
The simplicity mindset of a daft people

Coming hot behind the heels of Hsien Loong’s statement about building a Singapore for our people, our children and their children, there is this forum letter in the ST a few days ago by a Richard Thong Kok Mun with the title ‘It’s not about nationality, but hiring the right people’. In the article, the author shared his frustration talking to outsourced call centre operators with their unfamiliar accent and difficulties in understanding him. Short of some asses hurling racist remarks at him, he did make a point. A call centre is all about communication and all about the communicating in the interest of the clients. If the clients have problems with the operator, it is going to be a painful and unpleasant experience. There is nothing about being racist.

Richard Thong added in his last paragraph, ‘The question is not about which nationality is best suited for the service sector, but about hiring the right person for the job.’ He may be trying to avoid the accusation that he is being racist, so anyone will do regardless of nationality as long as he is good, talented and can do the job.
How would this relate to Hsien Loong’s statement about building a country for our children and grand children if we allow hiring according to ability or ‘talent’ to do the job regardless of nationality? Let me repeat myself, there are 6b people out there that can do the job better than any daft Sinkie and more willing to work with lesser pay. So how, get them all in and replace the daft Sinkies with these foreigners regardless of nationality? Then if all our children and grand children lose their jobs to the foreigners, is that ok?

Oh, I can solve this problem. Issue pink ICs to all the foreigners and make them Sinkies so our daft Sinkies cannot complain even if they are sacked and unemployed as the replacement are now Sinkies, not sure how to call them ‘our children or grand chidlren’. Do we need to reach a stage when the majority of the daft Sinkies are replaced by foreigners and be jobless before we wake up from this silly ‘meritocrazy’ and foreign talent shit, that it is ok to get rid of Sinkies and replace them with new citizens and foreigners?

How many times must this message be repeated before the daft Sinkies understand what they are in for? The whole country of 3m Sinkies can be easily replaced by the hoards of millions of hungry humanities waiting at our doors.

Still cannot get the picture? They are not just coming for your jobs, but your homes and your country if daft Sinkies foolishly bring them in unconditionally. So difficult to understand? So willing to be raped and be driven out of your own country? Sinkies are so happy to be replaced by foreigners. Taiwanese Lee Ao is right after all.

PS: Is MOM so insecure that it has to justify to the world that foreign workers are happy working here? There are millions waiting at the door wanting to come in. Repeat this after me please. The money is good. Those that are unhappy, simply send them home instead of allowing them to stay and create trouble or start another riot. There is no need to pander to the world. There is no need to feel inferior or insecure to the foreign CEOs and MNCs operating here. This is our country. Oops, this is a free for all hotel that belongs to everyone. I almost forget about this new status.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Agree.

    Go ask WP what is their stand on FT. Before election they said restrict FTs. After election they said they never said restrict FTs. Must also ask WP what is a FT, because different people have different definition.

    Seriously, there is not lack of dafts, 60% of them are, mind you !

  2. /// Is MOM so insecure that it has to justify to the world that foreign workers are happy working here? ///

    The more they have to harp on this, the more it is pointing otherwise.


  3. Go ask WP what is their stand on FT.
    Anon 10:13 am

    Ask WP?

    As some commenters already said, if WP wins, PAP wins. It is a win win for WP and PAP.

    If not why PAP want to send unknowns to fight WP in Aljunied, Hougang and Punggol East? Why Dr Ass, Desmond and scholar Ong never stay put where they last contested? Why they want to cabut? Why Mai Hum dare not go Aljunied
    Why, u tell me lah?

  4. Daft Sinkies (100%) will make only PAP, WP and maybe also Hainan Ah Ko party win in the next election.

    But if they are not daft, they will vote Aung Juan Soon Chee into Parliament. Just one Aung Juan Soon Chee kau liao. (enough already)

  5. Don't ask WP, then ask who ?

    WP is in Parliament that matters and only WP is powerful enough to take over Govt, so that we can be saved. Call it kiasu, we need verify (like how redbean make us verify ourselves) that WP have same view like us regarding FTs take over our executive and middle income jobs, and some lower level jobs (depends on individual), otherwise we vote in another one same same, then we how ? Another 4 years wasted ?? Tio bo ?

