
TPP versus FTAAP

The Americans from across the Pacific Ocean is pushing for the Trans Pacific Partnership. China is pushing for the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific from the Asia side of the continent. The latter is of course Asia centric. The TPP is Pacific or American centric. It does not even mentioned Asia and trying to exclude Asia’s largest economy from the pact. It is an American and Pacific power wrangling to have a foothold in Asia with a token of Asian countries in the pact. It is more political and strategic in geo political terms than an economic trade pact.

The Asian countries are giving the TPP a cold shoulder, knowing what it is. There is already several economic pacts in Asia. There is the APTA which is open to all members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. There is also the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) for the 10 states of Asean and the Asean Economic Community coming into force soon.

These are all Asian initatives primarily for the interests of Asian states and led by Asian countries. Why is there a need for the Americans to be on this side of the Pacific Ocean telling the Asian countries what is good for the Americans is good for Asians? Why should Asian states be always under the control and domination of the Americans and expected to kneel to the Americans as the warlord, the Emperor with Asian states as members of the Empire?

It is about time that Asian states break free from the clutches of the American Empire and take hold of their own destinies and decide what is best for themselves, and not what Americans say is best for them. Asian countries should not allow themselves to be semi colonies of the US like South Korea and Japan. Why are Asians so eager to be led and controlled by the Americans?

Asia is for Asians like Singapore is for Singaporeans, not Asia for Americans and Singapore for foreigners.
The Americans just simply announced that they are going to pivot to Asia and automatically assume the role of big brother, the Emperor of Asia. Remember how they were warmly received by the Red Indians and see what happened to the Red Indians? Look at the fate of South Korea and Japan, unable to remove the military bases on their land. Philippines were lucky to be another independent and respectable country without the presence of permanent American bases in the country. The colonial mindset of some Asian countries is still fertile and alive and wanting and longing to be colonies of the West again.

Kopi Level - Red


  1. The colonial mindset of some Asian countries is still fertile and alive and wanting and longing to be colonies of the West again.

    Not really lah.

    RB is like the blind man who touched the tail of an elephant, and conclude that an elephant is like a rope.

    Hence there is a bigger picture than why Asian countries are seen by RB as having a colonial mind set lah.

    And similarly a bigger picture than why PAP is seen by daft Sinkies as favouring foreigners over Sinkies lah.

  2. @ RB:

    >> It is about time that Asian states break free from the clutches of the American Empire and take hold of their own destinies and decide what is best for themselves, and not what Americans say is best for them.

    In your dreams lah. Asian govts. might wayang an anti-Americanism here and there to garner support from their already living-in-fear citizens, but in reality will continue to suck Big American Dick.

    American's dun just suka suka tell people what to do. They back it up with "goodies". Many Asians states continue to receive US Foreign Aid from the world's largest donor cuntree. For e.g. India, China, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia receive US Foreign Aid. Singapore does not.

    This grand basket of goodies created to oil the geo-political machine in favour of American Exceptionalism is extremely difficult to cutas many of the multinational business community enjoy "special privileges" in foreign lands because their federal govt is so "generous" with taxpayer's funds.

    Free Trade agreements AND the TPP are both going to happen, and that's the way the narrative of the world is going to play out.

    Sure, many people are going to get screwed. For e.g. China and Aust are about to seal an FTA. China has negotiated sending labour to Aust, and Aust has agreed, with conditions.

    Rest assured, Aust will experience what Singaporeans are experiencing now -- cheaper foreign labour will be favoured in some sectors.

    However, I look on change as OPPORTUNITY. You don't have to be an unlucky statistic because you lose your job to a cheaper foreigner. You can -- with some effort of course -- get on "the right side of the trade" and PROFIT from such a change in the nature of your cuntree's labour force.

    Your destiny is, a large part but not entirely, up to YOU.

  3. China can send 20m workers to Australia and it would not feel a thing. Just like the little monkey having a go at the elephant. The elephant would not feel a thing. There is room for more, the whole damn thing is too small for the big hole.

  4. @redbean:

    Yes of course. I'm waiting for the "entertainment". The fat lazy mat salehs with their "entitlement mentality" culture are going to get the same well-needed LESSON similarly entitlement mentality Singaporeans are receiving from the massive influx of "foreign talents".

    Me? I intend to profit fron this, just as I am profiting from Singapore's "open border" labour policies :-))

  5. There is a big difference. The Aussies will know what to do, how many to let in. They will make sure they will be the boss, the owners and the Chinese will be cooks and manual workers.

    The Aussies will not sell out the interests of their citizens. They will get richer on the back of the Chinese workers, who will sweat for them to enjoy life. They will not hire Chinese to boss around with Aussies and sack the Aussies to become redundant PMEs.

  6. @ RB:

    >> They will not hire Chinese to boss around with Aussies and sack the Aussies to become redundant PMEs.

    I think you've allowed your wishful thinking to cloud your good sense.

    No, dropping the sky-high wage rate is definitely one of the reasons. Also dropping the welfare is well and truly on the cards.

    New legislation about to pass: those unemployed under 30 cannot access the dole for 6 months.

