
PAP has never been so vulnerable

What is left of the PAP after 50 years in power? Superficially there is still a little fading glory of the past to hang on for a while. There is still some historical evidence to claim it has done good for the people. What else is left of the mighty political machine that could devour any opposition in its path effortlessly at its prime? The confidence, the war cry and the fake jeering of expecting and wanting stronger and more worthy opponents, the walkovers and the lame wishes to win an election the respectable way to enter Parliament were long gone.

Today, PAP is going to fight for its survival. Yes it is going to fight for its life or death in the next election not another 10 or 15 years There are so many very serious issues that it could not solve and could not sweep under the carpet. The people are demanding for answers that were not forth coming. The problems will not go away, the people will continue to demand for answers till the very last day of the GE, or else.

The team of politicians in PAP’s stable is like a list of has beens or understudies. The olds are too feeble to do anything. The young are too young to make any impact, all lightweights that could be blown away by a gust. The senior ministers that were dependable to carry their own weights have discredited themselves to beyond redemption. Some were just waiting to be shown the exit.

Where is the strength of the PAP today? Where or who are the leaders that could call the shot and carry the day? Is there anyone out there of such illuminating stature that could captain the team to victory? As for the run of the mill MPs, what the heck are they doing? Finding little silly faults with the opposition? Is that clever, a wise thing to do when living in a big glass house, wholly transparent and with all the problems waiting to shatter the glass to pieces? The more these MPs try to diminish the opposition for the slightest flaw, the more ridiculous they looked. And the more they remind the people of the hypocrisies, of the big issues not mentioned, the white elephants everywhere.

PAP is like a headless mammoth machine going nowhere. Where are the brilliant policies to give hopes to the people of a better future other than more shopping malls, more ‘affordabl’ housings, more food courts and more foreigners to bloat the already over populated city state? What kind of good life is there for the people other than higher and higher cost of living and lower and lower income? What aspirations are they when people are being prodded to ride bicycles, to become taxi drivers and security guards, not to pursue tertiary educations, and being replaced by foreigners from God forsaken places and from universities with names like Apapa and Amama? The better ones would produce certificates from the like Unversities of Calipornia, Harward, Cambrick, and more infamous brands.

There is also this dark force in the social media messing around with netizens. Unfortunately the quality of these insurgents and internet brigades (giving a false impression of who they are) are doing a great disservice to whoever is behind them. If they are what they portrayed to be, their hooligan and gangster behaviors and aggressive tactics are doing more harm than good.

With only a handful of safe candidates, the rest are touch and go with many more on the side of go. And for bragging about how they would fight for every inch, somehow it is not convincing and more like putting up a bad pretension. The next GE will find every PAP candidate fighting for survival on their own right with little room for comfort. Never has this state of affair happened in the PAP’s dominance record except for the early years when they were fighting the Barisan Socialis for their dear life.

History has come full circle. It is back to the days of fighting a life and death battle this time round. Can the PAP win the hearts and minds of the people again?

Kopi level - Green


  1. "Can the PAP win the hearts and minds of the people again?"

    Whether can win hearts and minds or not, that is beside the point.

    The point is whether majority (aka 60%) Sinkies are very scared that by voting more opposition, they may also accidentally vote PAP out of govt because WP is not ready to be govt.

    And I fully agree with WP Teochew Ah Hia that indeed majority Sinkies are very scared to vote PAP out.

    I think PM Lee also agree, although unlike Ah Hia, he did not say so publicly lah. And also maybe that's what makes him sleep well every night even right up to election day.

    What do u think?

  2. PAP will only be very vulnerable when a Sinkie opposition leader announce that his party is ready to contest not just a few seats, but just like PAP, 100% seats in the next election.

    If no Sinkie opposition leader can announce that, then PAP will be very strong and unbeatable.

    In Sinkie elections, parties either win big, or lose big. No in between one, I tell u.

  3. To be honest, this is one of you better pieces. The PAP is just another organisation which must, as history shows waxes and wanes Like the Communist parties of the Soviet Unions and now of China, it loses its dynamism and resorts to asking, as one eminent social historian said, questions of what is practical. In the UK there were attempts by the Labour Party to re-invent itself under Tony Blair as the New Labour. As expected it has since lost its way. The PAP is now in exorable decline,ironically hastened by its practice, engineered by LKY, of appointing those who will appoint them. Following the example of the Catholic Church' alleged practice of appointing the Pope, he would crow.So with the party filled with yesmen, it is doomed to mediocrity in the political arena.

  4. "So with the party filled with yesmen, it is doomed to mediocrity in the political arena."
    Anon 9:30 am

    So? But is the alternative ready to be govt?