  6. I don't quite agree 100$ are dafts, please, don't look down on Singaporeans please.

    60% are dafts, yes. The other 40% are not dafts, like the people here, we saw the light, we saw and we like the promises that the alternatives have promised us during the election rallies all around the island.

  7. The worst scenario I can foresee is that WP will form a coalition govt with PAP after next election.

    So it is still a win win for PAP and WP, even under the worst scenario imaginable.

  8. I don't know what is a coalition, what you mean? It is either WP wins or PAP wins.

    Who has more votes in the election will win right ? Then the winning party will carry out the promises that they made right?

  9. "This is our country."
    And that is the problem.
    This is not our country.
    This is PAP country.
    You are either a PAP citizen or you are a Singaporean citizen.

    The PAP MPs represent the ideals of PAP's LKY.
    What part of "Hard Truths" don't you understand?
    "Hard Truths" means I, will not change my mind.
    "Hard Truths" means I am elected into parliament to represent LKY and PAP's values and interest.

  10. WP wins 50% seats, PAP wins 50% seats.


    if WP wins 51% seats, PAP wins 49% seats, then WP will invite PAP to form coalition govt lor. Although WP can go it alone, but remember they are not ready to be govt what.

  11. If Sinkies are good, they can leave Sg to find good jobs and better homes.


  12. Patriot .Please stop kooning.Sinkies oredi assimilate foreign cultures and behave like foreigners long ago.
    Attended few wedding lunch and dinner this december and have difficulty to tell whether i went to the correct wedding feast.
    At the entrance,either its wriiten wedding of Reuben and Jenny or Kelvin and Christine etc.
    These wedding couples and the invitees are a dissappointment to me instead .
    I cannot enjoy a feast happily seeing my friends suddenly forgetting their roots upon getting married or full month celebration with babies having unusual names.Sigh.

  13. @Agongkia

    Please do noy blame the Youngs, it is their Ah pa and Ah kongs upbringings that cause them to be pseudo angmos.


    Luckily my Father was wiser.


  14. The xenophobia is back @ redbean:

    Nice to see you haven't lost that inner demon of being hostile to "outsiders'.

    Redbean writes about keeping foreigners OUT as if they were a totally different species -- like keeping vermin out of our homes by using baits, traps, poison sprays and a good old stomp or whack with a shoe or slipper.

    >> Then if all our children and grand children lose their jobs to the foreigners, is that ok?

    Please lah, you sound ridiculous. For starters, no one can predict the future. Anyway there's a good chance (probability) that a large portion of tomorrows workers will be of MIXED ETHNICITY given the number of inter-cultural marriages going on now.

    >> The whole country of 3m Sinkies can be easily replaced by the hoards of millions of hungry humanities waiting at our doors.

    Now, if that's not a claim based on PURE, UNADULTERATED XENOPHOBIA, I'll eat my pink IC!

    Well done redbean, I knew you couldn't resist for very long. :-) Carry on, please.

    Got foreign body contamination?

  15. At least when he was given an angmo name in his early school days oversea, he still have his original name till today with pride.
    I dun see his children with unusual name.
    That is something I am always proud of him and his children.
    RB ,bloggers and Sinkies should refrain from highlighting cases of abuse by the angmos.
    Many still dun understand why one tend to feel superior than others.
    We should teach our children to have pride and dignity,work hard for the family and stay loyal to our country instead of dreaming of greener pasture elsewhere.
    Be a stayer.Your Ah Kong chose to be here.
    Do not let him down by dreaming elsewhere
    .The only place that our Ah Kong will not be dissapointed if we migrate is when you can return to his birthplace .


  16. I absolutely agree with what agongkia said.

    WISE words indeed, for the young and for the mis-directed old.

    agongkia is not gong at all, much to the contrary to his nick. He is wiser than anyone else here.

  17. @ everyone:

    What the fuck is wrong with "absorbing" aspects of other cultures?

    Western culture (a broad generalisation) is based on individuality and personal expression, as opposed to more "communitarian" (tribal) culture like Asian (another broad generalisation) where you are expect to CONFORM to traditional norms, even if it means you have to "moderate" yourself.

    By now, a significant amount of Singaporeans have not only travelled overseas, but lived and worked and INTEGRATED overseas. So when they come back to Singapore, they bring these "new ideas" and the internal changes to their IDENTITY with them.

