
GE, the Silver Brigade fighting back

It is quite a surprise, quite shocking, to see the Pioneer Generation, PG, fighting back against daft govt policies. The PG has always been the staunchest supporters of the PAP. They were the backbone of the PAP and the building of this modern Singapore. They fought and slogged with the PAP/Govt for the last 50 years and are synonymous with the PAP/Govt. They have always given their votes to the Govt and the PAP always counted on them for their votes. And they are feeling betrayed.

There is an article in TRE by a PG calling all PGs to stand up to fight for the future of our children and grandchildren. The call, it is not too late to fight, and probably the last battle before this country is lost to foreigners, to aliens. The title of the article ‘Elderly SG: Why I’m worried about population growth!’ was prompted by a rude and callous remark, very likely by a silly IB, called @ Why you worry?:

November 12, 2014 at 10:45 am (Quote)
“At 70 you are 4/5 of your legs in the coffin why are you so worry about population growth? You yourself have seen the benefit of population growth since WWII and why you so worry? You better worry about yourself!”

This insulting remark from a young and unthinking man has drawn all the PGs together in defence of their position and the future of Singapore. The attack was uncalled for and expected from shallow young people misled by a false mission that everything is fine and any critics of govt policies and the direction the country is taking must be attacked and thumped down.

In a way, these silly Internet Brigades are doing more harm to whoever are behind them. They really came out as empty heads and blindly charging at anyone in their way. One such asshole came to my blog to threaten my life, thinking that he had all the power behind him to harm anyone with impunity.

It is good that the Silver Brigade of the Pioneer Generation picks up the cudgel to do battle for their children and grand children. They should rightfully take the lead. With the years of wisdom behind them and their perspective of history, where we were and where we are going, the Silver Brigade is a voice of wisdom. Their voice will be heard. Their concerns for the future of Singapore and the children and grand children must not be ignored. They may not be book smart but they are street wise and are very clear in their vision.

To the Internet Brigade, the Silver Brigade is sending you a warning. They are going to take you head on and whack the daylight out of your numbskull. They are going to hantam you until you wake up and think of the future of this country, your own future and the future of your children.

The agenda and mission are very simple. We are the owners of this island. We must take back this island. We must stop the reckless influx of foreigners. We must take back the good jobs for ourselves. We must take back the university places for our children. We must take back our CPF. We must take back our dignity and not be called daft, treated as daft and to be replaced by fakes and the real daft from the 3rd World. We must take back our dignity not to work till we died in old age but to be the owners of our country, to put our heads high with pride. We must not allow politicians to gag us and think they have the right to do so. We must take back our freedom to be who we are, our freedom of speech, to elect our representatives to represent us and our interests in Parliament. We must not elect unthinking parrots to Parliament.

Let the Silver Brigade show the way, shine the light to a brighter future for our children and grand children. Here is your destiny. The Silver Brigade is not washed out silly old men and women, like dried prunes. They are still strong and healthy and must be treated with respect. They will show the way to the young and the blind on what is installed for us and our future generations.

The Silver Brigade has spoken and has stood up.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Yes, we do not become idiots and irresponsible after turning 55. Go ask your papa and mama if they have become stupider than you.

  2. All the way, RB.
    The silver brigade are also leading in the Singapore First party. Support them and their cause against this foreigners loving party against Singaporeans.

  3. One TRE post = Silver Brigade has stood up.

    1000 people at HLP = Singaporeans have risen up.


    Love the logic.


  4. Wah! Fighting apeks...

    Better call ambulance to standby lah!

    Uncles and aunties, you better start training to be like him ;-)

    Silver brigade vs Lee Kuan Yew ==> apek vs apek.

  5. MS shit. You think the Ah Peks are like samsengs like you, fight with hands and knives? Today hor, Ah Peks fight with their fingers on the computer boards. You know what is computer or not? You go Hong Lim or not?

  6. Yep, Gandalf also ah pek ... and what did he do?


  7. So sad that these young fucks are being made used to do things against the interests of people and country but did not have a clue what is going on and they become the victims eventually.