    Anyway it's about time Aust got it's shit together like Singapore lah. For e.g.: many of the "new" jobs require applicants to "work for free" so the boss can evaluate before hiring or not hiring. This is perfectly legal. Not even the unions can sabo this.

    If you are not willing and on the dole, they can cut the dole if you refuse to work for free temporarily.

  7. If Singapore is not for singaporean, how can Asia is for Asian?

  8. Tiok Oldhorse.

    And Matilah, what you talking? They will get their lazy bums to work. But they will not hire the Chinese to be the managers over them like Singapore allowing fakes and half bakes to take over from our PMEs, and then bring in their village cousins to fill up all the positions.

  9. ...like Singapore allowing fakes and half bakes to take over from our PMEs, and then bring in their village cousins to fill up all the positions.

    There must be good reasons why, despite being fakes and half baked, employers still prefer to employ them over so called better and not fake Sinkie PMEs lah.

    And for the same good reasons majority (aka 60%) still voted PAP, despite PAP being seen as highly paid half baked talents by many Sinkies, especially netizens lah.

  10. Maybe RB don't know the good reasons?

    Or he knows but don't know how to apply it to make money?

    That's why RB is only RB and not employer or PAP leader, tio bo?

  11. @ RB:

    Of course, many of the Chinese will try to get their "cousins" over. This is to be expected. I have no issue with that -- I like PRC girls :-)

    The only proven way to get lazy bums to work is to cut off the social safety net completely, thus removing the "incentive" to be an unproductive moron.

    "Chinese managers" are a fait accompli. Part of the deal with China is allowing Chinese business owners to bring over their "own people" to help them "run their business".

    Like I said, I can't wait for the "entertainment" to begin.

    The Aussies are going to kena a lesson in "work ethic", and the Chinese are going to get a lesson in "freedom of expression, white-man style" -- which means "no holds barred" as far as language or content is concerned..and maybe a few punches thrown and bones broken occasionally :-) (Irish stock lah. They like to fight)

    Culture clashes: Guaranteed to be marvellously hilarious

  12. There is only one divide - rich and poor irregardless or race, region or religion. The rich gets more and the poor gets less. The poor only can complain and suffer whatever their race, region or religion. This world belongs to everyone - not just the rich people. Everyone should have decent housing, education, jobs etc.

  13. When people are able to look beyond those distractions and borders, they will realise that the real problem that makes everyone fighting among themselves while the rich reaps all the benefits from creating the confusion using region, religion and race - is that the rich has put in place a system that they will get richer and the poor will get poorer.

  14. Actually whats the difference between China and American capitalism? Both are capitalism anyway.

    The China way of capitalism one can see is already creating a huge income gap and rising prices amongst its population. Sounds familiar?

    Also, the China brand of democracy is as we know, perhaps not too existent.

    RB expounds a lot about the China brand here as opposed to American capitalism. He says that it is alright for HK students to forgo their fight for democracy as it is the long run better for HK to embrace the China brand of capitalism.

    But over in Singapore, RB seems to a huge proponent of western style democracy in that huge leeway must be made for things like protests, freedom to KPKB, etc etc. Maybe because PAP govt is no longer guaranteeing good money in the eyes of RB, therefore such democracy is very important. But if it were to continually promise good money for everyone, then perhaps RB is willing to subject to the China style of democracy?

    At the end of the day, maybe its just about which way can make more money, and not about colonial beliefs?

  15. Rich chinese or rich amercans or rich whatever are the same - they just want to be richer at the expense of the poor and the law is on their side. Look at those poor pinoys living in graveyards and those poor indons living in rubbish dump and all homeless people. They are not lazy people, they are taken advantage by this lousy system that the rich created using law and justice.

  16. You are right b.

    Every brand of capitalism now has over the years bred its own elite class and rich-poor divide.

    I'm not sure how ideology or breaking away from colonial thinking or western style thinking factors in here.

    Like it or not, most countries have embraced the need for establishing strong business ties with China. Including us, whom, as RB reminds, take in a lot of fake PRCs anyway.

    Is it about better money? Or is it about American Imperialism? RB sounds a lot like one of those patriotic Chinese old timers who fondly reminisce about their "motherland". He expounds the rise of China at every opportunity. But then conveniently forgets that this is a country that also produces many cheats, fake talents and low level workers still. So which is which?

    I think to many, its just about getting what is the better deal.

  17. There will never be a TPP. As people like Darkness are spending so much of their personal money to scare the living day lights out of the Japanese farmers. Along with funding anti TPP lobby groups.

  18. The sad thing about Sinkies is the lack of historical knowledge and many see things superficially as they are today. Without an understanding of history, the ignorance will lead the present day Sinkies to repeat the mistakes of the past naively.

    What you see today is only a facade without the ugly past. Like Christianity, everything is so loving and kind. The Christianity of the past was more evil and wickedness, killings and murders of the non believers.

    Read your history and know your sad and pathetic past and make sure it would not happen to you again.

    The banning of To Spore with Love is to stop Sinkies from knowing the ugly past.