    What the fuck is bad about that? And also, because it is "taboo" to challenge one's roots---another SILLY IDEA of Asian culture which keeps it fixed in the 14th century--the "westernised" Singaporean can expect some "backlash" from their more conservative and traditional cuntreemen.

    How do cultures change? Very fucking slowly. Yu have to wait for the older "meme hosts" to die and thus not spread their outdated ideas anymore.

    When our current meme-hosts die the fuck off, the world might start to begin to be:

    1. Less religious
    2. More understanding of the SPECTRUM of human sexuality and thus...
    3. More accepting of LGBT (and the rest of the spectrum) relationships including mariage
    4. Less xenophobic, more pluralistic
    5. More culturally diverse and INTEGRATED such that people will adopt aspects from many cultures
    6. Better educated and more in-touch with scientific principles
    7. Less trusting of government and authority--i.e. more skepticism
    ... and so on.

    1. Please refrain from vulgar language when blogging. It shows irresponsible and poor parentage upbringing. Now I know why Singaporeans
      still uphold our proud tradition. We are still proud of our moral standing. If Matilah_Singapura is more refined and cultured and refrain from his profanity I may be persuaded to go along with him. Short of that I have my reservation

  18. @ anon1.21
    Thanks but by saying so i have offended many and can even got barred from giving comment by those westernized moderator in other blog.
    Its just my gong gong thinking that i find may be helpful .
    Must thank RB for not moderating my view.
    My apology if i offended any.

  19. This Matilah Singapura is the kind of shit that should be kicked out from here. He is a shameless prick, with no country, no pride, just a parasite.

    He can't even hold a candle to RB so the only thing he can do to show that he is better is to attack RB. His fucking blog not even a mosquito with some respect would not want to be there.

    He cannot take the insult so must come here to mess up RB's blog.

    Fuck you you shameless shit. Want to change your look to be a monyet again? BTW that is the best you can look.

  20. @agongkia:

    Never apologise for "offending" people with your opinion lah. It weakens all the passionate arguments you made.

    Anyway, culture is always in flux: new progressive ideas are always at loggerheads with traditional, more conservative ideas -- especially the "sticky" ones which have weathered time.

    "Stickyness" is the main feature of an idea/ meme: if more people adopt an idea, and then use it, eventually integrating it into their lives, then that idea will "stick". Sometimes the idea is simply added to the cultural tapestry. But more often, the new idea will "kick out" a less sticky "old idea".

    The main drivers of cultural change is technology and education. People are better educated and use technology to express themselves and communicate ideas quickly, such that the "marketplace of ideas" is now a huge place of toe-to-toe competition.

    Technology and education have also redefined the ways we live and work. Thus, on those levels, cultures are also changing. The better educated you are and the more you use technology, the better chance you will have in integrating with other cultures and probably even travelling to and living in those cuntrees, forming relationships and networks with new people.

    Singaporeans are "hipsters", and the place is very hip -- the latest ideas and things soon hit our shores. That is why many Singaporeans consider even westernised nations "sua ku" because they are much slower in getting those new ideas into their culture.

    Singapore's sponge-like absorption of "new ideas" is one of the aspects of Singapore which keeps the place interesting, new, exciting, and always on its toes.

    It is a positive thing!

  21. WOW! Apparently I've offended a redbean fan. Oh well, same old no-substance arguments. Typical.

    Anyway, the angrier you get, the happier I get. I enjoy schadenfreude :-))

  22. agongkia 1.46pm

    I will not be surprised if those westernized moderators have one foot here and one foot in other country.

  23. @ matilah
    There are usually 2 ways that i will tend to apologise in blog here .
    1)I admit I made a mistake
    2)My apology if i have offended anyone
    Both different meaning but can reduce conflict.
    My Ah Kong taught me to be humble at all times and a saying 礼多人不怪。
    Thank you for your views:-)

  24. @ agongkia:

    1. Sure, if you've made a factual error, apologise lah

    2. Being humble and polite "at all times" may not be in your best interests. Human emotions occupy a wide spectrum, so why limit your own responses? The effective use of human emotion is an art, based in science (or vice versa), so every emotion has "validity" depending on the situation.

