
Jokowi forgives satay vendor that defamed him

Below is reported in the Jakarta Post and copied from TRS. It shows how big this man is and how his act of magnanimity would raise him above ordinary people with small hearts. He would gain more and win the hearts of more people by a simple and generous act like this.

‘President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has forgiven Muhammad Arsyad, a satay vendor who was detained by the police for allegedly defaming him online.

Jokowi said he forgave Arsyad during a meeting with the satay vendor’s parents, Mursidah and Syafrudin, at the State Palace on Saturday.

“I forgive him 100 percent. I forgave him through his parents,” Jokowi told reporters. First Lady Iriana was also present during the 30-minute meeting.

Jokowi added he had asked the police to release Arsyad from detention. ...Jokowi also called on the public to learn from Arsyad’s case and promote decency and respect for others online. ‘

When you are a big man, there is no need to throw your weight on the small men to show you are a big man. Doing that is a sure sign of weakness and insecurity, the sign of a small man. People will not see you as a big man anymore.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

RB. Agree with you. Big man does not need to throw his weight on small people. But again we are talking about real Big Man.

Anonymous said...

Got pretend pretend big man meh?

Anonymous said...

I forgive Roy Ngerng.
But no use.
Who am I?

Anonymous said...

RB should forgive Raymond, 100%

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When will we get a Sinkie "Jokowi"?

Or still not ready?

Anonymous said...

Rb you forgive Raymond or not?

Anonymous said...

How to forgive someone that threatened to kill you?

Anonymous said...

No Sinkie "Jokowi".

Only Sinkie Mai Hum,

or smart and rich Sinkies,

or daft and poor Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

RB is no Jokowi.

So RB will not, and need not forgive Raymond.

Anonymous said...

Who knows, maybe Raymond even bought kopi for RB.

So what's there to forgive?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for confirming what we all know.

LHL does not need to use defamation lawsuits as it makes him into an insecure small man. That we know by now.

Roy is indeed a small man both in power and character. That I think, more people are starting to know by now.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Backward Asian cuntree, with backward people, who cling to their backward culture.

In America you can defame Obama, and your right to do so is protected in law, making (usually fake) "forgiveness" unnecessary.

Anonymous said...


Say so much to his poor guy. As if he understand. Pushing him around again?

Your HR and counselor in SAF sleeping? Most useless force? Everything dont anticipate like Little India Riot? Poor LHL, employ so many people under him that only talk and dont do.

If the doctor inside help him, will he need to post in forum?

Bull SAF. Ask all regular get IPPT more that gold first according to the standard now. Medical Officer cant even pass ippt, so what downgrade? No downgrade for Medical Officer. All MO have to be full medical fit or else medical license revoke. MO got to be most frontline in war. If cant take ippt, no doctor license.

Anonymous said...

So why the big guy always bully small guy in army?

when amazingly all the small guy can run faster than the big guy? weird.

Anonymous said...

I know November 04, 2014 11:59 am is a small anonymous man. Remain anonymous and don't shame your parents.

oldhorse42 said...

The Indonesian President is in deed a maganimous man. A rarity in Asian power scene.
Most of the people in power are more often than not vicious and vindictive. That goes for all the bosses I have worked with. They don't forget and they don't forgive.
I suppose they inherited these traits from the polical masters they serve!

Anonymous said...

The other thing is that when the big man is vindictive, those under him and his cronies also follow the same pattern of behaviour.

b said...

Most likely a PR stunt. Politics are based on perception and politicians know that very well and will play their cards accordingly.

b said...

Good? - Definition is very subjective.

Anonymous said...

Jokowi is not only perception. The Indons voted him as he has proven for many years that he is a good man. He is the few good men Indonesia is blessed with.

Do we have a few good men?

Anonymous said...

When the clown prince said he was sorry, you forgave him, and elected him again. So now, you regret, right? The moral of the story is that you should not forgive anyone who is not sincere and cannot keep his promises, because the next time he will play you out again.

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, speed here. Jokowi forgiving some poor satay vendor for defamation. That is a quality that some important Singaporeans should learn. Too many defamation law suits in Singapore, don't you think?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree Speed. Many people in impt position could show magnanimity tothe ordinary guy but chose to behave like medieval overlords. Consumed by power and self interest and could not move on to live with the changing time.

They are doing more harm to themselves unnecessarily.

Anonymous said...

how do you define defamation? so lame. so my parents always scold me, i can sue them? wake up man. what is religion for? talk a few words, defamation. talk is cheap. so everyday quarrel with renovation worker in my house, everyday sue them for defamation? Can normal home owner sue HDB and BSC for defamation over the conversation for the defect?

than obama dunno need sue how many ppl. well down jokowi.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Many people in well known positions could show magnanimity to the ordinary guy but choose to behave like medieval overlords. Consumed by glory and self-interest and not able to move on to live with the changing time, they are doing more harm to themselves unnecessarily.

So RB, forgive Raymond hor...
... or are you unable to take the medication you prescribe for others?