  8. When the silver tsunami hits it will be like there is no tomorrow. Consider this, the PG from 65 years old onwards counted for about 460K. If you rope in those from 55 years to 65 years from the late baby boomer generation you add on another about 500K. That is close to a million of the 2.5 million electorate. No wonder the G came out with the PGP in trying to calm the tempest. Apparently however hard the G sells the PGP through the state controlled media, the many commercials during prime tv time, the PA and grassroots organisations mobilised and what have you; it seems not to be gaining any traction. On the contrary, it backfired. RB you are exactly correct, the silver brigade is a force to reckon with. Onwards to GE2015 with the silver brigade.

  9. The young boys and girls must think seriously and carefully about their future. Do there have a good future under this system and regime when foreigners are brought in in large numbers to replace them in good jobs?

    Think very carefully of your future well being. Don't be daft.

    1. Without the PAPAS and the MAMAS, you think today's young generation can have this type of generally good lives???

      Be running around either only with singlets on top or half pant below.

      Still can said you already three quarters deep
      in the earth why you worry.

      Better let these deaf, dump and daft frogs be boiled slowly to death.

      Anyway, many still do not realise the dire scenario if disasters they are in fir them in the future.

  10. There is nothing surprising that there are oldies coming out to criticize the PAP.

    An entire generation, grew up and grew old with the PAP in power. For many, the gratitude has more or less become servitude.

    But why do you think that even in their hey day, PAP will still lose 20% of the popular vote? There is a generation who grew up hating their policies whatever it may be. Thus this generation grew up being discontented, and while they could only speak about it in coffeeshops 10 years ago, they can now do it online.

    Look at a lot of the bloggers like Phillip Ang, and RedBean himself. All approaching that silvery time in their life liao what. Go to HLP for any of HHH's rallies and you will realise many of the protestors are 40-50 plus years old. Of the 6 being charged for public disturbance, Roy and HHH are so young compared to the rest of them! Go to TRE, a lot of the posters are old birds also.

    Its not surprising as RB try to put it. The most number of malcontents actually come from this age range.

    As Matilah likes to put it, it is the young people who are the ones not giving a shit.

  11. Too late leow. Fight also useless. The one that controls the money supply does not change whoever the puppet on the throne is. They are the ones that keep buying the jokes from the same party for donkey years.

  12. Too little and too late.

    The Few active in the Silver Brigade has remained consistent over the Decades. But, it is not wrong to say they are a minority.

    Me has follow the sociopolitical developments since Operation Cold Store. I have seen how the Chinese educated had aligned themselves with the PAP Regime after the 70s despite Nantah was closed and Vernaculars taken off from the Education System. Ironic as it is, today the Dissenters are English Educated baby boomers in their late 50s and older. They are keyboard dissenters.

    The Younger Dissenters are almost all educated in English as there was no more Vernaculars. THEY ARE THE ONES WALKING THE TALKS WITH A HANDFUL OF BABY BOOMER ACTIVISTS SUCH AS ROBERT TEH, LEONG SZE HIAN AND KWAN.

    Rb is spot on in saying the Silver Brigade know much more about the History of Sin. However, he overlooked the FACT that PAP has morped into a Dynasty much through the Patronage of precisely the Silver Brigade themselves minus the handful of diehard anti PAP who are affected or witnesses to the Cold Store Operation and the taking down of the Vernaculars.

    I like to say that most Singaporeans today, old and young, are of the View that without embracing the English Language, Sinkies will be like the Aborigines elsewhere. Personally, I cannot agree with such view.
    Many other countries have done very well without compromising their cultures. Japan, Taiwan and now China and Indonesia are examples.

    解铃还需系铃人, meaning those that caused the Result have to undo the Wrong. Sadly, the Silver Brigade has awaken too late and are a spent force. All they could do now is to assist the Young Warriors in whatever way they can.

    Once again, I shall repeat Commenter b's Suggestion. Do seek greener pasture, the earlier the better.


  13. Seek greener pasture for PGs is like asking old cows to eat young grass.

  14. @Patriot November 14, 2014 5:25 pm

    Seeking greener pasture abroad is not patriotic. This can only go to serve the PAP’s agenda at “blood transfusion”. Out with the old Singaporeans and in with the new citizens in order to stay in perpetual power.

    Apart from that, not many can have the means to migrate besides the emotional attachment to our land of birth.

    Let’s not abandon our compatriots behind instead to dig our toes in to battle it out at the next general election by helping any and all opposition parties. Be activists for the opposition parties, educate and work the grounds. Participate in their activities and move the ground.

    It is defeatist to run, fight a good fight the next general election.