    If not, will the majority voters dare to vote in the alternative as govt?

  5. What PAP vulnerable?

    If WP wins, PAP also win. It is win win for WP and PAP.

    Unless SDP and Aung Juan Soon Chee win lah. Then that will be a different story.

    If SDP can win, then SDP, Sinkie opposition and daft, suffering Sinkies all win. And really lose lose for WP and PAP.

  6. "Never has this state of affair happened in the PAP’s dominance record except for the early years when they were fighting the Barisan Socialis for their dear life."

    Have lah. In 2011 what, when times were in fact worse for daft, suffering Sinkies and PAP also worse than now. And RB and netizens then were also attacking PAP like what they are doing now what.

    Yet 60% still voted PAP in GE 2011 !!!

  7. Yet 60% still voted PAP in GE 2011 !!!
    Anon 9:55 am

    Because the Sinkie opposition was not ready to be govt in 2011 what.

    And they are still not ready even now, tio bo?

  8. Ah Ko already held out olive branch to all opposition parties to meet and form united front against their common enemy.

    But why Ah Hia still don't want or not ready yet to meet Ah Ko hah?

    Like that how to form govt even if 60% want to vote them in as govt, u tell me lah?

    That's why on hindsight, 60% actually did the right thing in 2011 and I have no doubt they will do it again next GE.

    So I think Ah Ko's SF party will be doomed if they can only contest a few seats next GE.

  9. "PAP has never been so vulnerable".

    This is because the NewPAP is a totally different animal from the OldPAP.

    The OldPAP started public office be reducing the pay of key public servants. The NewPAP started life by increasing the pay of ministers and key public servants to the stratosphere.

    The OldPAP served the people. The NewPAP serves themselves.

  10. /// The better ones would produce certificates from the like Unversities of California, Harward, Cambrick, and more infamous brands. ///

    You forgot Oxfart and Inferior College.

  11. delusional @ redbean:

    >> Can the PAP win the hearts and minds of the people again?

    Except for a few "fan boys" and "die hards", the PAP's strategy has never been about "winning hearts and minds" as this delusional twat redbean might suggest.

    The PAP runs very effective campaigns based on FEAR and WALLETS.

    But please, don't take my loud-asshole mouth yammerings as "gospel". Go check for yourselves. Dig up those old campaign speeches and the on-going speeches designed to keep you in a state of fear -- for e.g.: that your women will become maids in a foreign cuntry, that Singapore will devlove into a poor Turd Whirled cuntree, that foreign investors will flee...etc etc.

    Go on. Do some fucking homework.

  12. Ah Ko held out olive branch, but who is going to be the leader of the united front against the common enemy? And who is going to decide who stands where and who has to give way in any GE?

    This has never been known to work, does not work and will not work. The PAP is well aware of this weakness in the opposition camp. That is why Pinky is so arrogant, when talking about the continued domination of his party.

    The only advantage of having so many opposition parites is that it is good and a blessing for the PAP.

    The PAP knows that the different opposition parties can never unite (otherwise why form different parties), they will fight among thermselves to gain advantage, split the votes if it suits them, nurture candidates who will jump ship when the going is not favourable, criticise their previous party leaders and form new parties that serves only to benefit the PAP.

    The only way ahead is for a two party landscape, a strong united opposition party against the PAP. Then, we can at least see a more cohesvie fight and not a fregmented self-inflicted defeat against the PAP.

  13. Short-Term & Survival Voters!

    voters today are very different
    from voters of yesterdays......

    voters are fast becoming very

    voters vote for the parties that
    can offer them "SURVIVAL" in this
    expensive and crowded tiny city

    voters are not going to care
    track records and which parties
    will form the govt.....

    we shall see....


  14. The NewPAP defined:

  15. Please vote for my new political party.
    We are the Pay and Pray Party.
    You pay us a high salary.
    Then you pray that our policies will benefit you ... one day ... somehow.

    Our Ministers will all be scholars.
    Scholars carefully chosen by our scholarship committee.
    And who chooses the members of our scholarship committee?
    Our current and previous Ministers.

    Thus, I am sure you will agree with me.
    My cabinet members are all credible and very well qualified people.

  16. Who among would like to bet that the PAP will not be the winner in the next GE? I give you 10 to 1 that the PAP will sweep the floor at the next GE.

    You poor Singkie sheeples. The day the PAP steps down from power will be the day the sun rises from the west. Maybe another 5 GEs.

  17. Be more specific about your sweep the floor and I take you on. Don't you dare chicken out.

  18. No Lee family no PAP simple
