standing ovation before chasing him out of the White House with a broom stick.

The Americans would not take this kind of comments lightly from their politicians, not from their President. That is how mature their system is and how the thinking of their people have become. They are really first world and not 3rd World with 3rd World mentality. Obama would not dare insult the Americans and treat them like dafts? But Obama would be smart enough not to do it. It is the USA!

Has Singapore arrived, knocking at the gate of the 3rd World? See the difference? The language of politicians in the US and Sin City and their vocabulary are very different. But they can’t be saying the same kind of things, Obama is not a super talent, no standard. That is the difference. In Singapore we have freedom of speech and can say anything.

PS: Kishore asked if we can laugh at ourselves with cartoons and be the butt of our own jokes?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. If he said that Americans will kick them out to Alaska.

  2. /// What if Obama say these? ///

    He will not and cannot say these. He will be laughed out of office. Who is he? How can he be respected when he only earns peanuts? His salary is only a tiny fraction of our super talents (any of the top 50 politicians in Singapore earns more than Obama), so Obama only command a fraction of the respect, and has only a fraction of the talent of our super talented team.

  3. When Singapore politicians squable over their salary, I know those who join are not ready to serve but attarted by the $$$ sign.

  4. Just compare the jobs scope of USA President and the ceremonial President in Spore. Then we compare their enormous different in salaries.


    Then comprare the land areas

    The White House fence encloses 18 acres of land.

    Istana or Palace is occupying 106 acres in the prime area!

  5. The govt always exhume graves in CCK in the name of land shortage but would occupy such huge estate in the middle of the ORCHARD road just for one person !

    Enjoying millions of salaries, doing only ceremonial role and living a land much bigger the President of a superpower

  6. If Obama or any US President said those words, he'd better have congress backing for "emergency powers" or faces arrest and jail for treason.

    Calling out the military on domestic soil in peacetime is serious business.

  7. If you don't buy my chicken rice......I will send in the army!

    Do you understand? You will have tanks rumbling in the streets.

    Buy my super expensive rice. Eat it gladly and uncomplainingly.....or men with no necks will rappel down black heliocopters and force you to do so.

    Hahahahaha....stupid people will always think and do stupid things.

    Darkness 2014

  8. "In Singapore we have freedom of speech and can say anything" unquote.

    What can I say? That must be one of the most noble truth that I have ever heard.


  9. We are not America. We live in a Serfdom. When will the daft wake up to reality?
    Malulah Sinkapoorlah!

  10. Some eat the freshest sushi air flown from Nippon. The rest feast on salt fish and bean sprouts - on a good day.
    Now go and scrub that toilet and collect more cardboards. And don't say we didn't give you any dignity. Be grateful.

  11. "What if Obama say these?"

    - If the party loses, the gov should still function but if the party loses and the gov cannot function then there is already something very wrong aka in deep trouble. So the sooner the party loses, the sooner this problem can be fixed else it will just snowball into a gigantic crisis. Anyway, Obama not so stupid to say those words lah.

  12. // PS: Kishore asked if we can laugh at ourselves with cartoons and be the butt of our own jokes? ///

    Why not Kishore ask if PM Lee can laugh at himself with cartoons and be the butt of our jokes?

    Oh yes!
    was the below cartoonist sued for his cartoons?


  13. Of course, Obama cannot say this lah.

    Let them fight lor among themselves, Repub vs Democrats, gridlock over budgets, you raise bill I shoot down, last minute approval if not govt cannot function, actually its kinda entertaining.

    Too bad hor, RB, you cannot see this in Singapore, I betcha you would like to see that.

    Unless, unless the daft sinkies are brave enough to try other chicken rice, which according to Darkness is a better chicken rice. I m sure redbean try already.

  14. Mr think u mean cheeken lice.

  15. If china can surpass america, how come wp cannot surpass pap leh?

  16. Republicans fight with Democrats, this is Democracy at its best.

    You can see such gridlocks is actually good for the country. America is still the strongest country in the world, why so scared in Singapore ?

    Go ahead, folks, be brave, don't worry, it will be ok, try will know, at most if not nice, next time don't try, like change maids and change colour underwear, not nice change.

    I Patriot

  17. // PS: Kishore asked if we can laugh at ourselves with cartoons and be the butt of our own jokes? ///

    this kishore can laugh at his own butt lah. without being pap mouthpiece, can he still hold on to his sky high well paid job in nus?

  18. Fact is there are more people from Asia including China wanting to emigrate to America then the other way round. Just look at all the Chinese parents sending their children to study in the USA. It's a one way traffic. So go ahead mock the American system.

  19. Hi RB, speed. I cannot imagine any president or PM in any country in the world would be stupid enough to say that if I lose the next election I will send in the army. Obama would never dare suggest such a scenario.

    Are you suggesting that someone has actually said this in the past?

  20. GE 2016.
    Throwing the baby (PAP) out with the bath water (Lee Hsien Loong).

  21. A new baby, WP, Teochew Ah Hia, is born.

    Our Saviour ! Huat Ah !

  22. RB, why don't you be a chicken rice seller as well?

  23. /// But they can’t be saying the same kind of things, Obama is not a super talent, no standard. That is the difference. In Singapore we have freedom of speech and can say anything. ///

    In Singapore, we have the freedom of speech and can say anything.

    In the US, they STILL have their freedom after the speech.

    That is the difference.

  24. RB forgot to say in Singapore the garment can say anything they like coz we got freedom of speech.