  15. Crying over spilt milk is a waste of tears. Worse is the pang and angst are not not recompensable.
    Death due to anger and disappointment leave no evidence of despair, sadness and disappointment.

    Any hope of getting or regaining your wish and hope of happiness? I shall just say redemption is impossible in Sin. There is no salvation in Sin as damage is beyond repair.

    It is up to Sinkies to decide for themselves, if one believes he/she is confident of making it in Sin for him/herself and his/her successors, do stay. Or those who believe they could getback the Good Old Days, do remain in Sin. My PERSONAL VIEW IS DAMAGE IS DONE, LIKE SPILT MILK, SIN CANNOT BE SALVAGED. RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY AND PARDON ME FOR MY BLUNTNESS, ME FEELS MORE DAMAGES ARE HAPPENING MORE FREQUENTLY THAN EVER AS THE VICIOUS CYCLE CREATED GETS LARGER EACH DAY.

    Me has become pessimistic over the years and also resign myself to the Situation. However and hopefully, I could leave Sin whence I settle some remaining duties as a father/grandfather. I have absolutely no faith left that Sin can regain the Good Old Days.


    1. My apology.

      'not not recompensable'
      should read as
      ' not recompensable'.


  16. What Patriot said is sensible. We oldies can relocated to nearby destinations like Penang/Malacca or even Johore easily with our years of savings plus selling of our assets if need to and have a more relaxed life than in sinkie land.

    If do not want to take up PR status then just come back before once in a month to meet up with old kakis friends and back there again.

    Afterall they granted you thirty days stay. No need to compete with locals for jobs as we are already retired.

    Twenty years back, maybe we have the PAP foresight
    and in anticipation of unable to cope with the rising costs of living in sinkie land, our small group of kampong kakis brought apartments and condos in melaka for a fraction of sin dollars. All are fully paid.

    Most of us have between 300 to 500 thousand in savings excluding the meagre minimum sums. That is for one besides the spouse who has more or equivalent.

    So who need to have a million to stay in sinkie land??

    There one sin dollar to 2.512 ringgit. Perdua only RM30k no need COE. Just stay low key and be deaf and dumb to their politics.

    Can go anywhere from there to every nook and corners of peninsula Malaysia without crossing borders. No need pay 100 bucks for pressing jackpots machines in Genting.

    Adult children with no fake degrees have a head start there Earns in ringgit but can afford apartment, condos or terrace houses or bungalows there with cars.

    Where to find these types of lives??? Smell hibiscus and shop with less crowds in Aeon and Jusco snd Giants.

    Can buy premium goods without crossing borders and hassle by Sin customs.

    That is before we deposed of our assets here. Brought five room flats for 46 k and now can let go at worse 600k in central districts.

  17. My dear fellow old farts:

    About the time when Singapore goes to the polls, I shall be (if I'm still breathing by then) celebrating my 60th birthday.

    There comes a time in a person's life -- hopefully around age 30, when the human brain is fully developed (yes, our big brains take decades to fully develop) -- when you realise that you have to accept OBJECTIVE reality whether you like it or not.

    The "reality" I refer to is life in Singapore.

    1. You need a significant amount of money to live in Singapore

    2. No one gives a shit about your "failures". People in Singapore go gaga over "suck-cess"

    3. The PAP is the govt and the govt is the PAP. Will that change? Maybe. IMO, probably not.

    4. Confucianism is the central doctrine of the ruling govt -- meaning "The Authority" is essentially the brain trust. They know everything, you know nothing.

    5. The govt. decides everything. The moment you exit your mum's smelly cheebye, you are just one more Sheeple in The Matrix. Once you are born, the doctor shoves The Blue Pill up your ass, so the majority of You The Sheeple will just go through life living in the dream/ nighmare created just for you :-)

    6. Once you've accepted al the above, you are free later on to extract the Blue Pill from your ass, and shove in the Red Pill or in my case, have no pill at all.

    7. The Singapore becomes an awesome rocking place, where if you know how, you can essentially do anything fucking thing you like.

    8. BONUS for BONERS: Singapore is one havoc place to enjoy sexual relations -- regardless of where your sexual compass points. In my case, I just want to have as much sex as possible before I die.

    Why waste time on feeling bad and trying to change things you can never hope of changing?

    Dear Uncles, I wish you all a happy banging life.

    Happy Sunday!