    3. Ah Kongs might be wise and great teachers, but they do not live in our present "interesting times" where many more "average people" are taught emotional awareness and neuroscience. If we use too much of "Ah Kong's methods" there is a good chance we'll be found out by these better-educated 21 century dwellers and then accused of being passive-aggressive--or exhibiting BPD.

    My point is, people are more suspicious now of being manipulated as many of them are better read in psych, neuroscience and behavioural economics.

    However it is still possible to manipulate people because the human brain is "designed" to be fooled, which keeps people like me in business ;-)

  25. This foreign trash thingy will not go away. The only way this foreign trash thingy will go away is that sinkies are paid lower than them. Businesses all have the intention to maximise profit. If other costs remain so high, the only costs to screw is labor.

  26. No point talk and talk.

    Go ask WP what is their stand on FTs then we talk. How they are going to solve problem between low growth and low growth rate.

  27. /// Go ask WP what is their stand on FTs then we talk. How they are going to solve problem between low growth and low growth rate. ///
    December 19, 2014 5:37 pm

    Singaporeans gave PAP 50 years ... and until today ... PAP got no answers other than more million dollar salaries for PAP Ministers.

    WP is not government.
    Ask WP for what?
    Even if WP is government.
    WP got 50 years to give us an answer.

  28. Your Ah Kongs came here as refugees and indentured labours, from Japanese aggression and poverty.

  29. Want to know why your Ah Kongs are stranded in Sinkland? Not so long ago all Sinkland issued passports were stamped with the following:

  30. Strongly agree with you Anon 12:41. As we grow older, there is a need to redefine ourselves, to reflect on who we are and what we are. The last thing is refusing to grow up and still behave and act like prostitutes and pimps.

    Matilah is sick and needs treatment. He will insist that he is fine and play acting only. No drunks will tell you he is drunk nor would a psychiatric patient admits that he is sick.

    The other possibility is like you said, bad family unbringings and thinking that at 60 plus it is cool to be vulgar. He doesn't know that it reflects badly on himself and his parents, and all his friends and associates for calling him friends and acquaintance. Decent people will stay away from such animals.

    But we are wasting our time on an incorrigibly sick individual. So just let him be and ignored him like all the bloggers refusing to visit his blog. Let him be proud of his filth and a blog that no decent people would want to be seen to be there.

  31. "Singaporeans gave PAP 50 years ... and until today ... PAP got no answers other than more million dollar salaries for PAP Ministers.

    WP is not government.
    Ask WP for what?"

    No need 50 years.

    I bought my HDB for $200,000 after subsidy 20 years ago in Toa Payoh. Now it is worth almost a million. It is REAL money, I can sell it and stay with my children, or stay in my condo.

    WP wants to be govt. Why should I not Ask WP what is their plan ??

  32. The title of this post says it all. Key words: Simplicity; Daft. Case closed.

  33. /// I bought my HDB for $200,000 after subsidy 20 years ago in Toa Payoh. Now it is worth almost a million. It is REAL money, I can sell it and stay with my children, or stay in my condo.
    WP wants to be govt. Why should I not Ask WP what is their plan ?? ///
    December 20, 2014 10:11 am

    This is the classic stupid & daft diehard PAPig voter we are talking about.
    He thinks he has "benefited" from PAP's housing bubble because he can now sell his home at a profit of $800K.

    So let me do the maths for you.
    You (1st generation) profited with $800K from housing.

    How many children you have?
    And how much are your children going to pay for their homes?
    You sell your home at $1 million means your two children have to buy at $1 million each ... correct?

    So you sell out at $1 million.
    Your two children buy back for $1 million each = $2 million total.
    So the net effect is that your children, the 2nd generation, is now net $1 million dollars in debt.

    Use your brains lah!
    Don't read so much Straits Times.

  34. @pretending to be pristine, the self-important 1241:

    Fuck your mother's smelly cunt. I will write what I want, with as much profanity that I judge to be "just nice", so by all means, don't read me. Fuck off and read some "PG 13" prose that won't make you feel any discomfort. Like the phone book. ;-)

    BTW, redbean is an incorrigible XENOPHOBE and borderline RACIST. You can easily get the proof you need to back up this claim from the archives of this blog.

