
Netizen Vigilante – An indispensable role when boh cheng hu

Yang Yin’s case would not have received the kind of publicity if there was no Netizen Vigilante. It was all the drummings of netizens that created so much awareness on the vulnerability of a rich widow suffering from dementia. Now the case is in court and there is great hope that her fortune would not be robbed by a foreigner she invited home. 养虎威患.

The next big role played by netizen is the Mobile Air case when a tourist was at the mercy of unscrupulous shop retailers. The publicity on the case in social media was too much to handle and no action was just unacceptable. Despite this, the initial reaction was another hopeless case of bo cheng hu. Nothing can be done. The culprit was so clever and knew the law so well that nothing could be done to him, no crime committed but unethical only.

It was reported today that the police has raided the shop that has changed name and ownership and carted away several boxes of equipment and files. So, there must be some laws that the culprit could have violated. Hope it is not just a case of public nuisance. And Rip Van Winkle suddenly wanted to do something, to change the law from boh cheng hu to got cheng hu. After more than 30 years and thousands of cases reported and forgotten as nothing could be done, thanks to Netizen Vigilante, things are starting to move.

A rogue foreigner motor cyclist, a highly valued foreign talent, was charged in court for hurting a daft couple in a car. He was sent to stay behind bars for 3 weeks. Many such cases happened in the past and the rogues got away quite lightly. But in this case it is not certain if the Netizen Vigilante got anything to do with it. Anton Casey?

Netizen Vigilante could have play a big role is Saving Roy Ngerng in the Hong Lim Park heckling or harassment case. Not sure about this also, but Roy and his friends were finally charged for being a public nuisance, a much less severe charge instead of heckling or harassment of Special Needs Children.

A word of caution to the Netizen Vigilante. Some quarters are unhappy with your rogue behavior for harassing the clever retailer. Be careful not to cross the line or you would be hauled up for harassment or heckling or a public nuisance. Leave it to the law to protect the victims. Don’t always think there is boh cheng hu. Got, got cheng hu. This is a rule of law country. Don’t pray pray unless you are as clever as rogue retailers where the law is helpless against you, or there is no law that can be applied to you.

Anyway, the victims must be very grateful for what you have done. Never mind if some people are not happy with you. You have done something good and needed to be done when there was boh cheng hu.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

But where it really matters, why Netizen Vigilante cannot play any role to make the Sinkie opposition ready to be cheng hu?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you identify yourself so that when the time comes they will know how to deal with your type?

Unresolved Grievances said...

hey hey hey


Unresolved Grievances said...

Thanks Mr Chua

I go to contact tab under http://www.tremeritus.com/

and choose articles for publication and look for richard wan

hope it is correct

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Suggest you put up something about yourself in your blog. Otherwise no one would take you seriously.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The idea of "govt" is fast becoming obsolete lah.

The net is much more effective and faster than any govt can be. Arab Spring ==> netizens Take down of asshole Julien Blanc ==> neitzens. Exposure of govt malfeasance ==> netizens Snowden and Assange. Exposure of killing of journalists by US forces aka "Collateral Murder" ==> netizens Take down of Jover, former Baron du Sim Lim ==> netizens.

Anonymous said...

Do not rejoice yet, for vigilantes maybe charged for heckling and harassing rogues too.

Unresolved Grievances said...

nahz. why not richard wan put his face up?

believe or not is up to ppl. so many ppl use unknown name to post articles in tremeritus

what does it matter? i am not asking ppl to donate to me like human of sg or smrt feedback. how do ppl know whether are they real a not? right?

u are a hr expert what. cant u see the way i type is real of false?

Unresolved Grievances said...

oh really? can i charged my mum neighbour for harassing?

Anonymous said...

Regardless, vigilante should continue their duties. Report where there is gross injustice.

Unresolved Grievances said...

what kind of proof to prove for credibility? they dont even dare to release dinesh cctv footage.

meet me lo mr chua

agongkia said...

Please lah.I have confident in our Cheng Hoo whom I believe are carrying out investigation discreetly and chances of recovering the case property fully is possible.
But netizen kayponess may and cause the accuse to be on guard and put the stolen property elsewhere thus recovering the full amount may be made more difficult.
This only make police investigation more difficult.
And dun be naive to think that victim may be grateful.See?Did Roy got appreciation from many of those 55 plus after voicing out for them?Many even say he should face the music.
You think that old lady will show appreciation after her lost properties are recovered or make any donation?
Have faith in Cheng Hoo lah.Dun boh tua boh suay.

Anonymous said...

Carry on fishing.

Unresolved Grievances said...

mobile square at far east business also good. need to cheat meh? why?

Unresolved Grievances said...

jover chew should ask. why is his business that bad? is his marketing good? why ppl do not want to go sls? why is ppl so poor nowadays that no one patronise him. is the salary of commoners high nowadays? does singaporean buy things in singapore? is there a lot of foreigner that earn a lot of money but dont buy things in singapore as they rather support their own country

i thought there is scholar in spring singapore. if he never approach spring, it is his fault. like the guy who lie on the sofa of hdb, they say they dont know. if he approach spring before, why nothing is being done?

wah like that talk logic consider what heckling and what? powerful.

Anonymous said...

What you smoking?

Unresolved Grievances said...


oldhorse42 said...

I thought it was the image of a crying man from Vietnam, kneeling and begging for the return of his money that prompted action to be taken on the Sim Lim Square rogue trader.
I would expect Tourist Promotion Board to step in to help the victims. After all such incidents would tarnish our image and discourage visitors .
Strangely, the Tourism authority kept their silence. Perhaps Vietnam is not a big market for our tourism ndustry.
In fact the mass media has been reporting about a junior minister of Hong Lim Park fame and who has single handedly silence the mass CPF protests.
With him now in the picture, days of Sim Lim Square naughty traders will go the same ways as Hong Lim protesters.

Anonymous said...

Vigilantes are here to stay. Even sgag and stomp are also vigilante what.

But which vigilante can help roy or bother to help roy? Looks like no. Roy gets a lot of "help" in the form of kpkb only. No wonder the poor fellow is sad now

Anonymous said...

The help Roy gets is when they put the money where the mouth is. How much? $80K? And more to come. That is as real as you get.

Anonymous said...

The haze.
Free smoke.

Unresolved Grievances said...

Only foreigners wear mask. Singaporeans are use to it. Where got N95 last time when I walk to school.

Unresolved Grievances said...

What N95. Donate 50 cents to CDAC. Go there apply for tuition also never got it. Weird ah. What does CDAC do with all the 50 cents? 3 million citizen. pay high donate more. Let say $3 million a year. what staff they employ. go check it our mr chua red bean. i already check it out before.

b said...

Gov these days are working for big business. They are no longer concerned/aware/interested about the well being of the ordinary folks lah.