
The arrogance of Power

American Exceptionalism is touted as some kind of a right that is granted to the Americans. They can do anything they want, to kill, to meddle with other countries domestic affairs, to threaten countries with sanctions, regime change, to incite and provoke wars. They can have the biggest military forces, the most nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems, but others are not allowed to have. They can talk down to countries about human rights but they could violate every human rights against anyone, at home or abroad. And the silly Afro Asians love them and accept this Exceptionalism as the law to abide by. And they pray to the Americans for being able to act so exceptionally and so arrogantly.

The audacity of it all is like someone living in the biggest glass house and throwing stones at everyone, not a bit shy or shameful that others could throw stones back at the big glass house that is fully transparent with all the faults and flaws for all to see.

Where else can one see such arrogance of power, do as I tell you, but not do like I do. Don’t cheat, but I can cheat. Be honest and transparent but don’t look at me. I am different, beyond reproach, for I hold all the powers there is. I dictate the rule of the game for others to play. I don’t need to play by the rules I set. I am above the rule of law, rule of decency, rule of deceit, rule of fair play, rule of transparency, rule of anything. I am the Master of the Universe, I am God.

Everyone must play by my rules. Everyone must not cheat. I can. And no one is allowed to say I cheat. I will come down very hard on those who dare say I cheat.

This is Exceptionalism. This is American Exceptionalism. Anyone wanting to imitate the Americans must possess the absolute power to rule over the helpless masses like the Americans hammering the Muslims and the Arabs to smithereens and acquiescence. What torture in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib? Only the Americans can do it and get away with it.

Rule of Law?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. The arrogance of power - are you talking about the US or Singapore?

  2. Redbean, you didn't go far enough lah.

    BTW exceptionalism is not a right "granted". It is a right CLAIMED because the United States was the first and so far ONLY cuntree to be formed on the principles of self ownership and liberty, limited government and laissez faire ( hands off!) Private enterprise -- especially the right for every individual to " pursue their own happiness".

    Remember: America is an ONGOING social experiment. The War of Independence from the yoke of the British crown was waged by men and women (rich business and land owners) of science, wealth, influence and power, not by a bunch of hole-shitting farmers with pitchforks and unruly mobs of urban slum dwellers -- like all other revolutions. The American War of Independence (aka The American Revolution) was a war between CAPITALISTS and The King who was hell bent on taxing and regulating them.

    Other revolutions are much the same: sociliasts/ communists/ left-leaning apparatchiks vs the establishment, capitalists ( of the crony variety) and usually a corrupt authority.

    The differences in the American Revoulution are the historical aspects to which America claims to be "exceptional".

    So it is not a claim without precedence. However, it is clear that they've strayed WAY TOO FAR from the original spirit of the claim. Both Washington and Jefferson were wary of "entanglement" with foreign nations. Back then it was "Fortress America"-- mind our own business, don't make trouble.

    200 or so years later...Exceptionalism has become a doctrine in many instances of "bully kechik".

    Thankfully there are people like Ron and son Rand Paul who are committed to reigning in The Imperial American Empire. However, I doubt they'll succeed. There's way too much moneied interests in supporting American Exceptionalism.

    And as always, follow the money. America and her exceptionalism are no longer ALONE. These days America has many "partners" (like Singapore, Australia, UK, Thailand, South Korea, Israel etc etc) who all benefit form American Exceptionalism. Everyone is entangled like fuck.

    IMO it is unfair to just blame America. Even the biggest gangster cannot survive for long without "kaki nang" to support him.

    So c'mon redbean, be a for minded individual and slap those complicit cuntrees who are contributing to this awesome show of global dominance.

  3. But the world policed by americans still better than policed by islamists right? its the choice of the lesser of two evils lah.

  4. Everyone must play by my rules. Everyone must not cheat. I can. And no one is allowed to say I cheat. I will come down very hard on those who dare say I cheat.

    - actually it sounds more like the youknowlah. bill clinton did quit after his cheating was found out.

  5. if you have deal with muslims, you will understand why amercans wanna whack them. sometimes they are very inflexible and even if they are absolute minority, they want others to also eat halal food. this means they have no respect for democracy. do u enjoy eating halal mcdonalds?

  6. One thing about Obama, is that he really is a class act. A cool black dude who looks like a male model in his suit, he has a demeanour to win hearts. He's also very fucking smart.

    Under his stewardship, the US military has killed more bad guys than Bush ver 1 and 2, Clinton and Reagan.

    Obama is a class act because: as soon as he became President, he immediately went to the Middle East to "make friends" sending the Republicans into paroxysms shouting "Traitor!" "Appeaser!", as Yellow Journalism of Faux News, Breitbart and WorldNet Daily--all loud-hailers for the right-wing ideologues went bananas. and they haven't stopped.

    Then Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. And then he increased the troop numbers in Afghanistan, and refused to close Guantanamo. Then he gave the kill order to have Osama taken out. Obama has a predilection for using drones to blow terrorists to Paradise. During his 2 terms--not finished yet--he has set a record for number of drone missions.

    Yet, he's superb at playing the cool, calm dude and oozes charm. He's charmed Asian govts in a way Bush, Clinton or Al Gore could never do. He goes to Indonesia, someone shouts "Apa Khabar?" Without missing a beat Obama responds "Khabar Baik!" then later on peppers his speech with phrases from Bahasa, and the whole fucking cuntry of over 250 million Indonesians, mostly Muslims erupts in euphoria. (mass stupidity).

    Since then, I have not met a single Indonesian who isn't PROUD OF THE FACT, the the current leader of the free world, the President Of The United States, is a least partly from Indonesia. "He's one of us!", an Indo friend emphasises to make sure I get the point, and don't forget it ;-)

    So there you have it. Mr Handsome & Charming himself: Barrack Obama. Friend of the Muslims, yet probably killed more Muslims than any other president.

    Obama as done more for American Exceptionalism than any of his predecessors. Asian governments just love the guy. "Hello Mr President, please cum to my cuntree and do whatever the fuck you like! God Bless America!"

    What a fucking, A-Number One, Class Act.

    p.s. last time I used the above image for my profile, redbean asked me to take it down. So before he asks me again, you anti PAP "patriots" better copy it. My gift (gif?), to you. No thanks required. As always, fuck you :-)

  7. You bastard matilah singapura. Why are you purposely using terms like yellow culture, yellow journalism when you know they are racist terms coined by the whites to insult the yellow race.

    You are a real bastard and a disgrace to your parents and ancestry if you are also of the yellow race.

  8. @931:

    BBBwwwhahahahahahhehehehohoho....WOW! you are ** THE STUPIDEST ** motherfucker I've encountered on the net all year. Yessir, you win the grand prix.

    Go and FIND OUT the true meaning of Yellow Journalism, and the origins of the term. Hint: It's not what you think in that one-track "the world is against my race" asshole who is a racist but calls everyone else a racist.

    "Disgrace to parents and ancestry" --- hey dumb fuck, what fucking century are you living in dah to come up with SHIT like that? Is you brain stuck in a time so long ago? People in living in the present-day look on those NEUROTIC cultural fixtures of the past with embarrassment lah!

    Fuck me. You really are a STUPID CUNT. But please carry on, I like to laugh at your "handicap" ;-)