    Redbean is proof positive that freedom in the world is doing quite well, because you can write bigoted prose—occasionally venturing into the realms of being twisted and perverse--and still have adoring fans who'll buy you kopi, and attack your detractors.

    Redbean is Singapore's one man Ku Klux Klan--self-appointed and self-annointed fearless defender of the ARBITRARY RIGHTS of locals, and destroyer of those foreigners who apparently "steal" stuff from local Singaporeans (all from foreign stock themselves)--like jobs, women, property, etc etc.

    It doesn't take much to set redbean aflame with indignation—his XENOPHOBIC RADAR is so acutely tuned to the behavioral characteristics of foreigners that every isolated incident of “bad behaviour” triggers redbean's Xenophobic Ordnance, and he scrambles to fly an attack sorties on these “foreign devils”. His fans respond with the excitement and the frothing at the mouth one will encounter at “free ice cream day” at the local School For Retarded Kids. :-)

    Cab driver gets bashed, someone shits in public, cyclist engages in road rage—locals are all guilty of these too, but redbean's XENOPHOBIC RADAR filters out all of these incidents and only focuses on the foreigners who commit these “heinous acts”--as if these incidents never occurred before the arrival of “the visitors”.

    Redbean and his fans are the people responsible for besmirching Singapore's wonderful name and reputation in the international space. I still defend their freedom of speech to share their XENOPHOBIC views, but I also have the same right and therefore will respond accordingly. Why? Because I don't want to see the reputation of my favourite hotel being dragged into the quagmire of iniquity by these malcontent knaves. I dig Hotel Singapore, I really do. And I won't sit idly by and have her magnificent name and honour dragged like a toilet brush thought shit.

    Hey redbean, how's your moral compass today? Have you polished your jack-boots?

    Singapore Über Alles! Heil Sturmbannführer Redbean!

  35. With Redbean, Matilah Singapura and the Crowd here, the Whole Spectrum of Sinkie Culture are covered. The Polarities of both Redbean and MS are just cultural differences of Orient Culture versus Globalized/Chapcheng/almagated/bastardized cultures. The Values are very different and therefore big and deep gap will lie in between.


    1. My apology.
      'almagated' to be corrected to 'almagated'.


  36. Btw

    Matilah Singapura seems selfish gene free, he appears to want to share all good things with everybody. But, he makes sure that everybody works for the Good Things irrespective of their capability.


  37. @ patriot:

    Don't be fooled, I know and have experienced alot more about Singapore than your average nerdy keyboard jockey who can't even look up from their smart phone for more than 5 secs.

    Suffice it to say, I pretty much know every sq metre of this island AND its surrounding islands. How many people have:

    1. Stayed in a kelong or an atap kampung house (when they used to have atap houses here)

    2. Travelled up the mangrove estuaries of Loyang

    3. Played in Sentosa's pillboxes and swum nude at Fort Siloso when it was Belakang Mati-- way before the Sentosa Development Corporation was even thought of

    4. Swum (illegally) in the quarries at Bk Timah Hill and Pulau Ubin?

    5. Trekked by foot and bike thru every "nature prserve" and reservoir at Pearce, Woodleigh (where you can find lots of WW2 ammo in bunkers and caves), Mandai, McRitchie, Sg Buloh, Loyang, Tampines etc etc, even thru the pig farms of Hougang, Seletar, Bedok Ulu Pandan and Marsiling?

    6. Camped (legally and illegally) on most of the beaches from Changi to East Coast to Southern Islands...

    OK, that is the outdoors stuff. But I'm aware of every sq metre of downtown too, plus all the business parks and industrial areas, and specialist places like BioTech Park---home of the mighty A-Star :-)

    I know Singapore culture, history and the first-person experience with her geography like it was my homeland, because at one time long ago, it WAS my beloved homeland....until the sheeple ALLOWED IT to be STOLEN from them, right beneath their kaypoh noses, with full knowledge and consent.

    But because I wasn't willing to give it up, I changed Singapore status to HOTEL.

