
UN accusing North Korea for crimes against humanity

The UN, under the instigation of the Europeans, and hiding behind the corner, the Americans, thought it a very clever and highly moral thing to want to charge the North Koreans for crimes against humanity for the decades of cruelties against its citizens. On the other hand it turned a blind eye to the decades/centuries of cruelties committed by the Americans and Europeans against the African slaves and the genocides against the Red Indians. Maybe they think those cruel crimes against humanity were too long ago.

What about the murders of the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein and American boys and girls in a fake war built on fake grounds? Off hand the number of dead and maimed in the last 10 years would be more than those in North Korea over the so called decades of cruelties based on hearsays and anti North Korean gooks, and outsiders that had not set foot on North Korean soil. The numbers of kills and wounded in Iraq are available for all to see.

Never mind. Let’s look at the reason why the Americans and Europeans are obsessed with wanting to discredit the North Koreans and to bring them down, to continue to impose sanctions on the North Korean people, and to provoke them to react angrily and aggressively. It is not a simple case of hatred and mischief or ignorance or fake compassion for humanity. It is all part of the bigger scheme of things, to keep harassing the North Koreans, to perpetuate a state of tension and hostility between the North and South Koreans. It is all to serve the American Empire, to keep South Korea as a semi colony, to station troops in South Korea as a staging point for a strategic purpose, in case of war against China.

North and South Korea are just convenient chess pieces in the American war game for world domination. The Americans would not want the South Koreans to have any reason to negotiate peace with North Korea, to reunite the two states and to ask the American troops to go away. They must constantly provoke the North Koreans, agitate the North and incite the South to go and kill each other. Korean lives and national interests are secondary to the American Empire. And it is good money too, forcing the South Koreans to continue to buy American weapons, like it or not.

The secondary objective is to deflect the attention on the war crimes committed by George Bush and Tony Blair in the Middle East. As long as the pressure continues to mount against North Korea, and the fingers pointing at the North Koreans or Iran or any other convenient scapegoat, no one would have the time to look at the Americans’ dastardly acts and their crimes against humanity. The Americans would just drag the whole world by the ears to wherever they want them to be and to see. The Europeans were just convenient cronies to act as diversion in this case. They have more than enough trouble at home to want to mess around with the North Koreans in another corner of the globe. But they had no choice as the Americans insisted on them to front this premeditated cause just like using Australia and John Abbot as the sheriff of the western Pacific. So it gives the impression that it was not the Americans doing it.

The North and South Koreans are in very pathetic situation, unable to shrug off this evil Empire without being colonised by war if they chose to behave otherwise. The best they could do is to play along, but be very conscious that they are all Koreans and must avoid war at all costs.

The Americans would continue to control and mess around with these two states to keep them as two separate political entities, and to go to war would be even better. The Americans have all to gain politically, strategically and financially if hostility breaks out.

The two Koreans must pray very hard that God is merciful to them and keep the American Empire from exploiting them. And the allies of the Americans are all in praise of the Americans as the responsible policemen of the world, maintaining peace and stability and all the craps that they forced themselves to believe in.

What a joke!

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Wahsei. So heavy reading on a Friday morning. Thought it should be TGIF instead.

    RB, no nation is an angel. Each country is always thinking of what's good for them. Sad but true. Do not blame USA alone. It is just doing what benefits them. For the North Korean, preserving the rule of Kim overrides all other things and so they do what is important to them including killing political opponents.

    So releax and go for a nice cup of kopi. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world.


  2. "UN accusing North Korea for crimes against humanity"
    This must be something new for the United Nations to just find out(sarcasm).

    "PAP government accuses a Sim Lim Square retailer for crime against tourists"
    Do you think this is also something new?

  3. North Korea replies the United Nations:

    1) "We are deaf to all criticisms"

    2)"If we didn't get it right, I'm sorry. But we will try better the next time."

  4. P.S. N Korea is a bucket of shit. Leave them alone lah.
    They worship their Dear Leaders from the "Kim" linage. They think he has "magical powers" to make birds sing, destroy America and perform various acts of "salvation".

    The People Get The Dictator They Deserve! Leave N Kore alone and enjoy the entertainment from whatever "Kim" is running the show.

  5. North Korea is like MS.
    It will fuck care about anyone
    and is not afraid of anybody.

    MS carries gun.
    To make him scared, you must
    have machine gun or gpmg.

  6. Heard of loose cannon?

  7. Who ruled USofA? A small ultra wealthy group of families.
    Who ruled UN? The same small ultra wealthy group of families.

    Thats why they always sing the same song.

    Many Nkoreans living better than many in south asians and south amercian cumtrees that subscribed to democracy. At least they have proper housing with toilets not living in slums or graveyards or rubbish collection centers.
