
Obama – Please spend your last days solving the white racist shit against the blacks in your own backyard

Obama still got time to talk nonsense and meddle with other countries’ domestic affairs when his backyard is burning. If he can’t handle the rise in white racism and hate against the black Americans, someone may even burn down the White House, the symbol of White Supremacy in the USA.

We took more than 30 years to realize that the rogue retailers in our shopping centres were cheating the tourists and giving our country a bad name. And it also took us more than 30 years to find that there must be a law to stop what the rogue retailers were doing as crimes. Luckily there is the internet to help the govt to think real hard on this problem. A few weeks ago so many quarters in the establishment were still harping about how clever the retailers were, they knew the law and did not do anything criminal. Some came out to chastise the netizens to be kind to the retailers, some were apologetic not to break the rice bowls of the rogue retailers, some minister, I think, even threatened the netizen vigilante not to go too far to harass the rogue retailers.

Obama and his law makers just worked up and think this white racist thing against the blacks also happened yesterday after more than 200 years of racism. They did not know that the blacks have been victims to white policemen all the while, beaten and killed even when unarmed or underage. No, there is no racism in America!!!! The policemen are so angelic and only killed the blacks when their lives were threatened, like 14 of them, all carrying arms, fearing for their lives against one unarmed black and had to shoot him dead, 14 time over to make it 14 times sure. Then two armed policemen had to kill a child with a toy gun, fearing for their lives as well. And now another black man choked to death by a white policeman despite pleading for his life that he could not breathe. And the white policeman was acquitted.

These are the only three of four exceptional cases that happened to happen. In Singapore we called it once in 50 years incident. Happened only once in 50 years, get it? Obama, are you that ignorant? You were supposed to be an exceptionally intelligent black man. The black community expects you to do something good, at least during the last two years of your term, for respect and decency for the black Americans. Please, stop poking your fingers in other countries’ affair and do something good for America and the black people. You owe it to them for voting you to the White House. What happens in other countries in none of your business. Go do something useful, do something real. And please return the Nobel Peace Prize that some stupid people gave it to you by mistake.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Nigger (Chigger??) please, you are not making sense. Racism exists everywhere, because racist people exist everywhere.

    America elected a BLACK GUY to be president. I would say the people themselves have changed their culture by electing a BLACK GUY with his BLACK WIFE and BLACK KIDS to occupy the White House for 8 years.

    Obama is entitle to meddle in the affairs of any fucking cuntree on earth. This is not a black-white thing lah. It is the doctrine of American exceptionalism where the US is so special it gets to dictate foreign policy which align with American interests for global dominance.

    You dun like it? Well join the screaming hoards. Until there is an ACTIONABLE SEACHANGE --so far plenty of chit chat, threats and epithets but no action, even from China or Russia -- America is #1, and that's that.

    Me? I (I'm essentially amoral and pragmatic) adapt so I can take advantage of whatever the situation.

    Fuck the USA! We live in a world where we are free to say that, and call Obama a nigger -- which is PROTECTED SPEECH under their own US Constitution...thanks to the USA!

    If Russia ruled the world, Putin would be fucking you, moving into your house and stealing your shit.

    So maybe having a black guy in charge ain't so bad. ;-)

  2. The monkey is restless today dear.

    1. U the botak short ass who write to the media?

  3. You are right. You can see the monkey brain trying to think and impress people using monkey logic, if there is such a thing as monkey logic.

    Keep trying monkey.

  4. The blacks are still oppressed and discriminated against despite the president being black, the attorney general being black and the homeland security secretary being black. This is just for show to please the masses. The whites and the jews are still in charge and own America and they are the ones who call the shots.

  5. Yes, the White and Jews are in charge and they are going to make sure that Obama is the first and last black American President.

  6. Naive people like to put the blame on racism but it is their laziness that created the problems.

  7. Who is racist and who is not? It is easy to assume that the whites are racist but black's are extremely racist against the white as well, and foremost, blacks hate Asians.

    Anyone who been to USA knows that Asians who go to junk school will find lots of blacks and they are targeted for bully.

    Blacks in USA also cannot control their ass and black man keep screwing, getting children then run away. The blacks then accuse white for all their shit.

    The victim of Ferguson has basically live a life of thug and gangsterism. He attack cop and was killed. Unfortunately not all people are discerning.

  8. Lastest: one more black was gunned down by another white cop in Arizona.

  9. @ Veritas:

    ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Many black people fucking hate Asians. Asians tend to set up businesses in black neighbourhoods because no one else has the balls to do so.

    Black thugs rob Asian grocers and mini marts all the time. During the riots in LA, Koreans were defending their businesses with guns as hoards of angry blacks went beserk with violence and looting.

    Racist black people are simply jealous of Asian success and capacity for hard work.

    I haven't even mentioned the gang-banger scene between Asian and Black gangs...that's a whole new universe right there...

  10. Is RB aka Chua Chin Leng being prophetic here?
    He is saying Obama is dying and has last few days to live.
    If he is prophet, he could also predict when the next GE be held or lagi best when will be the last day of the grand old man getting paid for doing no work!