    Which is why to this day, I have no sympathy for the "negative consequences" which befall The Sheeple, who are 100% to blame for all the shit in their lives :-))

    I also think that pigeon-holing me into the catagory of "bastardised chap cheng culture" is in error. If the question was posed to me as to my cultural roots, the one word answer I would give is PERANAKAN-- Straits-born Chinese, English educated with overseas component, free thinking, individualistic, open minded, but with a respect for the gorgeous, rich cultural traditions expressed in the food, language, philosophy (of entrepreneurship, quang xi and self-reliance), the magnificent furniture and the sexy clothes worn by the PERANAKAN girls--usually very smoking hot, especially the ones from Cantonese stock. (I love Cantonese girls).

    Peranakan culutre is reflected in its food: a delicious mix from various international influences, European, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and of course Asian. As is the language with words borrowed from Portugese, Spanish, Dutch, Indonesian, Thai and of course Chinese and Malay.

    In every barrel of fruit, there'll be a few rotten ones. Redbean is such a type of fruit. Singapore, even as a hotel and stolen cuntree, is still AWESOME.

    However I would much prefer "negative spirits" like redbean to vent their angry spleens and fuck the nation. This to me at least is an honest expression of tangled emotions and unexamined lives...the primordial scream of deep dissatisfaction, taken out and blamed on "external factors" like the state or the govt, or foreigners, or rich people...take yur pick ;-)

    On with the show!

    Lunch time...Got nasi padang?

  38. @ patriot:

    No one is free from the "selfish gene". Apparently you have an erroneous understanding of the term. "Selfish gene" doesn't mean that you-- the genetic PHENOTYPE expressing the gene is "selfish" in terms of character.

    "Selfish gene" means something else. Borrow a copy of the eponymous Dawkins book (from any of the wonderful NLB outlets) and understand the true meaning of the term "selfish gene".

  39. Sinkies born in the 50s and before are likely to have covered the Entire Tiny Rock called Sin.
    Oldies like me have done it for there was nothing else much to do for our generations.
    Today, every knowledge can be had with the butt on the Couch and airfares cheaper than trainfares.

    Anyway, culture and customs are identities indigenous to different tribes and innate in nature. Not a topic that can be discussed with few words and probably take years to seriously study for veracity.

    With each of us naturally prone to our interpretations, divides and differences shall exist and remain infinitely. Nevertheless, it is invaluably beneficial to all participants here.



  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @ patriot:

    >> Today, every knowledge can be had with the butt on the Couch and airfares cheaper than trainfares.

    I'm talking about EXPERIENCE, and being engaged--with your whole being, your mind, your "essence"--with the local environment. Any damn fool with a smart phone can get "instant knowledge" now...but not the experience.

    I can think of no other metaphor to describe "being one with your home cuntry".

    Present generations of Singaporeans, and even many of the oldies, have lost that "organic connection" with their homeland, to the point where they are now strangers in their own cuntry---and THEY DESERVE IT.

    Our ancestors built enterprises from scratch, with no "government assistance". Nowadays the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY has taken over such that it is OK to "demand" the govt does such-and-such so that The Sheeple can be "happy". Hint of the day: Happiness is personal and comes from within yourself, not "externally" from govt policy.

    The Sheeple will kill whatever is left of their homeland, thru the government they deserve!

  42. Anon 11.21 am

    In your world, you would rather lose money than make money. Weird but that's what you are saying. Say 20 years ago, you paid $1 million for a house, and now you can only sell it for $200,000, a $800,000 loss, and that is ok and you are very very happy with that govt who made you lose money. Because now, your children only need to pay $200,000 for a house, and to be decimated later as years goes by. You are very happy.

    Another example, you earn salary of $1000/month 20 years ago, and now, your children can only earn $250/month, and you are darn happy like a bird. This is going back to the stone age as years goes by.

    Now who is daft and stupid ?

  43. So, your example is smarter or more stupid?

  44. Obviously you are daft + stupid. You are happy with deflation in incomes and deflation in asset prices. How daft can you get ?

  45. Bottom line is HDB flats should be up and up.
    My MP MBT has done a good job .
    If prices is down.Sinkies will be doom.
    Still dun understand why Sinkies cannot see the picture.Study too much brain enter water.
    No wonder why Sinkies are advise not to study too much.
    Not only daft but selfish.
    These calls for cheaper flat and minimum wage will only benefit foreigners with Sinkies being shortchange.
    Good in mathematic does not imply one can see far.

  46. Wait till the lease life is left with 20 years or 10 years. Then you will know who is smart and who is daft.
